General Mills Expands Protein Product Lineup with Launch of Cheerios Protein
General Mills has announced the launch of Cheerios Protein, expanding its protein-enriched product portfolio. The new cereal contains 8 grams of protein per serving and will be available in Cinnamon and Strawberry flavors. This launch responds to growing consumer demand, with 71% of consumers actively trying to increase their protein intake.
The product joins other recent protein-focused launches from General Mills, including Wheaties Protein, Annie's Super Mac, and Yoplait Protein. Cheerios Protein will be available nationwide with a suggested retail price of $5.39 for large size and $5.69 for family size.
General Mills ha annunciato il lancio di Cheerios Protein, ampliando il suo portafoglio di prodotti arricchiti con proteine. Il nuovo cereale contiene 8 grammi di proteine per porzione e sarà disponibile nei gusti Cannella e Fragola. Questo lancio risponde alla crescente domanda dei consumatori, con il 71% degli acquirenti che cerca attivamente di aumentare il proprio apporto di proteine.
Il prodotto si unisce ad altri recenti lanci focalizzati sulle proteine da parte di General Mills, tra cui Wheaties Protein, Annie's Super Mac e Yoplait Protein. Cheerios Protein sarà disponibile a livello nazionale con un prezzo suggerito di $5.39 per la dimensione grande e $5.69 per la dimensione famiglia.
General Mills ha anunciado el lanzamiento de Cheerios Protein, ampliando su portafolio de productos enriquecidos con proteínas. El nuevo cereal contiene 8 gramos de proteína por porción y estará disponible en sabores de Canela y Fresa. Este lanzamiento responde a la creciente demanda de los consumidores, con un 71% de ellos que intenta activamente aumentar su ingesta de proteínas.
El producto se une a otros recientes lanzamientos enfocados en proteínas de General Mills, incluyendo Wheaties Protein, Annie's Super Mac y Yoplait Protein. Cheerios Protein estará disponible a nivel nacional con un precio sugerido de $5.39 para el tamaño grande y $5.69 para el tamaño familiar.
제너럴 밀스(General Mills)는 단백질이 강화된 제품 포트폴리오를 확장하며 치리오스 프로틴(Cheerios Protein) 출시를 발표했습니다. 새로운 시리얼은 1회 제공량당 8그램의 단백질을 포함하고 있으며, 계피와 딸기 맛으로 제공됩니다. 이번 출시는 소비자의 단백질 섭취 증가 요구에 대응하는 것으로, 71%의 소비자가 단백질 섭취를 적극적으로 늘리고자 노력하고 있습니다.
이 제품은 휠리티스 프로틴(Wheaties Protein), 애니의 슈퍼 맥(Annie's Super Mac), 요플레 프로틴(Yoplait Protein) 등 제너럴 밀스의 최근 단백질 중심 런칭 제품들과 함께합니다. 치리오스 프로틴은 전국적으로 제공되며, 대형 사이즈는 $5.39, 가족 사이즈는 $5.69의 권장 소매가로 판매될 예정입니다.
General Mills a annoncé le lancement de Cheerios Protein, élargissant ainsi son portefeuille de produits enrichis en protéines. Le nouveau céréale contient 8 grammes de protéines par portion et sera disponible en saveurs Cannelle et Fraise. Ce lancement répond à la demande croissante des consommateurs, 71 % d'entre eux cherchant activement à augmenter leur consommation de protéines.
Le produit rejoint d'autres lancements récents axés sur les protéines de General Mills, y compris Wheaties Protein, Annie's Super Mac et Yoplait Protein. Cheerios Protein sera disponible à l'échelle nationale avec un prix de vente conseillé de 5,39 $ pour la taille grande et 5,69 $ pour la taille famille.
General Mills hat die Einführung von Cheerios Protein bekannt gegeben und erweitert damit sein Produktportfolio mit proteingereichertem Sortiment. Die neue Cerealien enthalten 8 Gramm Protein pro Portion und sind in den Geschmacksrichtungen Zimt und Erdbeere erhältlich. Diese Markteinführung reagiert auf die wachsende Nachfrage der Verbraucher, wobei 71 % der Verbraucher aktiv versuchen, ihre Proteinzufuhr zu erhöhen.
Das Produkt reiht sich ein in andere neuere proteinorientierte Produkte von General Mills, darunter Wheaties Protein, Annie's Super Mac und Yoplait Protein. Cheerios Protein wird landesweit zu einem empfohlenen Verkaufspreis von 5,39 $ für die große Größe und 5,69 $ für die Familiengröße erhältlich sein.
- Launch of new protein-enriched product addressing growing consumer demand (71% of consumers seeking more protein)
- Expansion of protein portfolio across multiple brands and categories
- Leveraging strong brand recognition of Cheerios for product extension
- None.
The launch of Cheerios Protein represents a strategic move by General Mills to capitalize on the growing protein-focused consumer trend, with
This product launch strengthens General Mills' position in the high-margin protein-enriched segment of the
The strategic timing of this launch, coupled with the company's broader protein portfolio expansion, indicates a coordinated effort to drive growth in higher-margin categories. This could positively impact GIS's top-line growth and profitability metrics in the coming quarters, particularly if the product achieves significant market penetration.
Cheerios Protein delivers part of a nutritionally balanced breakfast with 8 grams of protein per serving

Cheerios Protein offers 8 grams of protein in every serving and is available in two fan-favorite flavors: Cinnamon and Strawberry. (Photo: Business Wire)
As the number of consumers prioritizing protein continues to rise, with
“Starting the day off with additional protein can help our consumers meet their nutritional needs—especially with a reliable and delicious option from a brand they already know and love,” said Emilie Knox, vice president and business unit director, Morning Foods at General Mills. “As protein continues to be an important priority for people of all ages, we specifically created Cheerios Protein with families in mind. We wanted it to taste great and to preserve the iconic Cheerios shape, but with a good source of protein, all in a convenient cereal we know everyone at the breakfast table will love – turning all mornings into good mornings.”
Available in two classic flavors, Cinnamon and Strawberry, Cheerios Protein is made for those looking for a delicious, accessible breakfast option that delivers a good source of protein.
Cheerios Protein will be available at retailers nationwide later this month for a suggested retail price of
1 International Food Information Council. (2024, June 20). 2024 Food & Health Survey.
About General Mills
General Mills makes food the world loves. The company is guided by its Accelerate strategy to boldly build its brands, relentlessly innovate, unleash its scale and stand for good. Its portfolio of beloved brands includes household names like Cheerios, Nature Valley, Blue Buffalo, Häagen-Dazs, Old El Paso, Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Yoplait, Totino’s, Annie’s, Wanchai Ferry, Yoki and more. General Mills generated fiscal 2024 net sales of
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General Mills Communications
Lisette Rodriguez
Source: General Mills
How much protein is in the new Cheerios Protein cereal (GIS)?
What flavors will General Mills' new Cheerios Protein (GIS) be available in?
How much will Cheerios Protein (GIS) cost at retail?
What other protein products has General Mills (GIS) recently launched?