Greenlite Ventures Completes Agreement with No Limit Technology

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Greenlite Ventures Inc. (OTC Pink: GRNL) has signed a Reorganization Agreement with No Limit Technology Holdings Inc., a company in the sports betting and cryptocurrency markets. The agreement, pending FINRA review, will result in GRNL acquiring all of No Limit's assets and intellectual property. In exchange, No Limit gains majority shareholder control of GRNL, and its founder Rafael Groswirt will become GRNL's new CEO.

GRNL aims to create a decentralized sports betting ecosystem using blockchain, cryptocurrency, AI, and peer-to-peer algorithms. The company plans to launch a sports betting exchange powered by its own cryptocurrency, the No Limit Coin. This platform intends to offer users financial benefits, including reduced house take and non-custodial wallets for fund control.

Greenlite Ventures Inc. (OTC Pink: GRNL) ha firmato un Accordo di Riorganizzazione con No Limit Technology Holdings Inc., un'azienda attiva nei mercati delle scommesse sportive e delle criptovalute. L'accordo, in attesa della revisione da parte della FINRA, porterà GRNL ad acquisire tutti gli asset e la proprietà intellettuale di No Limit. In cambio, No Limit otterrà il controllo della maggioranza delle azioni di GRNL, e il suo fondatore Rafael Groswirt diventerà il nuovo CEO di GRNL.

GRNL mira a creare un ecosistema di scommesse sportive decentralizzato utilizzando blockchain, criptovalute, intelligenza artificiale e algoritmi peer-to-peer. L'azienda prevede di lanciare una piattaforma di scambio scommesse sportive alimentata dalla sua criptovaluta, il No Limit Coin. Questa piattaforma intende offrire agli utenti vantaggi finanziari, inclusi una riduzione della commissione della casa e wallet non custodian per il controllo dei fondi.

Greenlite Ventures Inc. (OTC Pink: GRNL) ha firmado un Acuerdo de Reorganización con No Limit Technology Holdings Inc., una empresa en los mercados de apuestas deportivas y criptomonedas. El acuerdo, sujeto a la revisión de FINRA, resultará en que GRNL adquiera todos los activos y la propiedad intelectual de No Limit. A cambio, No Limit obtendrá el control de la mayoría de las acciones de GRNL, y su fundador Rafael Groswirt se convertirá en el nuevo CEO de GRNL.

GRNL tiene como objetivo crear un ecosistema de apuestas deportivas descentralizado utilizando blockchain, criptomonedas, IA y algoritmos peer-to-peer. La empresa planea lanzar un intercambio de apuestas deportivas impulsado por su propia criptomoneda, el No Limit Coin. Esta plataforma tiene la intención de ofrecer a los usuarios beneficios financieros, incluyendo una reducción en la comisión de la casa y billeteras no custodiales para el control de fondos.

Greenlite Ventures Inc. (OTC Pink: GRNL)은 스포츠 베팅 및 암호화폐 시장에 있는 No Limit Technology Holdings Inc.와 재편성 계약을 체결했습니다. FINRA 리뷰를 기다리고 있는 이 계약은 GRNL이 No Limit의 모든 자산과 지적 재산을 인수하는 결과를 가져옵니다. 그 대가로, No Limit은 GRNL의 대부분 주주 지배권을 얻고, 창립자 Rafael Groswirt는 GRNL의 새로운 CEO가 됩니다.

GRNL은 블록체인, 암호화폐, 인공지능 및 피어 투 피어 알고리즘을 사용하여 탈중앙화된 스포츠 베팅 생태계를 만드는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 회사는 No Limit Coin이라는 자체 암호화폐로 구동되는 스포츠 베팅 거래소를 출범할 계획입니다. 이 플랫폼은 사용자에게 더 낮은 집 비율과 자금 통제를 위한 비수탁 지갑을 제공하는 재정적 혜택을 제공할 것입니다.

Greenlite Ventures Inc. (OTC Pink: GRNL) a signé un Accord de Réorganisation avec No Limit Technology Holdings Inc., une entreprise opérant dans les marchés des paris sportifs et des cryptomonnaies. Cet accord, en attente de l'examen de la FINRA, aboutira à l'acquisition par GRNL de tous les actifs et de la propriété intellectuelle de No Limit. En contrepartie, No Limit obtient le contrôle de la majorité des actions de GRNL, et son fondateur Rafael Groswirt deviendra le nouveau PDG de GRNL.

GRNL vise à créer un écosystème de paris sportifs décentralisé en utilisant la blockchain, les cryptomonnaies, l'IA et des algorithmes de pair à pair. L'entreprise prévoit de lancer une plateforme d'échange de paris sportifs alimentée par sa propre cryptomonnaie, le No Limit Coin. Cette plateforme a l'intention d'offrir aux utilisateurs des avantages financiers, notamment une réduction de la commission de la maison et des portefeuilles non déposés pour le contrôle des fonds.

Greenlite Ventures Inc. (OTC Pink: GRNL) hat eine Reorganisationsvereinbarung mit No Limit Technology Holdings Inc. unterzeichnet, einem Unternehmen im Markt für Sportwetten und Kryptowährungen. Die Vereinbarung, die auf die Überprüfung durch die FINRA wartet, wird dazu führen, dass GRNL alle Vermögenswerte und das geistige Eigentum von No Limit erwirbt. Im Gegenzug erlangt No Limit die Kontrolle über die Mehrheit der Anteile von GRNL, und dessen Gründer Rafael Groswirt wird neuer CEO von GRNL.

