GPOPlus+ Releases Video Interview from the Floor of the NYSE

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GPO Plus, Inc. (OTCQB:GPOX), a Direct Store Delivery company, has released an exclusive interview with CEO Brett H. Pojunis from the New York Stock Exchange floor. The interview, available on the GPOPlus website, covers several key topics:

  • GPOX's transformation of Direct Store Delivery using a technology and data-driven approach
  • The company's proprietary software PRISM+ and its AI-driven efficiency enhancements
  • Unique solutions for retail clients
  • Recent expansion into Austin and San Antonio, Texas
  • Future growth plans

Pojunis highlighted GPOX's role in revolutionizing DSD by consolidating the last 15-20% of highly fragmented products. The company aims to be a best-in-class partner for retail clients, optimizing inventory management and distribution efficiencies. GPOX's recent expansion into 52 Texas Born Stores demonstrates its rapid growth and expanding network.

GPO Plus, Inc. (OTCQB:GPOX), un'azienda di fornitura diretta ai negozi, ha rilasciato un'intervista esclusiva con il CEO Brett H. Pojunis direttamente dalla borsa di New York. L'intervista, disponibile sul sito web di GPOPlus, tratta diversi argomenti chiave:

  • La trasformazione del DSD (Direct Store Delivery) da parte di GPOX attraverso un approccio basato su tecnologia e dati
  • Il software proprietario dell'azienda PRISM+ e i suoi miglioramenti in termini di efficienza guidati dall'IA
  • Soluzioni uniche per i clienti retail
  • Recenti espansioni ad Austin e San Antonio, Texas
  • Piani di crescita futuri

Pojunis ha sottolineato il ruolo di GPOX nel rivoluzionare il DSD consolidando l'ultimo 15-20% di prodotti altamente frammentati. L'azienda mira a essere un partner di riferimento per i clienti retail, ottimizzando la gestione dell'inventario e l'efficienza della distribuzione. La recente espansione in 52 Texas Born Stores dimostra la sua rapida crescita e un network in espansione.

GPO Plus, Inc. (OTCQB:GPOX), una empresa de entrega directa a tiendas, ha publicado una entrevista exclusiva con el CEO Brett H. Pojunis desde el piso de la Bolsa de Nueva York. La entrevista, disponible en el sitio web de GPOPlus, abarca varios temas clave:

  • La transformación de GPOX en la entrega directa a tiendas utilizando un enfoque basado en tecnología y datos
  • El software propietario PRISM+ de la empresa y sus mejoras en eficiencia impulsadas por IA
  • Soluciones únicas para clientes minoristas
  • Reciente expansión en Austin y San Antonio, Texas
  • Planes de crecimiento futuro

Pojunis destacó el papel de GPOX en la revolución del DSD al consolidar el 15-20% final de productos altamente fragmentados. La empresa tiene como objetivo ser un socio de primera clase para los clientes minoristas, optimizando la gestión de inventarios y la eficiencia de la distribución. La reciente expansión en 52 tiendas Texas Born demuestra su rápido crecimiento y una red en expansión.

GPO Plus, Inc. (OTCQB:GPOX)는 직접 매장 배송 회사로서 뉴욕 증권 거래소에서 CEO Brett H. Pojunis와의 독점 인터뷰를 발표했습니다. GPOPlus 웹사이트에서 제공되는 이 인터뷰는 여러 주요 주제를 다룹니다:

  • 기술과 데이터 기반 접근 방식을 통해 GPOX의 직접 매장 배송(DSD) 혁신
  • 회사의 독점 소프트웨어 PRISM+와 AI 기반 효율성 향상
  • 소매 고객을 위한 독특한 솔루션
  • 텍사스 오스틴 및 샌안토니오로의 최근 확장
  • 미래 성장 계획

Pojunis는 GPOX가 15-20%의 고도로 분산된 제품을 통합하여 DSD를 혁신하는 역할을 강조했습니다. 이 회사는 소매 고객을 위한 최고급 파트너가 되는 것을 목표로 하며, 재고 관리 및 유통 효율성을 최적화하고자 합니다. GPOX가 52개의 Texas Born Stores로 최근 확장한 것은 빠른 성장과 확장하는 네트워크를 보여줍니다.

