Goliath Drills Remarkable Hole Assaying 34.52 g/t AuEq (1.11 oz/T AuEq) Over 39.00 Meters, Including 132.93 g/t AuEq (4.27 oz/T AuEq) Over 10.00 Meters, Plus Several High-Grade Holes With Multiple Intercepts, System Remains Wide Open, Golden Triangle, B.C. Assays Pending For 89 Out Of 105 Drill Holes
Goliath Resources (GOTRF) reported exceptional drill results from its 2024 Golddigger Property exploration program in B.C.'s Golden Triangle. The highlight was hole GD-24-260, which yielded 34.52 g/t AuEq over 39.00 meters, including 132.93 g/t AuEq over 10.00 meters from the Bonanza Zone.
The known Bonanza High-Grade Gold Zone has nearly doubled in size to 341,000 m² and remains open. Of the 243 total holes drilled, 100% intersected targeted mineralization zones, with 106 holes containing visible gold. The 2024 program saw 92% of holes (59 of 64) containing visible gold.
Metallurgical testing showed excellent gold recoveries of 92.2% from gravity and flotation, with 48.8% as free gold. Assays are still pending for 89 of 105 drill holes. The system demonstrates strong continuity and remains open in all directions.
Goliath Resources (GOTRF) ha riportato risultati eccezionali dalle perforazioni del suo programma di esplorazione 2024 nella Golddigger Property nel Triangolo d'Oro della Columbia Britannica. Il punto culminante è stato il foro GD-24-260, che ha prodotto 34.52 g/t AuEq su 39.00 metri, includendo 132.93 g/t AuEq su 10.00 metri dalla Zona Bonanza.
La nota Zona d'Oro ad Alto Grado Bonanza è quasi raddoppiata in dimensione, raggiungendo 341.000 m² e rimane aperta. Dei 243 fori totali perforati, il 100% ha intersecato le zone di mineralizzazione mirate, con 106 fori contenenti oro visibile. Il programma del 2024 ha visto il 92% dei fori (59 su 64) contenere oro visibile.
I test metallurgici hanno mostrato eccellenti recuperi d'oro pari a 92.2% dalla gravità e dalla flottazione, con 48.8% come oro libero. I risultati delle analisi sono ancora in attesa per 89 dei 105 fori perforati. Il sistema dimostra una forte continuità e rimane aperto in tutte le direzioni.
Goliath Resources (GOTRF) informó sobre resultados excepcionales de perforación de su programa de exploración 2024 en la propiedad Golddigger en el Triángulo de Oro de Columbia Británica. El punto culminante fue el pozo GD-24-260, que arrojó 34.52 g/t AuEq a lo largo de 39.00 metros, incluyendo 132.93 g/t AuEq a lo largo de 10.00 metros de la Zona Bonanza.
La conocida Zona de Oro de Alta Ley Bonanza ha casi duplicado su tamaño a 341,000 m² y sigue abierta. De los 243 pozos perforados en total, el 100% intersectó las zonas de mineralización objetivo, con 106 pozos conteniendo oro visible. El programa de 2024 vio que el 92% de los pozos (59 de 64) contenían oro visible.
Las pruebas metalúrgicas mostraron excelentes recuperaciones de oro de 92.2% a partir de gravedad y flotación, con un 48.8% como oro libre. Los ensayos todavía están pendientes para 89 de los 105 pozos perforados. El sistema demuestra una fuerte continuidad y permanece abierto en todas las direcciones.
골리앗 자원 (GOTRF)은 브리티시컬럼비아 골든 트라이앵글의 골드디거 속성에서 2024년 탐사 프로그램의 뛰어난 시추 결과를 보고했습니다. 하이라이트는 GD-24-260 구멍으로, 39.00미터에 걸쳐 34.52 g/t AuEq를 포함하며, 보난자 존에서 10.00미터에 걸쳐 132.93 g/t AuEq를 포함합니다.
