Kid Cudi Brings His Favorite Childhood Treat Home with Limited-Edition Fair-Themed Bisquick Funnel Cake Mix
Kid Cudi, Grammy-winning artist, partners with Bisquick to launch a -edition Funnel Cake Mix. The collaboration brings the nostalgic taste of summer fairs home with a fair-themed collectible box featuring Kid Cudi and his dog Nino. The product aims to inspire fans to recreate the carnival experience at home.
Alongside the mix, a unique merchandise collection including T-shirts, plates, and aprons designed by Kid Cudi will be available. The -edition mix and merch will be sold exclusively on Kid Cudi's website starting August 23 at 9 a.m. PT. Bisquick's parent company, General Mills (GIS), sees this partnership as an opportunity to extend the summer spirit through iconic funnel cake flavors.
Kid Cudi, artista vincitore di Grammy, collabora con Bisquick per lanciare un mix per Funnel Cake in edizione limitata. Questa collaborazione porta a casa il gusto nostalgico delle fiere estive, presentato in una scatola da collezione a tema fiera che mostra Kid Cudi e il suo cane Nino. Il prodotto mira a ispirare i fan a ricreare l'esperienza del carnevale a casa.
Insieme al mix, sarà disponibile una collezione di merchandising unica che include T-shirt, piatti e grembiuli progettati da Kid Cudi. Il mix e il merchandise in edizione limitata saranno venduti esclusivamente sul sito web di Kid Cudi a partire dal 23 agosto alle 9 a.m. PT. La società madre di Bisquick, General Mills (GIS), considera questa partnership un'opportunità per estendere lo spirito estivo attraverso i sapori iconici del funnel cake.
Kid Cudi, artista ganador del Grammy, se une a Bisquick para lanzar un mix de Funnel Cake de edición limitada. Esta colaboración trae a casa el sabor nostálgico de las ferias de verano, presentado en una caja coleccionable temática de feria con Kid Cudi y su perro Nino. El producto busca inspirar a los fans a recrear la experiencia del carnaval en casa.
Junto con el mix, se ofrecerá una colección de mercancía única que incluye camisetas, platos y delantales diseñados por Kid Cudi. El mix y la mercancía de edición limitada se venderán exclusivamente en el sitio web de Kid Cudi a partir del 23 de agosto a las 9 a.m. PT. La empresa matriz de Bisquick, General Mills (GIS), ve esta asociación como una oportunidad para extender el espíritu veraniego a través de los sabores icónicos del funnel cake.
Kid Cudi, 그래미 수상 아티스트,가 Bisquick와 협력하여 한정판 핀넬 케이크 믹스를 출시합니다. 이 협업은 여름 축제의 향수를 불러일으키며, 페어 테마의 수집 상자에 Kid Cudi와 그의 강아지 Nino가 등장합니다. 이 제품은 팬들에게 집에서 카니발 경험을 재현하도록 영감을 주는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
믹스 외에도, Kid Cudi가 디자인한 티셔츠, 접시, 앞치마를 포함한 독특한 상품 컬렉션도 제공됩니다. 한정판 믹스와 상품은 8월 23일 오전 9시 PT부터 Kid Cudi의 웹사이트에서 독점 판매됩니다. Bisquick의 모회사인 General Mills (GIS)는 이 파트너십을 통해 아이코닉 핀넬 케이크 맛으로 여름의 정수를 확장할 수 있는 기회로 보고 있습니다.
Kid Cudi, artiste récompensé par un Grammy, s'associe avec Bisquick pour lancer un mix de Funnel Cake en édition limitée. Cette collaboration ramène le goût nostalgique des foires d'été à la maison avec une boîte collector à thème de chantier mettant en vedette Kid Cudi et son chien Nino. Le produit vise à inspirer les fans à recréer l'expérience du carnaval chez eux.
