Golar LNG Limited Preliminary fourth quarter and financial year 2024 results
Golar LNG reports Q4 2024 net income of $3 million and Adjusted EBITDA of $59 million, with full-year 2024 net income of $50 million and Adjusted EBITDA of $241 million. Total cash position stands at $699 million.
Key developments include:
- Acquisition of remaining minority interests in FLNG Hilli for $60 million cash plus $30 million in debt
- FLNG Gimi commenced commissioning with first LNG production
- MKII FLNG conversion project 9% complete
- Sale of Avenir LNG stake for $39 million
- Exit from LNG shipping with Golar Arctic sale for $24 million
- Quarterly dividend declared at $0.25 per share
FLNG Hilli maintained strong operations, exceeding 2024 production targets. The Argentina project strengthened with Pampa Energia, Harbour Energy, and YPF joining the consortium. FLNG Gimi is expected to reach Commercial Operations Date in Q2 2025, unlocking approximately $3 billion in Adjusted EBITDA backlog.
Golar LNG riporta un reddito netto per il quarto trimestre del 2024 di 3 milioni di dollari e un EBITDA rettificato di 59 milioni di dollari, con un reddito netto per l'intero anno 2024 di 50 milioni di dollari e un EBITDA rettificato di 241 milioni di dollari. La posizione di cassa totale si attesta a 699 milioni di dollari.
Sviluppi chiave includono:
- Acquisizione delle restanti partecipazioni di minoranza in FLNG Hilli per 60 milioni di dollari in contante più 30 milioni di dollari in debito
- FLNG Gimi ha avviato la messa in servizio con la prima produzione di LNG
- Il progetto di conversione MKII FLNG è completato al 9%
- Vendita della partecipazione in Avenir LNG per 39 milioni di dollari
- Uscita dal trasporto di LNG con la vendita di Golar Arctic per 24 milioni di dollari
- Dividendo trimestrale dichiarato di 0,25 dollari per azione
FLNG Hilli ha mantenuto operazioni solide, superando gli obiettivi di produzione del 2024. Il progetto in Argentina si è rafforzato con Pampa Energia, Harbour Energy e YPF che si uniscono al consorzio. Si prevede che FLNG Gimi raggiunga la data di inizio delle operazioni commerciali nel secondo trimestre del 2025, sbloccando circa 3 miliardi di dollari in backlog di EBITDA rettificato.
Golar LNG reporta un ingreso neto de 3 millones de dólares en el cuarto trimestre de 2024 y un EBITDA ajustado de 59 millones de dólares, con un ingreso neto total de 50 millones de dólares y un EBITDA ajustado de 241 millones de dólares para todo el año 2024. La posición de efectivo total se sitúa en 699 millones de dólares.
Los desarrollos clave incluyen:
- Adquisición de los restantes intereses minoritarios en FLNG Hilli por 60 millones de dólares en efectivo más 30 millones de dólares en deuda
- FLNG Gimi comenzó la puesta en marcha con la primera producción de LNG
- El proyecto de conversión MKII FLNG está completado en un 9%
- Venta de participación en Avenir LNG por 39 millones de dólares
- Salida del transporte de LNG con la venta de Golar Arctic por 24 millones de dólares
- Dividendo trimestral declarado de 0,25 dólares por acción
FLNG Hilli mantuvo operaciones sólidas, superando los objetivos de producción de 2024. El proyecto en Argentina se fortaleció con Pampa Energía, Harbour Energy y YPF uniéndose al consorcio. Se espera que FLNG Gimi alcance la fecha de inicio de operaciones comerciales en el segundo trimestre de 2025, desbloqueando aproximadamente 3 mil millones de dólares en backlog de EBITDA ajustado.
Golar LNG는 2024년 4분기 순이익이 300만 달러, 조정 EBITDA가 5900만 달러라고 보고하며, 2024년 전체 순이익은 5000만 달러, 조정 EBITDA는 2억 4100만 달러에 달한다고 밝혔습니다. 총 현금 보유액은 6억 9900만 달러입니다.
