Goliath Closes $1,000,000 Order From Strategic Shareholder Crescat Capital in Final Tranche of Previously Announced Funding Up to $6,500,000

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Goliath Resources (TSX-V: GOT) (OTCQB: GOTRF) has closed a $1,000,000 order from strategic shareholder Crescat Capital, plus an additional $1,093,524 in the final tranche of a previously announced non-brokered financing up to $6,500,000. The total raised across all tranches was $6,499,604, comprising Non-Flow-Through (NFT) shares at $1.11 each and Flow-Through (FT) shares at $1.28. Proceeds will fund exploration programs in British Columbia's Golden Triangle and general operating expenses. The FT offering proceeds will be used for Canadian exploration expenses, qualifying as flow-through mining expenditures. Goliath paid finders' fees of 6% cash ($67,342.26) and 6% finder warrants (59,382 warrants) on certain orders.

Goliath Resources (TSX-V: GOT) (OTCQB: GOTRF) ha concluso un ordini di $1.000.000 da parte del socio strategico Crescat Capital, oltre a ulteriori $1.093.524 nell'ultima tranche di un finanziamento non intermediato precedentemente annunciato fino a $6.500.000. L'ammontare totale raccolto in tutte le tranche è stato di $6.499.604, comprendente azioni Non-Flow-Through (NFT) a $1,11 ciascuna e azioni Flow-Through (FT) a $1,28. I proventi finanzieranno programmi di esplorazione nel Golden Triangle della British Columbia e spese operative generali. I proventi dell'offerta FT saranno utilizzati per spese di esplorazione in Canada, qualificandosi come spese minerarie passanti. Goliath ha pagato commissioni di intermediazione del 6% in contanti ($67.342,26) e il 6% in warrant per i broker (59.382 warrant) su alcuni ordini.

Goliath Resources (TSX-V: GOT) (OTCQB: GOTRF) ha cerrado un pedido de $1,000,000 de su accionista estratégico Crescat Capital, además de un adicional de $1,093,524 en la última tranche de un financiamiento ya anunciado sin intermediarios de hasta $6,500,000. El total recaudado en todas las tranches fue de $6,499,604, que comprende acciones No-Flow-Through (NFT) a $1.11 cada una y acciones Flow-Through (FT) a $1.28. Los ingresos se destinarán a programas de exploración en el Golden Triangle de Columbia Británica y a gastos operativos generales. Los ingresos de la oferta FT se utilizarán para gastos de exploración en Canadá, calificando como gastos de minería. Goliath pagó comisiones a intermediarios del 6% en efectivo ($67,342.26) y del 6% en warrants para intermediarios (59,382 warrants) en ciertos pedidos.

Goliath Resources (TSX-V: GOT) (OTCQB: GOTRF)는 전략적 주주인 Crescat Capital로부터 $1,000,000의 주문을 완료했으며, $6,500,000까지의 이전에 발표된 중개 없이 진행된 자금 조달의 최종 분할에서 추가로 $1,093,524을 확보했습니다. 모든 분할을 통해 모금된 총액은 $6,499,604이며, 이는 각각 $1.11인 Non-Flow-Through (NFT) 주식과 $1.28인 Flow-Through (FT) 주식으로 구성됩니다. 수익금은 브리티시컬럼비아의 골든 트라이앵글에 있는 탐사 프로그램 및 일반 운영비에 사용될 것입니다. FT 공모의 수익금은 캐나다 탐사 비용에 사용되며, 흐름통과 광업 비용으로 인정됩니다. Goliath는 특정 주문에 대해 6% 현금($67,342.26) 및 6% 중개인 양도증서(59,382 양도증서)의 중개인 수수료를 지급했습니다.

Goliath Resources (TSX-V: GOT) (OTCQB: GOTRF) a finalisé une commande de 1 000 000 $ de la part de l'actionnaire stratégique Crescat Capital, ainsi qu'un supplémentaire de 1 093 524 $ dans la dernière tranche d'un financement précédemment annoncé sans intermédiaire allant jusqu'à 6 500 000 $. Le total levé dans toutes les tranches s'élève à 6 499 604 $, composé d'actions Non-Flow-Through (NFT) à 1,11 $ chacune et d'actions Flow-Through (FT) à 1,28 $. Les produits financeront des programmes d'exploration dans le Golden Triangle de la Colombie-Britannique ainsi que des frais d'exploitation généraux. Les produits de l'offre FT seront utilisés pour les frais d'exploration au Canada, qualifiant ainsi comme dépenses minière à flux. Goliath a payé des frais de recherche de 6 % en espèces (67 342,26 $) et 6 % de warrants de recherche (59 382 warrants) sur certaines commandes.

