GrubMarket CEO Mike Xu Recognized Among the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs at the Goldman Sachs 2024 Builders and Innovators Summit

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GrubMarket CEO Mike Xu has been recognized by Goldman Sachs as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2024 at their annual Builders and Innovators Summit. Under Xu's leadership, GrubMarket has developed innovative solutions like GrubAssist, an AI enterprise assistant, WholesaleWare, an AI-powered ERP software, and Orders IO, a mobile eCommerce solution.

The company has experienced significant growth, acquiring Brothers Produce, the largest foodservice company in Texas, and Good Eggs, a leading U.S. online grocery company. GrubMarket was also named to the CNBC Disruptor 50 list for the second consecutive year.

Xu expressed gratitude for the recognition, emphasizing the team's dedication to transforming the food supply chain. Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon highlighted the importance of recognizing trailblazers like Xu at the Summit, which brings together rising entrepreneurs and seasoned business leaders to discuss building enduring companies that reshape industries through innovation.

Il CEO di GrubMarket, Mike Xu, è stato riconosciuto da Goldman Sachs come uno degli Imprenditori più Eccezionali del 2024 durante il loro annuale Builders and Innovators Summit. Sotto la guida di Xu, GrubMarket ha sviluppato soluzioni innovative come GrubAssist, un assistente aziendale AI, WholesaleWare, un software ERP alimentato da AI, e Orders IO, una soluzione mobile di eCommerce.

La compagnia ha vissuto una crescita significativa, acquisendo Brothers Produce, la più grande azienda di servizi alimentari in Texas, e Good Eggs, una delle principali aziende di grocery online negli Stati Uniti. GrubMarket è stata inoltre inclusa per il secondo anno consecutivo nella lista CNBC Disruptor 50.

XU ha espresso gratitudine per il riconoscimento, sottolineando la dedizione del team a trasformare la catena di approvvigionamento alimentare. Il CEO di Goldman Sachs, David Solomon, ha evidenziato l'importanza di riconoscere innovatori come Xu al Summit, che riunisce imprenditori emergenti e leader aziendali esperti per discutere la costruzione di aziende durature che reshappano le industrie attraverso l'innovazione.

El CEO de GrubMarket, Mike Xu, ha sido reconocido por Goldman Sachs como uno de los Emprendedores Más Excepcionales de 2024 en su cumbre anual de Builders and Innovators. Bajo el liderazgo de Xu, GrubMarket ha desarrollado soluciones innovadoras como GrubAssist, un asistente empresarial de IA, WholesaleWare, un software ERP potenciado por IA, y Orders IO, una solución de comercio electrónico móvil.

La compañía ha experimentado un crecimiento significativo, adquiriendo Brothers Produce, la mayor empresa de servicios alimentarios en Texas, y Good Eggs, una destacada empresa de comestibles en línea en EE. UU. GrubMarket también fue incluida por segundo año consecutivo en la lista CNBC Disruptor 50.

Xu expresó su gratitud por el reconocimiento, enfatizando la dedicación del equipo para transformar la cadena de suministro de alimentos. David Solomon, CEO de Goldman Sachs, destacó la importancia de reconocer a pioneros como Xu en la cumbre, que reúne a emprendedores en ascenso y líderes empresariales experimentados para discutir la construcción de empresas duraderas que transformen industrias a través de la innovación.

GrubMarket의 CEO인 Mike Xu는 Goldman Sachs에 의해 2024년 가장 뛰어난 기업가 중 하나로 인정받았습니다. 이 상은 매년 열리는 Builders and Innovators Summit에서 수여됩니다. Xu의 지도 아래 GrubMarket은 GrubAssist라는 AI 기업 어시스턴트, WholesaleWare라는 AI 기반 ERP 소프트웨어, 그리고 Orders IO라는 모바일 전자상거래 솔루션 등 혁신적인 솔루션을 개발하였습니다.