주요 개발 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- FLNG Hilli의 남은 소수 지분을 6000만 달러 현금 및 3000만 달러 부채로 인수
- FLNG Gimi가 최초 LNG 생산으로 커미셔닝 시작
- MKII FLNG 전환 프로젝트가 9% 완료됨
- Avenir LNG 지분을 3900만 달러에 매각
- Golar Arctic을 2400만 달러에 매각하여 LNG 운송에서 철수
- 주당 0.25달러의 분기 배당금 선언
FLNG Hilli는 2024년 생산 목표를 초과 달성하며 강력한 운영을 유지했습니다. 아르헨티나 프로젝트는 Pampa Energia, Harbour Energy 및 YPF가 컨소시엄에 참여하면서 강화되었습니다. FLNG Gimi는 2025년 2분기에 상업 운영 시작일에 도달할 것으로 예상되며, 약 30억 달러의 조정 EBITDA 백로그를 해제할 수 있습니다.
Golar LNG annonce un revenu net de 3 millions de dollars pour le quatrième trimestre 2024 et un EBITDA ajusté de 59 millions de dollars, avec un revenu net total de 50 millions de dollars et un EBITDA ajusté de 241 millions de dollars pour l'année 2024. La position de trésorerie totale s'élève à 699 millions de dollars.
Les développements clés incluent :
- Acquisition des intérêts minoritaires restants dans FLNG Hilli pour 60 millions de dollars en espèces plus 30 millions de dollars de dettes
- FLNG Gimi a commencé la mise en service avec la première production de GNL
- Le projet de conversion MKII FLNG est achevé à 9%
- Vente de la participation dans Avenir LNG pour 39 millions de dollars
- Sortie du transport de GNL avec la vente de Golar Arctic pour 24 millions de dollars
- Dividende trimestriel déclaré à 0,25 dollar par action
FLNG Hilli a maintenu des opérations solides, dépassant les objectifs de production de 2024. Le projet en Argentine s'est renforcé avec Pampa Energia, Harbour Energy et YPF rejoignant le consortium. FLNG Gimi devrait atteindre la date de début des opérations commerciales au deuxième trimestre 2025, débloquant environ 3 milliards de dollars de backlog d'EBITDA ajusté.
Golar LNG berichtet über einen Nettogewinn von 3 Millionen Dollar im vierten Quartal 2024 und ein bereinigtes EBITDA von 59 Millionen Dollar, mit einem Nettogewinn von 50 Millionen Dollar und einem bereinigten EBITDA von 241 Millionen Dollar für das gesamte Jahr 2024. Die gesamte Liquiditätsposition beläuft sich auf 699 Millionen Dollar.
Wichtige Entwicklungen umfassen:
- Erwerb der verbleibenden Minderheitsanteile an FLNG Hilli für 60 Millionen Dollar in bar und 30 Millionen Dollar Schulden
- FLNG Gimi hat mit der Inbetriebnahme begonnen und die erste LNG-Produktion gestartet
- Das MKII FLNG-Umstellungsprojekt ist zu 9% abgeschlossen
- Verkauf des Anteils an Avenir LNG für 39 Millionen Dollar
- Ausstieg aus dem LNG-Transport durch den Verkauf von Golar Arctic für 24 Millionen Dollar
- Vierteljährliche Dividende von 0,25 Dollar pro Aktie erklärt
FLNG Hilli hat starke Betriebsleistungen aufrechterhalten und die Produktionsziele für 2024 übertroffen. Das Projekt in Argentinien wurde durch den Beitritt von Pampa Energia, Harbour Energy und YPF zum Konsortium gestärkt. FLNG Gimi wird voraussichtlich im 2. Quartal 2025 den Termin für den Beginn der kommerziellen Betriebstätigkeit erreichen, was etwa 3 Milliarden Dollar an bereinigtem EBITDA-Rückstand freisetzen wird.
