Clough Global Equity Fund Section 19(a) Notice

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The Clough Global Equity Fund (NYSE American:GLQ) paid a monthly distribution of $0.0603 per share on July 31, 2024. The entire distribution is classified as a return of capital. For the fiscal year-to-date, 99.30% of distributions have been return of capital, with 0.70% from net investment income.

Key performance metrics include:

  • Annualized Distribution Rate: 8.81% of NAV
  • Cumulative Distribution Rate: 6.60% of NAV
  • Cumulative Total Return: 37.30% (fiscal year-to-date)
  • 5-Year Average Annual Total Return: 3.47%
The Fund's distribution policy is subject to modification by the Board of Trustees. Shareholders are advised not to draw conclusions about the Fund's investment performance from this distribution.

Il Clough Global Equity Fund (NYSE American:GLQ) ha effettuato una distribuzione mensile di $0.0603 per azione il 31 luglio 2024. L'intera distribuzione è classificata come restituzione di capitale. Fino ad oggi, il 99,30% delle distribuzioni è stato restituito come capitale, mentre il 0,70% proviene da reddito netto da investimenti.

I principali indicatori di performance includono:

  • Aliquota di Distribuzione Annualizzata: 8,81% del NAV
  • Aliquota di Distribuzione Cumulativa: 6,60% del NAV
  • Rendimento Totale Cumulativo: 37,30% (fino ad oggi nell'anno fiscale)
  • Rendimento Totale Medio Annuale su 5 Anni: 3,47%
La politica di distribuzione del Fondo può essere modificata dal Consiglio di Amministrazione. Si consiglia agli azionisti di non trarre conclusioni sulle performance d’investimento del Fondo basandosi su questa distribuzione.

El Clough Global Equity Fund (NYSE American:GLQ) realizó una distribución mensual de $0.0603 por acción el 31 de julio de 2024. Toda la distribución se clasifica como devolución de capital. Hasta la fecha, el 99.30% de las distribuciones se ha dado como devolución de capital, mientras que el 0.70% proviene de ingresos netos de inversión.

Las métricas clave de rendimiento incluyen:

  • Tasa de Distribución Anualizada: 8.81% del NAV
  • Tasa de Distribución Acumulada: 6.60% del NAV
  • Retorno Total Acumulado: 37.30% (hasta la fecha del año fiscal)
  • Retorno Total Anual Promedio a 5 Años: 3.47%
La política de distribución del Fondo está sujeta a modificaciones por parte de la Junta de Fiduciarios. Se aconseja a los accionistas no sacar conclusiones sobre el rendimiento de inversión del Fondo a partir de esta distribución.

클로 어 글로벌 주식 펀드(NYSE American:GLQ)는 2024년 7월 31일에 주당 $0.0603의 월 배당금을 지급했습니다. 전체 배당금은 자본 환급으로 분류됩니다. 현재까지 배당금의 99.30%가 자본 환급으로, 0.70%는 순투자 소득에서 발생했습니다.

주요 성과 지표는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 연환산 배당률: NAV의 8.81%
  • 누적 배당률: NAV의 6.60%
  • 누적 총 수익률: 37.30% (회계 연도 기준)
  • 5년 평균 연간 총 수익률: 3.47%
펀드의 배당 정책은 이사회에 의해 수정될 수 있습니다. 주주들은 이 배당금으로 펀드의 투자 성과에 대한 결론을 내리지 말 것을 권장합니다.

Le Clough Global Equity Fund (NYSE American:GLQ) a versé une distribution mensuelle de $0.0603 par action le 31 juillet 2024. L'ensemble de la distribution est classé comme un retour de capital. Pour l'exercice en cours, 99,30 % des distributions ont été des retours de capital, avec 0,70 % provenant des revenus nets d'investissement.

Les indicateurs de performance clés incluent:

  • Taux de Distribution Annualisé : 8,81 % du NAV
  • Taux de Distribution Cumulative : 6,60 % du NAV
  • Rendement Total Cumulé : 37,30 % (exercice en cours)
  • Rendement Annuel Moyen sur 5 Ans : 3,47 %
La politique de distribution du Fonds peut être modifiée par le Conseil des Fiduciaires. Les actionnaires sont avisés de ne pas tirer de conclusions sur la performance d'investissement du Fonds à partir de cette distribution.

Der Clough Global Equity Fund (NYSE American:GLQ) hat am 31. Juli 2024 eine monatliche Ausschüttung von 0,0603 $ pro Aktie vorgenommen. Die gesamte Ausschüttung wird als Rückzahlung von Kapital klassifiziert. Für das bis heute laufende Geschäftsjahr stammen 99,30% der Ausschüttungen aus Rückzahlungen von Kapital und 0,70% aus Nettoanlageerträgen.

Wichtige Leistungskennzahlen sind:

  • Jahresverzinsung: 8,81% des NAV
  • Kumulative Ausschüttungsquote: 6,60% des NAV
  • Kumulierte Gesamtrendite: 37,30% (bis heute im Geschäftsjahr)
  • Durchschnittliche jährliche Gesamtrendite über 5 Jahre: 3,47%
Die Ausschüttungspolitik des Fonds kann vom Vorstand geändert werden. Den Aktionären wird geraten, aus dieser Ausschüttung keine Schlüsse auf die Anlageperformance des Fonds zu ziehen.