회사는 텍사스의 가장 큰 식품 서비스 회사인 Brothers Produce와 미국의 주요 온라인 식료품 회사인 Good Eggs를 인수하며 상당한 성장을 경험하였습니다. GrubMarket은 연속적으로 CNBC Disruptor 50 리스트에 이름을 올리는 성과를 달성했습니다.

XU는 이러한 인정을 받은 것에 대한 감사의 뜻을 전하며 팀의 음식 공급망 혁신에 대한 헌신을 강조하였습니다. Goldman Sachs의 CEO인 David Solomon은 이 서밋에서 Xu와 같은 개척자를 인정하는 것의 중요성을 강조하며, 세련된 기업가와 경험 많은 비즈니스 리더들이 모여 혁신을 통해 산업을 재편하는 지속 가능한 기업을 구축하는 방법에 대해 논의한다고 밝혔습니다.

Le PDG de GrubMarket, Mike Xu, a été reconnu par Goldman Sachs comme l'un des Entrepreneurs les Plus Exceptionnels de 2024 lors de leur sommet annuel Builders and Innovators. Sous la direction de Xu, GrubMarket a développé des solutions innovantes comme GrubAssist, un assistant d'entreprise alimenté par l'IA, WholesaleWare, un logiciel ERP propulsé par l'IA, et Orders IO, une solution de commerce électronique mobile.

L'entreprise a connu une croissance significative, acquérant Brothers Produce, la plus grande société de services alimentaires au Texas, et Good Eggs, une entreprise de produits alimentaires en ligne leader aux États-Unis. GrubMarket a également été inclus pour la deuxième année consécutive dans la liste CNBC Disruptor 50.

XU a exprimé sa gratitude pour cette reconnaissance, soulignant le dévouement de l'équipe à transformer la chaîne d'approvisionnement alimentaire. Le PDG de Goldman Sachs, David Solomon, a souligné l'importance de reconnaître des pionniers comme Xu lors du sommet, qui rassemble des entrepreneurs émergents et des leaders d'entreprise chevronnés pour discuter de la construction d'entreprises durables qui redéfinissent les industries grâce à l'innovation.

Der CEO von GrubMarket, Mike Xu, wurde von Goldman Sachs als einer der außergewöhnlichsten Unternehmer von 2024 auf ihrem jährlichen Builders and Innovators Summit ausgezeichnet. Unter Xu's Leitung hat GrubMarket innovative Lösungen wie GrubAssist, einen KI-basierten Unternehmensassistenten, WholesaleWare, eine KI-gestützte ERP-Software, und Orders IO, eine mobile E-Commerce-Lösung, entwickelt.

Das Unternehmen hat ein signifikantes Wachstum erlebt, indem es Brothers Produce, das größte Lebensmittelserviceunternehmen in Texas, und Good Eggs, ein führendes US-Online-Lebensmittelunternehmen, akquiriert hat. GrubMarket wurde zudem zum zweiten Mal in Folge auf die Liste CNBC Disruptor 50 gesetzt.

Xu äußerte Dankbarkeit für die Anerkennung und betonte das Engagement des Teams zur Transformation der Lebensmittelversorgungskette. Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon hob die Bedeutung der Anerkennung von Pionieren wie Xu beim Summit hervor, welcher aufstrebende Unternehmer und erfahrene Unternehmensführer zusammenbringt, um über den Aufbau langlebiger Unternehmen zu diskutieren, die durch Innovation Industrien reshappen.

  • Recognition of CEO Mike Xu as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2024 by Goldman Sachs
  • Development of innovative AI-powered solutions: GrubAssist, WholesaleWare, and Orders IO
  • Acquisition of Brothers Produce, the largest foodservice company in Texas
  • Acquisition of Good Eggs, a leading U.S. online grocery company
  • Named to the CNBC Disruptor 50 list for the second consecutive year
  • None.

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- GrubMarket, the AI-powered technology enabler and digital transformer of the American food supply chain industry, as well as one of the largest private food eCommerce companies globally, today is proud to announce that its CEO and Founder, Mike Xu, has been recognized by Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2024. Xu received this prestigious recognition at Goldman Sachs' annual Builders and Innovators Summit in Healdsburg, California, which honors visionary entrepreneurs who are making a significant impact on their industries.

