Genasys Selected by Oregon to Power Emergency Response Planning and Evacuation Management

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Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS) has secured a multi-year contract with Oregon's Office of Resilience and Emergency Management (OREM) to provide its EVAC software for emergency response planning and evacuation management. The software will be available to all 36 counties and nine Tribes in Oregon, enabling faster and more efficient emergency evacuations across the state.

Key features of EVAC include:

  • Quick creation and updating of evacuation plans
  • Realistic simulations for training
  • Faster response times during emergencies
  • Data-driven decision support tools
  • Multi-threat planning and modeling
  • Cross-jurisdictional awareness
  • EVAC Mobile App for real-time alerts

The software has already been used successfully in recent wildfire evacuations, with emergency managers praising its ease of use and efficiency in notifying community members.

Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS) ha ottenuto un contratto pluriennale con l'Ufficio per la Resilienza e la Gestione delle Emergenze dell'Oregon (OREM) per fornire il proprio software EVAC per la pianificazione delle risposte alle emergenze e la gestione delle evacuazioni. Il software sarà disponibile per tutte le 36 contee e nove Tribù dell'Oregon, consentendo evacuazioni più rapide ed efficienti in tutto lo stato.

Le caratteristiche principali di EVAC includono:

  • Creazione e aggiornamento rapidi dei piani di evacuazione
  • Simulazioni realistiche per la formazione
  • Tempi di risposta più rapidi durante le emergenze
  • Strumenti di supporto decisionale basati su dati
  • Pianificazione e modellazione multi-minaccia
  • Consapevolezza intergiurisdizionale
  • App mobile EVAC per avvisi in tempo reale

Il software è già stato utilizzato con successo in recenti evacuazioni a causa di incendi, con i gestori delle emergenze che lodano la sua facilità d'uso e l'efficienza nella notifica ai membri della comunità.

Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS) ha asegurado un contrato de varios años con la Oficina de Resiliencia y Manejo de Emergencias de Oregón (OREM) para proporcionar su software EVAC para la planificación de respuestas a emergencias y gestión de evacuaciones. El software estará disponible para los 36 condados y nueve tribus de Oregón, lo que permitirá evacuaciones más rápidas y eficientes en todo el estado.

Las características clave de EVAC incluyen:

  • Creación y actualización rápida de planes de evacuación
  • Simulaciones realistas para capacitación
  • Tempos de respuesta más rápidos durante emergencias
  • Herramientas de soporte para decisiones basadas en datos
  • Planificación y modelado de múltiples amenazas
  • Conciencia interjurisdiccional
  • Aplicación móvil EVAC para alertas en tiempo real

El software ya se ha utilizado con éxito en evacuaciones recientes por incendios, con los gerentes de emergencias elogiando su facilidad de uso y eficiencia para notificar a los miembros de la comunidad.

Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS)는 오리건 주의 회복력 및 비상 관리 사무소(OREM)와 다년 계약을 체결하여 비상 대응 계획 및 대피 관리를 위한 EVAC 소프트웨어를 제공하기로 했습니다. 이 소프트웨어는 오리건 주의 36개 카운티와 아홉 개 부족에서 사용할 수 있어, 주 전역에서 더 빠르고 효율적인 비상 대피를 가능하게 합니다.

EVAC의 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 대피 계획의 신속한 생성 및 업데이트
  • 훈련을 위한 현실적인 시뮬레이션
  • 비상 상황에서 더 빠른 대응 시간
  • 데이터 기반 의사 결정 지원 도구
  • 다중 위협 계획 및 모델링
  • 관할권 간 인식
  • 실시간 알림을 위한 EVAC 모바일 앱

이 소프트웨어는 최근의 산불 대피에서 성공적으로 사용되었으며, 비상 관리자가 커뮤니티 구성원에게 알리는 데 있어 편리함과 효율성을 높이 평가했습니다.

Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS) a décroché un contrat pluriannuel avec le Bureau de la Résilience et de la Gestion des Urgences de l'Oregon (OREM) pour fournir son logiciel EVAC pour la planification des interventions d'urgence et la gestion des évacuations. Le logiciel sera disponible pour l'ensemble des 36 comtés et neuf tribus de l'Oregon, permettant des évacuations d'urgence plus rapides et plus efficaces à travers l'État.

Les caractéristiques clés d'EVAC incluent :

  • Création et mise à jour rapides des plans d'évacuation
  • Simulations réalistes pour la formation
  • Temps de réponse plus rapides lors des urgences
  • Outils de soutien à la décision basés sur des données
  • Planification et modélisation multi-menaces
  • Connaissance interjuridictionnelle
  • Application mobile EVAC pour des alertes en temps réel

Le logiciel a déjà été utilisé avec succès lors des récentes évacuations causées par des incendies de forêt, les gestionnaires d'urgence louant sa facilité d'utilisation et son efficacité pour notifier les membres de la communauté.

Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS) hat einen Mehrjahresvertrag mit dem Büro für Resilienz und Notfallmanagement von Oregon (OREM) abgeschlossen, um seine EVAC-Software für die Notfallplanung und Evakuierungsmanagement bereitzustellen. Die Software wird für alle 36 Landkreise und neun Stämme in Oregon verfügbar sein und schnellere sowie effizientere Notfall-Evakuierungen im ganzen Bundesstaat ermöglichen.

Wesentliche Funktionen von EVAC umfassen:

  • Schnelle Erstellung und Aktualisierung von Evakuierungsplänen
  • Realistische Simulationen für Schulungszwecke
  • Schnellere Reaktionszeiten in Notfällen
  • Datenbasierte Entscheidungsunterstützungstools
  • Planung und Modellierung von Mehrfachbedrohungen
  • Interjurisdiktionales Bewusstsein
  • EVAC Mobile App für Echtzeitwarnungen

Die Software wurde bereits erfolgreich bei den jüngsten Evakuierungen aufgrund von Wildbränden eingesetzt, wobei Notfallmanager ihre Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Effizienz bei der Benachrichtigung von Gemeinschaftsmitgliedern lobten.

  • Multi-year contract secured with Oregon's OREM
  • EVAC software to be implemented across all 36 counties and 9 Tribes in Oregon
  • Positive feedback from emergency managers on software's efficiency and ease of use
  • Successful use in recent wildfire evacuations
  • Reduces incident recognition to community notification time from hours to minutes
  • None.

The adoption of Genasys EVAC software by Oregon's Office of Resilience and Emergency Management marks a significant advancement in the state's emergency response capabilities. This multi-year contract, covering all 36 counties and nine Tribes, demonstrates a proactive approach to disaster management in the face of increasing severe weather events. The software's ability to streamline evacuation planning and execution is particularly noteworthy, potentially saving critical time during emergencies.

The positive feedback from county emergency managers highlights the software's user-friendly interface and efficiency, which could lead to faster response times and more effective evacuations. This statewide implementation may set a precedent for other states to follow, potentially creating new market opportunities for Genasys. However, the true test of the system's effectiveness will come during large-scale emergencies and its performance then will be important for long-term success and potential expansion to other regions.

Genasys EVAC represents a cutting-edge solution in emergency management technology. Its data-driven decision support tools and ability to run realistic simulations position it as a leader in the field. The software's quick learning curve and ease of use, as mentioned by emergency managers, are important factors for widespread adoption and effective implementation during crises.

The EVAC Mobile App adds another layer of functionality by providing real-time alerts to residents and visitors, which is essential for modern emergency communication. This comprehensive approach, combining planning tools with public-facing applications, gives Genasys a competitive edge in the protective communications market. However, as with any critical system, reliability and scalability will be key factors to monitor as the software is deployed across the entire state. The success of this implementation could lead to increased interest from other states and countries, potentially driving significant growth for Genasys.

This multi-year contract with Oregon represents a significant win for Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS). While specific financial terms aren't disclosed, the statewide implementation across 36 counties and nine Tribes suggests a substantial contract value. This deal could serve as a strong reference for future sales to other states or large regions, potentially leading to a positive impact on Genasys's revenue stream and market position.

Investors should note the expanding market for emergency management solutions, driven by increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters. Genasys's position as a leader in this growing sector could translate to long-term growth potential. However, it's important to monitor the company's ability to scale its operations to meet increased demand and maintain high service levels. Additionally, future financial reports should be examined to gauge the impact of this contract on the company's overall performance and profitability.

Oregon Emergency Mangers already seeing significant reduction in time to communicate evacuation information

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS), the global leader in Protective Communications, today announced a multi-year contract with the State of Oregon’s Office of Resilience and Emergency Management (OREM) for Genasys EVAC (EVAC) emergency response planning and evacuation management software. The new contract provides EVAC advanced evacuation software to all of Oregon’s 36 counties and nine Tribes to manage emergency evacuations more effectively across the state.

As Oregon deals with more frequent and severe disasters, EVAC software empowers emergency services to quickly create and update evacuation plans, run realistic simulations, and respond faster during an emergency.

“Changing, exporting, and adding evacuation zones for alerts used to be slow and complicated,” offered Nick Vora, Emergency Manager for Union County. “With Genasys, the process is much faster. You can select and adjust an area and get it ready for alerts in just a few minutes. This quick turnaround makes managing emergency alerts much easier and more efficient.”