- Acquired 100% ownership of FLNG Hilli, increasing annual Adjusted EBITDA by ~$7 million
- FLNG Gimi commissioning success unlocks $3 billion EBITDA backlog
- Strong cash position of $699 million
- FLNG Hilli Argentina project strengthened with major industry partners
- FLNG Hilli exceeded 2024 production targets
- Q4 net income down to $3 million, including $29 million in non-cash items
- $23 million impairment on Golar Arctic vessel
- $14 million in TTF and Brent oil unrealized mark-to-market losses
Golar LNG's Q4 and full-year 2024 results highlight the company's successful strategic pivot from traditional LNG shipping to becoming a pure-play FLNG operator with a focus on long-term, high-margin contracts. While Q4 net income of $3 million appears modest, the $29 million in non-cash items (primarily vessel impairment) masks stronger underlying performance, with full-year Adjusted EBITDA reaching
The acquisition of all remaining minority interests in FLNG Hilli represents a significant strategic enhancement, immediately boosting Golar's cash flows and increasing its exposure to commodity-linked upside. This consolidation increases Golar's annual base Adjusted EBITDA by approximately
FLNG Gimi's commissioning milestone represents the imminent unlocking of significant contracted revenue. With first LNG produced and commercial operations expected in Q2 2025, Gimi will soon begin generating its share of the
The MKII FLNG conversion progressing on schedule positions Golar to capture growing global demand for flexible, quick-to-market liquefaction capacity. With
Golar's strong liquidity position (
Golar LNG's Q4 and FY2024 results confirm its successful transformation into the world's leading pure-play FLNG operator with an expanding portfolio of long-term, high-value contracts. The company's strategic exit from traditional LNG shipping marks the completion of a fundamental business model shift toward capital-intensive but significantly higher-margin FLNG operations where Golar has established market-leading operational reliability and cost-effective deployment capabilities.
The acquisition of all remaining minority interests in FLNG Hilli represents exceptional value creation, increasing Golar's annual base Adjusted EBITDA by
FLNG Gimi's commissioning progress represents a critical inflection point for Golar, with first LNG now produced and commercial operations expected in Q2 2025. This milestone will transform Golar's financial profile by unlocking approximately
The MKII FLNG conversion proceeding on schedule (
Golar's hybrid business model, combining fixed-fee contracts with commodity price exposure, offers investors both stability and upside potential. The company's market position as the only proven service provider of FLNG globally, coupled with its industry-leading capex/ton metrics and operational track record (FLNG Hilli has offloaded 128 cargoes to date), creates significant competitive advantages in capturing future opportunities across multiple geographies where advanced commercial discussions are already underway.
Highlights and subsequent events
- Golar LNG Limited (“Golar” or “the Company”) reports Q4 2024 net income attributable to Golar of
$3 million inclusive of$29 million of non-cash items1, and Adjusted EBITDA1 of$59 million .
- Full year 2024 net income attributable to Golar of
$50 million inclusive of$131 million of non-cash items1, and Adjusted EBITDA1 of$241 million .
- Total Golar Cash1 of
$699 million .
- Acquired all remaining minority interests in FLNG Hilli.
- FLNG Hilli maintained market-leading operational track record and exceeded 2024 production target.
- Pampa Energia S.A., Harbour Energy plc and YPF joined Southern Energy S.A. (“SESA”), creating a consortium of leading Argentinian gas producers planning to use FLNG Hilli under definitive agreements announced in July 2024.
- FLNG Gimi commissioning commenced and first LNG produced, after receiving first gas from the GTA field.
- MKII FLNG conversion project on schedule (
9% complete) and Fuji LNG arrived at the shipyard for conversion works.
- Sold shareholding in Avenir LNG Limited ("Avenir") for net proceeds of
$39 million .
- Completed exit from LNG shipping with sale of the LNG carrier, Golar Arctic for
$24 million .
- Declared dividend of
$0.25 per share for the quarter.
FLNG Hilli: Maintained her market leading operational track record and exceeded her contracted 2024 production volume resulting in the recognition of
In December 2024, Golar acquired all remaining third party minority ownership interests in FLNG Hilli for
The acquisition is immediately accretive to Golar’s cash flow. Annual Adjusted EBITDA1 from the base tolling fee is expected to increase by approximately
Golar expects to release significant capital from a contemplated refinancing of FLNG Hilli following completion of the conditions precedent in the SESA 20-year charter.
