GoldMining Inc. Files Early Warning Report
GoldMining Inc. (GLDG) has announced the sale of 7,000 common shares of NevGold Corp. through a market transaction on the TSX Venture Exchange. Following this disposition, GoldMining's ownership in NevGold decreased from 26,670,250 to 26,663,250 shares, maintaining approximately 28.3% ownership of outstanding NevGold shares.
The company will file an early warning report under National Instrument 62-103 on SEDAR+. GoldMining states the share disposition was made for investment purposes and indicates that future actions regarding their NevGold holdings will depend on market conditions, plan reformulation, and other relevant factors.
GoldMining Inc. (GLDG) ha annunciato la vendita di 7.000 azioni ordinarie di NevGold Corp. tramite una transazione di mercato sulla TSX Venture Exchange. Dopo questa cessione, la partecipazione di GoldMining in NevGold è diminuita da 26.670.250 a 26.663.250 azioni, mantenendo circa il 28,3% della proprietà delle azioni in circolazione di NevGold.
L'azienda presenterà un rapporto di avviso anticipato ai sensi dello Strumento Nazionale 62-103 su SEDAR+. GoldMining dichiara che la cessione delle azioni è stata effettuata per scopi di investimento e indica che le azioni future riguardanti le loro partecipazioni in NevGold dipenderanno dalle condizioni di mercato, dalla riformulazione del piano e da altri fattori rilevanti.
GoldMining Inc. (GLDG) ha anunciado la venta de 7,000 acciones ordinarias de NevGold Corp. a través de una transacción de mercado en la TSX Venture Exchange. Tras esta disposición, la participación de GoldMining en NevGold disminuyó de 26,670,250 a 26,663,250 acciones, manteniendo aproximadamente el 28.3% de la propiedad de las acciones en circulación de NevGold.
La empresa presentará un informe de advertencia anticipada bajo el Instrumento Nacional 62-103 en SEDAR+. GoldMining indica que la disposición de acciones se realizó con fines de inversión y señala que las acciones futuras relacionadas con sus participaciones en NevGold dependerán de las condiciones del mercado, la reformulación del plan y otros factores relevantes.
GoldMining Inc. (GLDG)는 TSX 벤처 거래소에서 시장 거래를 통해 NevGold Corp.의 보통주 7,000주를 매각했다고 발표했습니다. 이 처분 이후 GoldMining의 NevGold 소유권은 26,670,250주에서 26,663,250주로 감소했으며, NevGold의 총 발행주식의 약 28.3%를 유지하고 있습니다.
회사는 SEDAR+에서 국가 규정 62-103에 따른 조기 경고 보고서를 제출할 예정입니다. GoldMining은 주식 처분이 투자 목적을 위해 이루어졌으며, NevGold 보유에 대한 향후 조치는 시장 상황, 계획 재구성 및 기타 관련 요인에 따라 달라질 것이라고 밝혔습니다.
GoldMining Inc. (GLDG) a annoncé la vente de 7 000 actions ordinaires de NevGold Corp. par le biais d'une transaction sur le marché de la TSX Venture Exchange. Suite à cette cession, la participation de GoldMining dans NevGold a diminué de 26 670 250 à 26 663 250 actions, maintenant environ 28,3 % de la propriété des actions en circulation de NevGold.
L'entreprise déposera un rapport d'avertissement anticipé en vertu de l'Instrument national 62-103 sur SEDAR+. GoldMining déclare que la cession des actions a été effectuée à des fins d'investissement et indique que les actions futures concernant leurs participations dans NevGold dépendront des conditions du marché, de la reformulation du plan et d'autres facteurs pertinents.
GoldMining Inc. (GLDG) hat den Verkauf von 7.000 Stammaktien von NevGold Corp. über eine Markttransaktion an der TSX Venture Exchange angekündigt. Nach dieser Veräußering ist der Anteil von GoldMining an NevGold von 26.670.250 auf 26.663.250 Aktien gesunken, wobei etwa 28,3 % der ausgegebenen NevGold-Aktien gehalten werden.
Das Unternehmen wird einen Frühwarnbericht gemäß dem National Instrument 62-103 auf SEDAR+ einreichen. GoldMining erklärt, dass die Veräußering der Aktien zu Investitionszwecken erfolgte und weist darauf hin, dass zukünftige Maßnahmen in Bezug auf ihre NevGold-Bestände von den Marktbedingungen, der Plananpassung und anderen relevanten Faktoren abhängen werden.
- None.
- None.
Prior to the disposition, the Company beneficially owned and had control and direction over 26,670,250 NevGold Shares, representing approximately
An early warning report (the "Report") will be filed by the Company pursuant to National Instrument 62-103 on SEDAR+ at under NevGold's profile. To obtain a copy of the Report, please contact Pat Obara, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, at GoldMining's address at 1188 West Georgia Street, Suite 1830,
The Company disposed of the Shares for investment purposes, and in the future, the Company may dispose of some or all of the existing or additional securities it holds or will hold, or may continue to hold its current position, depending on market conditions, reformulation of plans and/or other relevant factors.
About GoldMining Inc.
The Company is a public mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition and development of gold assets in the
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SOURCE GoldMining Inc.
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