Gilead and the Elton John AIDS Foundation Announce Additional Five Years of RADIAN Partnership To Help Address the Growing HIV Crisis in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

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Gilead Sciences (Nasdaq:GILD) and the Elton John AIDS Foundation announced a five-year, $25 million extension of their RADIAN partnership to address the growing HIV crisis in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). The initiative aims to support local organizations and expand its geographic focus to include countries hosting Ukrainian refugees. Key highlights:

- EECA is one of the few regions where HIV is increasing, with new diagnoses up 20% and AIDS-related deaths up 34% since 2010.
- RADIAN has reached over 271,000 people with HIV services, provided 114,000+ HIV tests, and (re-)initiated 26,500+ people on antiretroviral therapy since 2019.
- The extension will focus on vulnerable populations and introduce an innovation fund for creative HIV response solutions.

This partnership aims to combat the escalating HIV crisis in EECA, exacerbated by conflict, anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, and stigma.

Gilead Sciences (Nasdaq:GILD) e la Elton John AIDS Foundation hanno annunciato unestensione di cinque anni da 25 milioni di dollari della loro partnership RADIAN per affrontare la crescente crisi dell'HIV nell'Europa orientale e nell'Asia centrale (EECA). L'iniziativa mira a supportare le organizzazioni locali ed espandere il suo focus geografico per includere i paesi che ospitano rifugiati ucraini. Punti salienti:

- L'EECA è una delle poche regioni in cui l'HIV è in aumento, con nuove diagnosi in aumento del 20% e morti correlate all'AIDS in aumento del 34% dal 2010.
- RADIAN ha raggiunto oltre 271.000 persone con servizi per l'HIV, ha fornito oltre 114.000 test HIV e ha (ri)iniziato oltre 26.500 persone alla terapia antiretrovirale dal 2019.
- L'estensione si concentrerà su popolazioni vulnerabili e introdurrà un fondo per l'innovazione per soluzioni creative nella risposta all'HIV.

Questa partnership ha lo scopo di combattere la crescente crisi dell'HIV nell'EECA, aggravata da conflitti, legislazioni anti-LGBTQ+ e stigma.

Gilead Sciences (Nasdaq:GILD) y la Elton John AIDS Foundation anunciaron unextensión de cinco años por 25 millones de dólares de su asociación RADIAN para abordar la creciente crisis del VIH en Europa del Este y Asia Central (EECA). La iniciativa tiene como objetivo apoyar a las organizaciones locales y ampliar su enfoque geográfico para incluir a los países que albergan refugiados ucranianos. Destacados:

- EECA es una de las pocas regiones donde el VIH está en aumento, con nuevos diagnósticos en aumento del 20% y muertes relacionadas con el SIDA en aumento del 34% desde 2010.
- RADIAN ha alcanzado a más de 271,000 personas con servicios de VIH, ha proporcionado más de 114,000 pruebas de VIH y ha (re)iniciado a más de 26,500 personas en terapia antirretroviral desde 2019.
- La extensión se centrará en poblaciones vulnerables e introducirá un fondo de innovación para soluciones creativas de respuesta al VIH.

Esta asociación tiene como objetivo combatir la crisis del VIH en EECA, agravada por conflictos, legislación anti-LGBTQ+ y estigmas.

길리아드 사이언스(Gilead Sciences)(Nasdaq:GILD)와 엘튼 존 에이즈 재단(Elton John AIDS Foundation)이 동유럽 및 중앙 아시아(EECA)에서 증가하는 HIV 위기를 해결하기 위해5년, 2천5백만 달러 연장을 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 지역 조직을 지원하고 우크라이나 난민을 수용하는 국가를 포함하도록 지리적 초점을 확장하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 주요 요점:

- EECA는 HIV가 증가하는 몇 안 되는 지역 중 하나로, 새로운 진단이 2010년 이후 20% 증가하고 AIDS 관련 사망자가 34% 증가했습니다.
- RADIAN은 2019년 이후 271,000명 이상의 사람들에게 HIV 서비스를 제공하고, 114,000회 이상의 HIV 검사를 실시했으며, 26,500명 이상의 사람들에게 항레트로바이러스 요법을 (재)개시했습니다.
- 이번 연장은 취약한 인구에 집중하고 창의적인 HIV 대응 솔루션을 위한 혁신 기금을 도입할 것입니다.

이 파트너십은 갈등, 반-LGBTQ+ 법률 및 낙인으로 악화된 EECA에서 증가하는 HIV 위기를 퇴치하기 위한 것입니다.

