Graphic Packaging Publishes 2023 ESG Report, Announces 2050 Net Zero Goal
Graphic Packaging International has released its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report, announcing an ambitious goal to achieve Net Zero Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2050. The company's 'Better, Every Day' sustainability strategy outlines plans to drive circularity in paperboard consumer packaging, support an inclusive culture, and protect environmental resources.
Key highlights from the report include:
- Replacement of ~450 million plastic packages with paperboard in Europe
- Replacement of ~665 million foam cups with paper cups in North America
- 28% women in global workforce
- 34% ethnic diversity in U.S. workforce
- 68% renewable fuel used
- 89% forest products sustainably sourced
- 98% paperboard waste recycled
The company has set and validated 1.5C aligned near-term science-based targets through the Science Based Targets Initiative in 2023, marking a significant step towards its 2050 Net Zero goal.
Graphic Packaging International ha pubblicato il suo rapporto Ambientale, Sociale e di Governance (ESG) per il 2023, annunciando un obiettivo ambizioso di raggiungere emissioni di gas serra pari a zero netto entro il 2050. La strategia di sostenibilità 'Better, Every Day' della società delinea piani per promuovere la circolarità nel packaging in cartone, sostenere una cultura inclusiva e proteggere le risorse ambientali.
I punti salienti del rapporto includono:
- Sostituzione di circa 450 milioni di imballaggi in plastica con cartone in Europa
- Sostituzione di circa 665 milioni di tazze in schiuma con tazze di carta in Nord America
- 28% di donne nella forza lavoro globale
- 34% di diversità etnica nella forza lavoro statunitense
- 68% di combustibili rinnovabili utilizzati
- 89% di prodotti forestali provenienti da fonti sostenibili
- 98% di rifiuti di cartone riciclati
La società ha stabilito e convalidato obiettivi a breve termine basati su scienza allineati con il limite di 1.5C attraverso l'iniziativa Science Based Targets nel 2023, segnando un passo significativo verso il suo obiettivo di Net Zero entro il 2050.
Graphic Packaging International ha publicado su informe Ambiental, Social y de Gobernanza (ESG) 2023, anunciando un ambicioso objetivo de alcanzar emisiones netas de gases de efecto invernadero cero para 2050. La estrategia de sostenibilidad 'Better, Every Day' de la compañía detalla planes para impulsar la circularidad en el empaque de cartón, apoyar una cultura inclusiva y proteger los recursos ambientales.
Los aspectos más destacados del informe incluyen:
- Sustitución de aproximadamente 450 millones de envases de plástico por cartón en Europa
- Sustitución de aproximadamente 665 millones de vasos de espuma por vasos de papel en América del Norte
- 28% de mujeres en la fuerza laboral global
- 34% de diversidad étnica en la fuerza laboral de EE. UU.
- 68% de combustible renovable utilizado
- 89% de productos forestales de origen sostenible
- 98% de residuos de cartón reciclados
La compañía ha establecido y validado objetivos a corto plazo alineados con la ciencia de 1.5C a través de la Iniciativa de Objetivos Basados en la Ciencia en 2023, marcando un paso significativo hacia su meta de Net Zero para 2050.
그래픽 패키징 인터내셔널은 2023년 환경, 사회 및 지배구조(ESG) 보고서를 발표하며 2050년까지 온실가스 배출량을 제로로 만들겠다는 야심 찬 목표를 공표했습니다. 회사의 'Better, Every Day' 지속 가능성 전략은 종이 포장재에서 순환성을 추진하고, 포용적인 문화를 지원하며, 환경 자원을 보호하기 위한 계획을 설명합니다.
보고서의 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 유럽에서 약 4억 5천만 개의 플라스틱 포장을 종이 포장으로 교체
- 북미에서 약 6억 6천5백만 개의 폼 컵을 종이컵으로 교체
- 세계 노동력의 28%가 여성
- 미국 노동력의 34%가 민족 다양성
- 사용된 재생 가능 연료의 68%
- 89%의 임산물은 지속 가능하게 조달
- 98%의 종이 포장 폐기물이 재활용됨
회사는 2023년에 Science Based Targets Initiative를 통해 1.5C에 맞춘 단기 과학 기반 목표를 설정하고 검증했습니다. 이는 2050년 넷 제로 목표에 대한 중요한 걸음입니다.
Graphic Packaging International a publié son rapport ESG (Environnemental, Social et de Gouvernance) pour 2023, annonçant un objectif ambitieux d'atteindre zéro émission nette de gaz à effet de serre d'ici 2050. La stratégie de durabilité 'Better, Every Day' de l'entreprise décrit ses plans pour favoriser la circularité dans l'emballage en carton, soutenir une culture inclusive et protéger les ressources environnementales.