Avec le mix, une collection de marchandises unique, comprenant des T-shirts, des assiettes et des tabliers conçus par Kid Cudi, sera également disponible. Le mix et les marchandises en édition limitée seront vendus exclusivement sur le site web de Kid Cudi à partir du 23 août à 9h PT. La société mère de Bisquick, General Mills (GIS), considère ce partenariat comme une opportunité d'étendre l'esprit estival à travers les saveurs emblématiques du funnel cake.
Kid Cudi, mit Grammy ausgezeichnete Künstler, arbeitet mit Bisquick zusammen, um eine limitierte Auflage von Funnel Cake Mix auf den Markt zu bringen. Diese Zusammenarbeit bringt den nostalgischen Geschmack der Sommerfeste nach Hause mit einer Sammlerverpackung im Jahrmarkt-Stil, die Kid Cudi und seinen Hund Nino zeigt. Das Produkt soll die Fans inspirieren, das Karnevalserlebnis zu Hause nachzuahmen.
Zusammen mit dem Mix wird eine einzigartige Merchandise-Kollektion mit T-Shirts, Tellern und Schürzen angeboten, die von Kid Cudi entworfen wurden. Der Mix und das Merchandise in limitierter Auflage werden ab 23. August um 9 Uhr PT exklusiv auf Kid Cudis Website verkauft. Die Muttergesellschaft von Bisquick, General Mills (GIS), sieht in dieser Partnerschaft die Möglichkeit, den Sommergeist durch ikonische Funnel-Cake-Geschmäcker zu verlängern.
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Forget the Ferris Wheel, Kid Cudi is delivering a sweet summertime treat to kitchens everywhere with this new, nostalgic collaboration

Kid Cudi brings his favorite childhood treat home with limited-edition fair-themed Bisquick Funnel Cake Mix (Photo: Business Wire)
“Funnel cakes always take me back to summertime as a kid growing up in the Midwest and going to local carnivals and state fairs. Partnering with Bisquick on this was a no brainer, they really helped my vision come to life,” said Kid Cudi. “I wanted to inspire fans to lean into that creativity and bring that nostalgic taste of the fair right into their home.”
The exclusive fair-themed collectible box features bright and nostalgic designs with Kid Cudi and his dog Nino at the fair, with each vibrant and playful box poised to bring a smile to your loved ones faces. The same design is also available on a unique collection of merch — including T-shirts, plates and aprons, all created by Kid Cudi.
“Whether it’s at the state fair, the county carnival or at the pier, summer isn’t complete until you’ve had a funnel cake. We love sharing Kid Cudi’s enthusiasm for this treat and are excited to announce this limited-edition mix to help families everywhere extend the fun-filled spirit of summer with iconic funnel cake flavors at home,” said Jenny Jonker, Brand Experience Manager at General Mills.
The limited-edition Cudi’s Funnel Cake Mix and merch will be available for purchase for a limited time only while supplies last exclusively on Kid Cudi’s website,, starting Friday, August 23 at 9 a.m. PT. Once you get your hands on Cudi’s Funnel Cake Mix, be sure to top them off with strawberries, whipped cream, and powdered sugar just like Kid Cudi does to make sweet memories at home, with the ones you love.
For more information about the partnership and the launch of Cudi’s Funnel Cake Mix, follow @BettyCrocker on Instagram and TikTok.
About Kid Cudi
Scott Mescudi, better known as Kid Cudi, is an American director, actor, fashion designer, Grammy Award-winning musician, and multi-platinum recording artist from
About General Mills
General Mills makes food the world loves. The company is guided by its Accelerate strategy to boldly build its brands, relentlessly innovate, unleash its scale and stand for good. Its portfolio of beloved brands includes household names like Cheerios, Nature Valley, Blue Buffalo, Häagen-Dazs, Old El Paso, Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Yoplait, Totino’s, Annie’s, Wanchai Ferry, Yoki and more. General Mills generated fiscal 2024 net sales of
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Source: General Mills
What is the new product Kid Cudi is launching with Bisquick?
When and where will Kid Cudi's Funnel Cake Mix be available for purchase?
What merchandise is being released alongside Kid Cudi's Funnel Cake Mix?
How does this collaboration relate to Kid Cudi's childhood?