GlycoMimetics Announces Strategic Review and Corporate Restructuring Plan

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GlycoMimetics (Nasdaq: GLYC) has announced a strategic review and corporate restructuring plan following FDA feedback on uproleselan for relapsed/refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Key points include:

1. An additional clinical trial is required for uproleselan in R/R AML.
2. The company will explore strategic alternatives to maximize shareholder value.
3. Discussions continue with NCI and Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology for the ongoing Phase 2/3 study of uproleselan in newly diagnosed AML.
4. Workforce reduction of approximately 80%.
5. Cash runway extended into Q2 2025.

GlycoMimetics aims to find partners to advance uproleselan and GMI-1687, believing both have potential to address unmet needs in their respective areas. The company had $31.3 million in cash as of March 31, 2024.

GlycoMimetics (Nasdaq: GLYC) ha annunciato una revisione strategica e un piano di ristrutturazione aziendale in seguito ai feedback della FDA su uproleselan per la Leucemia Mieloide Acuta (LMA) relapsata/refrattaria. I punti chiave includono:

1. È richiesto un ulteriore studio clinico per uproleselan nella LMA R/R.
2. L'azienda esplorerà alternative strategiche per massimizzare il valore per gli azionisti.
3. Proseguono le discussioni con il NCI e l'Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology per lo studio in fase 2/3 di uproleselan nella LMA appena diagnosticata.
4. Riduzione della forza lavoro di circa l'80%.
5. Prolungamento della disponibilità di liquidità fino al secondo trimestre del 2025.

GlycoMimetics punta a trovare partner per sviluppare uproleselan e GMI-1687, convinta che entrambi abbiano il potenziale per rispondere a bisogni insoddisfatti nei rispettivi settori. L'azienda aveva 31,3 milioni di dollari in contante al 31 marzo 2024.

GlycoMimetics (Nasdaq: GLYC) ha anunciado una revisión estratégica y un plan de reestructuración corporativa tras los comentarios de la FDA sobre uproleselan para la Leucemia Mieloide Aguda (LMA) en recaída/refractaria. Los puntos clave incluyen:

1. Se requiere un ensayo clínico adicional para uproleselan en LMA R/R.
2. La empresa explorará alternativas estratégicas para maximizar el valor para los accionistas.
3. Las discusiones continúan con el NCI y la Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology para el estudio en fase 2/3 de uproleselan en LMA recién diagnosticada.
4. Reducción de la fuerza laboral de aproximadamente el 80%.
5. Ampliación de la liquidez hasta el segundo trimestre de 2025.

GlycoMimetics busca encontrar socios para avanzar en uproleselan y GMI-1687, creyendo que ambos tienen el potencial para abordar necesidades insatisfechas en sus respectivas áreas. La empresa tenía 31,3 millones de dólares en efectivo a partir del 31 de marzo de 2024.

글리코미메틱스(GlycoMimetics, 나스닥: GLYC)는 재발/불응성 급성 골수 leukemia(AML)에 대한 uproleselan에 대한 FDA 피드백 이후 전략 검토 및 기업 구조조정 계획을 발표했습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. R/R AML에서 uproleselan에 대한 추가 임상 시험이 필요합니다.
2. 회사는 주주 가치를 극대화하기 위한 전략적 대안을 모색할 것입니다.
3. 새로 진단된 AML에 대한 uproleselan의 진행 중인 2/3상 연구를 위해 NCI 및 Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology와의 논의가 계속되고 있습니다.
4. 약 80%의 인력 감축.
5. 자금 확보 기간이 2025년 2분기까지 연장되었습니다.

글리코미메틱스는 uproleselan과 GMI-1687을 발전시키기 위해 파트너를 찾고 있으며, 두 제품 모두 각 분야에서 충족되지 않은 요구를 해결할 잠재력이 있다고 믿고 있습니다. 2024년 3월 31일 현재 회사는 3130만 달러의 현금을 보유하고 있었습니다.

GlycoMimetics (Nasdaq: GLYC) a annoncé une révision stratégique et un plan de restructuration d'entreprise suite aux retours de la FDA concernant uproleselan pour la leucémie myéloïde aiguë (LMA) en rechute/réfractaire. Les points clés incluent :

1. Un essai clinique supplémentaire est nécessaire pour uproleselan dans la LMA R/R.
2. L'entreprise explorera des alternatives stratégiques afin de maximiser la valeur pour les actionnaires.
3. Les discussions se poursuivent avec le NCI et l'Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology pour l'étude de phase 2/3 en cours d'upraleselan dans la LMA nouvellement diagnostiquée.
4. Réduction de la main-d'œuvre d'environ 80%.
5. La trésorerie a été prolongée jusqu'au deuxième trimestre 2025.

GlycoMimetics cherche à trouver des partenaires pour faire avancer uproleselan et GMI-1687, croyant que les deux ont le potentiel de répondre à des besoins non satisfaits dans leurs domaines respectifs. L'entreprise avait 31,3 millions de dollars en liquidités au 31 mars 2024.

GlycoMimetics (Nasdaq: GLYC) hat eine strategische Überprüfung und einen Unternehmensrestrukturierungsplan angekündigt, nachdem es Rückmeldungen von der FDA zu uproleselan für rezidivierende/unempfindliche akute myeloische Leukämie (AML) erhalten hat. Die wichtigsten Punkte sind:

1. Eine zusätzliche klinische Studie für uproleselan bei R/R AML ist erforderlich.
2. Das Unternehmen wird strategische Alternativen prüfen, um den Aktionärswert zu maximieren.
3. Die Gespräche mit dem NCI und der Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology über die laufende Phase-2/3-Studie von uproleselan bei neu diagnostizierter AML laufen weiter.
4. Reduzierung der Belegschaft um etwa 80%.
5. Die Liquiditätsreserve wurde bis zum 2. Quartal 2025 verlängert.

GlycoMimetics möchte Partner finden, um uproleselan und GMI-1687 voranzubringen, und ist überzeugt, dass beide Produkte das Potenzial haben, unerfüllte Bedürfnisse in ihren jeweiligen Bereichen zu adressieren. Zum 31. März 2024 verfügte das Unternehmen über 31,3 Millionen US-Dollar in bar.

  • Extended cash runway into Q2 2025
  • Ongoing Phase 2/3 study of uproleselan in newly diagnosed AML patients
  • Potential for business development opportunities for uproleselan and GMI-1687
  • FDA requires additional clinical trial for uproleselan in R/R AML
  • Workforce reduction of approximately 80%
  • Initiation of strategic review, indicating potential challenges

The announcement from GlycoMimetics reveals significant challenges and strategic shifts that will likely impact the company's future. The key points that warrant attention are:

  • The FDA's requirement for an additional clinical trial for uproleselan in R/R AML is a major setback, potentially delaying the drug's path to market and increasing costs.
  • The initiation of a strategic review, including potential business development opportunities for uproleselan and GMI-1687, suggests the company is exploring options to salvage value from these assets.
  • The drastic workforce reduction of approximately 80% indicates a severe cost-cutting measure to extend the cash runway.

These developments paint a picture of a company in crisis, forced to reevaluate its core strategy. The continuation of the NCI-sponsored Phase 2/3 study in newly diagnosed AML patients offers a glimmer of hope, but it's clear that GlycoMimetics is pivoting away from its previous trajectory.

For investors, this news signals increased risk and uncertainty. The extended cash runway into Q2 2025 provides some breathing room, but the company's future hinges on the outcome of its strategic review and potential partnerships or acquisitions. The market is likely to react negatively to this news, given the setbacks in the company's lead program and the significant restructuring.

In the broader context of biotech investing, this situation underscores the inherent risks in drug development, particularly in oncology. It also highlights the importance of pipeline diversity and strong cash positions in weathering regulatory challenges.

From a financial perspective, GlycoMimetics' announcement carries several critical implications:

  • The company's cash position of $31.3 million as of March 31, 2024, while providing some runway, is relatively modest for a biotech company facing significant clinical and strategic challenges.
  • The 80% workforce reduction will result in substantial near-term restructuring costs, but should significantly lower the company's burn rate moving forward.
  • The extension of the cash runway into Q2 2025 gives GlycoMimetics approximately 12-15 months to execute its strategic review and potentially secure a partnership or acquisition.

Investors should be aware that this situation often leads to dilutive financing or potentially unfavorable deal terms if the company needs to partner its assets from a position of weakness. The engagement of Lucid Capital Markets as a strategic advisor suggests that all options, including a potential sale of the company, are on the table.