잘 알려진 보난자 고급 금존은 크기가 거의 두 배로 증가하여 341,000 m²에 이르며 여전히 열려 있습니다. 총 243개의 시추 구멍 중 100%가 목표 광물화 존과 교차하며, 106개의 구멍에서는 가시적인 금이 발견되었습니다. 2024년 프로그램에서는 92%의 구멍(64개 중 59개)에서 가시적인 금이 포함되었습니다.
금속 시험에서는 중력 및 부유에서의 우수한 금 회수율인 92.2%를 보여주었으며, 이 중 48.8%는 자유 금으로 나타났습니다. 105개의 시추 구멍 중 89개에 대한 분석 결과는 아직 대기 중입니다. 이 시스템은 강한 연속성을 보이며 모든 방향으로 열려 있습니다.
Goliath Resources (GOTRF) a rapporté des résultats de forage exceptionnels provenant de son programme d'exploration 2024 sur la propriété Golddigger dans le Triangle d'Or de la Colombie-Britannique. Le point fort était le trou GD-24-260, qui a donné 34.52 g/t AuEq sur 39.00 mètres, y compris 132.93 g/t AuEq sur 10.00 mètres de la Zone Bonanza.
La zone de haute teneur en or de Bonanza a presque doublé de taille, atteignant 341 000 m² et reste ouverte. Parmi les 243 trous forés, 100 % ont croisé les zones de minéralisation ciblées, avec 106 trous contenant de l'or visible. Le programme de 2024 a vu 92 % des trous (59 sur 64) contenant de l'or visible.
Les tests métallurgiques ont montré d'excellents taux de récupération de l'or de 92.2% grâce à la gravité et à la flottation, avec 48.8 % sous forme d'or libre. Les analyses sont encore en attente pour 89 des 105 trous de forage. Le système démontre une forte continuité et reste ouvert dans toutes les directions.
Goliath Resources (GOTRF) berichtete von außergewöhnlichen Bohrergebnissen aus seinem Explorationsprogramm 2024 auf dem Golddigger-Grundstück im Goldenen Dreieck von British Columbia. Das Highlight war das Bohrloch GD-24-260, das 34.52 g/t AuEq über 39.00 Meter ergab, einschließlich 132.93 g/t AuEq über 10.00 Meter aus der Bonanza-Zone.
Die bekannte Bonanza-Hochgrad-Gold-Zone hat sich nahezu verdoppelt und umfasst nun 341.000 m² und bleibt offen. Von den insgesamt 243 gebohrten Löchern schnitt 100% die anvisierten Mineralisierungszonen, wobei 106 Löcher sichtbares Gold enthielten. Das Programm 2024 verzeichnete 92% der Löcher (59 von 64), die sichtbares Gold enthielten.
Metallurgische Tests zeigten hervorragende Goldgewinne von 92.2% aus Schwerkraft und Flotationsverfahren, wobei 48.8% als freies Gold betrachtet werden. Die Untersuchungen stehen für 89 der 105 Bohrlöcher noch aus. Das System zeigt eine starke Kontinuität und bleibt in alle Richtungen offen.
- Exceptional high-grade intercept of 34.52 g/t AuEq over 39.00 meters
- Bonanza Zone nearly doubled in size to 341,000 m²
- 100% drilling success rate with all 243 holes hitting mineralization
- Excellent metallurgical recovery of 92.2% with 48.8% free gold
- 92% of 2024 holes contained visible gold
- 85% of drill hole assays (89 of 105) still pending
Drilling Highlights – Golddigger Property:
- GD-24-260 intercepted the highest concentration of visible gold and its best high-grade gold drill hole to date at the Surebet Discovery from the Bonanza High-Grade Gold Zone that sits ~200 meters above the valley floor level. Mineralization is within a vein-hosted band of semi-massive pyrrhotite, where the gold occurs in alloys with silver, bismuth and tellurium. Mineralization was also intercepted in the Surebet Zone that sits above Bonanza; both remain wide open:
- Bonanza Zone: 34.52 g/t AuEq (34.47 Au and 3.96 Ag) over 39.00 meters, including 132.93 g/t AuEq (132.78 Au and 12.98 Ag) over 10.00 meters, and 166.04 g/t AuEq (165.84 Au and 16.07 Ag) over 8.00 meters.