Genasys Protect was instrumental in notifying community members of evacuations during the Falls and Telephone Fires in Harney County,” added Melinda Todd, Harney County Emergency Manager. “When time is of the essence, being able to instantly notify community members of updated evacuation levels is crucial. We loved the ease of use and the ability to train new staff members on how to use it in under one minute.”

“In the aftermath of Oregon’s devastating 2020 fire season, we tested EVAC in Deschutes and Jackson counties,” said Ken Kehmna, retired fire chief, Special Operations Advisor for the Western Fire Chiefs Association, and Genasys Senior Advisor. “Both counties experienced impressive results and adopted EVAC, now leading to its statewide use.”

“Even well-prepared communities face challenges with evacuations, especially when multiple areas are affected,” said Ed Flick, Director of OREM. “We’re thrilled to offer this new software to all our counties and Tribes. This tool will help emergency managers make quick and informed decisions to keep everyone safe. Over the last week, the tool was used to coordinate evacuations for the Rail Ridge Fire in Grant, Crook, and Wheeler Counties, which is Oregon’s top priority wildfire.”

Michael Smith, Senior Vice President of Genasys Protect, said, “Multi-threat planning and modeling, flexible, intelligent zone-based evacuation management, a common operating picture across agencies, cross-jurisdictional awareness, actionable information, clear communication, and the EVAC Mobile App that provides residents and visitors real-time alerts and information, make EVAC an essential life safety solution for rural areas, towns, cities, counties, and states.”

EVAC is the only platform that provides a unique set of data-driven decision support tools that help emergency responders determine the proper scope of an evacuation before issuing an evacuation order, replacing guesswork with intelligence.

Purpose built for all hazards, EVAC provides a comprehensive set of evacuation management tools that make it quick and easy for fire service, law enforcement, and emergency management to build and maintain evacuation plans, train using accurate evacuation simulations and scenarios, and conduct life safety evacuations that reduce incident recognition to community notification time from hours to minutes.

About Genasys Inc.

Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS) is the global leader in Protective Communications. Incorporating the most comprehensive portfolio of preparedness, response, and analytics software and systems, as well as the Company’s Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD®), the Genasys Protect platform is designed around one premise: ensuring organizations and public safety agencies are “Ready when it matters™.” Protecting people and saving lives for over 40 years, Genasys covers more than 70 million people in over 100 countries worldwide, including more than 550 U.S. cities. For more information, visit

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Except for historical information contained herein, the matters discussed are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You should not place undue reliance on these statements. We base these statements on particular assumptions that we have made in light of our industry experience, the stage of product and market development as well as our perception of historical trends, current market conditions, current economic data, expected future developments and other factors that we believe are appropriate under the circumstances. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those suggested in any forward-looking statement. The risks and uncertainties in these forward-looking statements include without limitation the business impact of geopolitical conflicts, epidemics or pandemics, and other causes that may affect our supply chain, and other risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond the Company’s control. Risks and uncertainties are identified and discussed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements are based on information and management’s expectations as of the date hereof. Future results may differ materially from our current expectations. For more information regarding other potential risks and uncertainties, see the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023. Genasys Inc. disclaims any intent or obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements, except as otherwise specifically stated.


What is Genasys EVAC software and how does it help in emergency management?

Genasys EVAC is an advanced evacuation management software that helps create and update evacuation plans quickly, run realistic simulations, and respond faster during emergencies. It provides data-driven decision support tools, multi-threat planning, and real-time alerts through a mobile app, reducing response times from hours to minutes.

How has Genasys EVAC (GNSS) been used in recent Oregon wildfire evacuations?

Genasys EVAC (GNSS) was recently used to coordinate evacuations for the Rail Ridge Fire in Grant, Crook, and Wheeler Counties, which was Oregon's top priority wildfire. It has also been instrumental in notifying community members during the Falls and Telephone Fires in Harney County, allowing for instant updates on evacuation levels.

What benefits does Genasys EVAC (GNSS) offer to emergency managers in Oregon?

Genasys EVAC (GNSS) offers emergency managers in Oregon faster and more efficient evacuation management. It allows for quick creation and adjustment of evacuation zones, provides realistic simulations for training, enables cross-jurisdictional awareness, and offers a mobile app for real-time alerts to residents and visitors.

When did Oregon start implementing Genasys EVAC (GNSS) software statewide?

The statewide implementation of Genasys EVAC (GNSS) software in Oregon began following successful tests in Deschutes and Jackson counties after the devastating 2020 fire season. The recent multi-year contract with OREM extends the software's availability to all 36 counties and nine Tribes in Oregon.

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