The market cap of GlycoMimetics is likely to contract significantly following this news, as the company's near-term prospects have dimmed considerably. However, speculative investors might see opportunity in the potential for a buyout or lucrative partnership deal, especially if the ongoing NCI study yields positive results.

From a valuation standpoint, the company will likely be valued primarily on its cash position and the potential value of its intellectual property and pipeline assets. Given the setbacks, any premium to cash value will depend heavily on the perceived value of uproleselan and GMI-1687 to potential partners or acquirers.

The developments at GlycoMimetics highlight several important aspects of oncology drug development, particularly in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML):

  • The FDA's requirement for an additional clinical trial for uproleselan in relapsed and refractory AML underscores the high regulatory bar for approval in this indication. This reflects the complex nature of AML and the need for robust efficacy data.
  • The continuation of the NCI-sponsored Phase 2/3 study in newly diagnosed AML patients is a positive signal. This study, evaluating uproleselan in combination with standard chemotherapy, could provide valuable data on the drug's potential in a frontline setting.
  • The focus on both relapsed/refractory and newly diagnosed AML demonstrates the unmet medical need across the disease spectrum.

Uproleselan's mechanism of action, targeting E-selectin, represents an innovative approach in AML treatment. If successful, it could offer a new option for improving the efficacy of standard chemotherapy regimens.

The strategic review and potential partnering of uproleselan and GMI-1687 could actually benefit their development. A larger pharmaceutical company with more resources might be better positioned to navigate the regulatory challenges and conduct the necessary additional trials.

For the broader oncology field, this case highlights the importance of adaptive trial designs and close collaboration with regulatory bodies throughout the development process. It also underscores the value of government-sponsored trials in supplementing company-led studies, potentially providing additional data to support regulatory submissions.

  • After meeting with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it has been determined that the regulatory path forward for uproleselan in relapsed and refractory (R/R) Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) would require an additional clinical trial
  • The Company will conduct a strategic review of the business seeking to maximize shareholder value, including the evaluation of potential business development opportunities for uproleselan and GMI-1687 to ensure their continued advancement
  • The Company is advancing discussions with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology for the ongoing Phase 2/3 study of uproleselan in newly diagnosed AML patients
  • The Company will reduce its workforce by approximately 80%; cash and cash equivalents are expected to fund the company into the second quarter of 2025

ROCKVILLE, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- GlycoMimetics, Inc. (Nasdaq: GLYC), a late clinical-stage biotechnology company discovering and developing glycobiology-based therapies for cancers and inflammatory diseases, today announced the initiation of a strategic review and corporate restructuring plan. GlycoMimetics has engaged Lucid Capital Markets to act as a strategic advisor in the process.

“We are committed to acting in the best interests of patients, employees and shareholders. Given our organization’s cash resources, we plan to explore a range of potential strategic alternatives and seek to deliver value to our shareholders and find avenues that allow uproleselan and GMI-1687 to build upon their clinical promise, including in the ongoing NCI Phase 2/3 study of uproleselan in newly diagnosed AML patients,” said Harout Semerjian, Chief Executive Officer of GlycoMimetics. “We believe both drug candidates have the potential to address significant unmet needs in their respective therapeutic areas and we are focused on finding organizations to advance these programs. We are proud of our team’s dedication to improving the lives of patients and are thankful for their hard work progressing uproleselan and GMI-1687.”

The Company will evaluate strategic alternatives and no timetable has been set for the conclusion of the strategic review or the consummation of any such strategic transaction.

GlycoMimetics had cash and cash equivalents of approximately $31.3 million as of March 31, 2024. Based on the corporate restructuring and streamlining of operations, the Company expects to significantly reduce future operating expenses and extend its cash runway into the second quarter of 2025.

NCI Phase 2/3 Study of Uproleselan in Frontline AML

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology are conducting an adaptive Phase 2/3 study of uproleselan in adults with newly diagnosed AML who are 60 years or older and fit for intensive chemotherapy. Their randomized, controlled study is evaluating the addition of uproleselan to a standard cytarabine / daunorubicin regimen (7+3) versus chemotherapy alone. The Phase 2 portion of the study completed enrollment of 267 patients in December 2021.

