Golden Matrix Group Inc. Announces Additional Amendment to Earnout Structure of Share Purchase Agreement With Subsidiary Meridianbet

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Golden Matrix Group Inc. (NASDAQ: GMGI) has announced its fifth amendment to the share purchase agreement with Meridianbet, modifying the earnout structure for the previous acquisition. The amendment, effective October 1, 2024, alters the payment terms for the three sellers: Aleksandar Milovanović, Zoran Milošević, and Snežana Božović.

Key changes include:

  • Partial conversion of cash payments to GMGI common stock
  • Deferred payment schedules for remaining cash considerations
  • Milovanović: 40% in stock, remaining cash deferred to November 9, 2024
  • Milošević: 40% in stock, remaining cash paid $50,000 monthly from October to December 2024
  • Božović: 20% in stock, remaining cash paid $50,000 monthly in October and November 2024

This amendment aims to align stakeholder interests with GMGI's long-term growth and provide the company with enhanced financial flexibility for strategic initiatives and expansion efforts.

Golden Matrix Group Inc. (NASDAQ: GMGI) ha annunciato la sua quinta modifica all'accordo di acquisto delle azioni con Meridianbet, modificando la struttura del guadagno per l'acquisizione precedente. La modifica, efficace dal 1 ottobre 2024, altera i termini di pagamento per i tre venditori: Aleksandar Milovanović, Zoran Milošević e Snežana Božović.

I cambiamenti principali includono:

  • Conversione parziale dei pagamenti in contante in azioni comuni GMGI
  • Scadenze di pagamento differite per le restanti considerazioni in contante
  • Milovanović: 40% in azioni, resto in contante differito al 9 novembre 2024
  • Milošević: 40% in azioni, resto in contante pagato $50.000 mensili da ottobre a dicembre 2024
  • Božović: 20% in azioni, resto in contante pagato $50.000 mensili in ottobre e novembre 2024

Questa modifica mira ad allineare gli interessi degli stakeholder con la crescita a lungo termine di GMGI e a fornire all'azienda una maggiore flessibilità finanziaria per iniziative strategiche e sforzi di espansione.

Golden Matrix Group Inc. (NASDAQ: GMGI) ha anunciado su quinta enmienda al acuerdo de compra de acciones con Meridianbet, modificando la estructura de ganancias de la adquisición anterior. La enmienda, que entrará en vigor el 1 de octubre de 2024, altera los términos de pago para los tres vendedores: Aleksandar Milovanović, Zoran Milošević y Snežana Božović.

Los cambios clave incluyen:

  • Conversión parcial de pagos en efectivo a acciones comunes de GMGI
  • Calendarios de pago diferidos para las consideraciones en efectivo restantes
  • Milovanović: 40% en acciones, efectivo restante diferido hasta el 9 de noviembre de 2024
  • Milošević: 40% en acciones, efectivo restante pagado $50,000 mensuales de octubre a diciembre de 2024
  • Božović: 20% en acciones, efectivo restante pagado $50,000 mensuales en octubre y noviembre de 2024

Esta enmienda tiene como objetivo alinear los intereses de las partes interesadas con el crecimiento a largo plazo de GMGI y proporcionar a la empresa una mayor flexibilidad financiera para iniciativas estratégicas y esfuerzos de expansión.

골든 매트릭스 그룹 Inc. (NASDAQ: GMGI)가 메리디안벳과의 주식 매매 계약에 대한 다섯 번째 수정안을 발표하며 이전 인수의 수익 구조를 변경했습니다. 이 수정안은 2024년 10월 1일부터 시행되며, 세 명의 판매자: 알렉산더 밀로바노비치, 조란 밀로세비치, 스네자나 보조비치에 대한 지급 조건을 변경합니다.