FLNG Gimi: Following the commercial reset with bp announced in August 2024, accelerated commissioning commenced in October 2024 using gas from a LNG carrier. In January 2025, gas from the carrier was replaced by feedgas from the bp operated FPSO which allowed full commissioning to commence. This milestone triggered the final upward adjustment to the Commissioning Rate under the commercial reset. LNG is now being produced, and subject to receipt of sufficient feed gas, the first LNG export cargo is expected within Q1 2025. Assuming all conditions are met, the Commercial Operations Date (“COD”) is expected within Q2 2025. COD will trigger the start of the 20-year Lease and Operate Agreement that unlocks the equivalent of around
A debt facility to refinance FLNG Gimi is in an advanced stage, with credit approvals now received. The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and third party stakeholder approvals.
MKII FLNG 3.5MTPA conversion: Conversion work on the
As part of the EPC agreement, Golar also has an option for a second MK II conversion slot at CIMC for delivery within 2028.
FLNG business development: In July 2024, Golar announced that it had entered into definitive agreements for the deployment of an FLNG in Argentina. In October 2024, Golar received a notice reserving FLNG Hilli for the 20-year charter. During November 2024, Pampa Energia joined the SESA project with a
Following the end of FLNG Hilli’s current charter in July 2026 offshore Cameroon, FLNG Hilli will undergo vessel upgrades to maintain 20-years of continuous operations offshore. Operations in Argentina are expected to commence in 2027. FLNG Hilli is expected to generate an annual Adjusted EBITDA1 of approximately
The project remains subject to defined conditions precedent (“CP”), including an export license, environmental assessment and Final Investment Decision (“FID”) by SESA. Workstreams for each CP are advancing according to schedule and are expected to be concluded within Q2 2025.
Golar’s position as the only proven service provider of FLNG globally, our market leading capex/ton and operational uptime continues to drive interest in our FLNG solutions. The MKII under construction is now the focus of multiple commercial discussions. Advanced discussions are taking place in the Americas, West Africa, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Once a charter is secured for the MKII under construction, we aim to FID our 4th FLNG unit. In addition to the option for a second MKII at CIMC Raffles shipyard, we are now in discussions with other capable shipyards for this potential 4th unit, focused on design, liquefaction capacity, capex/ton and delivery.
Other/shipping: Operating revenues and costs under corporate and other items are comprised of two FSRU operate and maintain agreements in respect of the LNG Croatia and Italis LNG. The non-core shipping segment was comprised of the LNGC Golar Arctic, and Fuji LNG. During February 2025, Fuji LNG entered CIMC's yard for her FLNG conversion and Golar Arctic was sold for
In January 2025, Golar also agreed to sell its non-core
Shares and dividends: As of December 31, 2024, 104.5 million shares are issued and outstanding. Golar’s Board of Directors approved a total Q4 2024 dividend of
Financial Summary
(in thousands of $) | Q4 2024 | Q4 2023 | % Change | YTD 2024 | YTD 2023 | % Change |
Net income/(loss) attributable to Golar LNG Ltd | 3,349 | (32,847) | (110)% | 49,694 | (46,793) | (206)% |
Total operating revenues | 65,917 | 79,679 | (17)% | 260,372 | 298,429 | (13)% |
Adjusted EBITDA 1 | 59,168 | 114,249 | (48)% | 240,500 | 355,771 | (32)% |
Golar's share of contractual debt 1 | 1,515,357 | 1,221,190 | 1,515,357 | 1,221,190 |
Financial Review
Business Performance:
2024 | 2023 | ||
Oct-Dec | Jul-Sep | Oct-Dec | |
(in thousands of $) | Total | Total | Total |
Net income/(loss) | 15,037 | (35,969) | (31,071) |
Income taxes | (504) | 208 | 332 |
Income/(loss) before income taxes | 14,533 | (35,761) | (30,739) |
Depreciation and amortization | 13,642 | 13,628 | 12,794 |
Impairment of long-term assets | 22,933 | — | — |
