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Green Stream Holdings Inc. (GSFI) has decided to maintain Chuck's Vintage as a wholly-owned subsidiary, offering its shareholders a chance to acquire shares in the vintage fashion retailer. Additionally, the company will relocate Chuck's Vintage's offices and store to Las Vegas and has launched an e-commerce site for the brand. GSFI also announced the cancellation of its merger with VGTel, Inc. Furthermore, James DiPrima has resigned from the board of VGTL.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (GSFI) has announced the approval of its All Faiths Cemetery Solar Facility Project by the NYC Department of Buildings, allowing it to proceed towards construction. The project will feature a 3.3 Mega Watt solar facility, with an expected completion date of September 1, 2022, financed by Green Stream. The company is also finalizing a lease agreement for the cemetery. Additionally, it has contracted Amergy Solar Inc. for a solar farm installation in Greece, NY, further enhancing its renewable energy footprint in New York City.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (OTC PINK:GSFI) announced an extension of the Record Date for a common stock dividend to March 1, 2022. Shareholders of record will receive one share of restricted common stock for every 100 shares owned on that date. This change follows a previous adjustment from a record date of January 15, 2022. The dividend is intended to be tax-free for U.S. federal income tax purposes and will take place in a pro rata distribution. No vote is required from shareholders to receive the dividend.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (OTC PINK: GSFI) has announced an extension of the record date for a special stock dividend to March 1, 2022. Eligible stockholders will receive one share of restricted common stock for every 100 shares owned. This adjusted record date follows earlier extensions from December 10, 2021, to January 15, 2022. The distribution is designed to be tax-free for U.S. federal income tax purposes, with shares rounded to the next highest number for fractional shares. No action is required from stockholders to receive this dividend.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (GSFI) announced the approval of its All Faiths Cemetery Solar Facility by the NYC Department of Buildings, confirming compliance with zoning and construction regulations. The project aims to create a 3.3 Mega Watt Solar Facility in Middle Village, Queens, expected to be completed by September 1, 2022. The financing covers equipment and installation costs, supporting cemetery operations alongside renewable energy generation. The company is also finalizing a lease agreement that will enhance its financial standing.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (OTC PINK:GSFI) has announced a joint venture with Premiere Empire Energy and an MSA agreement with RAMAPO for the installation of electric vehicle charging stations. RAMAPO will handle equipment furnishing and installation, with the ownership of charging equipment transferring to customers after completion. CEO James DiPrima indicated that this venture could significantly drive revenue for both companies, highlighting a 50/50 profit split. The goal is to expand EV charging infrastructure nationwide, reducing carbon footprints for clients.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (GSFI) announced that its All Faiths Cemetery Solar Project has received approval from the NYC Department of Buildings for compliance with zoning and construction regulations. This project, aiming for a 3.3 Mega Watt solar facility, has cleared its first completion phase. The company is also evaluating two maintenance areas for operations. Financing is secured for equipment and installation costs, with a projected completion date of September 1, 2022.
What is the current stock price of GREEN STREAM HOLDINGS (GSFI)?