Gold Resource Corporation Announces the Completion and Release of S-K 1300 Technical Report of the Don David Gold Mine
Gold Resource (NYSE American: GORO) has released its S-K 1300 Technical Report Summary for the Don David Gold Mine (DDGM) in Oaxaca, Mexico. The report highlights the successful 2024 drilling program achievements, including:
- A 10% increase in Mineral Reserves tonnes as of December 31, 2024 compared to the previous year
- Significant growth in the Three Sisters vein system, with an 800% increase in Mineral Reserves (526,152t vs 57,890t)
- 180% increase in Mineral Resource (662,749t vs 234,014t) in the Three Sisters vein system
- Completion of 12,760 meters of drilling across 87 underground holes
The report was prepared under S-K 1300 standards, implementing improved methodologies for geological interpretations, grade estimation, and ore control models.
Gold Resource (NYSE American: GORO) ha pubblicato il suo Riassunto del Rapporto Tecnico S-K 1300 per la Miniera d'Oro Don David (DDGM) in Oaxaca, Messico. Il rapporto evidenzia i successi del programma di perforazione del 2024, tra cui:
- Un aumento del 10% delle tonnellate di Riserve Minerarie al 31 dicembre 2024 rispetto all'anno precedente
- Crescita significativa nel sistema di vene delle Tre Sorelle, con un aumento dell'800% delle Riserve Minerarie (526.152t rispetto a 57.890t)
- Aumento del 180% delle Risorse Minerarie (662.749t rispetto a 234.014t) nel sistema di vene delle Tre Sorelle
- Completamento di 12.760 metri di perforazione attraverso 87 fori sotterranei
Il rapporto è stato redatto secondo gli standard S-K 1300, implementando metodologie migliorate per le interpretazioni geologiche, la stima dei gradi e i modelli di controllo del minerale.
Gold Resource (NYSE American: GORO) ha publicado su Resumen del Informe Técnico S-K 1300 para la Mina de Oro Don David (DDGM) en Oaxaca, México. El informe destaca los logros del programa de perforación de 2024, incluyendo:
- Un incremento del 10% en las toneladas de Reservas Minerales al 31 de diciembre de 2024 en comparación con el año anterior
- Crecimiento significativo en el sistema de venas de las Tres Hermanas, con un aumento del 800% en las Reservas Minerales (526,152t frente a 57,890t)
- Aumento del 180% en los Recursos Minerales (662,749t frente a 234,014t) en el sistema de venas de las Tres Hermanas
- Finalización de 12,760 metros de perforación a través de 87 agujeros subterráneos
El informe fue preparado bajo los estándares S-K 1300, implementando metodologías mejoradas para interpretaciones geológicas, estimación de grados y modelos de control de mineral.
Gold Resource (NYSE American: GORO)는 멕시코 오악사카에 있는 돈 다비드 금광(DDGM)에 대한 S-K 1300 기술 보고서 요약을 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 2024년 드릴링 프로그램의 성공적인 성과를 강조합니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:
- 2024년 12월 31일 기준으로 전년 대비 10% 증가한 광물 매장량
- 세 자매 광맥 시스템에서 800% 증가한 광물 매장량 (526,152t 대 57,890t)
- 세 자매 광맥 시스템에서 180% 증가한 광물 자원 (662,749t 대 234,014t)
- 87개의 지하 구멍에서 12,760미터의 드릴링 완료
이 보고서는 S-K 1300 기준에 따라 준비되었으며, 지질 해석, 등급 추정 및 광석 제어 모델에 대한 개선된 방법론이 적용되었습니다.
Gold Resource (NYSE American: GORO) a publié son Résumé du Rapport Technique S-K 1300 pour la Mine d'Or Don David (DDGM) à Oaxaca, au Mexique. Le rapport met en évidence les succès du programme de forage de 2024, notamment :
- Une augmentation de 10 % des tonnes de Réserves Minérales au 31 décembre 2024 par rapport à l'année précédente
- Croissance significative du système de veines des Trois Sœurs, avec une augmentation de 800 % des Réserves Minérales (526 152 t contre 57 890 t)
- Augmentation de 180 % des Ressources Minérales (662 749 t contre 234 014 t) dans le système de veines des Trois Sœurs
- Achèvement de 12 760 mètres de forage à travers 87 trous souterrains
Le rapport a été préparé selon les normes S-K 1300, mettant en œuvre des méthodologies améliorées pour les interprétations géologiques, l'estimation des grades et les modèles de contrôle des minerais.
