Gritstone bio Takes Action to Preserve Value and Strengthen Capital Structure

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Gritstone bio (Nasdaq: GRTS), a clinical-stage biotechnology company, has voluntarily filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in Delaware. The company aims to preserve value and support its ongoing strategic alternatives process through this court-administered restructuring. Gritstone is in discussions with a potential stalking horse bidder or plan sponsor and intends to present an agreement to the Court soon.

Despite reporting encouraging interim Phase 2 data for their GRANITE study, Gritstone requires additional time for data maturation. The company plans to continue operating normally, advancing clinical programs, and driving innovation in immunotherapy and vaccine development. Gritstone is filing customary 'first day' motions to ensure minimal impact on vendors, employees, and stakeholders.

Gritstone bio (Nasdaq: GRTS), un'azienda biotecnologica in fase clinica, ha presentato volontariamente una domanda di bancarotta ai sensi del Capitolo 11 nel Delaware. L'azienda mira a preservare il valore e supportare il proprio processo di alternative strategiche in corso attraverso questa ristrutturazione gestita dal tribunale. Gritstone è in discussione con un potenziale offerente di partenza o sponsor del piano e intende presentare un accordo al tribunale a breve.

Nonostante la segnalazione di dati provvisori incoraggianti per la loro ricerca GRANITE nella Fase 2, Gritstone richiede ulteriore tempo per la maturazione dei dati. L'azienda prevede di continuare a operare normalmente, portando avanti i programmi clinici e promuovendo l'innovazione nello sviluppo di immunoterapia e vaccini. Gritstone sta presentando consuete mozioni 'primo giorno' per garantire un impatto minimo su fornitori, dipendenti e parti interessate.

Gritstone bio (Nasdaq: GRTS), una empresa biotecnológica en etapa clínica, ha presentado voluntariamente una solicitud de bancarrota bajo el Capítulo 11 en Delaware. La empresa tiene como objetivo preservar el valor y apoyar su proceso de alternativas estratégicas en curso a través de esta reestructuración administrada por el tribunal. Gritstone está en conversaciones con un posible oferente de referencia o patrocinador de plan y tiene la intención de presentar un acuerdo al tribunal pronto.

A pesar de haber informado datos interinos alentadores de la Fase 2 para su estudio GRANITE, Gritstone necesita más tiempo para la maduración de los datos. La empresa planea continuar operando normalmente, avanzando en programas clínicos y fomentando la innovación en el desarrollo de inmunoterapia y vacunas. Gritstone está presentando mociones 'primer día' habituales para asegurar un impacto mínimo en proveedores, empleados y partes interesadas.

그릿스톤 바이오(Nasdaq: GRTS), 임상 단계의 생명공학 회사가 델라웨어에서 자발적으로 11장 파산신청을 했다. 회사는 이번 법원 주관의 구조조정을 통해 가치를 보존하고 지속적인 전략 대안 프로세스를 지원하려고 한다. 그릿스톤은 잠재적인 스토킹 호스 입찰자 또는 계획 후원자와 논의 중이며 곧 법원에 협정을 제출할 예정이다.

GRANITE 연구의 2단계 중간 데이터에서 긍정적인 결과를 보고했음에도 불구하고, 그릿스톤은 데이터 성숙을 위해 추가 시간이 필요하다. 회사는 정상적으로 운영을 계속할 계획이다, 임상 프로그램을 발전시키고 면역요법 및 백신 개발에서 혁신을 주도할 예정이다. 그릿스톤은 공급업체, 직원 및 이해관계자에게 미치는 영향을 최소화하기 위해 관례적인 '첫 날' 모션을 제출하고 있다.

Gritstone bio (Nasdaq: GRTS), une entreprise biopharmaceutique en phase clinique, a déposé volontairement une demande de faillite selon le Chapitre 11 dans le Delaware. L'entreprise vise à préserver la valeur et à soutenir son processus d'alternatives stratégiques en cours grâce à cette restructuration administrée par le tribunal. Gritstone est en discussion avec un potentiel candidat à une offre ou un sponsor de plan et prévoit de présenter un accord prochainement au tribunal.