Unrealized loss on oil and gas derivative instruments | 14,269 | 73,691 | 126,909 |
Other non-operating loss | 7,000 | — | — |
Interest income | (9,866) | (8,902) | (11,234) |
Interest expense, net | — | — | (1,107) |
(Gains)/losses on derivative instruments | (8,711) | 14,955 | 16,542 |
Other financial items, net | 1,153 | 470 | (157) |
Net income from equity method investments | 4,215 | 948 | 1,241 |
Adjusted EBITDA (1) | 59,168 | 59,029 | 114,249 |
2024 | ||||||||
Oct-Dec | Jul-Sep | |||||||
(in thousands of $) | FLNG | Corporate and other | Shipping | Total | FLNG | Corporate and other | Shipping | Total |
Total operating revenues | 56,396 | 6,025 | 3,496 | 65,917 | 56,075 | 6,212 | 2,520 | 64,807 |
Vessel operating expenses | (19,788) | (5,048) | (3,073) | (27,909) | (20,947) | (7,403) | (3,373) | (31,723) |
Voyage, charterhire & commission expenses | — | — | (446) | (446) | — | — | (888) | (888) |
Administrative expenses | (264) | (7,240) | (1) | (7,505) | (568) | (6,498) | (7) | (7,073) |
Project expenses | (3,624) | (1,236) | — | (4,860) | (1,249) | (1,894) | — | (3,143) |
Realized gains on oil derivative instrument (2) | 33,502 | — | — | 33,502 | 37,049 | — | — | 37,049 |
Other operating income | 469 | — | — | 469 | — | — | — | — |
Adjusted EBITDA (1) | 66,691 | (7,499) | (24) | 59,168 | 70,360 | (9,583) | (1,748) | 59,029 |
(2) The line item “Realized and unrealized (loss)/gain on oil and gas derivative instruments” in the Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Operations relates to income from the Hilli Liquefaction Tolling Agreement (“LTA”) and the natural gas derivative which is split into: “Realized gains on oil and gas derivative instruments” and “Unrealized (loss)/gain on oil and gas derivative instruments”.
2023 | ||||
Oct-Dec | ||||
(in thousands of $) | FLNG | Corporate and other | Shipping | Total |
Total operating revenues | 72,433 | 5,510 | 1,736 | 79,679 |
Vessel operating expenses | (16,510) | (4,765) | (2,005) | (23,280) |
Voyage, charterhire & commission (expenses)/income | (133) | — | (900) | (1,033) |
Administrative income/(expenses) | 29 | (7,031) | (1) | (7,003) |
Project development expenses | (958) | 380 | (99) | (677) |
Realized gains on oil derivative instrument | 53,520 | — | — | 53,520 |
Other operating income | 13,043 | — | — | 13,043 |
Adjusted EBITDA (1) | 121,424 | (5,906) | (1,269) | 114,249 |
Golar reports today Q4 2024 net income of
- A
$23 million impairment of LNG carrier, Golar Arctic;
- TTF and Brent oil unrealized mark-to-market (“MTM”) losses of
$14 million ; and
- A
$8 million MTM gain on interest rate swaps.
The Brent oil linked component of FLNG Hilli’s fees generates additional annual cash of approximately
$14 million realized gain on the Brent oil linked derivative instrument;
$12 million realized gain on the hedged component of the quarter’s TTF linked fees; and
$8 million realized gain in respect of fees for the TTF linked production.
Further, we recognized a total of
$12 million loss on the economically hedged portion of the Q4 TTF linked FLNG production; and
$2 million loss on the Brent oil linked derivative asset.
Balance Sheet and Liquidity:
As of December 31, 2024, Total Golar Cash1 was
Golar’s share of Contractual Debt1 as of December 31, 2024 is
Assets under development amounts to
Following agreement by the consortium of lenders who provide the current
Non-GAAP measures
In addition to disclosing financial results in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (US GAAP), this earnings release and the associated investor presentation contains references to the non-GAAP financial measures which are included in the table below. We believe these non-GAAP financial measures provide investors with useful supplemental information about the financial performance of our business, enable comparison of financial results between periods where certain items may vary independent of business performance, and allow for greater transparency with respect to key metrics used by management in operating our business and measuring our performance.