Gold Resource (NYSE American: GORO) hat seine S-K 1300 Technische Berichtszusammenfassung für die Don David Goldmine (DDGM) in Oaxaca, Mexiko veröffentlicht. Der Bericht hebt die Erfolge des Bohrprogramms 2024 hervor, darunter:
- Eine Steigerung der Mineralreserven um 10% zum 31. Dezember 2024 im Vergleich zum Vorjahr
- Deutliches Wachstum im Dreischwestern-Venensystem mit einem Anstieg der Mineralreserven um 800% (526.152t gegenüber 57.890t)
- Eine Steigerung der Mineralressourcen um 180% (662.749t gegenüber 234.014t) im Dreischwestern-Venensystem
- Abschluss von 12.760 Metern Bohrungen über 87 unterirdische Löcher
Der Bericht wurde nach S-K 1300 Standards erstellt und implementiert verbesserte Methoden für geologische Interpretationen, Gradschätzungen und Erzsteuerungsmodelle.
- 10% increase in overall Mineral Reserves
- 800% increase in Three Sisters vein system reserves
- 180% growth in Three Sisters vein system resources
- Successfully replaced all 2024 mined reserves
- None.
Gold Resource 's latest Technical Report reveals significant positive developments at their Don David Gold Mine. The 2024 drilling program has not only replaced depleted reserves from mining operations but added an additional 10% increase in mineral reserve tonnage compared to year-end 2023.
Most impressive is the development of the Three Sisters vein system, showing an
The company completed 12,760 meters of drilling across 87 underground holes during 2024, applying improved methodologies focused on geological interpretations, enhanced grade estimation, variable anisotropy assessment, and refined ore control models. These technical improvements create greater confidence in resource reliability.
For a relatively small producer like GORO (market cap:
This technical report represents a tangible positive for Gold Resource 's financial outlook. With a current market capitalization of just
- Extended mine life providing longer revenue generation
- Improved mining efficiency with more accessible reserves
- Potential for reduced per-ounce production costs through operational scale
- Enhanced operational flexibility with multiple production areas
For investors, this report materially strengthens GORO's underlying asset value. The company now has greater visibility into future production potential and cash flow generation. While this technical report doesn't directly address production costs or processing recovery rates, the reserve expansion creates a stronger foundation for the Don David operation. The involvement of both internal and independent qualified persons adds credibility to these findings, which should provide increased confidence to the investment community.

Figure 1: Cross section of the Arista mine showing 2024 drilling results (Graphic: Business Wire)
The Report summarizes the successful 2024 drilling program which resulted in a replacement of 2024 mined reserves plus a
As a registrant with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), the Company must report its exploration results, Mineral Resources, and Mineral Reserves using the mining disclosure standards of Subpart 229.1300 of Regulation S-K Disclosure by Registrants Engaged in Mining Operations (“S-K 1300”).
DDGM adopted S-K 1300 standards for the December 31, 2021, Technical Report. The adoption applied a new methodology focused on geological interpretations, improved grade estimation, better variable anisotropy, channel sampling, and improved ore control models. This approach creates greater confidence in the reliability of the Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves. Gold and silver ounces are reported in troy ounces converted using 31.1035 grams per troy ounce.
Qualified Persons Disclosure:
The report was prepared in accordance with S-K 1300 and has been reviewed by Qualified Persons (“QPs”) who are mining industry professionals and specialist trained in diverse technical backgrounds. Three of the QPs are employed by the Company and are not considered independent of DDGM. These QPs are Rodrigo Simidu, Professional Engineer, Patrick Frenette, Professional Engineer, and David Turner, Professional Geologist. Additional independent QPs assisted with the report and they are Marcelo Zangrandi, Professional Geologist, employed by AMBA Consultoria Ltda, and Christian Laroche, Professional Engineer, employed by Synectiq. At the effective date of the Report, the QPs certified that to the best of their information, knowledge and belief, the parts of the Report for which they were responsible contained all scientific and technical information that was required to be disclosed to make the Report not misleading.
About GRC:
Gold Resource Corporation is a gold and silver producer, developer, and explorer with its operations centered on the Don David Gold Mine in
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Allen Palmiere
Chief Executive Officer and President
Source: Gold Resource Corporation
What were the key findings in GORO's 2024 Don David Gold Mine Technical Report?
How many meters did GORO drill at Don David Gold Mine in 2024?
What was the percentage increase in Three Sisters vein system reserves for GORO?