Barrick and Mali Reach Agreement to Settle Disputes

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Barrick Gold (NYSE:GOLD)(TSX:ABX) and the Mali government have reached an agreement to resolve existing claims and disputes related to Barrick's Loulo and Gounkoto gold mining companies. The settlement details, based on Barrick's original proposals, will be disclosed once finalized. Mark Bristow, Barrick's president and CEO, highlighted the company's 30-year relationship with Mali, emphasizing that past differences were always amicably resolved.

Bristow acknowledged the challenging negotiations but expressed encouragement over the government's recognition of Loulo-Gounkoto complex's importance to Mali's economy. He looks forward to normalizing the long-standing partnership and working with the government moving forward.

Barrick Gold (NYSE:GOLD)(TSX:ABX) e il governo del Mali hanno raggiunto un accordo per risolvere le rivendicazioni e le controversie esistenti relative alle aziende minerarie d'oro Loulo e Gounkoto di Barrick. I dettagli del regolamento, basati sulle proposte originali di Barrick, saranno divulgati una volta finalizzati. Mark Bristow, presidente e CEO di Barrick, ha sottolineato la relazione trentennale dell'azienda con il Mali, enfatizzando che le differenze passate sono sempre state risolte in modo amichevole.

Bristow ha riconosciuto le negoziazioni difficili ma ha espresso incoraggiamento per il riconoscimento da parte del governo dell' per l'economia del Mali. È ansioso di normalizzare la partnership di lunga data e di collaborare con il governo in futuro.

Barrick Gold (NYSE:GOLD)(TSX:ABX) y el gobierno de Malí han alcanzado un acuerdo para resolver las reclamaciones y disputas existentes relacionadas con las empresas mineras de oro Loulo y Gounkoto de Barrick. Los detalles del acuerdo, basados en las propuestas originales de Barrick, se darán a conocer una vez finalizados. Mark Bristow, presidente y CEO de Barrick, destacó la relación de 30 años de la compañía con Malí, enfatizando que las diferencias pasadas siempre se resolvieron de manera amistosa.

Bristow reconoció las negociaciones desafiantes pero expresó su optimismo sobre el reconocimiento por parte del gobierno de la importancia del complejo Loulo-Gounkoto para la economía de Malí. Espera poder normalizar la asociación de larga data y trabajar con el gobierno de aquí en adelante.

바릭 골드(NYSE:GOLD)(TSX:ABX)와 말리 정부는 바릭의 루로 및 구콩토 금광 관련 기존 청구 및 분쟁을 해결하기 위한 합의에 도달했습니다. 합의 세부 사항은 바릭의 원래 제안에 기반하여 최종 확정되는 대로 공개될 것입니다. 마크 브리스트로우 바릭의 회장 겸 CEO는 회사와 말리 간의 30년 관계를 강조하며 과거의 차이는 항상 우호적으로 해결되었다고 설명했습니다.

브리스트로우는 어려운 협상을 인정했지만, 정부가 루로-구콩토 단지의 중요성을 말리 경제에 대해 인식한 점에 대해 고무적이라고 표현했습니다. 그는 오랜 파트너십을 정상화하고 앞으로 정부와 협력하기를 기대하고 있습니다.

Barrick Gold (NYSE:GOLD)(TSX:ABX) et le gouvernement du Mali ont conclu un accord pour résoudre les revendications et les litiges existants liés aux sociétés minières d'or Loulo et Gounkoto de Barrick. Les détails du règlement, basés sur les propositions initiales de Barrick, seront divulgués une fois finalisés. Mark Bristow, président et PDG de Barrick, a souligné la relation de 30 ans de l'entreprise avec le Mali, en insistant sur le fait que les différences passées ont toujours été résolues de manière amicale.

Bristow a reconnu les Négociations difficiles mais a exprimé son encouragement quant à la reconnaissance par le gouvernement de la importance du complexe Loulo-Gounkoto pour l'économie du Mali. Il se réjouit de normaliser le partenariat de longue date et de travailler avec le gouvernement à l'avenir.