Bien que des données préliminaires encourageantes sur la Phase 2 de leur étude GRANITE aient été rapportées, Gritstone nécessite un temps supplémentaire pour la maturation des données. L'entreprise prévoit de continuer à fonctionner normalement, en faisant avancer les programmes cliniques et en favorisant l'innovation dans l'immunothérapie et le développement de vaccins. Gritstone soumet des motions habituelles du 'premier jour' pour garantir un impact minimal sur les fournisseurs, employés et parties prenantes.

Gritstone bio (Nasdaq: GRTS), ein biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen in der klinischen Phase, hat freiwillig Konkursantrag nach Chapter 11 im Bundesstaat Delaware eingereicht. Das Unternehmen beabsichtigt, Wert zu bewahren und seinen laufenden Prozess strategischer Alternativen zu unterstützen durch diese gerichtlich verwaltete Umstrukturierung. Gritstone führt Gespräche mit einem potenziellen Stalking-Horse-Bieter oder Plan-Sponsor und beabsichtigt, bald einen Vertrag beim Gericht vorzulegen.

Trotz der Meldung von ermutigenden interimistischen Phase-2-Daten für die GRANITE-Studie benötigt Gritstone weitere Zeit zur Datenreifung. Das Unternehmen plant, normal weiter zu operieren, klinische Programme voranzutreiben und Innovationen in der Immuntherapie und Impfstoffentwicklung zu fördern. Gritstone reicht übliche 'Ersttag'-Anträge ein, um minimale Auswirkungen auf Lieferanten, Mitarbeiter und Stakeholder sicherzustellen.

  • Encouraging interim Phase 2 data from ongoing GRANITE study
  • Continuing to operate and advance clinical programs during restructuring
  • In discussions with potential stalking horse bidder or plan sponsor
  • Voluntarily filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy
  • Additional time needed for GRANITE study data to mature
  • Financial restructuring process may impact company operations


Gritstone bio's Chapter 11 filing is a significant development that will have far-reaching implications for the company and its stakeholders. This strategic move aims to preserve value and support ongoing operations while the company explores strategic alternatives.

Key points to consider:

  • The company is in discussions with a potential stalking horse bidder or plan sponsor, which could lead to a value-maximizing transaction.
  • Gritstone intends to continue its clinical programs and research during the restructuring process, particularly its promising GRANITE neoantigen immunotherapy.
  • The filing allows Gritstone to operate in the ordinary course, minimizing disruption to vendors, employees and stakeholders.

For investors, this bankruptcy filing represents a high-risk, high-reward scenario. While it provides a chance for the company to restructure and potentially emerge stronger, it also carries significant uncertainty. Shareholders should be prepared for potential dilution or loss of equity value depending on the outcome of the restructuring process.

Gritstone's decision to file for Chapter 11 while continuing its clinical programs highlights the challenging landscape for biotech companies with promising but still-developing technologies. The company's GRANITE program, showing encouraging interim Phase 2 data, remains a key asset that could attract potential buyers or investors.

Critical factors to watch:

  • The maturation of GRANITE's clinical data, which could significantly impact the company's valuation and attractiveness to potential acquirers.
  • The company's ability to maintain its research momentum and retain key scientific talent during the restructuring process.
  • Potential interest from larger pharmaceutical companies or investors in Gritstone's pipeline and technology platforms.

This situation underscores the high-risk nature of early-stage biotech investments. While Gritstone's technology remains promising, the financial restructuring adds a layer of complexity and uncertainty to its future prospects in the competitive immunotherapy and vaccine development space.

Voluntarily Files for Chapter 11 Restructuring

Strategic Alternatives Process Continues with Interest from Parties

EMERYVILLE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Gritstone bio, Inc. (Nasdaq: GRTS) (“Gritstone” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage biotechnology company working to develop the world’s most potent vaccines, today announced it has filed a voluntary petition under chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware.

Gritstone intends to use the court-administered restructuring process to preserve value and support its ongoing strategic alternatives process. The Company is in discussions with a party to act as a stalking horse bidder or plan sponsor and intends to present an agreement to the Court as early as next week in order to enter into a value-maximizing transaction and continue to research and develop its next-generation vaccines and immunotherapies for oncology and infectious diseases.

