Gorilla Technology and CS Energy Form AI-Powered Strategic Partnership to Accelerate the Rise of Smart & Green Cities Across Thailand and Southeast Asia

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Gorilla Technology Group Inc. (NASDAQ: GRRR) and CS Energy Technology Co., have announced a strategic cooperation agreement to develop innovative solutions for smart and green cities across Thailand and Southeast Asia. The partnership aims to leverage Gorilla's expertise in AI, cybersecurity, IoT, and OT security, alongside CS Energy's infrastructure solutions in energy, communications, and transportation.

The collaboration focuses on creating intelligent and sustainable urban environments by integrating smart energy management, green technology, and enhanced security. Key objectives include enhancing energy efficiency through smart grid systems, microgrids, and energy storage technologies, as well as developing EV infrastructure and energy-efficient systems.

This partnership aims to support Southeast Asia's drive towards sustainable urbanization, meeting growing energy demands while supporting carbon reduction and clean energy adoption. The initiative draws inspiration from global smart city projects and aims to apply best practices within the local context of Southeast Asia.

Gorilla Technology Group Inc. (NASDAQ: GRRR) e CS Energy Technology Co. hanno annunciato un accordo di cooperazione strategica per sviluppare soluzioni innovative per le città intelligenti e verdi in Thailandia e nel Sud-est asiatico. Questa partnership si propone di sfruttare l'expertise di Gorilla in AI, cybersecurity, IoT e sicurezza OT, affiancata alle soluzioni infrastrutturali di CS Energy in energia, comunicazioni e trasporti.

La collaborazione si concentra sulla creazione di ambienti urbani intelligenti e sostenibili integrando gestione energetica intelligente, tecnologia verde e sicurezza avanzata. Gli obiettivi principali includono il potenziamento dell'efficienza energetica attraverso sistemi di smart grid, microreti e tecnologie di stoccaggio energetico, nonché lo sviluppo di infrastrutture per veicoli elettrici e sistemi ad alta efficienza energetica.

Questa partnership mira a supportare l'impegno del Sud-est asiatico verso l'urbanizzazione sostenibile, soddisfacendo le crescenti domande energetiche e supportando la riduzione del carbonio e l'adozione di energie pulite. L'iniziativa trae ispirazione da progetti globali di città intelligenti e si propone di applicare le migliori pratiche nel contesto locale del Sud-est asiatico.

Gorilla Technology Group Inc. (NASDAQ: GRRR) y CS Energy Technology Co. han anunciado un acuerdo de cooperación estratégica para desarrollar soluciones innovadoras para ciudades inteligentes y verdes en Tailandia y el Sudeste Asiático. La asociación pretende aprovechar la experiencia de Gorilla en IA, ciberseguridad, IoT y seguridad OT, junto con las soluciones de infraestructura de CS Energy en energía, comunicaciones y transporte.

La colaboración se centra en crear entornos urbanos inteligentes y sostenibles mediante la integración de gestión energética inteligente, tecnología verde y seguridad mejorada. Los objetivos clave incluyen mejorar la eficiencia energética a través de sistemas de red eléctrica inteligente, microredes y tecnologías de almacenamiento de energía, así como desarrollar infraestructura para vehículos eléctricos y sistemas energéticamente eficientes.

Esta asociación busca apoyar el impulso del Sudeste Asiático hacia la urbanización sostenible, satisfaciendo las crecientes demandas energéticas y apoyando la reducción de carbono y la adopción de energía limpia. La iniciativa se inspira en proyectos globales de ciudades inteligentes y busca aplicar las mejores prácticas en el contexto local del Sudeste Asiático.

고릴라 테크놀로지 그룹 주식회사 (NASDAQ: GRRR)와 CS 에너지 테크놀로지 주식회사가 태국 및 동남아시아 전역에서 스마트 및 친환경 도시를 개발하기 위한 전략적 협력 계약을 발표했습니다. 이 파트너십은 고릴라의 AI, 사이버 보안, IoT 및 OT 보안 전문성을 활용하고, CS 에너지의 에너지, 통신 및 운송 인프라 솔루션을 결합하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

협력은 스마트 에너지 관리, 녹색 기술 및 향상된 보안을 통합하여 지능적이고 지속 가능한 도시 환경을 조성하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다. 주요 목표는 스마트 그리드 시스템, 마이크로 그리드 및 에너지 저장 기술을 통한 에너지 효율성을 향상시키고, 전기차 인프라 및 에너지 효율 시스템을 개발하는 것입니다.

