GoPro's 'Grom Quest' Talent Search Program Brings Five New Stars into the GoPro Athlete Family
GoPro (NASDAQ: GPRO) has announced the selection of five young athletes through its 'Grom Quest' talent search program, chosen from over 4,000 video submissions. The program, open to athletes aged 17 and younger worldwide, requires participants to submit their best performance clips captured on GoPro cameras.
The selected athletes, ranging from 9 to 16 years old, include:
- Truly Adams (14) - Karting champion with National Cup wins
- Weston Lukens (10) - MTB rider with 24+ wins
- Carter Durlacher (16) - #2 ranked IFSA Jr National Tour skier
- Iyla Edwards (15) - RMSHA Series Points Champion in snowmobile
- Max Cristea (13) - Karting prodigy with 16 wins
Winners will receive GoPro equipment, mentorship opportunities with pro athletes, and brand exposure through GoPro's social channels. The Grom Quest Challenge continues to accept submissions through the GoPro Quik App or
GoPro (NASDAQ: GPRO) ha annunciato la selezione di cinque giovani atleti attraverso il suo programma di ricerca talenti 'Grom Quest', scelti tra oltre 4.000 video inviati. Il programma, aperto ad atleti di età pari o inferiore a 17 anni in tutto il mondo, richiede ai partecipanti di inviare i loro migliori clip di performance registrati con le videocamere GoPro.
Gli atleti selezionati, di età compresa tra 9 e 16 anni, includono:
- Truly Adams (14) - Campione di karting con vittorie nella Coppa Nazionale
- Weston Lukens (10) - Ciclista MTB con oltre 24 vittorie
- Carter Durlacher (16) - Scitatore classificato #2 nel Tour Nazionale Junior IFSA
- Iyla Edwards (15) - Campione di punti della serie RMSHA in motoslitta
- Max Cristea (13) - Prodigio del karting con 16 vittorie
I vincitori riceveranno attrezzature GoPro, opportunità di mentorship con atleti professionisti e visibilità del marchio attraverso i canali social di GoPro. La sfida Grom Quest continua ad accettare candidature tramite l'app GoPro Quik o
GoPro (NASDAQ: GPRO) ha anunciado la selección de cinco jóvenes atletas a través de su programa de búsqueda de talentos 'Grom Quest', elegidos entre más de 4,000 envíos de videos. El programa, abierto a atletas de 17 años o menos en todo el mundo, requiere que los participantes envíen sus mejores clips de rendimiento capturados con cámaras GoPro.
Los atletas seleccionados, con edades entre 9 y 16 años, incluyen:
- Truly Adams (14) - Campeón de karting con victorias en la Copa Nacional
- Weston Lukens (10) - Ciclista de MTB con más de 24 victorias
- Carter Durlacher (16) - Esquiador clasificado #2 en el Tour Nacional Junior de IFSA
- Iyla Edwards (15) - Campeón de puntos de la serie RMSHA en motonieve
- Max Cristea (13) - Prodigio del karting con 16 victorias
Los ganadores recibirán equipo GoPro, oportunidades de mentoría con atletas profesionales y exposición de marca a través de los canales sociales de GoPro. El Grom Quest Challenge sigue aceptando envíos a través de la aplicación GoPro Quik o
고프로 (NASDAQ: GPRO)는 'Grom Quest' 인재 발굴 프로그램을 통해 4,000개 이상의 영상 제출물 중에서 다섯 명의 젊은 운동선수를 선정했다고 발표했습니다. 이 프로그램은 전 세계 17세 이하의 운동선수를 대상으로 하며, 참가자는 고프로 카메라로 촬영한 최고의 퍼포먼스 클립을 제출해야 합니다.
선정된 운동선수는 9세에서 16세 사이로, 다음과 같습니다:
- Truly Adams (14) - 국가컵 우승 경력이 있는 카트 선수
- Weston Lukens (10) - 24회 이상의 우승 경력을 가진 MTB 라이더
- Carter Durlacher (16) - IFSA 주니어 내셔널 투어에서 2위에 랭크된 스키어
- Iyla Edwards (15) - 스노모빌 RMSHA 시리즈 포인트 챔피언
- Max Cristea (13) - 16회의 우승 경력을 가진 카트 프로디지
우승자들은 고프로 장비, 프로 운동선수와의 멘토링 기회, 고프로의 소셜 채널을 통한 브랜드 노출을 받게 됩니다. Grom Quest Challenge는 GoPro Quik 앱 또는를 통해 계속해서 제출을 받고 있습니다.
