Corning Provides Update on Key Milestones in ‘Springboard’ Plan to Add More Than $3 Billion in Annualized Sales, and Shares Operating-Margin Target of 20% by End of 2026

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Corning Incorporated (NYSE: GLW) provided updates on its 'Springboard' plan to add over $3 billion in annualized sales by 2026, with a target operating margin of 20%. Key highlights include:

1. Implementing price increases in Display Technologies, expecting segment net income of $900-950 million in 2025 with a 25% margin.

2. Optical Communications' Enterprise sales projected to grow over 40% year-over-year in Q3, driven by AI product adoption.

3. Showcasing new products for AI-enabled data centers, supporting Lumen's network build.

4. Q3 expectations: $3.7 billion in sales and EPS of $0.50-$0.54.

The company emphasizes its competitive advantage and industry leadership in optical fiber production, positioning itself to capture significant growth opportunities.

Corning Incorporated (NYSE: GLW) ha fornito aggiornamenti sul suo piano 'Springboard' per aggiungere oltre 3 miliardi di dollari di vendite annualizzate entro il 2026, con un margine operativo target del 20%. I principali punti salienti includono:

1. Implementazione di aumenti di prezzo nelle Tecnologie di Visualizzazione, con un reddito netto previsto per il settore di 900-950 milioni di dollari nel 2025 e un margine del 25%.

2. Vendite dell'Enterprise delle Comunicazioni Ottiche previste in crescita di oltre il 40% anno su anno nel terzo trimestre, trainate dall'adozione di prodotti per l'IA.

3. Presentazione di nuovi prodotti per centri dati abilitati all'IA, a supporto della rete di Lumen.

4. Aspettative per il terzo trimestre: 3,7 miliardi di dollari di vendite e EPS di 0,50-0,54 dollari.

L'azienda sottolinea il suo vantaggio competitivo e la leadership di settore nella produzione di fibra ottica, posizionandosi per cogliere significative opportunità di crescita.

Corning Incorporated (NYSE: GLW) proporcionó actualizaciones sobre su plan 'Springboard' para agregar más de 3 mil millones de dólares en ventas anuales para 2026, con un objetivo de margen operativo del 20%. Los puntos más destacados incluyen:

1. Implementación de aumentos de precios en Tecnologías de Pantalla, con un ingreso neto esperado del segmento de 900-950 millones de dólares en 2025 con un margen del 25%.

2. Ventas de Enterprise en Comunicaciones Ópticas proyectadas para crecer más del 40% interanual en el tercer trimestre, impulsadas por la adopción de productos de IA.

3. Exhibición de nuevos productos para centros de datos habilitados para IA, apoyando la construcción de red de Lumen.

4. Expectativas para el tercer trimestre: 3,7 mil millones de dólares en ventas y EPS de 0,50 a 0,54 dólares.

La compañía enfatiza su ventaja competitiva y liderazgo en la industria de producción de fibra óptica, posicionándose para captar oportunidades de crecimiento significativas.

코닝 주식회사 (NYSE: GLW)는 2026년까지 연간 30억 달러 이상의 매출을 추가하는 '스프링보드' 계획에 대한 업데이트를 발표했으며, 목표 운영 마진이 20%인 것으로 설정했습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 디스플레이 기술에서 가격 인상을 시행하며, 2025년에는 9억~9.5억 달러의 세그먼트 순이익과 25%의 마진을 기대하고 있습니다.

2. 광통신의 엔터프라이즈 매출은 3분기 동안 전년 대비 40% 이상 성장할 것으로 예상되며, 이는 AI 제품 채택에 힘입은 결과입니다.

3. Lumen의 네트워크 구축을 지원하는 AI 지원 데이터 센터용 신제품을 선보입니다.

4. 3분기 예상: 37억 달러의 매출주당 순이익 (EPS) 0.50~0.54 달러.

회사는 광섬유 생산에서의 경쟁 우위 및 산업 리더십을 강조하며, significativo한 성장 기회를 포착하기 위한 자세를 취하고 있습니다.