Barrick Gold (NYSE:GOLD)(TSX:ABX) und die malische Regierung haben eine Vereinbarung zur Beilegung bestehender Ansprüche und Streitigkeiten in Bezug auf Barricks Goldminenunternehmen Loulo und Gounkoto erreicht. Die Einzelheiten des Vergleichs, die auf Barricks ursprünglichen Vorschlägen basieren, werden bekannt gegeben, sobald sie finalisiert sind. Mark Bristow, Präsident und CEO von Barrick, hob die 30-jährige Beziehung des Unternehmens zu Mali hervor und betonte, dass vergangene Differenzen immer einvernehmlich gelöst wurden.

Bristow erkannte die herausfordernden Verhandlungen an, äußerte jedoch Ermutigung über die Anerkennung der Bedeutung des Loulo-Gounkoto-Komplexes für die malische Wirtschaft durch die Regierung. Er freut sich darauf, die langjährige Partnerschaft zu normalisieren und zukünftig mit der Regierung zusammenzuarbeiten.

  • Agreement reached to resolve existing claims and disputes with Mali government
  • Settlement based on Barrick's original proposals
  • Government recognizes importance of Loulo-Gounkoto complex to Mali's economy
  • Potential for long-term viability of mining operations in Mali
  • Negotiations described as challenging
  • Details of the agreement not yet finalized or disclosed


This agreement marks a significant development for Barrick Gold, potentially resolving long-standing disputes with the Malian government. The resolution could have substantial implications for Barrick's operations in Mali, particularly the Loulo-Gounkoto complex, which is a major contributor to both the company's production and Mali's economy.

Key points to consider:

  • The agreement is based on Barrick's original proposals, suggesting a favorable outcome for the company.
  • Resolution of disputes could lead to improved operational stability and potentially unlock value for shareholders.
  • The Loulo-Gounkoto complex's long-term viability is crucial, as it's likely a significant revenue generator for Barrick.
  • Political risk in Mali has been a concern for investors and this agreement may help mitigate some of those risks.

While the specific terms are yet to be disclosed, this development could positively impact Barrick's future performance and investor sentiment. However, investors should remain cautious until the final details are revealed and the agreement is fully implemented.

BAMAKO, Mali, Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Barrick Gold Corporation (NYSE:GOLD)(TSX:ABX) and the government of Mali have agreed to find a global resolution to the existing claims and disputes between the government and Barrick’s Loulo and Gounkoto gold mining companies. Details of the agreement, based in essence on Barrick’s original proposals, will be made public once the terms of the settlement have been finalized.

Barrick president and chief executive Mark Bristow said the company’s mutually beneficial relationship with Malian governments had endured for 30 years and occasional differences with successive regimes had always been amicably resolved.

“The current negotiations have proved challenging but we’re encouraged by the government’s recognition of the importance of securing the long-term viability of the Loulo-Gounkoto complex as a substantial contributor to the Malian economy. We look forward to working with the government to normalize our long-standing partnership.” Bristow said.

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What agreement did Barrick Gold (NYSE:GOLD) reach with the Mali government?

Barrick Gold and the Mali government agreed to find a global resolution to existing claims and disputes related to Barrick's Loulo and Gounkoto gold mining companies.

When will the details of Barrick Gold's (NYSE:GOLD) agreement with Mali be made public?

The details of the agreement will be made public once the terms of the settlement have been finalized.

How long has Barrick Gold (NYSE:GOLD) been operating in Mali?

According to the press release, Barrick Gold has had a mutually beneficial relationship with Malian governments for 30 years.

What did Mark Bristow say about the negotiations between Barrick Gold (NYSE:GOLD) and Mali?

Mark Bristow, Barrick's president and CEO, described the negotiations as challenging but expressed encouragement over the government's recognition of the Loulo-Gounkoto complex's importance to Mali's economy.

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