Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc. Mourns the Passing of Director W. Reid Sanders
Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc. (NYSE: GPMT) announced the passing of W. Reid Sanders, who served as a member of its Board of Directors since the company's inception in 2017. Stephen Kasnet, Chairman of the Granite Point Board of Directors, and Jack Taylor, CEO, both expressed their condolences and praised Sanders' contributions to the company. They highlighted his experience, wisdom, dedication, and business acumen, noting his significant impact on Granite Point since its founding.
Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc. (NYSE: GPMT) ha annunciato la scomparsa di W. Reid Sanders, che ha fatto parte del Consiglio di Amministrazione sin dalla fondazione dell'azienda nel 2017. Stephen Kasnet, Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione di Granite Point, e Jack Taylor, CEO, hanno entrambi espresso le loro condoglianze e lodato i contributi di Sanders all'azienda. Hanno sottolineato la sua esperienza, saggezza, dedizione e acume commerciale, evidenziando il suo impatto significativo su Granite Point sin dalla sua nascita.
Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc. (NYSE: GPMT) anunció el fallecimiento de W. Reid Sanders, quien fue miembro de su Junta Directiva desde la fundación de la empresa en 2017. Stephen Kasnet, Presidente de la Junta de Granite Point, y Jack Taylor, CEO, expresaron sus condolencias y elogiaron las contribuciones de Sanders a la empresa. Destacaron su experiencia, sabiduría, dedicación y sentido comercial, señalando su significativo impacto en Granite Point desde su creación.
그라나이트 포인트 모기지 트러스트 주식회사 (NYSE: GPMT)는 2017년 회사 설립 이후 이사회 멤버로 활동한 W. Reid Sanders의 별세를 발표했습니다. 그라나이트 포인트 이사회 의장인 스티븐 카스넷(Stephen Kasnet)과 CEO인 잭 테일러(Jack Taylor)는 모두 그의 애도와 함께 샌더스의 회사에 대한 기여를 찬양했습니다. 그들은 그의 경험, 지혜, 헌신 및 비즈니스 감각을 강조하며 창립 이후 그라나이트 포인트에 미친 그의 중요한 영향을 언급했습니다.
Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc. (NYSE: GPMT) a annoncé le décès de W. Reid Sanders, qui a été membre de son conseil d'administration depuis la création de l'entreprise en 2017. Stephen Kasnet, président du conseil d'administration de Granite Point, et Jack Taylor, PDG, ont tous deux exprimé leurs condoléances et loué les contributions de Sanders à l'entreprise. Ils ont souligné son expérience, sa sagesse, son dévouement et son sens des affaires, notant son impact significatif sur Granite Point depuis sa création.
Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc. (NYSE: GPMT) gab den Tod von W. Reid Sanders bekannt, der seit der Gründung des Unternehmens im Jahr 2017 Mitglied des Vorstands war. Stephen Kasnet, Vorsitzender des Vorstands von Granite Point, und Jack Taylor, CEO, drückten beide ihr Beileid aus und lobten Sanders' Beiträge zum Unternehmen. Sie hoben seine Erfahrung, Weisheit, Engagement und Geschäftssinn hervor und betonten seinen bedeutenden Einfluss auf Granite Point seit seiner Gründung.
- None.
- None.
“I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of my dear friend and colleague, Reid Sanders,” said Stephen Kasnet, Chairman of the Granite Point Board of Directors. “Reid’s experience, wisdom, wit, dedication and enthusiasm will not be forgotten. On behalf of the entire Board, we express our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to Reid’s family, friends and loved ones for their loss.”
“Our whole team at Granite Point deeply feels the loss of Reid’s passing,” added Granite Point’s CEO, Jack Taylor. “Reid was an exceptional human being, and an astutely intelligent business leader who, accompanying his enormous successes, was always gracious and humble. His sage guidance and contributions to Granite Point since our inception have left an abiding mark on the Company. Reid will be greatly missed.”
About Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc.
Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc. is a
Additional Information
Stockholders of Granite Point and other interested persons may find additional information regarding the Company at the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Internet site at or by directing requests to: Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc., 3 Bryant Park, 24th Floor,
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Investors: Chris Petta Investor Relations, Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc., (212) 364-5500,
Source: Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc.