CEO David B. Dorwart Anticipates a Bright Future at Good Gaming Inc. Through His Most Recent Shareholder Update
Good Gaming Inc. (OTCQB: GMER) CEO David B. Dorwart has released a shareholder update outlining the company's strategic shift and future prospects. Key points include:
1. Moving away from game development to focus on marketing and distributing established global mobile games in the U.S. market.
2. Partnering with ViaOne subsidiaries enTouch Wireless and Assist Wireless for marketing and pre-loading games on cellular devices.
3. Targeting the growing play-to-earn games market in both Web2 and Web3 sectors.
4. Leveraging the projected growth of the global mobile gaming market, estimated to reach $432 billion with 1.9 billion gamers by 2028.
5. Benefiting from ViaOne Services' continued support, including over $2 million in loans converted to equity.
The company aims to capitalize on the increasing demand for mobile gaming services and believes this strategic pivot positions them for future success in the industry.
Il CEO di Good Gaming Inc. (OTCQB: GMER), David B. Dorwart, ha rilasciato un aggiornamento agli azionisti che illustra il cambiamento strategico dell'azienda e le prospettive future. I punti chiave includono:
1. Allontanarsi dallo sviluppo di giochi per concentrarsi sul marketing e sulla distribuzione di giochi mobili globali consolidati nel mercato statunitense.
2. Stabilire una partnership con le sussidiarie di ViaOne, enTouch Wireless e Assist Wireless, per il marketing e il caricamento anticipato dei giochi sui dispositivi cellulari.
3. Puntare al mercato in crescita dei giochi play-to-earn nei settori Web2 e Web3.
4. Sfruttare la crescita prevista del mercato globale dei giochi mobili, stimata a raggiungere i 432 miliardi di dollari con 1,9 miliardi di giocatori entro il 2028.
5. Beneficiare del continuo supporto dei servizi di ViaOne, compresi oltre 2 milioni di dollari in prestiti convertiti in capitale.
L'azienda punta a capitalizzare la crescente domanda di servizi di gaming mobile e crede che questo cambiamento strategico li posizioni per un futuro successo nel settore.
El CEO de Good Gaming Inc. (OTCQB: GMER), David B. Dorwart, ha publicado una actualización para los accionistas que describe el cambio estratégico de la empresa y sus perspectivas futuras. Los puntos clave incluyen:
1. Alejarse del desarrollo de juegos para concentrarse en el marketing y la distribución de juegos móviles globales establecidos en el mercado estadounidense.
2. Asociarse con las subsidiarias de ViaOne, enTouch Wireless y Assist Wireless, para el marketing y la precarga de juegos en dispositivos celulares.
3. Dirigirse al creciente mercado de juegos play-to-earn en los sectores Web2 y Web3.
4. Aprovechar el crecimiento proyectado del mercado global de juegos móviles, que se estima alcanzará los 432 mil millones de dólares con 1,9 mil millones de jugadores para 2028.
5. Beneficiarse del continuo apoyo de los servicios de ViaOne, que incluyen más de 2 millones de dólares en préstamos convertidos en capital.
La empresa busca capitalizar la creciente demanda de servicios de juegos móviles y cree que este giro estratégico los posiciona para un futuro éxito en la industria.
Good Gaming Inc. (OTCQB: GMER)의 CEO인 David B. Dorwart가 회사의 전략적 변화와 미래 전망을 설명하는 주주 업데이트를 발표하였습니다. 주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
1. 게임 개발에서 벗어나 미국 시장의 기존 글로벌 모바일 게임의 마케팅 및 배급에 집중합니다.
2. 에이드 및 어시스트 와이어리스와 제휴하여 휴대기기에 게임을 마케팅하고 미리 로드할 예정입니다.
3. Web2 및 Web3 부문에서 성장하는 플레이투얼른 게임 시장을 목표로 합니다.
4. 2028년까지 1.9억 명의 게이머와 함께 4,320억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상되는 글로벌 모바일 게임 시장의 성장 잠재력을 활용합니다.
5. 2백만 달러 이상의 대출이 자본으로 전환되는 등 ViaOne 서비스의 지속적인 지원을 받습니다.
회사는 모바일 게임 서비스에 대한 수요 증가를 활용하고 있으며, 이러한 전략적 전환이 향후 산업 성공을 위한 위치를 확보한다고 믿고 있습니다.
David B. Dorwart, PDG de Good Gaming Inc. (OTCQB: GMER), a publié une mise à jour pour les actionnaires, décrivant le changement stratégique de l'entreprise et ses perspectives futures. Les points clés incluent :
1. Abandonner le développement de jeux pour se concentrer sur le marketing et la distribution de jeux mobiles globaux déjà établis sur le marché américain.
2. S'associer avec les filiales de ViaOne, enTouch Wireless et Assist Wireless, pour le marketing et le préchargement de jeux sur appareils mobiles.
3. Cibler le marché en pleine croissance des jeux play-to-earn dans les secteurs Web2 et Web3.
4. Tirer parti de la croissance projetée du marché mondial des jeux mobiles, qui devrait atteindre 432 milliards de dollars avec 1,9 milliard de joueurs d'ici 2028.
5. Profiter des soutiens continus des services de ViaOne, y compris plus de 2 millions de dollars de prêts convertis en capital.
L'entreprise vise à capitaliser sur la demande croissante de services de jeux mobiles et est convaincue que ce virage stratégique la positionne pour un avenir couronné de succès dans l'industrie.
David B. Dorwart, der CEO von Good Gaming Inc. (OTCQB: GMER), hat ein Update für die Aktionäre veröffentlicht, das den strategischen Wandel des Unternehmens und die zukünftigen Perspektiven umreißt. Wichtige Punkte sind:
1. Der Fokus wird von der Spieleentwicklung auf das Marketing und den Vertrieb etablierter globaler mobile Spiele im US-Markt verlagert.
2. Partnerschaften mit den Tochtergesellschaften von ViaOne, enTouch Wireless und Assist Wireless, um Spiele in Mobilgeräten zu vermarkten und vorzuladen.
3. Zielsetzung auf den wachsenden Markt für Play-to-Earn-Spiele in den Web2- und Web3-Sektoren.
4. Nutzung des prognostizierten Wachstums des globalen Marktes für mobile Spiele, das bis 2028 voraussichtlich 432 Milliarden Dollar mit 1,9 Milliarden Gamern erreichen wird.
5. Vorteile aus der fortlaufenden Unterstützung von ViaOne Services, einschließlich über 2 Millionen Dollar an in Eigenkapital umgewandelten Darlehen.
Das Unternehmen strebt an, von der steigenden Nachfrage nach mobilen Gaming-Diensten zu profitieren, und glaubt, dass dieser strategische Pivot sie in eine erfolgreiche Position für die Zukunft der Branche bringt.
- Strategic shift to marketing and distributing established global mobile games in the U.S. market
- Partnership with ViaOne subsidiaries for marketing and game distribution on cellular devices
- Targeting the growing play-to-earn games market in Web2 and Web3 sectors
- Potential to capitalize on the projected $432 billion global mobile gaming market by 2028
- ViaOne Services converted over $2 million in loans to equity, demonstrating confidence in the company
- Acknowledgment of past challenges and obstacles in the gaming and NFT markets
- Abandonment of previous strategy to develop games in-house
- Reliance on third-party game developers and established games instead of proprietary content
KENNETT SQUARE, Pa., Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Good Gaming Inc. (OTCQB: GMER), an innovative brand creating unique interactive entertainment experiences since 2008, is pleased to release its latest shareholder update from its CEO David B. Dorwart.
Today, I reach out to you filled with optimism and enthusiasm for the future of Good Gaming Inc. Over the past few years, we have navigated a landscape fraught with challenges and encountered obstacles in the ever-evolving gaming and NFT markets. Yet, I firmly believe that adversity often paves the way for opportunity. With this mindset, we embrace the lessons learned and emerge with more inspiration and determination than ever before.
As the legendary game designer Shigeru Miyamoto famously stated, "If you don't make mistakes, you're not trying hard enough." We have embraced this philosophy wholeheartedly. Our journey has taught us that our true strengths lie in identifying and nurturing successful mobile games found globally rather than developing them from the ground up. We recognize through trial and error that partnering with third-party game developers from various countries to create competing quality games against industry giants is not the most effective path forward and will never be where we make our mark on the industry. However, our challenges have helped to unveil new exciting opportunities.
Recently, we assembled our brightest and most talented employees and consultants for an inspiring three-day "Think Tank" session, dedicated to charting a dynamic path forward for Good Gaming. Together, we explored a wide array of opportunities and developed targeted problem-solving metrics aligned with our specific objectives. This collaboration has bolstered our confidence in providing innovative services in a sector where game developers' demand greatly surpasses existing companies' capacity to meet their needs. We are determined to harness this unique position to achieve the scaling and growth necessary for game development companies to sustainable success. A cornerstone of our future will be our partnership with ViaOne subsidiaries, enTouch Wireless and Assist Wireless. Their expertise in cellular communications will be invaluable to us, offering crucial support in marketing and the pre-loading distribution of cellular devices that feature popular and well-established play-to-earn games in both Web2 and Web3 markets. Looking ahead, we have made a strategic decision to shift our focus from game development to the marketing and distribution of recognized global mobile games that aim to elevate their presence and engage players in the U.S. market. This is more than a mere shift in strategy; it represents a bold leap toward a promising future. We are prepared to embrace the opportunities that have been identified and are on the horizon.
The mobile app gaming industry has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years, particularly in the Web2 and Web3 domains. According to Statista, the global mobile gaming market is projected to reach an astounding
It should be noted, our parent company, ViaOne Services, has demonstrated unwavering commitment to our success through substantial loans exceeding
In conclusion, I am confident that Good Gaming Inc. is on the brink of an exciting future. By learning from our past experiences, focusing on our core strengths, and leveraging current and future global partnerships, we will take control of our destiny and are well-positioned to seize the incredible opportunities that lie ahead in the mobile gaming market.
Thank you for your continued support and look for future announcements regarding additional strategic partnerships that will help to solidify our success going forward.
For more information about Good Gaming, please visit our website:
For more information about ViaOne Services:
Safe Harbor: This release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements appear in a number of places in this release and include all statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of Good Gaming Inc., its directors or its officers with respect to, among other things: (i) financing plans; (ii) trends affecting its financial condition or results of operations; (iii) growth strategy and operating strategy. The words "may," "would," "will," "expect," "estimate," "can," "believe," "potential," and similar expressions and variations thereof are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond Good Gaming Inc.'s ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. More information about the potential factors that could affect the business and financial results is and will be included in Good Gaming, Inc.'s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including those set forth as "Risk Factors" in such filings.
Investor Contact: Joseph M. Vazquez III
Phone: (888) 245-3005