- Surebet Zone: 5.51 g/t AuEq (5.39 g/t Au and 9.82 g/t Ag) over 3.40 meters within 2.96 g/t AuEq (2.89 g/t Au and 5.46 g/t Ag) over 6.35 meters.
- An accompanying infographic is available at: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/eb38ca1d-43bd-4fc2-8f50-7b6c704e35c9
- GD-24-275 intercepted two separate stacked veins of high-grade gold, silver and base metals corresponding to the Surebet and Bonanza Zones characterized by sulphide rich quartz breccia; both remain wide open:
- Surebet Zone: 5.00 g/t AuEq (4.88 g/t Au and 9.94 g/t Ag) over 6.00 meters, including 6.67 g/t AuEq (6.60 g/t Au and 13.07 g/t Ag) over 4.42 meters.
- Bonanza Zone: 12.01 g/t AuEq (11.70 g/t Au and 25.66 g/t Ag) over 11.00 meters including 16.48 g/t AuEq (16.05 g/t Au and 35.03 g/t Ag) over 8.00 meters.
- An accompanying infographic is available at: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/12bcd537-981a-44e9-abdd-f186337f73eb
- GD-24-252 intercepted two separate stacked veins of high-grade gold, silver and base metals corresponding to the Bonanza and Golden Gate Zones characterized by sulphide rich quartz breccia; both zones remain open:
- Bonanza Zone: 5.25 g/t AuEq (5.13 g/t Au and 9.46 g/t Ag) over 10.97 m, including 5.74 g/t AuEq (5.61 g/t Au and 10.23 g/t Ag) over 8.95 meters.
- Golden Gate: 3.99 g/t AuEq (3.94 g/t Au and 4.46 g/t Ag) over 5.00 meters.
- An accompanying infographic is available at: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/51d59aa0-2888-4b67-9e54-f712c96052ad
- GD-24-242 intercepted three separate stacked veins of high-grade gold, silver and base metals corresponding to the Surebet and Golden Gate Zones characterized by sulphide rich quartz breccia; all three zones remain open:
- Surebet Zone: 5.08 g/t AuEq (4.99 g/t Au and 7.29 g/t Ag) over 10.85 meters, including 8.41 g/t AuEq (8.26 g/t Au and 12.35 g/t Ag) over 5.46 meters.
- Bonanza Zone: 2.11 g/t AuEq (2.09 g/t Au and 1.71 g/t Ag) over 2.19 meters, within 1.11 g/t AuEq (1.10 g/t Au and 1.21 g/t Ag) over 5 meters.
- Golden Gate: 5.56 g/t AuEq (5.26 g/t Au and 24.61 g/t Ag) over 4.11 meters.
- An accompanying infographic is available at: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/d698cd93-3d8a-42f1-8d5c-a74f33684108
- With only 3 months of drilling in 2024 and the strong gold mineralization observed in multiple drill holes the size of the known Bonanza High-Grade Gold Zone has been nearly doubled from an area 180,000 m2 (720 x 612 x 410 meter triangular area) to 341,000 m2 (835 x 685 x 612 x 410 meter polygon area) that remains wide open.
- An accompanying infographic is available at: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/a4be8477-eeab-4c21-ad24-2a7bdb0f46d5
- An accompanying infographic is available at: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/a51748bf-69f5-4ffb-b6d2-b425973b92fa
- 100 % of 243 holes drilled at the Surebet Discovery intersected the targeted mineralized zones, of which 106 intersected visible gold and/or abundant visible gold including coarse-grained visible gold. This includes 64 holes drilled in 2024 which intercepted significant mineralization with
92% of the holes (or 59 out of 64 holes) containing visible gold and/or abundant visible gold including coarse-grained visible gold, demonstrating the excellent continuity and predictability of this extensive high-grade world class gold discovery that remains wide open. - Assays are still pending on 89 of 105 holes (
85% ): 50 drilled in 2024 (42 have visible and/or abundant visible gold including coarse-grained visible gold), 13 drilled into the Reduced Intrusive Dykes 2021-2023 (6 have visible and/or abundant visible gold), 14 relogged shoulders 2021 – 2023 (3 have visible and/or abundant visible gold) and 12 drilled into volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) style mineralization at our newly discovered Treasure Island, 40 km to the north of the Surebet system. - An extensive trend of abundant visible gold distribution has been observed in multiple stacked veins in the sediments, at the contact of the sediments and volcanics, as well as in the volcanics. High in the system the visible gold is sporadic and fine-grained, then there is a transition to fine-grained abundant visible gold and coarse-grained visible gold as drilling has gone deeper into the gold mineralizing system. Visible gold is hosted within quartz-veins and quartz-breccias observed in all the rock packages, including the reduced intrusion related zones.