“Our world-class science and cutting-edge innovations have positioned us at the forefront of oncology and medical breakthroughs. We recently reported encouraging interim Phase 2 data from our ongoing study evaluating GRANITE, which continues to demonstrate an emerging benefit for patients, however, additional time is needed for the data to mature,” said Andrew Allen, MD, PhD, Co-founder, President & CEO of Gritstone. “The decision to file for chapter 11 relief allows us to stay focused on our mission of bringing potentially life-saving treatments like GRANITE to patients around the world.”

During its financial restructuring process, Gritstone intends to operate in the ordinary course and remains committed to advancing its clinical programs, including its ongoing neoantigen immunotherapy and infectious disease programs, and driving innovation in immunotherapy and vaccine development.

Gritstone is filing customary "first day" motions in its chapter 11 case with the intention of ensuring normal operations. Upon court approval of these first day motions, Gritstone intends to minimize the impact of the bankruptcy process on the Company's vendors, employees, and other key stakeholders.

Additional information regarding Gritstone’s chapter 11 process is available at Stakeholders with questions may call the Company’s Claims Agent, Verita Global, at 877-709-4754 or 424-236-7233 if calling from outside the U.S. or Canada, or send an inquiry by visiting


Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP is serving as legal counsel, Fenwick & West LLP is serving as general corporate counsel, Raymond James & Associates, Inc. is serving as investment banker, PwC is serving as financial advisor, and C Street Advisory Group is serving as strategic communications advisor to the Company.

About Gritstone

Gritstone bio, Inc. (Nasdaq: GRTS) is a clinical-stage biotechnology company that aims to develop the world’s most potent vaccines. We leverage our innovative vectors and payloads to train multiple arms of the immune system to attack critical disease targets. Independently and with our collaborators, we are advancing a portfolio of product candidates to treat and prevent viral diseases and solid tumors in pursuit of improving patient outcomes and eliminating disease.

Gritstone Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the process and potential outcomes of Gritstone’s chapter 11 case, Gritstone's ability to continue to operate as usual during the chapter 11 case, Gritstone's ability to enter into a transaction in the chapter 11 case and strengthen its capital structure, and Gritstone's ability to present a stalking horse bidder or plan sponsor to the Court. These statements are based on management's current expectations, and actual results and future events may differ materially due to risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, risks inherent in the bankruptcy process, including the outcome of the chapter 11 case; Gritstone's financial projections and cost estimates; Gritstone's ability to raise additional funds or secure additional financing during the chapter 11 case; Gritstone's ability to conduct asset sales; the impact of the chapter 11 case on the listing of the Gritstone's common stock on the Nasdaq Stock Market; and the effect of the chapter 11 case on Gritstone's business prospects, financial results and business operations. For a further description of the risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from those expressed in these forward-looking statements, as well as risks relating to the business of the company in general, see Gritstone’s most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on August 13, 2024 and any current and periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


C Street Advisory Group

Source: Gritstone bio, Inc.


Why did Gritstone bio (GRTS) file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy?

Gritstone bio filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy to preserve value and support its ongoing strategic alternatives process while allowing more time for its GRANITE study data to mature.

Will Gritstone bio (GRTS) continue its clinical programs during bankruptcy?

Yes, Gritstone bio intends to continue operating normally and advancing its clinical programs, including ongoing neoantigen immunotherapy and infectious disease programs, during the financial restructuring process.

What is the status of Gritstone bio's (GRTS) GRANITE study?

Gritstone bio recently reported encouraging interim Phase 2 data from the ongoing GRANITE study, demonstrating an emerging benefit for patients. However, additional time is needed for the data to mature.

Is Gritstone bio (GRTS) seeking a potential buyer or investor?

Yes, Gritstone bio is in discussions with a party to act as a stalking horse bidder or plan sponsor and intends to present an agreement to the Court as early as next week.

Gritstone bio, Inc.


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Biological Products, (no Disgnostic Substances)
United States of America