Under Xu's leadership, GrubMarket has pioneered solutions like GrubAssist, its groundbreaking enterprise AI assistant that empowers food supply chain businesses with deep insights, intelligent analysis, and automated order processing; WholesaleWare, its proprietary, AI-powered ERP software that provides food industry wholesalers and distributors with seamless financial management, powerful sales support, online ordering, precise inventory management, lot traceability, grower accounting, and automated routing and logistics; and Orders IO, its fully integrated, mobile eCommerce solution offering custom branding capabilities. This recognition also comes on the heels of an incredible year of growth for GrubMarket, from the acquisition of Brothers Produce, the largest foodservice company in Texas, to the acquisition of Good Eggs, a leading U.S. online grocery company. GrubMarket was also named to the prestigious CNBC Disruptor 50 list for a second consecutive year.

Mike Xu, CEO of GrubMarket, expressed his gratitude for the recognition: "It's an incredible honor to be named alongside these exceptional entrepreneurs at this year's Goldman Sachs Builders and Innovators Summit. This recognition is not just a reflection of my efforts, but that of the entire GrubMarket team, whose dedication and passion have driven our company's growth and innovation. As we continue to scale, we remain committed to our mission to transform the food supply chain into a more sustainable and efficient ecosystem, powered by innovative technology."

David Solomon, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, highlighted the significance of the Summit and the importance of recognizing trailblazers like Xu: " I am thrilled to recognize Mike Xu as one of the most exceptional entrepreneurs of 2024. Mike and his team have built an impressive business that continues to grow at scale. We look forward to bringing this year's cohort together to share insights on topics ranging from the evolving geopolitical landscape and accessing new pools of capital to using the power of storytelling to reach new audiences."

In its 13th year, Goldman's Builders and Innovators Summit is the can't-miss gathering for Founders and CEOs of high-growth companies. Previous honorees have gone on to lead multi-billion-dollar companies, both in the private and public markets. Since 2012, Goldman Sachs has held its annual Builders and Innovators Summit to bring together both rising entrepreneurs and more seasoned business leaders from a wide range of industries and backgrounds, providing a forum to discuss how to build enduring companies that reshape industries and drive progress through innovation. The Summit is known for gathering top-tier leaders pioneering the future of business through disruptive technologies and impactful initiatives.

About GrubMarket

GrubMarket is the AI-powered technology enabler and digital transformer of the American food supply chain industry, as well as one of the largest private food eCommerce companies globally. As the enterprise AI solutions provider for the American food supply chain, a first mover in the tech-enabled B2B food eCommerce space, and a pioneer offering cutting-edge, AI-powered software-as-a-service solutions, GrubMarket uses technology to fundamentally transform the American and global food supply chain. GrubMarket has also been named to the prestigious CNBC Disruptor 50 list for two consecutive years. GrubMarket operates in all 50 U.S. States and has a global presence in Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Egypt, India, Mexico, South Africa, and Spain, with plans to expand further across the U.S., Canada, South America, Europe, Africa, and other parts of the world.

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What recognition did GrubMarket CEO Mike Xu receive from Goldman Sachs (GS) in 2024?

Mike Xu was recognized by Goldman Sachs as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2024 at their annual Builders and Innovators Summit in Healdsburg, California.

What are some of GrubMarket's innovative solutions mentioned in the press release?

GrubMarket has developed innovative solutions such as GrubAssist (an AI enterprise assistant), WholesaleWare (an AI-powered ERP software), and Orders IO (a mobile eCommerce solution).

Which major acquisitions did GrubMarket make recently?

GrubMarket recently acquired Brothers Produce, the largest foodservice company in Texas, and Good Eggs, a leading U.S. online grocery company.

What is the significance of Goldman Sachs' (GS) Builders and Innovators Summit?

The Goldman Sachs Builders and Innovators Summit is an annual gathering for Founders and CEOs of high-growth companies, bringing together rising entrepreneurs and seasoned business leaders to discuss building enduring companies that reshape industries through innovation.

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