- Metallurgical testing has shown exceptional gold recoveries of
92.2% from gravity and floatation requiring only a 327 micrometer crush, with48.8% occurring as free gold; no deleterious elements detected, and no cyanide required to recover the gold.
TORONTO, Jan. 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Goliath Resources Limited (TSX-V: GOT) (OTCQB: GOTRF) (FSE: B4IF) (the “Company” or “Goliath”) is pleased to report additional drill results for 5 drill holes from its successful 2024 field season at its
Dr. Quinton Hennigh, Technical Advisor of Goliath Resources, states: “Drill intercepts from the Bonanza Shear Zone continue to generate remarkable gold values that strongly indicate this important structural zone is a likely feeder to the overall Surebet gold system. While other larger structures such as the Surebet Shear and the Golden Gate Zone are important, and should in no way be discounted, the Bonanza Shear is living up to its namesake. Not only are exceptional gold grades present, but the Bonanza lode, a relatively flat-oriented structure, displays robust thicknesses. Given the numerous drill intercepts that have penetrated this lode to date, it is clearly expansive, too, measuring at least 800 meters along strike and 600 meters down dip. Many assays from these holes will be returning over the coming weeks, but already, it is clear that Goliath needs to carry out a systematic drill campaign in 2025 to test this entire area as well as for extensions of the system as it remains open. We now have supporting evidence that gold in the Surebet system is likely fed by a gold-rich reduced intrusion. Goliath now needs to fully explore the Bonanza Zone, as well as each and every gold-bearing structure that is encountered in order to determine where all the fluids that emanated from this intrusion carried and deposited high-grade gold. Goliath is clearly on the right track.”
Roger Rosmus, Founder and CEO of Goliath Resources, states: “The more we drill, the bigger and higher grade the Surebet system gets. This has been clearly demonstrated by
During the 3 months drill season in 2024, the area of high-grade gold mineralization within the known Bonanza Zone (formerly described as the Bonanza High-Grade Gold Triangle) has been expanded and nearly doubled from a triangular area measuring 720 x 612 x 410 meters to a polygon area measuring 835 x 685 x 612 x 410 meters that remains wide open. All 64 holes drilled in 2024 have intercepted significant mineralization with
- GD-24-260 intercepted the highest concentration of visible gold and it is the best ever high-grade gold drill hole to date at the Surebet Discovery from the Bonanza High-Grade Gold Zone that sits ~200 meters above the valley floor level. Mineralization is within a vein-hosted band of semi-massive pyrrhotite, where the gold occurs in alloys with silver, bismuth and tellurium. Mineralization was also intercepted in the Surebet Zone that sits above Bonanza; both remain wide open:
- Bonanza Zone: 34.52 g/t AuEq (34.47 Au and 3.96 Ag) over 39.00 meters, including 132.93 g/t AuEq (132.78 Au and 12.98 Ag) over 10.00 meters, and 166.04 g/t AuEq (165.84 Au and 16.07 Ag) over 8.00 meters.
- Surebet Zone: 5.51 g/t AuEq (5.39 g/t Au and 9.82 g/t Ag) over 3.40 meters within 2.96 g/t AuEq (2.89 g/t Au and 5.46 g/t Ag) over 6.35 meters.
