Gentex Promotes Boehm to Chief Operations Officer
Gentex (NASDAQ: GNTX) has promoted Neil Boehm from Chief Technology Officer to Chief Operations Officer, while maintaining his CTO role. This strategic move aims to better align the company's business operations with its innovation and product strategies. Boehm, who joined Gentex in 2001, has served in various leadership roles including Vice President of Engineering before becoming CTO in 2018.
The promotion reflects Gentex's focus on operational excellence alongside technology and innovation as the company pursues ambitious growth targets. Boehm's background includes significant experience in product development, engineering, and international customer relations, including previous work at Johnson Controls with an expatriate assignment in Japan.
Gentex is a technology company specializing in electro-optical products for automotive, aerospace, fire protection, and medical industries, with expanding capabilities in vision systems, sensing, AI development, biometrics, and home automation.
Gentex (NASDAQ: GNTX) ha promosso Neil Boehm da Chief Technology Officer a Chief Operations Officer, mantenendo il suo ruolo di CTO. Questa mossa strategica mira a migliorare l'allineamento delle operazioni aziendali con le strategie di innovazione e prodotto della compagnia. Boehm, che è entrato in Gentex nel 2001, ha ricoperto vari ruoli di leadership, inclusa la posizione di Vice Presidente dell'Ingegneria, prima di diventare CTO nel 2018.
La promozione riflette l'attenzione di Gentex sull'eccellenza operativa insieme alla tecnologia e all'innovazione mentre l'azienda persegue obiettivi di crescita ambiziosi. Il background di Boehm include un'esperienza significativa nello sviluppo di prodotti, nell'ingegneria e nelle relazioni con i clienti internazionali, con precedenti esperienze lavorative presso Johnson Controls, inclusa una missione all'estero in Giappone.
Gentex è un'azienda tecnologica specializzata in prodotti elettro-ottici per i settori automobilistico, aerospaziale, protezione antincendio e medico, con capacità in espansione nei sistemi di visione, sensoristica, sviluppo di intelligenza artificiale, biometria e automazione domestica.
Gentex (NASDAQ: GNTX) ha promovido a Neil Boehm de Director de Tecnología a Director de Operaciones, manteniéndose en su papel de CTO. Este movimiento estratégico tiene como objetivo alinear mejor las operaciones comerciales de la compañía con sus estrategias de innovación y producto. Boehm, quien se unió a Gentex en 2001, ha ocupado varios roles de liderazgo, incluyendo Vicepresidente de Ingeniería antes de convertirse en CTO en 2018.
La promoción refleja el enfoque de Gentex en la excelencia operativa junto con la tecnología y la innovación mientras la empresa persigue objetivos de crecimiento ambiciosos. La experiencia de Boehm incluye un conocimiento significativo en desarrollo de productos, ingeniería y relaciones con clientes internacionales, además de su trabajo previo en Johnson Controls con una asignación expatriada en Japón.
Gentex es una empresa tecnológica especializada en productos electroópticos para las industrias automotriz, aeroespacial, de protección contra incendios y médica, con capacidades en expansión en sistemas de visión, sensores, desarrollo de IA, biometría y automatización del hogar.
젠텍스 (NASDAQ: GNTX)는 닐 보엠을 최고 기술 책임자에서 최고 운영 책임자로 승진시키면서 CTO 역할을 계속 수행합니다. 이 전략적 결정은 회사의 비즈니스 운영을 혁신 및 제품 전략과 더 잘 일치시키기 위한 것입니다. 보엠은 2001년 젠텍스에 합류했으며, 2018년 CTO가 되기 전에 엔지니어링 부사장 등 다양한 리더십 역할을 수행했습니다.
이번 승진은 기술과 혁신과 더불어 운영 우수성에 대한 젠텍스의 초점을 반영하며, 회사가 야심찬 성장 목표를 추구하고 있습니다. 보엠은 제품 개발, 엔지니어링 및 국제 고객 관계에서 значительный 경력을 보유하고 있으며, 일본에서의 외국인 근무 경험이 있습니다.
젠텍스는 자동차, 항공우주, 화재 방지 및 의료 산업을 위한 전자광학 제품을 전문으로 하는 기술 회사로, 비전 시스템, 센서, 인공지능 개발, 생체 인식 및 홈 자동화 분야에서 능력을 확장해 가고 있습니다.
