Tekion Honored by Goldman Sachs for Third Consecutive Year

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Jay Vijayan, Founder and CEO of Tekion, has been recognized by Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2024 at its Builders and Innovators Summit. This marks the third consecutive year Jay has received this honor. Tekion is revolutionizing the automotive retail sector with its cloud-native platform, which includes Automotive Retail Cloud (ARC), Automotive Enterprise Cloud (AEC), and Automotive Partner Cloud (APC).

Under Jay's leadership, Tekion has grown from a small tech startup to the preferred platform provider for major automotive retailers and manufacturers. The company's platform connects the entire automotive retail ecosystem, using cutting-edge technology, big data, machine learning, and AI to enhance customer experiences. Jay, with over 20 years of experience in technology leadership, previously held executive roles at Tesla, VMware, and Oracle.

Jay Vijayan, fondatore e CEO di Tekion, è stato riconosciuto da Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) come uno dei più eccezionali imprenditori del 2024 nel suo Builders and Innovators Summit. Questo segna il terzo anno consecutivo in cui Jay riceve questo onore. Tekion sta rivoluzionando il settore del commercio automobilistico con la sua piattaforma cloud-native, che comprende Automotive Retail Cloud (ARC), Automotive Enterprise Cloud (AEC) e Automotive Partner Cloud (APC).

Sotto la guida di Jay, Tekion è cresciuta da una piccola startup tecnologica a fornitore di piattaforme preferito per i principali rivenditori e produttori automobilistici. La piattaforma dell'azienda connette l'intero ecosistema del commercio automobilistico, utilizzando tecnologie all'avanguardia, big data, machine learning e intelligenza artificiale per migliorare l'esperienza dei clienti. Jay, con oltre 20 anni di esperienza nella leadership tecnologica, ha ricoperto in precedenza ruoli dirigenziali presso Tesla, VMware e Oracle.

Jay Vijayan, fundador y CEO de Tekion, ha sido reconocido por Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) como uno de los emprendedores más excepcionales de 2024 en su Builders and Innovators Summit. Este es el tercer año consecutivo que Jay recibe este honor. Tekion está revolucionando el sector minorista automotriz con su plataforma nativa en la nube, que incluye Automotive Retail Cloud (ARC), Automotive Enterprise Cloud (AEC) y Automotive Partner Cloud (APC).

Bajo el liderazgo de Jay, Tekion ha crecido de una pequeña startup tecnológica a ser el proveedor de plataformas preferido por los principales minoristas y fabricantes de automóviles. La plataforma de la empresa conecta todo el ecosistema minorista automotriz, utilizando tecnología de vanguardia, big data, aprendizaje automático e inteligencia artificial para mejorar la experiencia del cliente. Jay, con más de 20 años de experiencia en liderazgo tecnológico, ha ocupado anteriormente puestos ejecutivos en Tesla, VMware y Oracle.

제이 비자얀, 테키온의 창립자이자 CEO가 골드만삭스 (NYSE:GS)에서 2024년의 가장 뛰어난 기업가 중 한 명으로 선정되었습니다. 이는 제이가 이 영예를 3년 연속 받는 것입니다. 테키온은 클라우드 네이티브 플랫폼인 Automotive Retail Cloud(ARC), Automotive Enterprise Cloud(AEC), Automotive Partner Cloud(APC)를 통해 자동차 소매 부문을 혁신하고 있습니다.

제이의 지도 아래, 테키온은 작은 기술 스타트업에서 주요 자동차 소매업체와 제조업체를 위한 선호 플랫폼 제공자로 성장했습니다. 회사의 플랫폼은 최신 기술, 빅데이터, 머신러닝 및 AI를 활용하여 고객 경험을 향상시키며, 자동차 소매 생태계 전체를 연결합니다. 제이는 20년 이상의 기술 리더십 경험을 가지고 있으며, 이전에 테슬라, VMware, 오라클에서 임원을 역임했습니다.

Jay Vijayan, fondateur et PDG de Tekion, a été reconnu par Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) comme l'un des entrepreneurs les plus exceptionnels de 2024 lors de son Builders and Innovators Summit. C'est la troisième année consécutive que Jay reçoit cet honneur. Tekion révolutionne le secteur de la vente automobile avec sa plateforme native dans le cloud, qui inclut Automotive Retail Cloud (ARC), Automotive Enterprise Cloud (AEC) et Automotive Partner Cloud (APC).

Sous la direction de Jay, Tekion est passée d'une petite startup technologique à un fournisseur de plateformes privilégié pour les grands détaillants et fabricants automobiles. La plateforme de l'entreprise connecte tout l'écosystème de la vente automobile, utilisant les technologies de pointe, le big data, l'apprentissage automatique et l'IA pour améliorer l'expérience client. Jay, avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans le leadership technologique, a occupé auparavant des postes exécutifs chez Tesla, VMware et Oracle.

Jay Vijayan, Gründer und CEO von Tekion, wurde von Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) als einer der außergewöhnlichsten Unternehmer des Jahres 2024 auf dem Builders and Innovators Summit ausgezeichnet. Dies ist das dritte Jahr in Folge, dass Jay diese Ehrung erhält. Tekion revolutioniert den Automobilvertriebssektor mit seiner cloud-nativen Plattform, die Automotive Retail Cloud (ARC), Automotive Enterprise Cloud (AEC) und Automotive Partner Cloud (APC) umfasst.