- Bonanza Zone: 34.52 g/t AuEq (34.47 Au and 3.96 Ag) over 39.00 meters, including 132.93 g/t AuEq (132.78 Au and 12.98 Ag) over 10.00 meters, and 166.04 g/t AuEq (165.84 Au and 16.07 Ag) over 8.00 meters.
- GD-24-275 intercepted two separate stacked veins of high-grade gold, silver and base metals corresponding to the Surebet and Bonanza Zones characterized by sulphide rich quartz breccia; both remain wide open:
- Surebet Zone: 5.00 g/t AuEq (4.88 g/t Au and 9.94 g/t Ag) over 6.00 meters, including 6.67 g/t AuEq (6.60 g/t Au and 13.07 g/t Ag) over 4.42 meters.
- Bonanza Zone: 12.01 g/t AuEq (11.70 g/t Au and 25.66 g/t Ag) over 11.00 meters including 16.48 g/t AuEq (16.05 g/t Au and 35.03 g/t Ag) over 8.00 meters.
- Surebet Zone: 5.00 g/t AuEq (4.88 g/t Au and 9.94 g/t Ag) over 6.00 meters, including 6.67 g/t AuEq (6.60 g/t Au and 13.07 g/t Ag) over 4.42 meters.
- GD-24-252 intercepted two separate stacked veins of high-grade gold, silver and base metals corresponding to the Bonanza and Golden Gate Zones characterized by sulphide rich quartz breccia; both zones remain wide open:
- Bonanza Zone: 5.25 g/t AuEq (5.13 g/t Au and 9.46 g/t Ag) over 10.97 m, including 5.74 g/t AuEq (5.61 g/t Au and 10.23 g/t Ag) over 8.95 meters.
- Golden Gate: 3.99 g/t AuEq (3.94 g/t Au and 4.46 g/t Ag) over 5.00 meters.
- Bonanza Zone: 5.25 g/t AuEq (5.13 g/t Au and 9.46 g/t Ag) over 10.97 m, including 5.74 g/t AuEq (5.61 g/t Au and 10.23 g/t Ag) over 8.95 meters.
- GD-24-242 intercepted three separate stacked veins of high-grade gold, silver and base metals corresponding to the Surebet and Golden Gate Zones characterized by sulphide rich quartz breccia; all three zones remain open:
- Surebet Zone: 5.08 g/t AuEq (4.99 g/t Au and 7.29 g/t Ag) over 10.85 meters, including 8.41 g/t AuEq (8.26 g/t Au and 12.35 g/t Ag) over 5.46 meters.
- Bonanza Zone: 2.11 g/t AuEq (2.09 g/t Au and 1.71 g/t Ag) over 2.19 meters, within 1.11 g/t AuEq (1.10 g/t Au and 1.21 g/t Ag) over 5 meters.
- Golden Gate: 5.56 g/t AuEq (5.26 g/t Au and 24.61 g/t Ag) over 4.11 meters.
- Surebet Zone: 5.08 g/t AuEq (4.99 g/t Au and 7.29 g/t Ag) over 10.85 meters, including 8.41 g/t AuEq (8.26 g/t Au and 12.35 g/t Ag) over 5.46 meters.
Table 1: Highlights for drill holes reported in this news release.