Gilead Sciences (Nasdaq:GILD) et la Elton John AIDS Foundation ont annoncé uneextension de cinq ans de 25 millions de dollars de leur partenariat RADIAN pour faire face à la crise croissante du VIH en Europe de l'Est et en Asie centrale (EECA). L'initiative vise à soutenir les organisations locales et à élargir son champ géographique pour inclure les pays accueillant des réfugiés ukrainiens. Points clés :

- L'EECA est l'une des rares régions où le VIH augmente, avec de nouveaux diagnostics en hausse de 20 % et des décès liés au SIDA en augmentation de 34 % depuis 2010.
- RADIAN a atteint plus de 271 000 personnes avec des services VIH, a fourni plus de 114 000 tests VIH et a (re)initié plus de 26 500 personnes à une thérapie antirétrovirale depuis 2019.
- L'extension se concentrera sur les populations vulnérables et introduira un fonds d'innovation pour des solutions créatives de réponse au VIH.

Ce partenariat vise à lutter contre la crise croissante du VIH en EECA, exacerbée par les conflits, la législation anti-LGBTQ+ et la stigmatisation.

Gilead Sciences (Nasdaq:GILD) und die Elton John AIDS Foundation haben eine fünfjährige Verlängerung über 25 Millionen Dollar ihrer RADIAN-Partnerschaft angekündigt, um der wachsenden HIV-Krise in Osteuropa und Zentralasien (EECA) zu begegnen. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, lokale Organisationen zu unterstützen und den geografischen Fokus auf Länder auszudehnen, die ukrainische Flüchtlinge beherbergen. Wichtige Punkte:

- EECA gehört zu den wenigen Regionen, in denen HIV zunimmt, mit neuen Diagnosen, die seit 2010 um 20 % gestiegen sind, und AIDS-bedingten Todesfällen, die um 34 % gestiegen sind.
- RADIAN hat seit 2019 über 271.000 Menschen mit HIV-Diensten erreicht, über 114.000 HIV-Tests durchgeführt und über 26.500 Menschen mit antiretroviralen Therapien wieder begonnen.
- Die Verlängerung wird sich auf gefährdete Bevölkerungsgruppen konzentrieren und einen Innovationsfonds für kreative Lösungen zur HIV-Bekämpfung einführen.

Diese Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die eskalierende HIV-Krise in EECA zu bekämpfen, die durch Konflikte, anti-LGBTQ+-Gesetzgebung und Stigmatisierung verschärft wird.

  • Five-year, $25 million extension of RADIAN partnership to address HIV crisis in EECA
  • Expansion of geographic focus to include countries hosting Ukrainian refugees
  • Introduction of an innovation fund for creative HIV response solutions
  • RADIAN has reached over 271,000 people with HIV services since 2019
  • Provided more than 114,000 HIV tests and (re-)initiated over 26,500 people on antiretroviral therapy
  • HIV epidemic in EECA is worsening, with new diagnoses up 20% and AIDS-related deaths up 34% since 2010
  • 41% of people living with HIV in EECA are unaware of their status
  • 50% of people living with HIV in EECA are not on treatment
  • Conflict in Ukraine exacerbating the HIV crisis in the region
  • Anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and human rights violations hindering HIV response in EECA


The $25 million extension of the RADIAN partnership between Gilead Sciences and the Elton John AIDS Foundation is a strategic move for Gilead. While this investment may impact short-term financials, it's likely to yield long-term benefits in terms of market presence and reputation in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA).

The expansion into countries hosting Ukrainian refugees could potentially open new markets for Gilead's HIV treatments. However, investors should note that the return on investment may not be immediate, as the focus is on building infrastructure and awareness rather than direct sales.

From a financial perspective, this partnership aligns with Gilead's corporate social responsibility initiatives, which can enhance brand value and potentially lead to increased investor confidence in the company's long-term strategy in emerging markets.

The extension of RADIAN is a significant development in addressing the growing HIV crisis in EECA. The region's 20% increase in new HIV diagnoses and 34% increase in AIDS-related deaths since 2010 highlight the urgent need for intervention.

The partnership's impact, reaching 271,000 people with HIV services and providing 114,000 HIV tests, demonstrates its effectiveness. The focus on key populations and the introduction of an innovation fund could lead to breakthrough approaches in HIV prevention and treatment.

However, the challenges of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and stigma in the region may hinder progress. The success of this initiative will largely depend on overcoming these societal barriers, which could impact the overall effectiveness of Gilead's efforts in the area.

Gilead's expansion of the RADIAN partnership shows a strategic focus on an underserved market. With EECA being one of the few regions where HIV is increasing, this move positions Gilead as a key player in a critical growth area.

The expansion to countries hosting Ukrainian refugees is particularly noteworthy, as it demonstrates Gilead's adaptability to geopolitical changes. This could serve as a model for entering other challenging markets, potentially giving Gilead a competitive edge.

The introduction of an innovation fund is a smart move, as it could lead to new approaches that might be applicable globally. However, investors should monitor the regulatory environment in these countries, as it could impact the success of Gilead's initiatives and, by extension, its market position in the region.