Gentex (NASDAQ: GNTX) a promu Neil Boehm de Directeur Technique à Directeur des Opérations, tout en conservant son rôle de CTO. Ce mouvement stratégique vise à mieux aligner les opérations commerciales de l'entreprise avec ses stratégies d'innovation et de produit. Boehm, qui a rejoint Gentex en 2001, a occupé divers postes de direction, notamment celui de Vice-Président de l'Ingénierie avant de devenir CTO en 2018.
Cette promotion reflète l'engagement de Gentex envers l'excellence opérationnelle, ainsi que la technologie et l'innovation, alors que l'entreprise poursuit des objectifs de croissance ambitieux. L'expérience de Boehm comprend une expertise significative en développement de produits, ingénierie et relations avec les clients internationaux, y compris un précédent emploi chez Johnson Controls avec une affectation à l'étranger au Japon.
Gentex est une entreprise technologique spécialisée dans les produits électro-optiques pour les secteurs automobile, aérospatial, de protection contre les incendies et médical, avec des capacités en expansion dans les systèmes de vision, la détection, le développement de l'IA, la biométrie et l'automatisation domestique.
Gentex (NASDAQ: GNTX) hat Neil Boehm vom Chief Technology Officer zum Chief Operations Officer befördert, während er weiterhin seine Rolle als CTO behält. Dieser strategische Schritt zielt darauf ab, die Geschäftsabläufe des Unternehmens besser mit seinen Innovations- und Produktstrategien in Einklang zu bringen. Boehm, der 2001 zu Gentex stieß, hatte verschiedene Führungspositionen inne, darunter Vizepräsident für Engineering, bevor er 2018 CTO wurde.
Die Beförderung spiegelt das Engagement von Gentex für operationale Exzellenz zusammen mit Technologie und Innovation wider, während das Unternehmen ehrgeizige Wachstumsziele verfolgt. Boehms Hintergrund umfasst umfassende Erfahrungen in der Produktentwicklung, im Engineering und im internationalen Kundenkontakt sowie frühere Tätigkeiten bei Johnson Controls mit einem Auslandsaufenthalt in Japan.
Gentex ist ein Technologieunternehmen, das sich auf elektro-optische Produkte für die Automobil-, Luftfahrt-, Brandschutz- und Medizinbranche spezialisiert hat und seine Fähigkeiten in den Bereichen Vision-Systeme, Sensorik, KI-Entwicklung, Biometrie und Heimautomation ausbaut.
- Strategic alignment of operations with innovation through unified leadership
- Retention and promotion of experienced executive with 22+ years at company
- Expansion into growth markets including AI, biometrics, and home automation
- None.
ZEELAND, Mich., Jan. 02, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gentex Corporation (NASDAQ: GNTX) today announced the promotion of Chief Technology Officer Neil Boehm to Chief Operations Officer, a move designed to help better align the company’s business operations with its innovation and product strategies.
Gentex is a technology company and long-time supplier of electro-optical products for the global automotive, aerospace, fire protection and medical industries. The company is best known for automotive electronics, but continues to grow its capabilities in vision systems, sensing, AI development, biometrics, home automation, and more.
“As an actively expanding technology company with ambitious growth targets, it’s critical that we treat operational excellence with the same focus as we do technology and innovation,” said Gentex President and CEO Steve Downing. “Neil is an exceptional leader and has a unique blend of technical skills, operational focus, and business acumen. This combination is necessary to guarantee that Gentex operates with a focus on technology adoption and deployment that supports our long-term growth plans and keeps us committed to the high quality levels our customers expect.”
Boehm joined Gentex in 2001 as a program manager and served in various roles with increased responsibilities in product development and engineering, including Vice President of Engineering. In 2018, he was promoted to Chief Technology Officer and has been central to the development of the company’s expanding product and technology portfolio. As part of his new role, Boehm will also continue to operate as CTO.
Boehm began his engineering career at Johnson Controls where he served as engineering manager. During his time there he developed vast experience with international customers, including an expatriate assignment in Japan. He is a native of Wisconsin and graduated summa cum laude from Michigan Technological University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering.
Founded in 1974, Gentex Corporation (NASDAQ: GNTX) is a technology company that leverages its core competencies, strategic partnerships, acquisitions, and ongoing research to create market-leading positions in a variety of verticals. You can view some of the Company’s latest technology at
Gentex Media Contact | Gentex Investor Relations Contact |
Craig Piersma | Josh O’Berski |
(616) 772-1590 x4316 | (616) 931-3505 | | |
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

What is Neil Boehm's new role at Gentex (GNTX) as of January 2024?
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When did Neil Boehm join Gentex (GNTX)?