Working to Build Next-Generation Cancer Therapies

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Gilead Sciences' Vice President of Research Oncology, Jackson Egen, is leading efforts to develop next-generation cancer therapies. Drawing from his experience with Nobel laureate James Allison, Egen emphasizes the importance of understanding immune system fundamentals to create more effective cancer treatments. Gilead's immuno-oncology strategy focuses on:

  • Harnessing the immune system to fight cancer
  • Developing methods to trigger cancer cell self-destruction
  • Disrupting tumor-promoting cellular environments

The company aims to create effective therapies with reduced side effects. Egen highlights Gilead's collaborative approach and commitment to bench-to-bedside research as key factors in driving innovation in oncology.

Il Vicepresidente della Ricerca Oncologica di Gilead Sciences, Jackson Egen, guida gli sforzi per sviluppare terapie oncologiche di nuova generazione. Ispirandosi alla sua esperienza con il premio Nobel James Allison, Egen sottolinea l'importanza di comprendere i fondamenti del sistema immunitario per creare trattamenti oncologici più efficaci. La strategia di immuno-oncologia di Gilead si concentra su:

  • Sfruttare il sistema immunitario per combattere il cancro
  • Sviluppare metodi per innescare l'autodistruzione delle cellule tumorali
  • Interrompere gli ambienti cellulari che promuovono i tumori

L'azienda mira a creare terapie efficaci con effetti collaterali ridotti. Egen evidenzia l'approccio collaborativo di Gilead e l'impegno nella ricerca

El vicepresidente de Investigación Oncológica de Gilead Sciences, Jackson Egen, está liderando los esfuerzos para desarrollar terapias oncológicas de nueva generación. Basándose en su experiencia con el premio Nobel James Allison, Egen enfatiza la importancia de comprender los fundamentos del sistema inmunológico para crear tratamientos contra el cáncer más efectivos. La estrategia de inmuno-oncología de Gilead se centra en:

  • Aprovechar el sistema inmunológico para combatir el cáncer
  • Desarrollar métodos para desencadenar la autodestrucción de las células cancerosas
  • Interrumpir los entornos celulares que promueven los tumores

La empresa tiene como objetivo crear terapias efectivas con efectos secundarios reducidos. Egen destaca el enfoque colaborativo de Gilead y el compromiso con la investigación de banco a cama como factores clave para impulsar la innovación en oncología.

길리아드 사이언스의 연구 종양학 부사장 잭슨 에겐(Jackson Egen)이 차세대 암 치료제 개발을 이끌고 있습니다. 노벨 laureate 제임스 앨리슨과의 경험을 바탕으로 에겐은 보다 효과적인 암 치료제를 만들기 위해 면역 시스템의 기본 원리를 이해하는 것이 중요하다고 강조합니다. 길리아드의 면역 종양학 전략은 다음에 중점을 두고 있습니다:

  • 암과 싸우기 위해 면역 시스템 활용
  • 암세포 자가 파괴를 유도하는 방법 개발
  • 종양 촉진 세포 환경 방해

회사는 부작용이 감소된 효과적인 치료제를 만들기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 에겐은 길리아드의 협력적인 접근 방식과 연구를 진료실로 옮기는(concept) 데 대한 헌신이 종양학 분야의 혁신을 이끄는 핵심 요소라고 강조합니다.

Le vice-président de la recherche en oncologie de Gilead Sciences, Jackson Egen, dirige les efforts pour développer des thérapies contre le cancer de nouvelle génération. S'appuyant sur son expérience avec le lauréat du prix Nobel James Allison, Egen souligne l'importance de comprendre les bases du système immunitaire pour créer des traitements contre le cancer plus efficaces. La stratégie d'immuno-oncologie de Gilead se concentre sur :

  • Exploiter le système immunitaire pour combattre le cancer
  • Développer des méthodes pour déclencher l'autodestruction des cellules cancéreuses
  • Interrompre les environnements cellulaires favorisant les tumeurs

L'entreprise vise à créer des thérapies efficaces avec des effets secondaires réduits. Egen met en avant l'approche collaborative de Gilead et son engagement dans la recherche translationnelle comme des facteurs clés pour stimuler l'innovation en oncologie.

Der Vizepräsident für Forschungsonkologie bei Gilead Sciences, Jackson Egen, leitet die Bemühungen zur Entwicklung neuartiger Krebstherapien. Basierend auf seiner Erfahrung mit dem Nobelpreisträger James Allison betont Egen die Bedeutung des Verständnisses der Grundlagen des Immunsystems, um effektivere Krebsbehandlungen zu schaffen. Die Immunonkologie-Strategie von Gilead konzentriert sich auf:

  • Das Immunsystem zur Bekämpfung von Krebs nutzen
  • Methoden zur Auslösung der Selbstzerstörung von Krebszellen entwickeln
  • Die Tumor fördernden Zellumgebungen stören

Das Unternehmen hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, wirksame Therapien mit reduzierten Nebenwirkungen zu schaffen. Egen hebt den kollaborativen Ansatz von Gilead und das Engagement für die Translation von der Laborbank zum Patienten als entscheidende Faktoren zur Förderung von Innovationen in der Onkologie hervor.