주요 변경 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 현금 지급을 GMGI 보통주로 부분 전환
  • 남은 현금 고려사항에 대한 지급 일정 연기
  • 밀로바노비치: 40%는 주식으로, 나머지 현금은 2024년 11월 9일까지 연기
  • 밀로세비치: 40%는 주식으로, 나머지 현금을 2024년 10월부터 12월까지 매월 $50,000 지급
  • 보조비치: 20%는 주식으로, 나머지 현금을 2024년 10월과 11월에 매월 $50,000 지급

이 수정안은 이해관계자의 이익을 GMGI의 장기 성장과 일치시키고, 전략적 이니셔티브와 확장 노력에 대한 더 나은 재정적 유연성을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Golden Matrix Group Inc. (NASDAQ: GMGI) a annoncé sa cinquième modification de l'accord d'achat d'actions avec Meridianbet, modifiant la structure des gains de l'acquisition précédente. La modification, qui prendra effet le 1er octobre 2024, modifie les conditions de paiement pour les trois vendeurs : Aleksandar Milovanović, Zoran Milošević et Snežana Božović.

Les changements clés incluent :

  • Conversion partielle des paiements en espèces en actions ordinaires de GMGI
  • Calendrier de paiement différé pour les considérations en espèces restantes
  • Milovanović : 40 % en actions, le reste en espèces reporté au 9 novembre 2024
  • Milošević : 40 % en actions, le reste en espèces payé 50 000 $ par mois d'octobre à décembre 2024
  • Božović : 20 % en actions, le reste en espèces payé 50 000 $ par mois en octobre et novembre 2024

Cette modification vise à aligner les intérêts des parties prenantes avec la croissance à long terme de GMGI et à fournir à l'entreprise une flexibilité financière accrue pour des initiatives stratégiques et des efforts d'expansion.

Golden Matrix Group Inc. (NASDAQ: GMGI) hat seine fünfte Änderung des Aktienkaufvertrags mit Meridianbet angekündigt, die die Erlösstruktur für die vorherige Übernahme modifiziert. Die Änderung tritt am 1. Oktober 2024 in Kraft und ändert die Zahlungsbedingungen für die drei Verkäufer: Aleksandar Milovanović, Zoran Milošević und Snežana Božović.

Wesentliche Änderungen umfassen:

  • Teilweise Umwandlung von Barzahlungen in GMGI-Stammaktien
  • Aufgeschobene Zahlungspläne für die verbleibenden Barzahlungen
  • Milovanović: 40% in Aktien, restliches Barzahlung bis zum 9. November 2024 aufgeschoben
  • Milošević: 40% in Aktien, restliches Barzahlung monatlich $50.000 von Oktober bis Dezember 2024
  • Božović: 20% in Aktien, restliches Barzahlung monatlich $50.000 im Oktober und November 2024

Diese Änderung zielt darauf ab, die Interessen der Stakeholder mit dem langfristigen Wachstum von GMGI in Einklang zu bringen und dem Unternehmen eine verbesserte finanzielle Flexibilität für strategische Initiativen und Expansionsbemühungen zu bieten.

  • Partial conversion of cash payments to company stock aligns seller interests with GMGI's long-term growth
  • Deferred payment schedules for remaining cash considerations improve short-term cash flow
  • Enhanced financial flexibility for GMGI to focus on strategic initiatives and expansion efforts
  • Potential dilution of existing shareholders due to issuance of new common stock
  • Ongoing financial obligations related to the Meridianbet acquisition


This amendment to the earnout structure of Golden Matrix Group's acquisition of Meridianbet is a strategic financial move. By converting a portion of the cash payments to stock, GMGI is preserving cash flow in the short term. This could be seen as a positive sign, indicating the company's confidence in its future stock performance. The deferred payment schedule for the remaining cash portions also provides GMGI with improved liquidity management.

The conversion rates vary among the sellers, with Milovanović and Milošević receiving 40% in stock, while Božović receives 20%. This differentiated approach suggests tailored negotiations and possibly reflects the sellers' individual roles or contributions to the acquired business.

From an investor's perspective, this amendment has both positive and negative implications. On the positive side, it aligns the sellers' interests more closely with GMGI's future performance and reduces immediate cash outflow. However, it also means potential dilution for existing shareholders. The market's reaction will depend on how investors weigh these factors against GMGI's growth prospects and the perceived value of retaining key personnel from the acquisition.