GoPro (NASDAQ: GPRO) a annoncé la sélection de cinq jeunes athlètes à travers son programme de recherche de talents 'Grom Quest', choisis parmi plus de 4 000 vidéos soumises. Le programme, ouvert aux athlètes de 17 ans et moins dans le monde entier, exige que les participants soumettent leurs meilleures performances capturées avec des caméras GoPro.
Les athlètes sélectionnés, âgés de 9 à 16 ans, comprennent :
- Truly Adams (14) - Champion de karting avec des victoires en Coupe Nationale
- Weston Lukens (10) - Cycliste de VTT avec plus de 24 victoires
- Carter Durlacher (16) - Skieur classé #2 au Tour National Junior IFSA
- Iyla Edwards (15) - Champion des points de la série RMSHA en motoneige
- Max Cristea (13) - Prodige du karting avec 16 victoires
Les gagnants recevront du matériel GoPro, des opportunités de mentorat avec des athlètes professionnels et une visibilité de marque à travers les canaux sociaux de GoPro. Le défi Grom Quest continue d'accepter des soumissions via l'application GoPro Quik ou
GoPro (NASDAQ: GPRO) hat die Auswahl von fünf jungen Athleten über sein Talentförderungsprogramm 'Grom Quest' bekannt gegeben, die aus über 4.000 Videoeinsendungen ausgewählt wurden. Das Programm, das für Athleten im Alter von 17 Jahren und jünger weltweit offen ist, erfordert von den Teilnehmern, ihre besten Performance-Clips, die mit GoPro-Kameras aufgenommen wurden, einzureichen.
Die ausgewählten Athleten im Alter von 9 bis 16 Jahren sind:
- Truly Adams (14) - Kart-Meister mit nationalen Cup-Siegen
- Weston Lukens (10) - MTB-Fahrer mit über 24 Siegen
- Carter Durlacher (16) - auf Platz 2 eingestufter Skifahrer im IFSA Junior National Tour
- Iyla Edwards (15) - RMSHA Serienpunkte-Champion im Schneemobil
- Max Cristea (13) - Kart-Genie mit 16 Siegen
Die Gewinner erhalten GoPro-Ausrüstung, Mentoring-Möglichkeiten mit Profisportlern und Markenpräsenz über die sozialen Kanäle von GoPro. Die Grom Quest Challenge akzeptiert weiterhin Einsendungen über die GoPro Quik App oder
- Large participation with over 4,000 submissions indicates strong brand engagement
- Program builds GoPro's athlete roster and strengthens brand presence in youth sports
- Marketing initiative helps showcase product capabilities through user-generated content
- None.
Grom Quest participants submitted video clips of their best performances in their given sport, captured on a GoPro. The five athletes selected were chosen out of more than 4,000 submissions. The Grom Quest Challenge is ongoing and open to athletes around the world aged 17 and younger.
Grom Quest winners will be showcased on GoPro's social channels to help grow their personal brands. They will also receive equipment and gear from GoPro and have the opportunity to meet and learn from GoPro's world-class roster of established pro athletes.
"We're stoked to bring on these five young athletes to our GoPro family," said Rick Loughery, GoPro's Vice President of Global Marketing and Communications. "GoPro's Grom Quest is all about elevating and supporting the next generation of athletes. We can't wait to see how they push their sports to the limit."
Grom Quest Challenge winners include top young athletes with ages ranging between 9 and 16:
- Truly Adams: Karting | Age 14 |
USA . Truly is an elite racer, winning his first AM Ortega J1 Karting Race at age eight. He's gone on to win the National Cup and the KA100 race. - Weston Lukens: MTB | Age 10 |
USA . With over 24 wins and 30 podium placements, Weston is the youngest person to be invited to and ride the Cam Zink Invitational, Reece Wallace Invitational, and Freeride Fiesta, and the youngest person to land a front flip on a MTB. - Carter Durlacher: Ski | Age 16 |
Canada . Consistent top 3 performances for the season on the IFSA Jr National Tour in the U15 category resulted in Carter taking the #2 overall spot on the tour and earned him recognition in the IFSA Hall of Champions for 2024. - Iyla Edwards: Snowmobile | Age 15 |
USA . In addition to her 13 wins and 27 podium placements, Iyla won the Rocky Mountain Snowmobile Hillclimb Association (RMSHA) Series Points Champion in Pro Women's Improved and Modified. - Max Cristea: Karting | Age 13 |
USA . Max is a decorated kart racer, winning his first podium placement at age 5. He's since gone on to achieve 16 wins and 57 podium placements.
The Grom Quest Challenge is an ongoing contest open to all sports and athletes around the world who are 17 years old or younger. Participants can submit their clips to the GoPro Grom Quest Awards Challenge via the GoPro Quik App or at Learn more about the challenge here.
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