Long-Term Care Costs Increase in North Dakota, On Par with National Costs

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Genworth and CareScout have released their 2024 Cost of Care Survey for North Dakota, revealing that long-term care service costs have increased year-over-year while remaining comparable to national averages. The survey indicates that cost increases for most care types continue to outpace inflation rates, primarily driven by inflation and labor costs.

The survey results are now accessible at, featuring interactive tools to calculate median long-term care costs by area, state-level data comparisons, and resources for aging care planning. The platform also introduces the CareScout Quality Network, a network of long-term care providers meeting high standards for quality, person-centered care.

Genworth e CareScout hanno pubblicato il loro Rapporto sui Costi dell'Assistenza 2024 per il Dakota del Nord, rivelando che i costi dei servizi di assistenza a lungo termine sono aumentati anno dopo anno, mantenendosi comunque comparabili con le medie nazionali. Il rapporto indica che gli aumenti dei costi per la maggior parte dei tipi di assistenza continuano a superare i tassi di inflazione, principalmente a causa dell'inflazione e dei costi del lavoro.

I risultati del rapporto sono ora accessibili su, con strumenti interattivi per calcolare i costi mediani dell'assistenza a lungo termine per area, confronti dei dati a livello statale e risorse per la pianificazione dell'assistenza agli anziani. La piattaforma introduce anche il CareScout Quality Network, una rete di fornitori di assistenza a lungo termine che soddisfano elevati standard di qualità e assistenza centrata sulla persona.

Genworth y CareScout han publicado su Encuesta de Costos de Atención 2024 para Dakota del Norte, revelando que los costos de los servicios de atención a largo plazo han aumentado año tras año, manteniéndose comparables a los promedios nacionales. La encuesta indica que los aumentos de costos para la mayoría de los tipos de atención continúan superando las tasas de inflación, impulsados principalmente por la inflación y los costos laborales.

Los resultados de la encuesta ya están disponibles en, que presenta herramientas interactivas para calcular los costos medianos de atención a largo plazo por área, comparaciones de datos a nivel estatal y recursos para la planificación de la atención a personas mayores. La plataforma también presenta la Red de Calidad CareScout, una red de proveedores de atención a largo plazo que cumplen con altos estándares de calidad y atención centrada en la persona.

GenworthCareScout는 노스다코타를 위한 2024년 장기 요양 비용 조사를 발표했으며, 장기 요양 서비스 비용이 매년 증가하고 있지만, 전국 평균과 비교할 수 있는 수준임을 보여주고 있습니다. 조사에 따르면 대부분의 요양 유형에 대한 비용 증가가 인플레이션율을 초과하고 있으며, 이는 주로 인플레이션과 인건비에 의해 촉발되고 있습니다.

조사 결과는 현재에서 이용 가능하며, 지역별 중간 장기 요양 비용을 계산할 수 있는 인터랙티브 도구, 주별 데이터 비교 및 노인 요양 계획을 위한 자원을 제공합니다. 이 플랫폼은 또한 높은 품질 기준을 충족하는 장기 요양 제공자의 네트워크인 CareScout 품질 네트워크를 소개합니다.

Genworth et CareScout ont publié leur Enquête sur le Coût des Soins 2024 pour le Dakota du Nord, révélant que les coûts des services de soins de longue durée ont augmenté d'année en année tout en restant comparables aux moyennes nationales. L'enquête indique que les augmentations de coûts pour la plupart des types de soins continuent de dépasser les taux d'inflation, principalement en raison de l'inflation et des coûts de main-d'œuvre.

Les résultats de l'enquête sont maintenant accessibles sur, avec des outils interactifs pour calculer les coûts médians des soins de longue durée par région, des comparaisons de données au niveau des États et des ressources pour la planification des soins aux personnes âgées. La plateforme introduit également le CareScout Quality Network, un réseau de fournisseurs de soins de longue durée répondant à des normes élevées de qualité et de soins centrés sur la personne.

Genworth und CareScout haben ihre Kosten der Pflege Umfrage 2024 für North Dakota veröffentlicht, die zeigt, dass die Kosten für langfristige Pflegeleistungen von Jahr zu Jahr gestiegen sind und vergleichbar mit den nationalen Durchschnittswerten bleiben. Die Umfrage zeigt, dass die Kostensteigerungen für die meisten Pflegearten weiterhin die Inflationsraten übertreffen, hauptsächlich bedingt durch Inflation und Arbeitskosten.

