Michael D. Ratner, Founder and CEO Named Among the Top 100 Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs for Second Consecutive Year

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Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) has recognized Michael D. Ratner, Founder and CEO of OBB Media, as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2024 at its Builders and Innovators Summit. Ratner, who launched OBB Media in 2016, has led the company through significant growth, creating an audience of billions. OBB Media is a vertically integrated content studio with six subsidiaries, including a 15,000 sq. foot production facility in Hollywood.

Ratner has produced critically acclaimed content, including documentaries focusing on mental health awareness. He received a Grammy nomination for "Justin Bieber: Our World" and has worked on projects with Demi Lovato and Hailey Bieber. Recently, Ratner was awarded the Project Healthy Minds Storyteller of the Year Award for destigmatizing mental health in pop culture.

This marks the second consecutive year Ratner has been honored by Goldman Sachs. The Builders and Innovators Summit, now in its 13th year, brings together founders and CEOs of high-growth companies for general sessions and clinics led by experienced entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) ha riconosciuto Michael D. Ratner, Fondatore e CEO di OBB Media, come uno dei più straordinari imprenditori del 2024 durante il suo Builders and Innovators Summit. Ratner, che ha lanciato OBB Media nel 2016, ha guidato l'azienda attraverso una significativa crescita, creando un pubblico di miliardi. OBB Media è uno studio di contenuti verticalmente integrato con sei filiali, tra cui una struttura di produzione di 15.000 piedi quadrati a Hollywood.

Ratner ha prodotto contenuti acclamati dalla critica, inclusi documentari incentrati sulla consapevolezza della salute mentale. Ha ricevuto una nomination ai Grammy per "Justin Bieber: Our World" e ha collaborato a progetti con Demi Lovato e Hailey Bieber. Recentemente, Ratner è stato premiato con il Project Healthy Minds Storyteller of the Year Award per aver contribuito a ridurre lo stigma sulla salute mentale nella cultura pop.

Questo segna il secondo anno consecutivo in cui Ratner è stato onorato da Goldman Sachs. Il Builders and Innovators Summit, ora alla sua 13ª edizione, riunisce fondatori e CEO di aziende in rapida crescita per sessioni generali e cliniche guidate da imprenditori e leader aziendali esperti.

Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) ha reconocido a Michael D. Ratner, fundador y CEO de OBB Media, como uno de los Emprendedores Más Excepcionales de 2024 en su Builders and Innovators Summit. Ratner, quien lanzó OBB Media en 2016, ha guiado a la compañía a través de un crecimiento significativo, creando una audiencia de miles de millones. OBB Media es un estudio de contenido verticalmente integrado con seis filiales, incluido un centro de producción de 15,000 pies cuadrados en Hollywood.

Ratner ha producido contenido aclamado por la crítica, incluidos documentales centrados en la concientización sobre la salud mental. Recibió una nominación al Grammy por "Justin Bieber: Our World" y ha trabajado en proyectos con Demi Lovato y Hailey Bieber. Recientemente, Ratner recibió el premio Project Healthy Minds Storyteller of the Year Award por desestigmatizar la salud mental en la cultura pop.

Este es el segundo año consecutivo en que Ratner ha sido honrado por Goldman Sachs. El Builders and Innovators Summit, ahora en su 13ª edición, reúne a fundadores y CEOs de empresas de alto crecimiento para sesiones generales y clínicas dirigidas por emprendedores y líderes empresariales experimentados.

골드만 삭스 (NYSE: GS)는 OBB 미디어의 창립자이자 CEO인 마이클 D. 래트너를 2024년 가장 뛰어난 기업가 중 한 명으로 인정했습니다. 이 수상은 Builders and Innovators Summit에서 이루어졌습니다. 2016년에 OBB 미디어를 시작한 래트너는 회사의 성장을 이끌며 수십억의 관객을 확보했습니다. OBB 미디어는 헐리우드에 15,000평방피트 규모의 제작 시설을 포함하여 여섯 개의 자회사를 두고 있는 수직적으로 통합된 콘텐츠 스튜디오입니다.

래트너는 정신 건강 인식을 주제로 한 다큐멘터리를 포함하여 비평가들의 찬사를 받은 콘텐츠를 제작했습니다. 그는 "저스틴 비버: 우리 세상"으로 그래미 후보에 올랐으며, 데미 로바토 및 헤일리 비버와 함께 프로젝트를 진행했습니다. 최근에는 팝 문화에서 정신 건강에 대한 오명을 불식시키기 위해 Project Healthy Minds Storyteller of the Year Award를 수상했습니다.