이 파트너십은 동남아시아의 지속 가능한 도시화 추진을 지원하며, 증가하는 에너지 수요를 충족시키고 탄소 감소 및 청정 에너지 채택을 지원하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 프로젝트는 세계적인 스마트 시티 프로젝트에서 영감을 받아 동남아시아의 지역적 맥락에서 최선의 사례를 적용하고자 합니다.

Gorilla Technology Group Inc. (NASDAQ: GRRR) et CS Energy Technology Co. ont annoncé un accord de coopération stratégique pour développer des solutions innovantes visant les villes intelligentes et vertes en Thaïlande et en Asie du Sud-Est. Ce partenariat vise à tirer parti de l'expertise de Gorilla en matière de IA, de cybersécurité, d'IoT et de sécurité OT, en complément des solutions d'infrastructure de CS Energy dans les domaines de l'énergie, des communications et des transports.

La collaboration se concentre sur la création d'environnements urbains intelligents et durables en intégrant la gestion énergétique intelligente, la technologie verte et la sécurité améliorée. Les principaux objectifs incluent l'amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique grâce à des systèmes de réseaux intelligents, des micro-réseaux et des technologies de stockage d'énergie, ainsi que le développement d'infrastructures pour véhicules électriques et de systèmes économes en énergie.

Ce partenariat vise à soutenir l'initiative de l'Asie du Sud-Est pour une urbanisation durable, répondant à la demande croissante en énergie tout en favorisant la réduction des émissions de carbone et l'adoption des énergies propres. L'initiative s'inspire de projets mondiaux de villes intelligentes et cherche à appliquer les meilleures pratiques dans le contexte local de l'Asie du Sud-Est.

Die Gorilla Technology Group Inc. (NASDAQ: GRRR) und die CS Energy Technology Co. haben ein strategisches Kooperationsabkommen zum Entwickeln innovativer Lösungen für smarte und grüne Städte in Thailand und Südostasien bekannt gegeben. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die Expertise von Gorilla in KI, Cybersicherheit, IoT und OT-Sicherheit zusammen mit den Infrastrukturlösungen von CS Energy in Energie, Kommunikation und Transport zu nutzen.

Die Zusammenarbeit konzentriert sich darauf, intelligente und nachhaltige städtische Umgebungen durch die Integration von intelligenter Energieverwaltung, grüner Technologie und verbesserter Sicherheit zu schaffen. Zu den Hauptzielen gehört die Steigerung der Energieeffizienz durch smarte Netz-Systems, Mikronetze und Energiespeichertechnologien, sowie die Entwicklung von EV-Infrastruktur und energieeffizienten Systemen.

Diese Partnerschaft will den Antrieb Südostasiens in Richtung nachhaltiger Urbanisierung unterstützen und gleichzeitig die wachsenden Energiebedarfe decken sowie CO2-Reduktion und die Annahme sauberer Energie fördern. Die Initiative lässt sich von globalen Smart-City-Projekten inspirieren und hat das Ziel, bewährte Praktiken im lokalen Kontext Südostasiens anzuwenden.

  • Strategic partnership to develop smart and green city solutions for Southeast Asia
  • Integration of AI, cybersecurity, and energy infrastructure expertise
  • Focus on enhancing energy efficiency and sustainability in urban environments
  • Potential for scalable solutions across the region
  • None.

Bangkok, Thailand--(Newsfile Corp. - September 23, 2024) - Gorilla Technology Group Inc. (NASDAQ: GRRR) ("Gorilla" or the "Company") and CS Energy Technology Co., Ltd., one of Asia's leading energy infrastructure providers, have announced a strategic cooperation agreement. This collaboration marks a transformative step in developing innovative solutions for smart and green cities across Thailand and Southeast Asia to shape a sustainable future.

A Synergistic Vision for Smart Cities and Sustainability

This partnership will leverage the combined strengths of both companies: Gorilla Technology's leading expertise in AI, cybersecurity, IoT and OT security, alongside CS Energy's comprehensive infrastructure solutions in energy, communications and transportation. The goal is to create intelligent and sustainable urban environments that integrate smart energy management, green technology and enhanced security, all underpinned by AI and cutting-edge data analytics.

Together, Gorilla and CS Energy will deliver solutions that enhance energy efficiency through smart grid systems, microgrids and energy storage technologies, supporting Southeast Asia's drive towards sustainable urbanisation. The collaboration will also extend to electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure and energy-efficient systems, ensuring that future smart cities are both secure and energy-resilient.