GRNL hat das Ziel, ein dezentralisiertes Sportwetten-Ökosystem zu schaffen, das blockchain, Kryptowährungen, KI und Peer-to-Peer-Algorithmen nutzt. Das Unternehmen plant, eine Sportwettenbörse zu starten, die durch seine eigene Kryptowährung, den No Limit Coin, betrieben wird. Diese Plattform beabsichtigt, den Nutzern finanzielle Vorteile zu bieten, einschließlich reduzierter Hausprovision und nicht verwahrter Wallets für die Kontrolle der Gelder.

  • Acquisition of No Limit Technology's assets and intellectual property
  • Entry into the sports betting and cryptocurrency markets
  • Plans to launch a decentralized sports betting platform with proprietary cryptocurrency
  • Acquisition completion dependent on FINRA review with no assurance of approval
  • Majority control of GRNL transferred to No Limit Technology
  • Potential risks associated with entering volatile cryptocurrency and sports betting markets

Greenlite Ventures' acquisition of No Limit Technology Holdings signifies a strategic leap into the sports betting and cryptocurrency markets. The financial implications are notable, as ownership of No Limit's physical assets and intellectual property could strengthen GRNL’s balance sheet. However, potential investors need to consider the inherent risks tied to the regulatory approval by FINRA, which remains uncertain. The market's response to the new CEO will also be pivotal; investors should monitor how Rafael Groswirt’s leadership influences the company’s operational efficiency and strategic direction in the coming months.

In the short term, this acquisition could result in increased volatility for GRNL’s stock due to the speculative nature of cryptocurrency and sports betting sectors. Long-term prospects hinge on the successful implementation and adoption of the decentralized sports betting platform and the No Limit Coin. Investors should stay vigilant about regulatory changes in both the cryptocurrency and sports betting landscapes, as these could significantly impact GRNL’s strategic objectives.

This acquisition positions Greenlite Ventures to leverage blockchain technology in the sports betting industry. By utilizing a decentralized approach, the company aims to offer lower transaction costs and enhanced security for users. The implementation of non-custodial wallets is significant; it implies users retain control over their funds, reducing the risk of fraud and hacking. These features are important for garnering trust in a market often fraught with security concerns.

However, the success of the No Limit Coin will depend on widespread acceptance and usage. Cryptocurrencies can be volatile and the adoption rate in the sports betting community will play a vital role in determining the platform's success. Investors should pay close attention to user growth metrics and transaction volumes on the new platform to gauge its viability and sustainability.

The merger with No Limit Technology could significantly enhance Greenlite Ventures' market presence in the burgeoning sports betting industry, which is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. The integration of artificial intelligence and peer-to-peer algorithms could provide a competitive edge by offering personalized betting experiences and efficient matching of bets without the traditional house take. This could attract a large user base drawn to the promise of better odds and higher returns.

However, the competitive landscape is intense, with numerous established players already leveraging similar technologies. The ability of GRNL to differentiate itself and capture market share will be a critical factor to watch. Investors should scrutinize user acquisition strategies, marketing expenditures and customer retention rates as these will be indicative of the platform's long-term success.

BOCA RATON, Fla., July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Greenlite Ventures Inc. (OTC Pink: GRNL) has announced the signing of a Reorganization Agreement with No Limit Technology Holdings Inc. (No Limit), a company involved in the sports betting and cryptocurrency markets. The agreement has been submitted to FINRA pursuant to its company-related action review process. Once the review is concluded, and FINRA advises the company that no further action is required, the acquisition will be deemed closed.  However, the decision to conclude the review and determine that no further action is required is entirely within the authority of FINRA and no assurance can be given that such will be the case.

As a result of the acquisition, GRNL will own all physical assets and intellectual property previously owned and developed by No Limit. In consideration, No Limit has acquired majority shareholder control of GRNL, and No Limit founder and CEO Rafael Groswirt will be appointed as GRNL's new CEO

With this acquisition, GRNL seeks to create a decentralized sports betting ecosystem. Utilizing blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, and peer-to-peer algorithms, GRNL plans to launch a sports betting exchange powered by its own cryptocurrency, the No Limit Coin. The platform is intended to offer financial benefits to users, including a greatly reduced house take and non-custodial wallets that allow users to always be in control of their funds.

Contact: Rafael Groswirt  901 909 9089

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, estimates, and projections about our industry, management's beliefs, and certain assumptions made by us. Words such as "anticipates," "expects," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates," and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in forward-looking statements include those described in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We undertake no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

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SOURCE Greenlite Ventures Inc.


What is the Reorganization Agreement between Greenlite Ventures (GRNL) and No Limit Technology?

Greenlite Ventures (GRNL) has signed a Reorganization Agreement to acquire all assets and intellectual property of No Limit Technology, a sports betting and cryptocurrency company. In exchange, No Limit gains majority control of GRNL, and its CEO will become GRNL's new chief executive.

What are Greenlite Ventures' (GRNL) plans for the sports betting market?

GRNL plans to create a decentralized sports betting ecosystem using blockchain, cryptocurrency, AI, and peer-to-peer algorithms. They intend to launch a sports betting exchange powered by their own cryptocurrency, the No Limit Coin.

What benefits does Greenlite Ventures (GRNL) plan to offer users of its sports betting platform?

GRNL's planned sports betting platform aims to offer users financial benefits, including a significantly reduced house take and non-custodial wallets that allow users to maintain control of their funds.

What is the current status of Greenlite Ventures' (GRNL) acquisition of No Limit Technology as of July 19, 2024?

As of July 19, 2024, the Reorganization Agreement between GRNL and No Limit Technology has been signed and submitted to FINRA for review. The acquisition will be considered closed once FINRA concludes its review and advises that no further action is required.



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