GOGL – Q2 2024 Presentation

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Golden Ocean Group (GOGL) has announced the release of its Q2 2024 financial results presentation. The company will host a webcast and conference call on today at 15:00 CEST to discuss the results. Interested parties can attend via webcast or conference call, with registration required for the latter. A Q&A session will follow the presentation, and details on how to submit questions will be provided at the start of the session.

The presentation materials are available for download on the company's website,, where replay details will also be posted. This announcement is made in compliance with the disclosure requirements of Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Golden Ocean Group (GOGL) ha annunciato il rilascio della presentazione dei risultati finanziari per il secondo trimestre del 2024. L'azienda ospiterà un webcast e una conference call oggi alle 15:00 CEST per discutere i risultati. Le parti interessate possono partecipare tramite webcast o conference call, con registrazione richiesta per quest'ultima. Una sessione di domande e risposte seguirà la presentazione, e i dettagli su come inviare le domande saranno forniti all'inizio della sessione.

I materiali della presentazione sono disponibili per il download sul sito web dell'azienda,, dove saranno anche pubblicati i dettagli per la registrazione. Questo annuncio è fatto in conformità con i requisiti di divulgazione della Sezione 5-12 della Legge norvegese sulle negoziazioni di titoli.

Golden Ocean Group (GOGL) ha anunciado el lanzamiento de su presentación de resultados financieros del segundo trimestre de 2024. La empresa realizará un webcast y una llamada de conferencia hoy a las 15:00 CEST para discutir los resultados. Las partes interesadas pueden asistir mediante webcast o llamada de conferencia, siendo necesaria la inscripción para esta última. Una sesión de preguntas y respuestas seguirá a la presentación, y se proporcionarán detalles sobre cómo enviar preguntas al inicio de la sesión.

Los materiales de la presentación están disponibles para descargar en el sitio web de la empresa,, donde también se publicarán los detalles de la repetición. Este anuncio se realiza en cumplimiento de los requisitos de divulgación de la Sección 5-12 de la Ley noruega de comercio de valores.

골든 오션 그룹 (GOGL)은 2024년 2분기 재무 결과 발표를 발표했습니다. 회사는 오늘 오후 3시 CEST에 결과를 논의하기 위해 웹캐스트와 컨퍼런스 콜을 주최할 예정입니다. 관심 있는 당사자는 웹캐스트 또는 컨퍼런스 콜에 참여할 수 있으며, 후자의 경우 등록이 필요합니다. 발표 후에는 질의응답 세션이 진행되며, 질문 제출 방법에 대한 세부사항은 세션 시작 시 제공될 것입니다.

발표 자료는 회사 웹사이트 www.goldenocean.bm에서 다운로드할 수 있으며, 재생 세부 정보도 게시될 것입니다. 이번 발표는 노르웨이 증권 거래법 제5-12조의 공시 요건에 따라 이루어집니다.

Golden Ocean Group (GOGL) a annoncé la publication de sa présentation des résultats financiers du deuxième trimestre 2024. L'entreprise organisera un webcast et une conférence téléphonique aujourd'hui à 15h00 CEST pour discuter des résultats. Les parties intéressées peuvent assister via le webcast ou la conférence téléphonique, une inscription étant requise pour cette dernière. Une session de questions-réponses suivra la présentation, et des détails sur la soumission des questions seront fournis au début de la session.

Les documents de présentation sont disponibles en téléchargement sur le site web de l'entreprise,, où des détails sur la rediffusion seront également publiés. Cette annonce est faite en conformité avec les exigences de divulgation de la section 5-12 de la Loi norvégienne sur le commerce des valeurs mobilières.

Die Golden Ocean Group (GOGL) hat die Veröffentlichung ihrer Präsentation der Finanzergebnisse für das zweite Quartal 2024 angekündigt. Das Unternehmen wird heute um 15:00 CEST ein Webcast und eine Telefonkonferenz abhalten, um die Ergebnisse zu besprechen. Interessierte Parteien können über Webcast oder Telefonkonferenz teilnehmen, wobei für letzteres eine Registrierung erforderlich ist. Nach der Präsentation wird eine Frage- und Antwortsitzung folgen, und Einzelheiten zur Einreichung von Fragen werden zu Beginn der Sitzung bereitgestellt.

Die Präsentationsmaterialien sind auf der Website des Unternehmens verfügbar, wo auch die Einzelheiten zur Wiederholung veröffentlicht werden. Diese Ankündigung erfolgt gemäß den Offenlegungspflichten des Abschnitts 5-12 des Norwegischen Wertpapierhandelsgesetzes.

  • Company is maintaining transparency by hosting a public presentation of Q2 2024 results
  • Multiple attendance options (webcast and conference call) provided for investor accessibility
  • Q&A session included, allowing for direct investor engagement
  • None.

Please find enclosed the presentation of Golden Ocean Group Limited’s second quarter 2024 results for today’s webcast / conference call at 15:00 CEST.

Attend by Webcast:

Use the follow link prior to the webcast:

GOGL Q2 2024 Webcast

Attend by Conference Call:

Participants will need to register online prior to the conference call via the link below. Dial-in details will be available when registered.

GOGL Q2 2024 Conferance Call

A Q&A session will be held after the conference call/webcast. Information on how to submit questions will be given at the beginning of the session.

The presentation material which will be used in the teleconference/webcast can be downloaded on and replay details will also be available at this website.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.



When is Golden Ocean Group (GOGL) presenting its Q2 2024 results?

Golden Ocean Group (GOGL) is presenting its Q2 2024 results today at 15:00 CEST via webcast and conference call.

How can investors access GOGL's Q2 2024 earnings presentation?

Investors can access GOGL's Q2 2024 earnings presentation through a webcast or by registering for the conference call. Links for both options are provided in the press release.

Where can the Q2 2024 presentation materials for GOGL be found?

The Q2 2024 presentation materials for GOGL can be downloaded from the company's website at

Will there be a Q&A session during GOGL's Q2 2024 earnings call?

Yes, there will be a Q&A session after the conference call/webcast. Instructions for submitting questions will be provided at the beginning of the session.

Golden Ocean Group Limited


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