Les points saillants du rapport comprennent :
- Remplacement d'environ 450 millions d'emballages en plastique par du carton en Europe
- Remplacement d'environ 665 millions de gobelets en mousse par des gobelets en papier en Amérique du Nord
- 28% de femmes dans la main-d'œuvre mondiale
- 34% de diversité ethnique dans la main-d'œuvre américaine
- 68% de combustible renouvelable utilisé
- 89% de produits forestiers sourcés de manière durable
- 98% des déchets de carton recyclés
L'entreprise a fixé et validé des objectifs à court terme basés sur des données scientifiques alignées sur 1,5C grâce à l'Initiative des Objectifs Basés sur la Science en 2023, marquant un pas significatif vers son objectif de zéro émission nette d'ici 2050.
Graphic Packaging International hat seinen ESG-Bericht (Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung) für 2023 veröffentlicht und ein ehrgeiziges Ziel verkündet, bis 2050 netto null Treibhausgasemissionen zu erreichen. Die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie 'Better, Every Day' des Unternehmens beschreibt Pläne zur Förderung der Kreislaufwirtschaft im Papierverpackungssektor, zur Unterstützung einer inklusiven Kultur und zum Schutz der Umweltressourcen.
Wichtige Highlights aus dem Bericht umfassen:
- Ersetzung von etwa 450 Millionen Plastikverpackungen durch Karton in Europa
- Ersetzung von etwa 665 Millionen Schaumstoffbechern durch Papierbecher in Nordamerika
- 28% Frauen in der globalen Belegschaft
- 34% ethnische Vielfalt in der US-Belegschaft
- 68% erneuerbare Brennstoffe genutzt
- 89% der Holzprodukte nachhaltig beschafft
- 98% des Kartonabfalls recycelt
Das Unternehmen hat 2023 auf Basis der Science Based Targets Initiative kurzfristige, wissenschaftlich fundierte Ziele festgelegt und validiert, was einen bedeutenden Schritt in Richtung seines Ziels von netto null bis 2050 darstellt.
- None.
- None.
Company advances sustainability and aspires to Net Zero Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2050
"Our Vision 2030 business strategy marks an increased commitment to sustainability, innovation, and our culture," said Graphic Packaging President and CEO Michael P. Doss. "This vision will advance our path toward global leadership in sustainable consumer packaging and motivate us to deliver products that are better for our customers, better for consumers, and better for our planet."
As part of Graphic Packaging's Better, Every Day sustainability program, the company aims to achieve Net Zero Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2050, in accordance with the goals of the Paris Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goal 13. As a first step in this journey, Graphic Packaging set and validated 1.5C aligned near-term science-based targets through the Science Based Targets Initiative in 2023. The company has a defined path to deliver the SBTs, placing the company on a path to reach Net Zero emissions by 2050.
"Establishing clear, actionable near-term targets is a critical first step in achieving the GHG emissions reductions needed to limit global warming," said Graphic Packaging Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer Michelle Fitzpatrick. "As we look beyond 2032, we anticipate that new, scalable carbon abatement innovations and evolving regulations will provide the decarbonization solutions needed to define our longer-term path to Net Zero GHG emissions."
While working on achieving near-term targets through actions like its recent renewable electricity virtual power purchase agreement in
Highlights from Graphic Packaging's 2023 ESG report include:
Better Packaging
- ~450 million plastic packages replaced with paperboard in
Europe - ~665 million foam cups replaced with paper cups in
North America - 100+ new packaging patents filed
Better for People
28% women in global workforce34% ethnic diversity inthe United States workforce- 0.98 total recordable incident rate,
46% below AF&PAU.S. industry benchmark
Better Future
68% renewable fuel used89% forest products sustainably sourced98% paperboard waste recycled
"Graphic Packaging is enabling a renewable future by making life's everyday moments better, every day," said Fitzpatrick. "As we work towards our new, more ambitious vision for the future, our commitment to sustainability and operating responsibly remains a throughline of our work."
Graphic Packaging reports in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative and Sustainable Accounting Standards Board Containers and Packaging standards along with providing information aligned with the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures framework and the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress.
Download the full 2023 ESG Report at:
Learn more about the global trends underpinning our ESG strategy:
About Graphic Packaging International, LLC
Graphic Packaging International, LLC, is the primary operating subsidiary of Graphic Packaging Holding Company (NYSE: GPK), headquartered in
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SOURCE Graphic Packaging Holding Company
What is Graphic Packaging's (GPK) new sustainability goal for 2050?
How many plastic packages did Graphic Packaging (GPK) replace with paperboard in Europe in 2023?
What percentage of Graphic Packaging's (GPK) global workforce is comprised of women?
How much of Graphic Packaging's (GPK) fuel usage is from renewable sources?