This report also contains certain forward-looking non-GAAP measures for which we are unable to provide a reconciliation to the most comparable GAAP financial measures because certain information needed to reconcile those non-GAAP measures to the most comparable GAAP financial measures is dependent on future events some of which are outside of our control, such as oil and gas prices and exchange rates, as such items may be significant. Non-GAAP measures in respect of future events which cannot be reconciled to the most comparable GAAP financial measure are calculated in a manner which is consistent with the accounting policies applied to Golar’s unaudited consolidated financial statements.
These non-GAAP financial measures should not be considered a substitute for, or superior to, financial measures and financial results calculated in accordance with GAAP. Non-GAAP measures are not uniformly defined by all companies and may not be comparable with similarly titled measures and disclosures used by other companies. The reconciliations as at December 31, 2024 and for the year ended December 31, 2024, from these results should be carefully evaluated.
Non-GAAP measure | Closest equivalent US GAAP measure | Adjustments to reconcile to primary financial statements prepared under US GAAP | Rationale for adjustments |
Performance measures | |||
Adjusted EBITDA | Net income/(loss) | +/- Income taxes + Depreciation and amortization + Impairment of long-lived assets +/- Unrealized (gain)/loss on oil and gas derivative instruments +/- Other non-operating (income)/losses +/- Net financial (income)/expense +/- Net (income)/losses from equity method investments +/- Net loss/(income) from discontinued operations | Increases the comparability of total business performance from period to period and against the performance of other companies by excluding the results of our equity investments, removing the impact of unrealized movements on embedded derivatives, depreciation, impairment charge, financing costs, tax items and discontinued operations. |
Distributable Adjusted EBITDA | Net income/(loss) | +/- Income taxes + Depreciation and amortization + Impairment of long-lived assets +/- Unrealized (gain)/loss on oil and gas derivative instruments +/- Other non-operating (income)/losses +/- Net financial (income)/expense +/- Net (income)/losses from equity method investments +/- Net loss/(income) from discontinued operations - Amortization of deferred commissioning period revenue - Amortization of Day 1 gains - Accrued overproduction revenue + Overproduction revenue received - Accrued underutilization adjustment | Increases the comparability of our operational FLNG Hilli from period to period and against the performance of other companies by removing the non-distributable income of FLNG Hilli, project development costs, the operating costs of the Gandria (prior to her disposal) and FLNG Gimi. |
Liquidity measures | |||
Contractual debt 1 | Total debt (current and non-current), net of deferred finance charges | +/-Variable Interest Entity (“VIE”) consolidation adjustments +/-Deferred finance charges | During the year, we consolidate a lessor VIE for our Hilli sale and leaseback facility. This means that on consolidation, our contractual debt is eliminated and replaced with the lessor VIE debt. Contractual debt represents our debt obligations under our various financing arrangements before consolidating the lessor VIE. The measure enables investors and users of our financial statements to assess our liquidity, identify the split of our debt (current and non-current) based on our underlying contractual obligations and aid comparability with our competitors. |
Adjusted net debt | Adjusted net debt based on GAAP measures: -Total debt (current and non-current), net of deferred finance charges - Cash and cash equivalents - Restricted cash and short-term deposits (current and non-current) - Other current assets (Receivable from TTF linked commodity swap derivatives) | Total debt (current and non-current), net of: +Deferred finance charges +Cash and cash equivalents +Restricted cash and short-term deposits (current and non-current) +/-VIE consolidation adjustments +Receivable from TTF linked commodity swap derivatives | The measure enables investors and users of our financial statements to assess our liquidity based on our underlying contractual obligations and aids comparability with our competitors. |
Total Golar Cash | Golar cash based on GAAP measures: + Cash and cash equivalents + Restricted cash and short-term deposits (current and non-current) | -VIE restricted cash and short-term deposits | We consolidate a lessor VIE for our sale and leaseback facility. This means that on consolidation, we include restricted cash held by the lessor VIE. Total Golar Cash represents our cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash and short-term deposits (current and non-current) before consolidating the lessor VIE. Management believe that this measure enables investors and users of our financial statements to assess our liquidity and aids comparability with our competitors. |
(1) Please refer to reconciliation below for Golar’s share of Contractual Debt
Adjusted EBITDA backlog: This is a non-GAAP financial measure and represents the share of contracted fee income for executed contracts or definitive agreements less forecasted operating expenses for these contracts/agreements. Adjusted EBITDA backlog should not be considered as an alternative to net income / (loss) or any other measure of our financial performance calculated in accordance with U.S. GAAP.