About AML

AML is the most common acute leukemia in adults. A cancer of the bone marrow, nearly 21,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with AML each year. Despite the availability of multiple treatments, disease prognosis is poor, and new treatment options are needed to improve outcomes. Newly diagnosed AML has the lowest 5-year survival rate of all leukemias at 31.7%. The five-year survival rate for people with relapsed/refractory disease is only 10%.

About Uproleselan

Discovered and developed by GlycoMimetics, uproleselan (yoo’ pro le’se lan) is an investigational, first-in-class E-selectin antagonist. GlycoMimetics has received Breakthrough Therapy and Fast Track designations from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Breakthrough Therapy designation from the Chinese National Medical Products Administration for uproleselan as a potential treatment for adult AML patients with relapsed or refractory disease. E-selectin is a leukocyte adhesion molecule constitutively expressed on endothelial cells of the vasculature and bone marrow. In AML, there is evidence that E-selectin–ligand interaction between endothelial cells in the protective niche of the Bone Marrow microEnvironment (BME) and leukemic stem cells and blasts promotes leukemic cell survival and hides them from AML therapies. Uproleselan is designed to disrupt E-selectin binding and prevent leukemic myeloid cells using the protective niche of the BME.

About GMI-1687

Discovered and developed by GlycoMimetics, GMI-1687 is a highly potent E-selectin antagonist that is bioavailable after subcutaneous administration. This second-generation compound has potential application in oncology and inflammatory diseases, and the company’s initial clinical development has focused on sickle-cell disease (SCD). E-selectin is believed to play a major role in vaso-occlusive events (VOEs), a group of acute complications that are associated with SCD and include vaso-occlusive pain crises, acute chest syndrome (ACS), stroke, and splenic sequestration. Administration of GMI-1687 by subcutaneous injection, if successfully developed in the clinic, may enable this study drug to be approved as a patient-controlled, point-of-care treatment option.

About GlycoMimetics, Inc.

GlycoMimetics is a late clinical-stage biotechnology company discovering and developing glycobiology-based therapies for cancers, including AML, and for inflammatory diseases. The company’s scientific approach is based on an understanding of the role that carbohydrates play in cell recognition. Its specialized chemistry platform can be used to discover small molecule drugs, known as glycomimetics, that alter carbohydrate-mediated recognition in diverse disease states, including cancers and inflammation. The company’s goal is to develop transformative therapies for diseases with high unmet medical need. GlycoMimetics is headquartered in Rockville, MD in the BioHealth Capital Region. Learn more at

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements may include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the conduct of a strategic review of its business, the implementation of a corporate restructuring plan, the extension of its cash resources, and the potential benefits and impact of its product candidates. Actual results may differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements. For a further description of the risks associated with these statements, as well as other risks facing GlycoMimetics, please see the risk factors described in the company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on March 27, 2024, the company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC on May 9, 2024, and other filings GlycoMimetics makes with the SEC from time to time. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this release, and GlycoMimetics undertakes no obligation to update or revise these statements, except as may be required by law.

Investor Contact:

Argot Partners

Leo Vartorella


Source: GlycoMimetics, Inc.


What is the current status of GlycoMimetics' (GLYC) uproleselan development for AML?

The FDA has determined that an additional clinical trial is required for uproleselan in relapsed/refractory AML. However, discussions continue with NCI and Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology for the ongoing Phase 2/3 study of uproleselan in newly diagnosed AML patients.

How is GlycoMimetics (GLYC) restructuring its operations?

GlycoMimetics is implementing a corporate restructuring plan that includes a workforce reduction of approximately 80% and a strategic review to explore potential business development opportunities for uproleselan and GMI-1687.

What is GlycoMimetics' (GLYC) financial outlook following the restructuring?

GlycoMimetics had approximately $31.3 million in cash and cash equivalents as of March 31, 2024. The company expects to extend its cash runway into the second quarter of 2025 due to the corporate restructuring and streamlining of operations.

What is the status of the NCI Phase 2/3 study of uproleselan in frontline AML for GlycoMimetics (GLYC)?

The NCI and Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology are conducting an adaptive Phase 2/3 study of uproleselan in adults with newly diagnosed AML who are 60 years or older. The Phase 2 portion completed enrollment of 267 patients in December 2021.

GlycoMimetics, Inc.


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Pharmaceutical Preparations
United States of America