  • None.
  • None.

DENVER, CO / ACCESSWIRE / July 31, 2024 / On July 31, 2024, the Clough Global Equity Fund (NYSE American:GLQ) (the "Fund"), a closed-end fund, paid a monthly distribution on its common stock of $0.0603 per share to shareholders of record at the close of business on July 19, 2024.

The following table sets forth the estimated amount of the sources of distribution for purposes of Section 19 of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and the related rules adopted thereunder. The Fund estimates the following percentages, of the total distribution amount per share, attributable to (i) current and prior fiscal year net investment income, (ii) net realized short-term capital gain, (iii) net realized long-term capital gain and (iv) return of capital or other capital source as a percentage of the total distribution amount. These percentages are disclosed for the current distribution as well as the fiscal year-to-date cumulative distribution amount per share for the Fund.

Current Distribution from:

Per Share ($)


Net Investment Income




Net Realized Short-Term Capital Gain




Net Realized Long-Term Capital Gain




Return of Capital or other Capital Source




Total (per common share)




Fiscal Year-to-Date Cumulative Distributions from:

Per Share ($)


Net Investment Income




Net Realized Short-Term Capital Gain




Net Realized Long-Term Capital Gain




Return of Capital or other Capital Source




Total (per common share)




The amounts and sources of distributions reported in this 19(a) Notice are only estimates and not for tax reporting purposes. The actual amounts and sources of the amounts for tax reporting purposes will depend upon the Fund's investment experience during the remainder of its fiscal year and may be subject to changes based on tax regulations. The Fund will send you a Form 1099-DIV for the calendar year that will tell you how to report these distributions for federal income tax purposes. The Fund estimates that it has distributed more than its income and net realized capital gains; therefore, a portion of your distribution may be a return of capital. A return of capital may occur for example, when some or all of the money that you invested in the Fund is paid back to you. A return of capital distribution does not necessarily reflect the Fund's investment performance and should not be confused with ‘yield' or ‘income.'

Presented below are return figures, based on the change in the Fund's Net Asset Value per share ("NAV"), compared to the annualized distribution rate for this current distribution as a percentage of the NAV on the last business day of the month prior to distribution record date.

Fund Performance & Distribution Information

Fiscal Year to Date (11/01/2023 through 6/30/2024)

Annualized Distribution Rate as a Percentage of NAV^



Cumulative Distribution Rate on NAV^+



Cumulative Total Return on NAV*



Average Annual Total Return on NAV for the 5 Year Period Ending 6/30/2024**



Past performance is not indicative of future results.

^ Based on the Fund's NAV as of June 30, 2024.

+Cumulative distribution rate is based on distributions paid to date for the period November 1, 2023 through July 31, 2024.

*Cumulative fiscal year-to-date return is based on the change in NAV including distributions paid and assuming reinvestment of these distributions and that all rights in the Fund's rights offering were exercised, for the period November 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

**The 5 year average annual total return is based on change in NAV including distributions paid and assuming reinvestment of these distributions and that all rights in the Fund's rights offering were exercised, as of the last business day of the month prior to the month of the current distribution record date.

While the NAV performance may be indicative of the Fund's investment performance, it does not measure the value of a shareholder's investment in the Fund. The value of a shareholder's investment in the Fund is determined by the Fund's market price, which is based on the supply and demand for the Fund's shares in the open market.

Shareholders should not draw any conclusions about the Fund's investment performance from the amount of this distribution or from the terms of the Fund's Managed Distribution Plan.

Furthermore, the Board of Trustees reviews the amount of any potential distribution and the income, capital gain or capital available. The Board of Trustees will continue to monitor the Fund's distribution level, taking into consideration the Fund's net asset value and the financial market environment. The Fund's distribution policy is subject to modification by the Board of Trustees at any time. The distribution rate should not be considered the dividend yield or total return on an investment in the Fund.

Contact Info:


SOURCE: Clough Global Equity Fund | GLQ

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What was the Clough Global Equity Fund (GLQ) distribution amount on July 31, 2024?

The Clough Global Equity Fund (GLQ) paid a monthly distribution of $0.0603 per share on July 31, 2024.

What is the source of the July 31, 2024 distribution for GLQ?

The entire distribution (100%) for July 31, 2024, is classified as a return of capital or other capital source.

What is the fiscal year-to-date cumulative distribution breakdown for GLQ as of July 31, 2024?

For the fiscal year-to-date, 99.30% of distributions have been return of capital, and 0.70% from net investment income.

What is the annualized distribution rate for GLQ as of June 30, 2024?

The annualized distribution rate for GLQ is 8.81% of NAV as of June 30, 2024.

What is the 5-year average annual total return for GLQ as of June 30, 2024?

The 5-year average annual total return for GLQ is 3.47% as of June 30, 2024.

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