  • Gilead is leveraging its expertise in virology to expand into oncology research
  • The company is focusing on developing cancer therapies with potentially reduced side effects
  • Gilead encourages cross-functional collaboration and idea generation from all levels of the organization
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 18, 2024 / Gilead Sciences

Jackson Egen learned the value of basic lab research as a graduate student at UC Berkeley in the 90s while working under the direction of renowned immunologist James Allison.

"Jim emphasized that more impactful cancer immunotherapies could come from a detailed understanding of how the immune system works," recalls Jackson, who today serves as Vice President of Research Oncology at Gilead.

Not only did James teach fundamentals to future researchers, but he went on to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2018 for his research that discovered ways to stimulate the immune system to attack and kill cancer cells.

"Since those early days, I'm always thinking about ways to harness the immune system to fight cancer," says Jackson. In fact, it's a key component of Gilead's immuno-oncology strategy. In addition to tapping a person's own immune system to detect and destroy tumors, the Research Oncology team is working to develop new ways to trigger cancer cells to self-destruct and disrupt the cellular neighborhood around tumors that promote their growth - all with a goal to also help reduce side effects of cancer therapies.

"We know how to stop cancer cells from dividing and we know how to get immune cells to kill tumors. But we can't always do this without some collateral damage to healthy cells and tissues," explains Jackson. "That's the biggest challenge right now, but Gilead has the expertise and aspiration to create therapeutics that have the potential to be effective while limiting toxicity."

It was Gilead's proven track record in developing virology medications that was a calling to Jackson when he joined the company in 2021. "The company's impact on virology drug development is legendary, so when I had the chance to help expand the Research Oncology group at Gilead, I couldn't turn down the opportunity to apply Gilead's focus on developing transformational medicines to oncology."

Fast forward to today, where in a case of the student imitating the teacher, Jackson emphasizes to his team the value of understanding the science behind our therapeutic programs learned in James' lab. "Everything we do within the organization starts at the bench," he explains. "Our path forward is informed by the data our scientists generate on a daily basis."

Collaboration is also a key lesson he learned as a postdoctoral researcher in immunology at the National Institutes of Health. There, he had access to a great diversity of science led by the nation's leading researchers in their respective fields. He explains how that taught him to proactively identify collaborators and the value of working as part of a larger team. These lessons have informed his belief that establishing strong cross-functional collaborations within Gilead and building key research collaborations with external partners is critical to achieving our ambitions in Oncology. Today, he encourages all levels of his team to contribute to company-wide strategy because he believes good ideas come from everyone. It's also this type of engagement that he feels makes Gilead so unique.

"I love that my colleagues across the organization, regardless of department affiliation or title, are encouraged to generate ideas about what a new therapeutic might look like," he says adding, "I believe this gives us a competitive advantage."

Best of all, he's encouraged by what the future in cancer care looks like and excited about Gilead's role in innovating.

"Over the past decades we've seen great progress toward making cancer a chronic or, in some cases, a curable disease," Jackson says. "I'm optimistic that this pace of therapeutic discovery will increase and that Gilead and Kite will continue to have an important role in helping bring new life-saving treatments to cancer patients."

Originally published by Gilead Sciences

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What is Gilead Sciences' (GILD) strategy for developing new cancer therapies?

Gilead's strategy focuses on harnessing the immune system to fight cancer, developing methods to trigger cancer cell self-destruction, and disrupting tumor-promoting cellular environments. The company aims to create effective therapies while minimizing side effects.

Who is leading Gilead Sciences' (GILD) oncology research efforts?

Jackson Egen, Vice President of Research Oncology at Gilead Sciences, is leading the company's oncology research efforts. He brings experience from working with Nobel laureate James Allison and emphasizes understanding immune system fundamentals to create more effective cancer treatments.

How is Gilead Sciences (GILD) approaching collaboration in cancer research?

Gilead Sciences encourages cross-functional collaboration within the company and builds key research partnerships with external partners. The company promotes idea generation from all levels of the organization, believing this approach gives them a competitive advantage in oncology research.

What is Gilead Sciences' (GILD) focus in immuno-oncology?

Gilead's immuno-oncology focus includes harnessing the immune system to detect and destroy tumors, developing new ways to trigger cancer cell self-destruction, and disrupting the cellular neighborhood around tumors that promote their growth, all while aiming to reduce side effects of cancer therapies.

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