Goliath Resources (TSX-V: GOT) (OTCQB: GOTRF) hat eine Bestellung in Höhe von $1,000,000 von dem strategischen Anteilseigner Crescat Capital abgeschlossen, sowie zusätzlich $1,093,524 in der letzten Tranche einer zuvor angekündigten nicht vermittelten Finanzierung, die bis zu $6,500,000 beträgt. Der insgesamt in allen Tranchen eingesammelte Betrag beläuft sich auf $6,499,604, wobei Non-Flow-Through (NFT) Aktien zu je $1,11 und Flow-Through (FT) Aktien zu $1,28 ausgegeben wurden. Die Einnahmen werden zur Finanzierung von Explorationsprogrammen im Golden Triangle in British Columbia sowie für allgemeine Betriebskosten verwendet. Die Einnahmen aus dem FT-Angebot werden für kanadische Erkundungsausgaben verwendet, die als Flow-Through-Bergbauausgaben qualifizieren. Goliath hat Findergebühren von 6 % in bar ($67,342.26) und 6 % Finder-Warrants (59,382 Warrants) auf bestimmte Bestellungen gezahlt.

  • Successful closing of $6,499,604 financing, nearly reaching the $6,500,000 target
  • Strategic shareholder Crescat Capital invested $1,000,000 in the final tranche
  • Funds raised will support exploration programs in the promising Golden Triangle region
  • Flow-Through shares offer tax benefits to Canadian investors, potentially attracting more capital
  • Issuance of new shares may lead to dilution for existing shareholders
  • Payment of finders' fees reduces the net proceeds available for company use

TORONTO, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Goliath Resources Limited (TSX-V: GOT) (OTCQB: GOTRF) (FSE: B4IF) (the “Company” or “Goliath”) is pleased to announce it has closed a $1,000,000 order from its strategic shareholder Crescat Capital, plus an additional order for gross proceeds of $1,093,524 in the final tranche of the previously announced non-brokered financing up to $6,500,000 on August 13, 2024.

The non-brokered private placement was a combination of: (i) Non-Flow-Through shares (NFT) sold at a price of $1.11 each and Flow-Through shares (FT) sold at a price of $1.28 that will qualify as a flow-through share within the meaning of Subsection 66(15) of the Income Tax Act (Canada).

The first and second tranche consisted of 3,767,567 NFT shares for gross proceeds of $4,181,999 and 1,810,629 FT shares for proceeds of $2,317,605 for an aggregate of $6,499,604.

The Company intends to use the proceeds for general operating expenses and exploration related programs on its properties located in the Golden Triangle of northwestern British Columbia.

The proceeds from the FT offering will be used for Canadian exploration expenses as such term is defined in paragraph (f) of the definition of Canadian exploration expense in Subsection 66.1(6) of the tax act, flow-through mining expenditures as defined in Subsection 127(9) of the tax act that will qualify as flow-through mining expenditures, and B.C. flow-through mining expenditures as defined in Subsection 4.721(1) of the Income Tax Act (British Columbia), which will be incurred on or before Dec. 31, 2025, and renounced with an effective date no later than Dec. 31, 2024. British Columbia Super Flow - the B.C. mining flow-through share (B.C. MFTS) tax credit allows BC Residents who invest in flow-through shares to claim a provincial non-refundable tax credit of 20% of their B.C. flow-through mining expenditures. B.C. flow-through mining expenditures are specific exploration expenses incurred by a PBC and renounced by a corporation issuing the flow-through shares.