Die Umfrageergebnisse sind jetzt auf verfügbar, mit interaktiven Werkzeugen zur Berechnung der mittleren Kosten für langfristige Pflege nach Gebiet, staatlichen Datenvergleichen und Ressourcen für die Planung der Altenpflege. Die Plattform führt auch das CareScout Quality Network ein, ein Netzwerk von langfristigen Pflegeanbietern, die hohe Qualitätsstandards für personenzentrierte Pflege erfüllen.

  • Launch of new interactive cost calculation tools on
  • Introduction of CareScout Quality Network for verified high-quality care providers
  • Long-term care costs increasing faster than inflation rates
  • Rising labor costs affecting care service pricing

RICHMOND, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The cost of long-term care services in North Dakota increased year-over-year, but remains on par with national costs, according to the 2024 Cost of Care Survey conducted by Genworth and CareScout.

“Genworth and CareScout are committed to helping our customers in North Dakota create person-centered plans for how they want to receive care as they age,” said Jamala Arland, President & CEO, Genworth U.S. Life Insurance. “That means integrating a person’s values, preferences, and goals into the care they receive. The Cost of Care Survey is a great resource for individuals starting to create a plan, who want to learn more about different care types and see how costs may grow over time.”

National 2024 Cost of Care Survey data showed a continued upward trajectory in long-term care costs across care types, with cost increases for most care types continuing to outpace inflation rates1. The top factors contributing to increased costs were inflation and labor costs. Here’s how the cost of care in North Dakota compares with national trends and the previous year:

Annual Median Cost of Long-Term Care for North Dakota


North Dakota


Care Category

2024 Annual Cost

Change Since 20236

State Rank (High/Low)7

2024 Annual Cost

Change Since 2023

Homemaker Services






Home Health Aide






Adult Day Care





Assisted Living Communities1






Nursing Home
Semi-Private Room






Nursing Home
Private Room






The Cost of Care Survey has a new home: CareScout, a Genworth company, has been part of the Cost of Care Survey since its first edition in 2004. Leveraging Genworth’s 50+ years of expertise in long-term care, CareScout is on a mission to help more families understand, find, and fund high-quality long-term care. On, you’ll find an array of resources including:

About the Cost of Care Survey
The annual Cost of Care Survey, one of the most comprehensive studies of its kind, contacted more than 140,000 long-term care providers nationwide to complete more than 15,000 surveys for nursing homes, assisted living communities, adult day health facilities and home care providers from July to December 2024. The survey collected rates for 2024 and includes 431 regions based on the Metropolitan Statistical Areas, defined by the Office of Management and Budget as a core area containing a substantial population nucleus, together with adjacent communities having a high degree of economic and social integration with that core. However, due to statistical variance, actual costs for long-term care services may differ from the projected cost based on ZIP Code or location.

About Genworth Financial
Genworth Financial, Inc. (“Genworth”) (NYSE: GNW) is a Fortune 500 company focused on empowering families to navigate the aging journey with confidence, now and in the future. Headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, Genworth and its CareScout businesses provide guidance, products, and services that help people understand their caregiving options and fund their long-term care needs. Genworth is also the parent company and majority-owner of publicly traded Enact Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACT), a leading U.S. mortgage insurance provider.

About CareScout
CareScout helps older adults and their families navigate the aging journey and find quality care. Inspired by a mission to simplify and dignify the aging experience, we're building an integrated ecosystem of care and funding solutions. To learn more about CareScout, visit CareScout, LLC (CareScout) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Genworth Financial, Inc. (NYSE: GNW).

1 “United States Inflation Rate” (, site accessed 02/09/25

Table Footnotes
1 Referred to as Residential Care facilities in California
2 Based on 44 hours per week for 52 weeks
3 Based on 5 days per week for 52 weeks
4 Based on 12 months of care, private, one bedroom
5 Based on 365 days of care
6 Based on 2023 and 2024 Annual Percentage Change
7 Ranking based on the highest to lowest cost per state for each care category
8 Adult Day Care is a less prevalent care type. As a result, we were not able to provide year-over-year change at this time.
9 Due to low responses in 2023, we are unable to provide state level changes this year.

Media Contact:

Ryan Clark

Source: Genworth Financial, Inc.


How much did long-term care costs increase in North Dakota for 2024?

The survey indicates costs increased year-over-year, but specific percentage increases were not disclosed in the press release.

What are the main factors driving up long-term care costs in North Dakota?

According to the survey, inflation and labor costs are the primary factors contributing to increased long-term care costs.

Where can I access Genworth's 2024 Cost of Care Survey results?

The survey results are available at, featuring interactive tools and resources.

What resources does provide for long-term care planning?

The website offers cost calculation tools, state median data tables, quality provider network access, aging care planning guides, and information about funding long-term care services.

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