이번이 래트너가 골드만 삭스로부터 두 번째로 영예를 안은 해입니다. Builders and Innovators Summit은 현재 13년째를 맞이하며, 고속 성장 기업의 창립자와 CEO들을 위한 일반 세션과 경험이 풍부한 기업가와 비즈니스 리더들이 이끄는 클리닉을 제공합니다.

Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) a reconnu Michael D. Ratner, fondateur et PDG de OBB Media, comme l'un des Entrepreneurs les Plus Exceptionnels de 2024 lors de son Builders and Innovators Summit. Ratner, qui a lancé OBB Media en 2016, a conduit l'entreprise à une croissance significative, créant un public de milliards. OBB Media est un studio de contenu intégré verticalement avec six filiales, dont une installation de production de 15 000 pieds carrés à Hollywood.

Ratner a produit des contenus acclamés par la critique, y compris des documentaires axés sur la sensibilisation à la santé mentale. Il a reçu une nomination aux Grammy pour "Justin Bieber: Our World" et a travaillé sur des projets avec Demi Lovato et Hailey Bieber. Récemment, Ratner a été honoré par le Project Healthy Minds Storyteller of the Year Award pour avoir contribué à déstigmatiser la santé mentale dans la culture populaire.

C'est la deuxième année consécutive que Ratner est honoré par Goldman Sachs. Le Builders and Innovators Summit, qui en est désormais à sa 13e année, réunit des fondateurs et des PDG d'entreprises à forte croissance pour des sessions générales et des ateliers animés par des entrepreneurs et des leaders d'entreprise expérimentés.

Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) hat Michael D. Ratner, Gründer und CEO von OBB Media, als einen der außergewöhnlichsten Unternehmer des Jahres 2024 auf seinem Builders and Innovators Summit ausgezeichnet. Ratner, der OBB Media 2016 gründete, hat das Unternehmen durch erhebliches Wachstum geführt und ein Publikum von Milliarden geschaffen. OBB Media ist ein vertikal integriertes Medienstudio mit sechs Tochtergesellschaften, darunter eine 15.000 Quadratfuß große Produktionsanlage in Hollywood.

Ratner hat in der Vergangenheit Inhalte produziert, die von der Kritik gefeiert wurden, darunter Dokumentarfilme zur Sensibilisierung der Öffentlichkeit für psychische Gesundheit. Er erhielt eine Grammy-Nominierung für "Justin Bieber: Our World" und arbeitete an Projekten mit Demi Lovato und Hailey Bieber. Kürzlich wurde Ratner mit dem Project Healthy Minds Storyteller of the Year Award ausgezeichnet, um das Stigma rund um psychische Gesundheit in der Popkultur abzubauen.

Dies ist das zweite Jahr in Folge, in dem Ratner von Goldman Sachs geehrt wurde. Der Builders and Innovators Summit, der nun im 13. Jahr stattfindet, bringt Gründer und CEOs von schnell wachsenden Unternehmen zu allgemeinen Sitzungen und Kliniken zusammen, die von erfahrenen Unternehmern und Wirtschaftsführern geleitet werden.

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OBB Media Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship at 2024 Builders and Innovators Summit

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) is recognizing Michael D. Ratner, Founder and CEO of OBB Media as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2024 at its Builders and Innovators Summit in Healdsburg, California

Goldman Sachs selected Michael D. Ratner from multiple industries to be honored at the two-day event. Ratner is the Founder and CEO of OBB Media, a vertically integrated content studio defining how a new generation of viewers consumes programming. Ratner launched OBB Media in 2016 and has led the company through explosive growth, amassing an audience of billions. Ratner oversees all six verticals of OBB Media, including OBB Studios, a 15,000 sq. foot production and post facility built in Hollywood.

Ratner has created, directed, and/or produced multiple critically and commercially successful films & TV shows, receiving a Grammy nomination for “Justin Bieber: Our World,” and fostering dialogue around mental health awareness with documentaries’ “Seasons”, “Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil”, Amazon MGM Studios’, “Kids Are Growing Up: A Story About a Kid Named LAROI,” and “Child Star”, which premiered #1 on Hulu. Recent work also includes the Netflix film “Mountain Queen”, which was just nominated for a Critics Choice Documentary Award, the “iHeartRadio Jingle Ball” and “iHeart Radio Music Festival” concert specials for ABC and Hulu, and the upcoming Netflix special “A Nonsense Christmas with Sabrina Carpenter”.