Non-cash items: Non-cash items comprised of impairment of long-lived assets, release of prior year contract underutilization liability, mark-to-market (“MTM”) movements on our TTF and Brent oil linked derivatives, listed equity securities and interest rate swaps (“IRS”) which relate to the unrealized component of the gains/(losses) on oil and gas derivative instruments, unrealized MTM (losses)/gains on investment in listed equity securities and gains on derivative instruments, net, in our unaudited consolidated statement of operations.
Abbreviations used:
FLNG: Floating Liquefaction Natural Gas vessel
FSRU: Floating Storage and Regasification Unit
FPSO: Floating Production, Storage and Offloading unit
MMBtu: Million British Thermal Units
mtpa: Million Tons Per Annum
Reconciliations - Liquidity Measures
Total Golar Cash
(in thousands of $) | December 31, 2024 | September 30, 2024 | December 31, 2023 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 566,384 | 732,062 | 679,225 |
Restricted cash and short-term deposits (current and non-current) | 150,198 | 92,025 | 92,245 |
Less: VIE restricted cash and short-term deposits | (17,472) | (17,463) | (18,085) |
Total Golar Cash | 699,110 | 806,624 | 753,385 |
Contractual Debt and Adjusted Net Debt
(in thousands of $) | December 31, 2024 | September 30, 2024 | December 31, 2023 |
Total debt (current and non-current) net of deferred finance charges | 1,451,110 | 1,422,399 | 1,216,730 |
VIE consolidation adjustments | 242,811 | 233,964 | 202,219 |
Deferred finance charges | 22,686 | 24,480 | 23,851 |
Total Contractual Debt | 1,716,607 | 1,680,843 | 1,442,800 |
Less: Keppel’s and B&V’s share of the FLNG Hilli contractual debt | — | (30,884) | (32,610) |
Less: Keppel’s share of the Gimi debt | (201,250) | (184,625) | (189,000) |
Golar’s share of Contractual Debt | 1,515,357 | 1,465,334 | 1,221,190 |
Less: Total Golar Cash | (699,110) | (806,625) | (753,385) |
Less: Receivables from the remaining unwinding of TTF hedges | — | (12,360) | (57,020) |
Golar’s Adjusted Net Debt | 816,247 | 646,349 | 410,785 |
Please see Appendix A for a capital repayment profile for Golar’s contractual debt.
Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements (as defined in Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) which reflects management’s current expectations, estimates and projections about its operations. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, that address activities and events that will, should, could or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. Words such as “if,” “subject to,” “believe,” “assuming,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “estimate,” “forecast,” “project,” “plan,” “potential,” “will,” “may,” “should,” “expect,” “could,” “would,” “predict,” “propose,” “continue,” or the negative of these terms and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions, including without limitation, management’s examination of historical operating trends, data contained in our records and other data available from third parties. Although we believe that these assumptions were reasonable when made, because these assumptions are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies which are difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond our control, we cannot assure you that we will achieve or accomplish these expectations, beliefs or projections. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. Unless legally required, Golar undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Other important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include but are not limited to:
- our ability and that of our counterparty to meet our respective obligations under the 20-year lease and operate agreement (the “LOA”) with BP Mauritania Investments Limited, a subsidiary of BP p.l.c (“bp”), entered into in connection with the Greater Tortue Ahmeyim Project (the “GTA Project”), including the commissioning and start-up of various project infrastructure. Delays could result in incremental costs to both parties to the LOA, delay floating liquefaction natural gas vessel (“FLNG”) commissioning works and the start of operations for our FLNG Gimi (“FLNG Gimi”);
- our ability to meet our obligations under our commercial agreements, including the liquefaction tolling agreement (the “LTA”) entered into in connection with the FLNG Hilli Episeyo (“FLNG Hilli”);
- our ability to meet our obligations with Southern Energy S.A. SESA in connection with the recently signed agreement on FLNG deployment in Argentina, and SESAs ability to meet its obligations with us;
- the ability to secure a suitable contract for the MK II within the expected timeframe, including the impact of project capital expenditures, foreign exchange fluctuations, and commodity price volatility on investment returns and potential changes in market conditions affecting deployment opportunities;