This amendment to the Share Purchase Agreement demonstrates the flexibility often built into complex M&A transactions. It's a common practice to adjust earnout structures post-acquisition, especially when market conditions or company performance may have shifted since the original agreement.

The legal implications here are significant:

  • By converting cash obligations to stock, GMGI is effectively changing the nature of the consideration, which requires careful structuring to ensure compliance with securities laws.
  • The deferred payment schedules create new contractual obligations that must be carefully documented and adhered to.
  • The differentiated treatment of sellers (40% stock conversion for two, 20% for one) must be justified to avoid potential claims of unfair treatment.

From a governance perspective, this amendment likely required board approval and should be disclosed in GMGI's next SEC filing. Investors should monitor for any further amendments, as multiple changes could signal ongoing negotiations or challenges in integrating the acquisition.

LAS VEGAS, Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Golden Matrix Group Inc. (NASDAQ: GMGI) (“GMGI” or “the Company”) announces that on 1st October 2024, the Company passed its fifth amendment to the initial share purchase agreement (the “Share Purchase Agreement”) with Meridianbet in connection with the Company’s previous acquisition of Meridianbet earlier this year.

Under the current Purchase Agreement, Golden Matrix is obligated to pay Aleksandar Milovanović, Zoran Milošević and Snežana Božović (the “Sellers”) additional sums of cash and Golden Matrix Common Stock within five business days following October 9, 2024.

As of 1st October 1, 2024, the Share Purchase Agreement was amended to reflect that the cash component shall be paid to each of the Sellers as follows:

  • Milovanović40% of the total post-closing cash consideration due to Milovanović shall be satisfied in shares of Golden Matrix Common Stock and the remaining contingent post-closing cash consideration shall be deferred until at least November 9, 2024.
  • Milošević40% of the total post-closing cash consideration due to Milosevic shall be satisfied in shares of Golden Matrix Common Stock and the remaining contingent post-closing cash consideration shall be payable at the rate of USD$50,000 per month, on each of October 1, 2024, November 1, 2024 and December 1, 2024.
  • Božović20% of the total of the post-closing cash consideration due to Božović shall be satisfied in shares of Golden Matrix Common Stock and the remaining contingent post-closing cash consideration shall be payable at the rate of USD$50,000 per month, on each of October 1, 2024 and November 1, 2024.

These conversions from contingent cash payments to Golden Matrix Common Stock aligns the interests of key stakeholders with GMGI’s long-term prospects for further growth and overall continued success. Moreover, it is expected to provide GMGI with enhanced financial flexibility as it continues to focus on its various strategic initiatives and expansion efforts.

About Golden Matrix Group

Golden Matrix Group, based in Las Vegas, NV, is a leading B2B and B2C gaming technology company utilizing proprietary technology and operating globally across multiple international markets. The B2B division of Golden Matrix develops and licenses branded gaming platforms for its extensive list of clients, and RKings, its B2C division, operates a high-volume eCommerce site enabling end users to enter paid-for competitions on its proprietary platform in authorized markets.

About Meridianbet

Founded in 2001 and acquired by Golden Matrix in April 2024, Meridianbet Group is a well-established online sports betting and gaming group, licensed and/or currently operating in 17 jurisdictions across Europe, Africa, and South America. Meridianbet’s successful business model utilizes proprietary technology and scalable systems, thus allowing it to operate in multiple countries and currencies and with an omni-channel approach to markets, including retail, desktop online, and mobile.

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements made in this press release contain forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws, including within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (“forward-looking statements”). Words such as “strategy,” “expects,” “continues,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “would,” “will,” “estimates,” “intends,” “projects,” “goals,” “targets” and other words of similar meaning are intended to identify forward-looking statements but are not the exclusive means of identifying these statements.