In addition to his roles at OBB, Ratner also partnered with Hailey Bieber on her beauty powerhouse rhode, one of the fastest growing consumer brands in the world. This year, Ratner expanded his partnership with Hailey Bieber, turning her viral Erewhon smoothie into ice cream with Cosmic Bliss. It became the #1 selling ice cream at Sprouts in its first month.

Just last week Ratner was awarded the Project Healthy Minds Storyteller of the Year Award for destigmatizing mental health in pop culture, which was presented by long-time collaborator Demi Lovato. In addition to being named to Goldman’s Top 100 Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs last year, Ratner has previously been recognized as one of Variety’s New Leader Creatives and Forbes 30 Under 30. Ratner received his BA from the University of Pennsylvania, and an MFA from NYU Tisch.

“I am thrilled to recognize Michael D. Ratner as one of the most exceptional entrepreneurs of 2024,” said David Solomon, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs. “Ratner and his team have built an impressive business that continues to grow at scale. We look forward to bringing this year’s cohort together to share insights on topics ranging from the evolving geopolitical landscape and accessing new pools of capital to using the power of storytelling to reach new audiences.”

“It’s been another great year of growth for our team at OBB and it’s an honor to be recognized by Goldman Sachs for the second year in a row,” said Michael D. Ratner, Founder and CEO of OBB Media. “We are consistently working to create culture alongside our partners with storytelling at the core of everything we do. Our goal is to create first in class content and innovate across all lines of our business. This acknowledgment means so much to me and our team.”

In its 13th year, Goldman’s Builders and Innovators Summit is the can’t miss gathering for Founders and CEOs of high-growth companies. Previous honorees have gone on to lead multi-billion dollar companies, both in the private and public markets. In addition to honoring the most exceptional entrepreneurs each year, the Summit consists of general sessions and clinics led by seasoned entrepreneurs, academics and business leaders as well as resident scholars.

About OBB Media

OBB Media is the award-winning multimedia production company and vertically integrated content studio, founded by entrepreneur and filmmaker Michael D. Ratner. OBB Media is the parent company to six distinct subsidiaries: OBB Pictures, the film, television, and digital arm; OBB Studios, the company’s facilities and physical production arm; OBB Sound, the podcast and audio division; OBB Branded, the branded content and commercials vertical; OBB Cares, the social impact division; and OBB Ventures, the investment arm. OBB Media, led by Ratner, co-founder Scott Ratner, and a talented team of storytellers, is best known for amassing a global audience of billions and leading how a new generation of viewers consumes programming, while forging unique partnerships with talent that transform the way they use content to create and grow their businesses. OBB Media HQ is located in West Hollywood, CA and OBB Studios, the 15,000+ square foot state-of-the-art production and event facility is in the heart of Hollywood, CA. For more information, visit the company website at

About Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs is a leading global financial institution that delivers a broad range of financial services to a large and diversified client base that includes corporations, financial institutions, governments and individuals. Founded in 1869, the firm is headquartered in New York and maintains offices in all major financial centers around the world.

Press related questions about OBB Media, please contact

Press related questions about the Summit or Goldman Sachs, please contact Sophia Anthony at

Source: OBB Media


What recognition did Michael D. Ratner receive from Goldman Sachs (GS) in 2024?

Michael D. Ratner was recognized by Goldman Sachs as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2024 at its Builders and Innovators Summit in Healdsburg, California.

What is OBB Media and when was it founded?

OBB Media is a vertically integrated content studio founded by Michael D. Ratner in 2016. It defines how a new generation of viewers consumes programming and has amassed an audience of billions.

What recent award did Michael D. Ratner receive for his work in mental health awareness?

Michael D. Ratner was recently awarded the Project Healthy Minds Storyteller of the Year Award for destigmatizing mental health in pop culture, presented by Demi Lovato.

What is the significance of Goldman Sachs' (GS) Builders and Innovators Summit?

The Goldman Sachs Builders and Innovators Summit, now in its 13th year, is a gathering for founders and CEOs of high-growth companies. Previous honorees have gone on to lead multi-billion dollar companies in both private and public markets.

What notable projects has Michael D. Ratner worked on?

Michael D. Ratner has worked on projects such as "Justin Bieber: Our World" (Grammy-nominated), documentaries with Demi Lovato, and partnered with Hailey Bieber on her beauty brand rhode. He also produced "Mountain Queen" for Netflix, which was nominated for a Critics Choice Documentary Award.

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