- changes in our ability to obtain additional financing or refinance existing debts on acceptable terms or at all, or to secure a listing for our 2024 Unsecured Bonds;
- Global economic trends, competition, and geopolitical risks, including U.S. government actions, trade tensions or conflicts such as between the U.S. and China, related sanctions, a potential Russia-Ukraine peace settlement and its potential impact on LNG supply and demand;
- a material decline or prolonged weakness in tolling rates for FLNGs;
- failure of shipyards to comply with schedules, performance specifications or agreed prices;
- failure of our contract counterparties to comply with their agreements with us or other key project stakeholders;
- increased tax liabilities in the jurisdictions where we are currently operating or expect to operate;
- continuing volatility in the global financial markets, including but not limited to commodity prices, foreign exchange rates and interest rates;
- changes in general domestic and international political conditions, particularly where we operate, or where we seek to operate;
- changes in our ability to retrofit vessels as FLNGs, including the availability of vessels to purchase and in the time it takes to build new vessels or convert existing vessels;
- continuing uncertainty resulting from potential future claims from our counterparties of purported force majeure (“FM”) under contractual arrangements, including but not limited to our future projects and other contracts to which we are a party;
- our ability to close potential future transactions in relation to equity interests in our vessels or to monetize our remaining equity method investments on a timely basis or at all;
- increases in operating costs as a result of inflation, including but not limited to salaries and wages, insurance, crew provisions, repairs and maintenance, spares and redeployment related modification costs;
- claims made or losses incurred in connection with our continuing obligations with regard to New Fortress Energy Inc. (“NFE”), Energos Infrastructure Holdings Finance LLC (“Energos”), Cool Company Ltd (“CoolCo”) and Snam S.p.A. (“Snam”);
- the ability of Energos, CoolCo and Snam to meet their respective obligations to us, including indemnification obligations;
- changes to rules and regulations applicable to FLNGs or other parts of the natural gas and LNG supply chain;
- changes to rules on climate-related disclosures as required by the European Union or the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission"), including but not limited to disclosure of certain climate-related risks and financial impacts, as well as greenhouse gas emissions;
- actions taken by regulatory authorities that may prohibit the access of FLNGs to various ports and locations; and
- other factors listed from time to time in registration statements, reports or other materials that we have filed with or furnished to the Commission, including our annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the Commission on March 28, 2024 (the “2023 Annual Report”).
As a result, you are cautioned not to rely on any forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise unless required by law.
Responsibility Statement
We confirm that, to the best of our knowledge, the unaudited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2024, which have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States give a true and fair view of Golar’s unaudited consolidated assets, liabilities, financial position and results of operations. To the best of our knowledge, the report for the year ended December 31, 2024, includes a fair review of important events that have occurred during the period and their impact on the unaudited consolidated financial statements, the principal risks and uncertainties and major related party transactions.
Our actual results for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2024 will not be available until after this press release is furnished and may differ from these estimates. The preliminary financial information presented herein should not be considered a substitute for the financial information to be filed with the SEC in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2024 once it becomes available. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance upon these preliminary financial results.
February 27, 2025
The Board of Directors
Golar LNG Limited
Hamilton, Bermuda
Investor Questions: +44 207 063 7900
Karl Fredrik Staubo - CEO
Eduardo Maranhão - CFO
Stuart Buchanan - Head of Investor Relations
Tor Olav Trøim (Chairman of the Board)
Dan Rabun (Director)
Thorleif Egeli (Director)
Carl Steen (Director)
Niels Stolt-Nielsen (Director)
Lori Wheeler Naess (Director)
Georgina Sousa (Director)
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act

What was Golar LNG's (GLNG) financial performance in Q4 2024?
How much did Golar LNG (GLNG) pay for the remaining FLNG Hilli interests?
When is FLNG Gimi expected to start commercial operations?
What is the dividend amount for Golar LNG (GLNG) in Q4 2024?