Hole ID | Zone | From (m) | To (m) | Interval (m) | Au (g/t) | Ag (g/t) | Cu (%) | Pb (%) | Zn (%) | AuEq (g/t) | |
GD-24-260 | Surebet | Interval | 434.00 | 440.35 | 6.35 | 2.89 | 5.46 | 0.01 | 0.14 | 0.06 | 2.96 |
Including | 435.86 | 439.26 | 3.40 | 5.39 | 9.82 | 0.02 | 0.25 | 0.11 | 5.51 | ||
Including | 435.86 | 438.25 | 2.39 | 7.60 | 13.29 | 0.02 | 0.35 | 0.14 | 7.76 | ||
Including | 437.32 | 438.25 | 0.93 | 17.42 | 23.07 | 0.02 | 0.61 | 0.31 | 17.71 | ||
Bonanza | Interval | 517.00 | 556.00 | 39.00 | 34.47 | 3.96 | 0.00 | 0.02 | 0.04 | 34.52 | |
Including | 534.00 | 544.00 | 10.00 | 132.78 | 12.98 | 0.00 | 0.04 | 0.11 | 132.94 | ||
Including | 535.00 | 543.00 | 8.00 | 165.84 | 16.07 | 0.01 | 0.05 | 0.13 | 166.04 | ||
GD-24-275 | Surebet | Interval | 288.00 | 294.00 | 6.00 | 4.88 | 9.94 | 0.01 | 0.02 | 0.34 | 5.00 |
Including | 289.58 | 294.00 | 4.42 | 6.60 | 13.07 | 0.01 | 0.03 | 0.44 | 6.76 | ||
Including | 289.58 | 293.00 | 3.42 | 8.50 | 16.71 | 0.02 | 0.04 | 0.56 | 8.71 | ||
Bonanza | Interval | 428.00 | 439.00 | 11.00 | 11.70 | 25.66 | 0.05 | 0.69 | 0.63 | 12.01 | |
Including | 430.00 | 438.00 | 8.00 | 16.05 | 35.03 | 0.07 | 0.94 | 0.87 | 16.48 | ||
Including | 431.00 | 436.90 | 5.90 | 21.60 | 46.86 | 0.09 | 1.27 | 1.15 | 22.18 | ||
GD-24-252 | Bonanza | Interval | 433.92 | 452.10 | 18.18 | 3.26 | 8.56 | 0.02 | 0.17 | 0.29 | 3.36 |
Including | 435.95 | 451.10 | 15.15 | 3.89 | 10.13 | 0.03 | 0.20 | 0.34 | 4.01 | ||
Including | 440.13 | 451.10 | 10.97 | 5.13 | 9.46 | 0.02 | 0.20 | 0.28 | 5.25 | ||
Including | 442.15 | 451.10 | 8.95 | 5.61 | 10.23 | 0.02 | 0.23 | 0.32 | 5.74 | ||
Golden Gate | Interval | 530.04 | 538.00 | 7.96 | 2.48 | 2.97 | 0.01 | 0.02 | 0.36 | 2.51 | |
Including | 532.00 | 537.00 | 5.00 | 3.94 | 4.46 | 0.01 | 0.04 | 0.57 | 3.99 | ||
GD-24-242 | Surebet | Interval | 328.00 | 342.00 | 14.00 | 4.03 | 7.22 | 0.01 | 0.06 | 0.11 | 4.12 |
Including | 331.15 | 342.00 | 10.85 | 4.99 | 7.29 | 0.01 | 0.07 | 0.13 | 5.08 | ||
Including | 331.15 | 336.61 | 5.46 | 8.26 | 12.35 | 0.01 | 0.13 | 0.17 | 8.41 | ||
Bonanza | Interval | 443.00 | 448.00 | 5.00 | 1.10 | 1.21 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.09 | 1.11 | |
Golden Gate | Interval | 582.00 | 586.11 | 4.11 | 5.26 | 24.61 | 0.03 | 0.20 | 2.38 | 5.56 | |
GD-24-280 | Bonanza | Interval | 148.00 | 151.00 | 3.00 | 0.91 | 0.72 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.92 |
The continuity and predictability of this newly expanded thick high-grade gold horizon has previously been drill tested where GD-23-197 assayed 34.03 g/t AuEq (1.09 oz/t AuEq) over 9 meters (released October 17, 2023), GD-24-235 assayed 35.04 g/t AuEq (1.13 oz/t AuEq) over 5.25 meters (released July 30, 2024), GD-24-249 assayed 30.55 g/t AuEq (0.98 oz/t AuEq) over 8.95 meters (released December 12, 2024) and GD-24-262 assayed 13.90 g/t AuEq (13.85 g/t Au and 3.59 g/t Ag) over 7.60 meters (released January 7, 2025). The new Bonanza High-Grade Gold Zone outcrops on the surface 200 meters above the valley floor level at an elevation of 900 meters above sea level.