Corning Incorporated (NYSE: GLW) a fourni des mises à jour sur son plan 'Springboard' visant à ajouter plus de 3 milliards de dollars de ventes annualisées d'ici 2026, avec un objectif de marge opérationnelle de 20%. Les faits saillants incluent :

1. Mise en œuvre d'augmentations de prix dans les Technologies d'Affichage, avec un revenu net attendu de 900 à 950 millions de dollars pour le secteur en 2025 et une marge de 25%.

2. Les ventes Entreprises des Communications Optiques devraient croître de plus de 40% d'une année sur l'autre au T3, grâce à l'adoption de produits d'IA.

3. Présentation de nouveaux produits pour des centres de données activés par l'IA, soutenant le développement du réseau de Lumen.

4. Attentes pour le T3 : 3,7 milliards de dollars de ventes et un BPA de 0,50 à 0,54 dollar.

L'entreprise souligne son avantage concurrentiel et son leadership dans l'industrie de la production de fibre optique, se positionnant pour saisir des opportunités de croissance significatives.

Corning Incorporated (NYSE: GLW) hat Updates zu seinem 'Springboard'-Plan bereitgestellt, um bis 2026 über 3 Milliarden Dollar an jährlichen Verkäufen hinzuzufügen, mit einem Ziel-Betriebsgewinnmargen von 20%. Zu den wichtigsten Höhepunkten gehören:

1. Preiserhöhungen in den Display-Technologien, mit einem erwarteten Segment-Nettoergebnis von 900-950 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2025 und einer Marge von 25%.

2. Die Unternehmensverkäufe im Bereich Optical Communications werden voraussichtlich im dritten Quartal um über 40% im Jahresvergleich wachsen, getrieben durch die Einführung von KI-Produkten.

3. Vorstellung neuer Produkte für KI-unterstützte Rechenzentren zur Unterstützung des Netzwerkausbaus von Lumen.

4. Erwartungen für das dritte Quartal: 3,7 Milliarden Dollar Umsatz und EPS von 0,50 bis 0,54 Dollar.

Das Unternehmen betont seinen Wettbewerbsvorteil und die Branchenführerschaft in der Produktion von Glasfaser und positioniert sich, um erhebliche Wachstumschancen zu nutzen.

  • Springboard plan targets over $3 billion in annualized sales by 2026
  • Operating margin target of 20% by end of 2026
  • Display Technologies segment expected to deliver $900-950 million net income in 2025
  • Optical Communications' Enterprise sales projected to grow over 40% year-over-year in Q3
  • Q3 sales guidance of $3.7 billion
  • New product showcase for AI-enabled data centers
  • Partnership with Lumen for network build using new gen AI fiber-and-cable system
  • None.

Corning's update on its 'Springboard' plan signals strong potential for revenue growth and profitability. The target of adding over $3 billion in annualized sales by 2026 with an operating margin goal of 20% is ambitious but appears achievable given current momentum. Key highlights include:

  • Display Technologies segment projecting net income of $900-950 million in 2025 with a 25% net income margin
  • Optical Communications seeing over 40% year-over-year growth in Enterprise sales for Q3
  • Q3 guidance of $3.7 billion in sales and EPS of $0.50-$0.54

These projections, coupled with price increases and strong adoption of AI-related products, suggest Corning is well-positioned for substantial growth. However, investors should monitor execution risks and market dynamics in the tech sector.

Corning's focus on optical connectivity for AI data centers is a strategic move that aligns with industry trends. The company's new products for interconnecting AI-enabled data centers, particularly those supporting Lumen's network build, demonstrate Corning's ability to innovate in high-growth areas. The over 40% year-over-year growth in Enterprise sales for Q3, driven by AI-related products, underscores the potential of this market segment. Corning's position as the world's largest and lowest-cost optical fiber producer gives it a significant competitive advantage in meeting the increasing demand for high-speed, high-capacity networks essential for AI and cloud computing. This could be a major driver for the company's ambitious growth plans, provided they can maintain their technological edge and production efficiency.

Management implementing price increases in Display Technologies and expects to deliver segment net income of $900 million to $950 million in 2025, and to maintain net income margin of 25%

In Optical Communications, Enterprise sales are expected to grow by more than 40% year over year in the third quarter, driven by the continued strong adoption of new optical-connectivity products for generative AI used inside data centers

Company showcases new set of products to interconnect AI-enabled data centers, which support Lumen’s build of a new network and mark the first outside-plant deployment of Corning’s new gen AI fiber-and-cable system

CORNING, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Corning Incorporated (NYSE: GLW) will host a meeting today at its optical fiber facility in Concord, North Carolina, with investors and industry analysts to provide significant updates to its “Springboard” plan to add more than $3 billion in annualized sales with strong incremental profit and cash flow in the next three years.

Wendell P. Weeks, chairman and chief executive officer, said, “I’m very pleased with the progress we have made on our ‘Springboard’ plan to add more than $3 billion in annualized sales by 2026. The plan leads to an improving return profile, with profits growing significantly faster than sales. Today, we are sharing our Springboard operating-margin target of 20% by the end of 2026.”

Weeks continued, “We are implementing price increases in Display Technologies and expect to deliver segment net income of $900 million to $950 million in 2025, and to maintain net income margin of 25%. Additionally, our positive momentum in Optical Communications continues – Enterprise sales are expected to grow by more than 40% year over year in the third quarter, driven by the continued strong adoption of our generative AI products.”

Ed Schlesinger, executive vice president and chief financial officer, said, “Our second-quarter results and third-quarter guidance put us well ahead of our ‘Springboard’ plan run rate. In the third quarter, we continue to expect sales of $3.7 billion and EPS of $0.50 to $0.54.”

Today, Corning management will lead investors through a tour of the company’s – and the world’s – largest and lowest cost optical-fiber production facility. During the visit, leadership will highlight the company’s unique competitive advantage and industry and technology leadership – which enables Corning to capture the significant growth opportunity outlined in its Springboard plan.

About Today’s Meeting

A live webcast will be available during the event at The presentation used during the event and a replay of the event will also be available on Corning’s Investor Relations website,

Presentation of Information in this News Release

This news release includes non-GAAP financial measures. Non-GAAP financial measures are not in accordance with, or an alternative to, GAAP. Corning’s non-GAAP financial measures exclude the impact of items that are driven by general economic conditions and events that do not reflect the underlying fundamentals and trends in the company’s operations. The company believes presenting non-GAAP financial measures assists in analyzing financial performance without the impact of items that may obscure trends in the company’s underlying performance. Definitions of these non-GAAP financial measures and reconciliations of these non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures can be found on the company’s website by going to the Investor Relations page and clicking “Quarterly Results” under the “Financials and Filings” tab.

With respect to the outlook for future periods, it is not possible to provide reconciliations for these non-GAAP measures because management does not forecast the movement of foreign currencies against the U.S. dollar, or other items that do not reflect ongoing operations, nor does it forecast items that have not yet occurred or are out of management’s control. As a result, management is unable to provide outlook information on a GAAP basis.

Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

The statements contained in this release and related comments by management that are not historical facts or information and contain words such as “will,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “expect,” “intend,” “plan,” “seek,” “see,” “would,” “target,” “estimate,” “forecast” or similar expressions are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and include estimates and assumptions related to economic, competitive and legislative developments. Such statements relate to future events that by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain. These forward-looking statements relate to, among other things, the company’s future operating performance, the company’s share of new and existing markets, the company’s revenue and earnings growth rates, the company’s ability to innovate and commercialize new products, the company’s expected capital expenditure and the company’s implementation of cost-reduction initiatives and measures to improve pricing, including the optimization of the company’s manufacturing capacity.​

Although the company believes that these forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions regarding, among other things, current estimates and forecasts, general economic conditions, its knowledge of its business and key performance indicators that impact the company, there can be no assurance that these forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management’s estimates or opinions should change except as required by applicable securities laws.​

Some of the risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: global economic trends, competition and geopolitical risks, or an escalation of sanctions, tariffs or other trade tensions between the U.S. and China or other countries, and related impacts on our businesses’ global supply chains and strategies; changes in macroeconomic and market conditions and market volatility, including developments and volatility arising from health crisis events, inflation, interest rates, the value of securities and other financial assets, precious metals, oil, natural gas, raw materials and other commodity prices and exchange rates (particularly between the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen, New Taiwan dollar, euro, Chinese yuan and South Korean won), the availability of government incentives, decreases or sudden increases of consumer demand, and the impact of such changes and volatility on our financial position and businesses; the duration and severity of health crisis events, such as an epidemic or pandemic, and its impact across our businesses on demand, personnel, operations, our global supply chains and stock price; possible disruption in commercial activities or our supply chain due to terrorist activity, cyber-attack, armed conflict, political or financial instability, natural disasters, international trade disputes or major health concerns; loss of intellectual property due to theft, cyber-attack, or disruption to our information technology infrastructure; ability to enforce patents and protect intellectual property and trade secrets; disruption to Corning’s, our suppliers’ and manufacturers’ supply chain, equipment, facilities, IT systems or operations; product demand and industry capacity; competitive products and pricing; availability and costs of critical components, materials, equipment, natural resources and utilities; new product development and commercialization; order activity and demand from major customers; the amount and timing of our cash flows and earnings and other conditions, which may affect our ability to pay our quarterly dividend at the planned level or to repurchase shares at planned levels; the amount and timing of any future dividends; the effects of acquisitions, dispositions and other similar transactions; the effect of regulatory and legal developments; ability to pace capital spending to anticipated levels of customer demand; our ability to increase margins through implementation of operational changes, pricing actions and cost reduction measures; rate of technology change; adverse litigation; product and component performance issues; retention of key personnel; customer ability to maintain profitable operations and obtain financing to fund ongoing operations and manufacturing expansions and pay receivables when due; loss of significant customers; changes in tax laws, regulations and international tax standards; the impacts of audits by taxing authorities; the potential impact of legislation, government regulations, and other government action and investigations; and other risks detailed in Corning’s SEC filings. ​

For a complete listing of risks and other factors, please reference the risk factors and forward-looking statements described in our annual reports on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q.​​

Web Disclosure

In accordance with guidance provided by the SEC regarding the use of company websites and social media channels to disclose material information, Corning Incorporated (“Corning”) wishes to notify investors, media, and other interested parties that it uses its website ( to publish important information about the company, including information that may be deemed material to investors, or supplemental to information contained in this or other press releases. The list of websites and social media channels that the company uses may be updated on Corning’s media and website from time to time. Corning encourages investors, media, and other interested parties to review the information Corning may publish through its website and social media channels as described above, in addition to the company’s SEC filings, press releases, conference calls, and webcasts.

About Corning Incorporated

Corning ( is one of the world’s leading innovators in materials science, with a 170-year track record of life-changing inventions. Corning applies its unparalleled expertise in glass science, ceramic science, and optical physics along with its deep manufacturing and engineering capabilities to develop category-defining products that transform industries and enhance people’s lives. Corning succeeds through sustained investment in RD&E, a unique combination of material and process innovation, and deep, trust-based relationships with customers who are global leaders in their industries. Corning’s capabilities are versatile and synergistic, which allows the company to evolve to meet changing market needs, while also helping its customers capture new opportunities in dynamic industries. Today, Corning’s markets include optical communications, mobile consumer electronics, display, automotive, solar, semiconductors, and life sciences.

© 2024 Corning Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Media Relations Contact:

Michael A. West Jr.

(607) 684-1167

Investor Relations Contact:

Ann H.S. Nicholson

(607) 974-6716

Source: Corning Incorporated


What is Corning's 'Springboard' plan sales target by 2026?

Corning's 'Springboard' plan aims to add more than $3 billion in annualized sales by 2026.

What is GLW's operating margin target for the end of 2026?

Corning (GLW) has set an operating margin target of 20% by the end of 2026 as part of its 'Springboard' plan.

What is Corning's expected net income for Display Technologies in 2025?

Corning expects to deliver segment net income of $900 million to $950 million in Display Technologies for 2025.

How much growth is expected in GLW's Optical Communications Enterprise sales for Q3?

Corning (GLW) expects Optical Communications Enterprise sales to grow by more than 40% year-over-year in the third quarter of 2023.

What are Corning's sales and EPS expectations for Q3 2023?

For the third quarter of 2023, Corning (GLW) expects sales of $3.7 billion and EPS of $0.50 to $0.54.

Corning Incorporated


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