Important factors that may cause actual results and outcomes to differ materially from those contained in such forward-looking statements include, without limitation, the ability of the Company to obtain the funding required to pay certain Meridianbet Group acquisition post-closing obligations, the terms of such funding, potential dilution caused thereby and/or covenants agreed to in connection therewith; potential lawsuits regarding the acquisition; dilution caused by the terms of the Note and Warrant, the Company’s ability to pay amounts due under the Note and covenants associated therewith and penalties which could be due under the Note and securities purchase agreement for failure to comply with the terms thereof; the business, economic and political conditions in the markets in which the Company operates; the effect on the Company and its operations of the ongoing Ukraine/Russia conflict and the conflict in Israel, changing interest rates and inflation, and risks of recessions; the need for additional financing, the terms of such financing and the availability of such financing; the ability of the Company and/or its subsidiaries to obtain additional gaming licenses; the ability of the Company to manage growth; the Company’s ability to complete acquisitions and the availability of funding for such acquisitions; disruptions caused by acquisitions; dilution caused by fund raising, the conversion of outstanding preferred stock, convertible securities and/or acquisitions; the Company’s ability to maintain the listing of its common stock on the Nasdaq Capital Market; the Company’s expectations for future growth, revenues, and profitability; the Company’s expectations regarding future plans and timing thereof; the Company’s reliance on its management; the fact that the sellers of the Meridianbet Group hold voting control over the Company; related party relationships; the potential effect of economic downturns, recessions, increases in interest rates and inflation, and market conditions, decreases in discretionary spending and therefore demand for our products and services, and increases in the cost of capital, related thereto, among other affects thereof, on the Company’s operations and prospects; the Company’s ability to protect proprietary information; the ability of the Company to compete in its market; the effect of current and future regulation, the Company’s ability to comply with regulations and potential penalties in the event it fails to comply with such regulations and changes in the enforcement and interpretation of existing laws and regulations and the adoption of new laws and regulations that may unfavorably impact our business; the risks associated with gaming fraud, user cheating and cyber-attacks; risks associated with systems failures and failures of technology and infrastructure on which the Company’s programs rely; foreign exchange and currency risks; the outcome of contingencies, including legal proceedings in the normal course of business; the ability to compete against existing and new competitors; the ability to manage expenses associated with sales and marketing and necessary general and administrative and technology investments; and general consumer sentiment and economic conditions that may affect levels of discretionary customer purchases of the Company’s products, including potential recessions and global economic slowdowns. Although we believe that our plans, intentions and expectations reflected in or suggested by the forward-looking statements we make in this press release are reasonable, we provide no assurance that these plans, intentions or expectations will be achieved.

Other important factors that may cause actual results and outcomes to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements included in this communication are described in the Company’s publicly-filed reports, including, but not limited to, under the “Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements,” “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” sections of the Company’s periodic and current filings with the SEC, including the Form 10-Qs and Form 10-Ks, including, but not limited to, the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended October 31, 2023 and its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended January 31, 2024, and future periodic reports on Form 10-K and Form 10 Q. These reports are available at

Brett Milotte



What changes were made to the Meridianbet earnout structure by Golden Matrix Group (GMGI)?

GMGI amended the share purchase agreement on October 1, 2024, converting portions of cash payments to GMGI common stock and deferring remaining cash payments for the three sellers: Aleksandar Milovanović, Zoran Milošević, and Snežana Božović.

How does the amendment affect GMGI's financial obligations for the Meridianbet acquisition?

The amendment provides GMGI with enhanced financial flexibility by partially converting cash payments to stock and deferring remaining cash considerations, allowing the company to better manage its short-term cash flow while focusing on strategic initiatives.

What percentage of the earnout payments will be converted to GMGI stock for each seller?

Milovanović and Milošević will have 40% of their post-closing cash consideration converted to GMGI common stock, while Božović will have 20% converted.

When are the remaining cash payments scheduled for the Meridianbet sellers under the new amendment?

Milovanović's remaining cash is deferred until at least November 9, 2024. Milošević will receive $50,000 monthly from October to December 2024. Božović will receive $50,000 monthly in October and November 2024.

Golden Matrix Group, Inc.


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Electronic Gaming & Multimedia
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United States of America