The Bonanza High-Grade Gold Zone remains open in all directions, including to depth, where the new Deep Zone was discovered at 1,239 meters downhole from the Bang On Pad and only 480 meters below the valley floor level. This zone contains multiple quartz-sulphide veins and breccias with chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite demonstrating the tremendous additional untapped discovery potential of the Surebet system that remains wide open. The mineralized zones contain significant amounts of chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite and remains wide open. Assays for all holes that intersected the new Deep Zone are pending.
The Company looks forward to continuing to expand the mineralization at Surebet and increase the understanding of the geometry and controls of the mineralization with additional modelling as results become available in the immediate future. The discovery of the RIRG mineralization (released December 12, 2024) clearly indicates proximity to the source of this extensive mineralizing system. Drilling in 2025 will focus on expanding the mineralization in all directions, including to depth towards the potential source for the fluids responsible for the extensive high-grade gold-silver mineralization on the Surebet discovery.
Table 2: Collar information for drill holes reported in this news release.
Hole number | CRS | Easting (m) | Northing (m) | Elevation (m) | Azimuth (deg) | Dip (deg) | Length (m) |
GD-24-280 | NAD83 / UTM zone 9N | 457881 | 6162621 | 1175 | 200 | 55 | 281 |
GD-24-275 | NAD83 / UTM zone 9N | 457365 | 6162758 | 1509 | 135 | 75 | 687 |
GD-24-260 | NAD83 / UTM zone 9N | 457364 | 6162753 | 1503 | 165 | 55 | 619 |
GD-24-252 | NAD83 / UTM zone 9N | 457444 | 6162778 | 1512 | 110 | 80 | 671 |
GD-24-242 | NAD83 / UTM zone 9N | 457447 | 6162776 | 1512 | 120 | 63 | 862 |
Golddigger Property
The Golddigger Property is
The Surebet discovery has exceptional continuity and excellent metallurgy with gold recoveries of
The Property is in an excellent location in close proximity to the communities of Alice Arm and Kitsault where there is a permitted mill site on private property. It is situated on tide water with direct barge access to Prince Rupert (190 kilometers via the Observatory inlet/Portland inlet). The town of Kitsault is accessible by road (190 kilometers from Terrace, 300 kilometers from Prince Rupert) and has a barge landing, dock, and infrastructure capable of housing at least 300 people, including high-tension power.
Additional infrastructure in the area includes the Dolly Varden Silver Mine Road (only 7 kilometers to the East of the Surebet discovery) with direct road access to Alice Arm barge landing (18 kilometers to the south of the Surebet discovery) and high-tension power (25 kilometers to the east of Surebet discovery). The city of Terrace (population 16,000) provides access to railway, major highways, and airport with supplies (food, fuel, lumber, etc.), while the town of Prince Rupert (population 12,000) is located on the west coast and houses an international container seaport also with direct access to railway and an airport.
About CASERM (Center To Advance The Science Of Exploration To Reclamation In Mining)
Goliath is a paying member and active supporter of CASERM, an organization that represents a collaborative venture between Colorado School of Mines and Virginia Tech aimed at transforming the way that geoscience data is used in the mineral resource industry. Research focuses on the integration of diverse geoscience data to improve decision making across the mine life cycle, beginning with the exploration for subsurface resources continuing through mine operation as well as closure and environmental remediation. As a CASERM member, the Company requested a study and written report to be performed by Colorado School of Mines analysing Surebet’s origin of mineralization. The study confirmed an extensive intrusive feeder source at depth for the high-grade gold mineralising fluids at Surebet.
Qualified Person
Rein Turna P. Geo is the qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, for Goliath Resource Limited projects, and supervised the preparation of, and has reviewed and approved, the technical information in this release. Mr. Turna is also a director of the Company.