Unter Jays Führung ist Tekion von einem kleinen Tech-Startup zum bevorzugten Plattformanbieter für große Automobilhändler und -hersteller gewachsen. Die Plattform des Unternehmens verbindet das gesamte Automobilvertrieb-Ökosystem und nutzt modernste Technologien, Big Data, maschinelles Lernen und KI, um das Kundenerlebnis zu verbessern. Jay verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der technologischen Führung und hatte zuvor Führungspositionen bei Tesla, VMware und Oracle inne.

  • Recognition of Jay Vijayan as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs for the third consecutive year
  • Tekion's growth from a startup to a preferred platform provider for major automotive retailers and manufacturers
  • Development of innovative cloud-native platform connecting the entire automotive retail ecosystem
  • Use of cutting-edge technology, big data, machine learning, and AI in Tekion's solutions
  • None.

Jay Vijayan, Founder and CEO, Among the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs at 2024 Builders and Innovators Summit

PLEASANTON, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) is recognizing Jay Vijayan, Founder and CEO of Tekion, as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2024 at its Builders and Innovators Summit in Healdsburg, California. This is the third consecutive year Jay is receiving this honor.

Jay Vijayan, Founder and CEO of Tekion, honored by Goldman Sachs for third consecutive year (Graphic: Business Wire)

Jay Vijayan, Founder and CEO of Tekion, honored by Goldman Sachs for third consecutive year (Graphic: Business Wire)

Goldman Sachs selected Jay from multiple industries to be honored at this prestigious two-day event. Tekion is revolutionizing the automotive retail sector with its innovative cloud-native platform, which encompasses Automotive Retail Cloud (ARC), Automotive Enterprise Cloud (AEC), and Automotive Partner Cloud (APC). By connecting every facet of the automotive retail industry, Tekion addresses longstanding challenges with modern, seamlessly connected and thoughtful solutions. Under Jay's guidance, Tekion has experienced explosive growth, evolving from a small tech startup to the preferred platform provider for some of the world’s largest and most esteemed automotive retailers and manufacturers.

With over 20 years of experience in technology leadership and entrepreneurship, Jay has shaped Tekion’s vision and growth by building it from the ground up and leading his incredible team from the front. Before founding Tekion, Jay held pivotal executive and management roles at Tesla, VMware, and Oracle. An engineer and innovator at heart, he holds multiple technology patents.

“I am truly honored to be recognized among such an exceptional group of entrepreneurs,” said Jay Vijayan. “This acknowledgment reflects not just my efforts, but the hard work and dedication of the entire Tekion team. Together, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of technology in the automotive industry and creating solutions with significantly positive impact for our partners and customers. My heartfelt thanks to Goldman Sachs for this recognition.”

David Solomon, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, remarked, “I am thrilled to recognize Jay Vijayan as one of the most exceptional entrepreneurs of 2024. Jay and his team have built an impressive business that continues to grow at scale. We look forward to bringing this year’s cohort together to share insights on topics ranging from the evolving geopolitical landscape to using the power of storytelling to reach new audiences.”

In its 13th year, Goldman’s Builders and Innovators Summit is the can't-miss gathering for Founders and CEOs of high-growth companies. Previous honorees have gone on to lead multi-billion-dollar companies in both the private and public markets. In addition to honoring the most exceptional entrepreneurs each year, the Summit features general sessions and clinics led by seasoned entrepreneurs, academics, and business leaders.

About Tekion

Positively disrupting an industry that has not seen disruption in over 50 years, Tekion has challenged the paradigm with the first and fastest cloud-native automotive platform that includes the revolutionary Automotive Retail Cloud (ARC) for retailers, Automotive Enterprise Cloud (AEC) for manufacturers and other large automotive enterprises, and Automotive Partner Cloud (APC) for technology and industry partners. Tekion connects the entire spectrum of the automotive retail ecosystem through one seamless platform. The transformative platform uses cutting-edge technology, big data, machine learning, and AI to seamlessly bring together OEMs, retailers/dealers, and consumers. With its highly configurable integration and greater customer engagement capabilities, Tekion is enabling the best automotive retail experiences ever. For more information, visit

About Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs is a leading global financial institution that delivers a broad range of financial services to a large and diversified client base that includes corporations, financial institutions, governments, and individuals. Founded in 1869, the firm is headquartered in New York and maintains offices in all major financial centers around the world.

For press-related questions about Tekion, please contact Marylou Hastert at

For inquiries related to the Summit or Goldman Sachs, please contact Sophia Anthony at

Source: Tekion


What recognition did Jay Vijayan receive from Goldman Sachs (GS) in 2024?

Jay Vijayan, Founder and CEO of Tekion, was recognized by Goldman Sachs as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2024 at its Builders and Innovators Summit.

How many times has Jay Vijayan been honored by Goldman Sachs (GS)?

This is the third consecutive year that Jay Vijayan has been honored by Goldman Sachs as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs.

What is Tekion's main product offering in the automotive industry?

Tekion offers a cloud-native platform that includes Automotive Retail Cloud (ARC), Automotive Enterprise Cloud (AEC), and Automotive Partner Cloud (APC), connecting the entire automotive retail ecosystem.

Where was the Goldman Sachs (GS) Builders and Innovators Summit held in 2024?

The Goldman Sachs Builders and Innovators Summit was held in Healdsburg, California in 2024.

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