Driving Regional Impact

By integrating AI-powered platforms and energy solutions, the partnership aims to build smart cities that meet the growing energy demands of urban centres and support carbon reduction and the adoption of clean energy. With a focus on the scalability and adaptability of these technologies, the collaboration between Gorilla and CS Energy will serve as a model for other regions striving to meet their sustainability goals.

"This partnership is about creating lasting change in the way cities are powered and managed," said Mike Wang, Director of Sales Thailand and Rest of Southeast Asia at Gorilla Technology. "With CS Energy's world-class energy solutions and our AI-driven approach to smart city infrastructure, we are poised to transform Southeast Asia's urban environments. Our vision is to create smart cities that are not only technologically advanced but also deeply sustainable, ensuring that future generations can thrive in cleaner, greener cities."

A Global Vision, A Local Focus

"Looking to examples such as Singapore's Smart Nation initiative, Dubai's Clean Energy Strategy 2050 and Copenhagen's efforts to become carbon neutral by 2025, this partnership draws on global best practices to apply them within the local context of Southeast Asia," said Jay Chandan, CEO and Chairman of Gorilla Technology. "Creating green buildings, intelligent transportation systems and energy-efficient public spaces will be critical in this transformation. Together, we envision a future where smart cities will utilise AI to automate services, monitor energy consumption and enable real-time decision-making. This technology will make cities more sustainable, safer and efficient with reduced energy costs and a higher standard of living."

CS Energy's Co-Founder & VP, Ge Liang added, "We are thrilled to be working with Gorilla Technology on this forward-thinking initiative. Our combined expertise will deliver smarter, more efficient solutions that are scalable across the region, enabling Southeast Asia to meet its ambitious sustainability goals."

About Gorilla Technology Group Inc.

Headquartered in London U.K., Gorilla is a global solution provider in Security Intelligence, Network Intelligence, Business Intelligence and IoT technology. We provide a wide range of solutions, including, Smart City, Network, Video, Security Convergence and IoT, across select verticals of Government & Public Services, Manufacturing, Telecom, Retail, Transportation & Logistics, Healthcare and Education, by using AI and Deep Learning Technologies.

Our expertise lies in revolutionizing urban operations, bolstering security and enhancing resilience. We deliver pioneering products that harness the power of AI in intelligent video surveillance, facial recognition, license plate recognition, edge computing, post-event analytics and advanced cybersecurity technologies. By integrating these AI-driven technologies, we empower Smart Cities to enhance efficiency, safety and cybersecurity measures, ultimately improving the quality of life for residents.

For more information, please visit our website:

About CS Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

CS Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading provider of innovative energy solutions, specialising in the development of EV charging infrastructure and energy storage systems. With over 15 years of experience in the energy sector, the company has established itself as a pioneer in green energy technologies. Their solutions range from highly efficient solar panels to large-scale energy storage and microgrid systems, all designed to promote energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions​. With an extensive network of more than 8,000 EV charging stations and a portfolio of renewable energy projects, CS Energy is committed to driving the transition to a sustainable energy future across Southeast Asia​.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements, which are based on estimates, assumptions, and expectations. Actual results and performance could differ materially and adversely from those expressed or implied in forward-looking statements. Gorilla does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by law.

Investor Relations Contact:
Dave Gentry
RedChip Companies, Inc.

To view the source version of this press release, please visit


What is the purpose of the partnership between Gorilla Technology (GRRR) and CS Energy?

The partnership aims to develop innovative solutions for smart and green cities across Thailand and Southeast Asia, focusing on integrating AI-powered platforms with energy solutions to create sustainable and efficient urban environments.

What specific technologies will Gorilla Technology (GRRR) and CS Energy focus on in their smart city initiative?

The partnership will focus on smart grid systems, microgrids, energy storage technologies, EV infrastructure, and energy-efficient systems, all underpinned by AI and data analytics.

How does the Gorilla Technology (GRRR) and CS Energy partnership plan to address sustainability in Southeast Asian cities?

The partnership aims to enhance energy efficiency, support carbon reduction, and promote clean energy adoption through the integration of smart energy management and green technology in urban environments.

What global smart city initiatives is the Gorilla Technology (GRRR) and CS Energy partnership drawing inspiration from?

The partnership is drawing inspiration from initiatives such as Singapore's Smart Nation, Dubai's Clean Energy Strategy 2050, and Copenhagen's efforts to become carbon neutral by 2025, adapting these practices to the Southeast Asian context.

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