About Goliath Resources Limited
Goliath Resources is an explorer of precious metals projects in the prolific Golden Triangle of northwestern British Columbia. All of its projects are in world class geological settings and geopolitical safe jurisdictions amenable to mining in Canada. Goliath is a member and active supporter of CASERM which is an organization that represents a collaborative venture between Colorado School of Mines and Virginia Tech. Goliath’s key strategic cornerstone shareholders include Crescat Capital, Mr. Rob McEwen and Mr. Eric Sprott, Mr. Larry Childress and a Global Commodity Group based in Singapore.
For more information please contact:
Goliath Resources Limited
Mr. Roger Rosmus
Founder and CEO
Tel: +1.416.488.2887
The reader is cautioned that grab samples are spot samples which are typically, but not exclusively, constrained to mineralization. Grab samples are selective in nature and collected to determine the presence or absence of mineralization and are not intended to be representative of the material sampled.
Oriented HQ-diameter or NQ-diameter diamond drill core from the drill campaign is placed in core boxes by the drill crew contracted by the Company. Core boxes are transported by helicopter to the staging area and then transported by truck to the core shack. The core is then re-orientated, meterage blocks are checked, meter marks are labelled, Recovery and RQD measurements taken, and primary bedding and secondary structural features including veins, dykes, cleavage, and shears are noted and measured. The core is then described and transcribed in MX DepositTM. Drill holes were planned using Leapfrog GeoTM and QGISTM software and data from the 2017-2022 exploration campaigns. Drill core containing quartz breccia, stockwork, veining and/or sulphide(s), or notable alteration are sampled in lengths of 0.5 to 1.5 meters. Core samples are cut lengthwise in half, one-half remains in the box and the other half is inserted in a clean plastic bag with a sample tag. Standards, blanks and duplicates were added in the sample stream at a rate of
Grab, channels, chip and talus samples were collected by foot with helicopter assistance. Prospective areas included, but were not limited to, proximity to MINFile locations, placer creek occurrences, regional soil anomalies, and potential gossans based on high-resolution satellite imagery. The rock grab and chip samples were extracted using a rock hammer, or hammer and chisel to expose fresh surfaces and to liberate a sample of anywhere between 0.5 to 5.0 kilograms. All sample sites were flagged with biodegradable flagging tape and marked with the sample number. All sample sites were recorded using hand-held GPS units (accuracy 3-10 meters) and sample ID, easting, northing, elevation, type of sample (outcrop, subcrop, float, talus, chip, grab, etc.) and a description of the rock were recorded on all-weather paper. Samples were then inserted in a clean plastic bag with a sample tag for transport and shipping to the geochemistry lab. QA/QC samples including blanks, standards, and duplicate samples were inserted regularly into the sample sequence at a rate of
All samples are transported in rice bags sealed with numbered security tags. A transport company takes them from the core shack to the Paragon Geochemical labs facilities in Surrey, BC or ALS labs facilities in North Vancouver, BC. Paragon Geochemical is certified with both AC89-IAS and ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2017. Samples submitted to Paragon received gold and silver analysis by photon assay whereby the entire sample is crushed to approximately
Widths are reported in drill core lengths and the true widths are estimated to be 80
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange), nor the OTCQB Venture Market accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information. These statements relate to future events or future performance. The use of any of the words "could", "intend", "expect", "believe", "will", "projected", "estimated" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on Goliath’s current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. Actual future results may differ materially. In particular, this release contains forward-looking information relating to, among other things, the ability of the Company to complete financings and its ability to build value for its shareholders as it develops its mining properties. Various assumptions or factors are typically applied in drawing conclusions or making the forecasts or projections set out in forward-looking information. Those assumptions and factors are based on information currently available to Goliath. Although such statements are based on management's reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that the proposed transactions will occur, or that if the proposed transactions do occur, will be completed on the terms described above.
The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof and Goliath is not obligated to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Because of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions contained herein, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The foregoing statements expressly qualify any forward-looking information contained herein.
This announcement does not constitute an offer, invitation, or recommendation to subscribe for or purchase any securities and neither this announcement nor anything contained in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. In particular, this announcement does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, securities in the United States, or in any other jurisdiction in which such an offer would be illegal.
The securities referred to herein have not been and will not be will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”), or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to or for the account or benefit of a U.S. person (as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act) unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.

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