Goliath paid finders' fees on certain orders in connection with this offering composed of 6% cash totaling $67,342.26 and 6% finder warrants for a 12 month period totaling 59,382 (8,400 finder warrants priced at $1.28 and 50,982 finder warrants priced at $1.11), subject to compliance with the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange. No finders fees were paid on the final tranche. All securities issued and sold under the offering will be subject to a hold period expiring four months and one day from their date of issuance. Completion of the offering and the payment of any finders' fees remain subject to the receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals, including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

About Crescat Capital

Crescat is a global macro asset management firm headquartered in Denver, Colorado. Crescat’s mission is to grow and protect wealth over the long term by deploying tactical investment themes based on proprietary value-driven equity and macro models. Crescat’s goal is industry leading absolute and risk-adjusted returns over complete business cycles with low correlation to common benchmarks. Crescat’s investment process involves a mix of asset classes and strategies to assist with each client’s unique needs and objectives and includes Global Macro, Long/Short and Precious Metals funds. Crescat has been building friendly activist stakes in a select group of precious and base metal exploration and mining companies as one of its predominant macro themes.

Crescat is advised by Dr. Quinton Hennigh, its geologic and technical director on investments in gold and silver resource companies. Dr. Hennigh became an economic geologist after obtaining his PhD in Geology/Geochemistry from the Colorado School of Mines. He has more than 40 years of mining and exploration experience including with major gold mining firms that include Homestake Mining, Newcrest Mining and Newmont Mining. Dr. Hennigh is currently chairman and CEO of San Cristobal Mining, Inc., a leading global producer of zinc and silver in Bolivia. Among his notable project involvements are First Mining Gold’s Springpole gold deposit in Ontario, Kirkland Lake Gold’s acquisition of the Fosterville gold mine in Australia, the Rattlesnake Hills gold deposit in Wyoming, Novo Resources Pilbara assets in Australia, Lion One’s Tuvatu gold project on Fiji, New Found’s Queensway gold deposit in Newfoundland, Eloro Resources’ Iska Iska silver/polymetallic deposit in Bolivia, Snowline Valley gold deposit in the Yukon, Goliath’s Surebet gold project in British Columbia, and San Cristobal’s Isidorito silver deposit in Bolivia.

About Goliath Resources Limited

Goliath Resources Limited is an explorer of precious metals projects in the prolific Golden Triangle of northwestern British Columbia. All of its projects are in world class geological settings and geopolitical safe jurisdictions amenable to mining in Canada. Goliath is a member and active supporter of CASERM which is an organization represents a collaborative venture between Colorado School of Mines and Virginia Tech. Goliath’s key strategic cornerstone shareholders include Crescat Capital, Mr. Rob McEwen, Mr. Eric Sprott and a Global Commodity Group based in Singapore.

For more information please contact:

Goliath Resources Limited
Mr. Roger Rosmus
Founder and CEO
Tel: +1.416.488.2887


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange), nor the OTCQB Venture Market accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information. These statements relate to future events or future performance. The use of any of the words "could", "intend", "expect", "believe", "will", "projected", "estimated" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on Goliath’s current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. Actual future results may differ materially. In particular, this release contains forward-looking information relating to, among other things, the ability of the Company to complete financings and its ability to build value for its shareholders as it develops its mining properties. Various assumptions or factors are typically applied in drawing conclusions or making the forecasts or projections set out in forward-looking information. Those assumptions and factors are based on information currently available to Goliath. Although such statements are based on management's reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that the proposed transactions will occur, or that if the proposed transactions do occur, will be completed on the terms described above.

The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof and Goliath is not obligated to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Because of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions contained herein, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The foregoing statements expressly qualify any forward-looking information contained herein.

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How much did Goliath Resources (GOTRF) raise in its recent financing?

Goliath Resources (GOTRF) raised a total of $6,499,604 across all tranches of its recent non-brokered financing, nearly reaching its $6,500,000 target.

What is the price of Goliath Resources' (GOTRF) Non-Flow-Through and Flow-Through shares in the financing?

In the financing, Goliath Resources (GOTRF) offered Non-Flow-Through (NFT) shares at $1.11 each and Flow-Through (FT) shares at $1.28 each.

How will Goliath Resources (GOTRF) use the proceeds from the financing?

Goliath Resources (GOTRF) will use the proceeds for general operating expenses and exploration programs on its properties in the Golden Triangle of northwestern British Columbia.

What finders' fees did Goliath Resources (GOTRF) pay for this financing?

Goliath Resources (GOTRF) paid finders' fees of 6% cash totaling $67,342.26 and 6% finder warrants totaling 59,382 warrants on certain orders in the financing.



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