GPO Plus, Inc. (OTCQB:GPOX), une entreprise de livraison directe aux magasins, a publié une interview exclusive avec son PDG Brett H. Pojunis depuis le floor de la Bourse de New York. L'interview, disponible sur le site de GPOPlus, couvre plusieurs sujets clés :

  • La transformation de la livraison directe aux magasins (DSD) par GPOX grâce à une approche axée sur la technologie et les données
  • Le logiciel propriétaire PRISM+ de l'entreprise et ses améliorations d'efficacité pilotées par l'IA
  • Des solutions uniques pour les clients de détail
  • Une récente expansion à Austin et San Antonio, Texas
  • Les plans de croissance futurs

Pojunis a souligné le rôle de GPOX dans la révolution du DSD en consolidant les 15-20 % restants de produits hautement fragmentés. L'entreprise vise à être un partenaire de premier plan pour les clients de détail, en optimisant la gestion des stocks et l'efficacité de la distribution. La récente expansion dans 52 magasins Texas Born témoigne de sa croissance rapide et de son réseau en expansion.

GPO Plus, Inc. (OTCQB:GPOX), ein Unternehmen für Direktlieferungen an Geschäfte, hat ein exklusives Interview mit CEO Brett H. Pojunis am Boden der New Yorker Börse veröffentlicht. Das Interview, das auf der GPOPlus-Website verfügbar ist, behandelt mehrere wichtige Themen:

  • DIE Transformation von GPOX im Bereich Direktlieferungen mit einem technologie- und datengestützten Ansatz
  • Die proprietäre Software PRISM+ des Unternehmens und deren KI-gestützte Effizienzsteigerungen
  • Einzigartige Lösungen für Einzelhandelskunden
  • Kürzliche Expansion nach Austin und San Antonio, Texas
  • Zukunftsplanungen für Wachstum

Pojunis hob die Rolle von GPOX bei der Revolutionierung des DSD hervor, indem er die letzten 15-20% der stark fragmentierten Produkte konsolidiert. Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, ein erstklassiger Partner für Einzelhandelskunden zu sein und die Bestandsverwaltung sowie die Effizienz der Distribution zu optimieren. Die jüngste Expansion in 52 Texas Born Stores zeigt das rasante Wachstum und das wachsende Netzwerk von GPOX.

  • Expansion into new markets (Austin and San Antonio, Texas)
  • Implementation of AI-driven distribution model (PRISM+ software)
  • Consolidation of fragmented product distribution for convenience stores and gas stations
  • Recent expansion into 52 Texas Born Stores
  • None.

GPOPlus+ CEO Brett H. Pojunis Discusses Recent Expansion and Future Growth Plans.

LAS VEGAS, NV / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / GPO Plus, Inc. (OTCQB:GPOX), a Direct Store Delivery "DSD" company revolutionizing distribution to convenience stores and gas stations with its AI-driven distribution model, is proud to announce the release of an exclusive interview from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

The interview is available on the GPOPlus website. To stay updated on this and other company news, we encourage you to visit and sign up for our Pulse newsletter for the latest insights and developments.

Interview topics include:

  • How GPOX is transforming Direct Store Delivery with a technology and data-driven approach.

  • GPOX's proprietary software PRISM+ (Predictive Route, Inventory, and Service Management) and its use of AI to enhance operational efficiency.

  • The unique challenges GPOX solves for its retail clients.

  • Target growth markets and recent expansion into Austin and San Antonio, Texas.

  • GPOX's future growth plans.

"Being interviewed from the floor of the NYSE was quite an honor and a testament to the Company's recent growth hitting several significant milestones," commented Brett H. Pojunis, CEO of GPOX. "The interview discusses how GPOX is revolutionizing DSD (direct store delivery) by leveraging data-driven, AI-powered solutions to solve real problems for convenience stores and gas stations. While DSD has been around for nearly a century, GPOX is leading the way with a modern approach that consolidates and streamlines the last 15-20% of products, which traditionally have been highly fragmented, coming from multiple distribution providers. Our goal is to become the best-in-class partner for our retail clients, helping them optimize inventory management and distribution efficiencies." Pojunis added, "We continue to grow rapidly, expanding our network, clientele, and product offerings, as evidenced by our recent expansion into 52 Texas Born Stores."

For more information, visit and sign up for GPOXPulse to receive the latest updates on GPOX's growth and innovations.

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About GPOPlus+ (GPOX)

GPOX, a direct-to-store delivery "DSD" company, is pioneering the future of distribution to convenience stores and gas stations with its AI-driven distribution model. Our goal is clear and ambitious: "to build the largest nationwide DSD distribution company servicing gas stations, convenience stores, and beyond." Our technology-driven network, featuring strategically placed Regional Hubs and Mini Hubs, is designed to optimize efficiency and maximize reach. Central to our operations is our in-house technology platform, PRISM+. Designed to streamline the distribution process, PRISM+ supports efficient delivery, inventory management, data analytics, and overall operational excellence, enabling us to reliably and effectively meet the dynamic needs of our partners. Our mission is to consolidate the fragmented market segment managed by numerous regional vendors. Our dedication to excellence is evident in our product selection process, where we align offerings with consumer demand and partner with top-tier vendors and brands, ensuring our portfolio remains diverse and highly profitable.

For more information, please visit

Information about Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains "forward-looking statements" that include statements regarding expected financial performance and growth information relating to future events. Forward-looking statements include statements with respect to beliefs, plans, objectives, goals, expectations, anticipations, assumptions, estimates, intentions, and future performance, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may be beyond the control of the Company and its officers and managers, and which may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times at, or by which, that performance or those results will be achieved. Forward-looking statements are based on information available at the time they are made and/or management's good faith belief as of that time with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in, or suggested by, the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause these differences include, but are not limited to; inability to gain or maintain licenses, reliance on unaudited statements, the Company's need for additional funding, governmental regulation of the cannabis industry, the impact of competitive products and pricing, the demand for the Company's products, and other risks that are detailed from time-to-time in the Company's filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be forward-looking statements. You can typically identify these forward-looking statements through use of words such as "may," "will," "can" "anticipate," "assume," "should," "indicate," "would," "believe," "contemplate," "expect," "seek," "estimate," "continue," "plan," "point to," "project," "predict," "could," "intend," "target," "potential," and other similar words and expressions of the future. The Company expresses its expectations, beliefs and projections in good faith and believes that its expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions. However, there is no assurance that these expectations, beliefs and projections will prove to have been correct. Such statements reflect the current views of the Company with respect to its operations and future events, and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions relating to its proposed operations, including the risk factors set forth herein. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize or should the underlying assumptions prove incorrect, the Company's actual results may vary significantly from those intended, anticipated, believed, estimated, expected or planned. In light of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, any favorable forward-looking events discussed herein might not be realized and occur. The Company has no obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. For a more detailed description of the risk factors and uncertainties affecting GPO Plus, Inc. GPOX, please refer to the Company's recent Securities and Exchange Commission filings, which are available at The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

Company Contacts:

GPOX Shareholder Success Team:
Brett H. Pojunis, CEO
Shareholder's Line: 855.935.GPOX (4769)


Contact Information

Brett H. Pojunis
Chief Executive
855.935.GPOX (4769)

Related Video

SOURCE: GPO Plus, Inc.

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What is GPO Plus's (GPOX) main business focus?

GPO Plus (GPOX) is a Direct Store Delivery company that focuses on revolutionizing distribution to convenience stores and gas stations using an AI-driven distribution model.

How is GPOX transforming the Direct Store Delivery industry?

GPOX is transforming Direct Store Delivery by using a technology and data-driven approach, leveraging their proprietary software PRISM+ (Predictive Route, Inventory, and Service Management) and AI to enhance operational efficiency.

What recent expansion has GPOX (GPO Plus) announced?

GPOX has recently expanded into Austin and San Antonio, Texas, and has added 52 Texas Born Stores to its network.

What is GPOX's strategy for solving distribution challenges in convenience stores?

GPOX aims to consolidate and streamline the last 15-20% of highly fragmented products in convenience stores and gas stations, which traditionally come from multiple distribution providers, to optimize inventory management and distribution efficiencies.



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