RADIAN's Five-Year, $25 Million Extension Will Increase Support for Local Organizations and Drive Progress to Help Turn the Tide on HIV Across the Region

RADIAN Will Expand Geographic Focus to Provide Key Populations and Communities Impacted by the Conflict in Ukraine with HIV Prevention and Care Services

FOSTER CITY, CA / ACCESSWIRE / August 13, 2024 / Gilead Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq:GILD) and the Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF) announced a five-year extension of the RADIAN ® partnership to help meet the needs of the most vulnerable key populations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) where the HIV epidemic is growing. RADIAN will continue supporting the initiatives of trusted, grassroots organizations who are working to address HIV-related challenges in the region.

While HIV is declining globally, EECA is one of the few regions in the world where the epidemic is getting worse, with new HIV diagnoses and AIDS-related deaths increasing by 20% and 34%, respectively, since 2010.1 Of the 2.1 million people in EECA living with HIV, 41% are not aware of their HIV status and 50% are not on treatment - way below global 95-95-95-95 targets.1

"We are committed to ensuring that the EECA region is not left behind because ending the HIV epidemic means ending it for everyone, everywhere," said Daniel O'Day, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Gilead Sciences. "During a recent visit to Kazakhstan, I met with RADIAN-supported community leaders who emphasized the importance of doubling down on our collaborative efforts. Over the next five years, RADIAN 2.0 will continue to address the structural drivers of the epidemic, strengthen HIV health systems, and enhance the capacities of local organizations for lasting impact."

Since RADIAN was launched in 2019 it has had a significant impact on the HIV response in the region, reaching more than 271,000 people with HIV services, providing over 114,000 HIV tests, (re-) initiating over 26,500 people on antiretroviral therapy, and training more than 14,000 frontline workers to reduce stigma and discrimination.2 These efforts are having an impact on communities most in need, however the situation in the region has escalated dramatically in recent years with the conflict in Ukraine further exacerbating the crisis.3 Anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, human rights violations, stigma and discrimination are also hindering the HIV response across the region.4

"At the Elton John AIDS Foundation, we have a long history of supporting people living with or at risk of HIV across Eastern Europe and Central Asia - a region too often overlooked in the global HIV response. Because of insufficient access to HIV testing and effective treatment, 384 people newly acquire HIV every day in EECA and 120 people die of AIDS-related causes," said Anne Aslett, CEO of the Elton John AIDS Foundation.1 "We are incredibly proud of our RADIAN partnership with Gilead Sciences, which is genuinely helping to turn the tide on the HIV epidemic in the region. Over the next few years, RADIAN will continue to help meet the needs of people most affected by HIV in EECA through innovative, scalable solutions and we are incredibly grateful to our resilient and determined local partners who share our ambition of leaving nobody behind."

Over the next five years, RADIAN will extend its efforts to support collaborative, community-based initiatives to help meet the needs of the most vulnerable key populations across EECA, including people who use drugs, men who have sex with men, sex workers and Transgender people.

RADIAN will also expand its geographic reach to include countries hosting refugees fleeing Ukraine, including Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Germany, where there is an acute need for additional HIV services. Language barriers, social isolation and internalized stigma are all greatly hindering the ability of refugees living with or at risk of HIV to access the treatment and care they urgently need.5 RADIAN's geographic expansion will provide more support to these vulnerable communities, improving access to HIV services and supporting their mental and social wellbeing.

RADIAN will continue to build on successes and learnings from the first five years of the partnership to help close gaps in HIV testing, prevention and care. Additionally, to support innovations that increase the effectiveness of the HIV response in EECA, RADIAN will introduce an innovation fund. The fund will accept creative applications on a rolling basis to allow for flexibility of funding opportunities as innovations emerge.


RADIAN is a ground-breaking partnership between Gilead Sciences and the Elton John AIDS Foundation that supports grassroots organizations and partners in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) to meaningfully address the HIV-related challenges in the region. By supporting the delivery of community-based services and health systems, and by addressing structural barriers impeding the HIV response, RADIAN helps address the needs of key populations and marginalized communities - including people who use drugs, men who have sex with men, sex workers and Transgender people. RADIAN works closely with local leaders and community partners - RADIAN Changemakers and grantees - who are committed to creating change in the region through on-the-ground initiatives tackling the unique challenges of the HIV epidemic in EECA.

To learn more about how RADIAN is working to end HIV in EECA, visit

About Gilead Sciences

Gilead Sciences, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company that has pursued and achieved breakthroughs in medicine for more than three decades, with the goal of creating a healthier world for all people. The company is committed to advancing innovative medicines to prevent and treat life-threatening diseases, including HIV, viral hepatitis, COVID-19, and cancer. Gilead operates in more than 35 countries worldwide, with headquarters in Foster City, California.

For 35 years, Gilead has been a leading innovator in the field of HIV, driving advances in treatment, prevention and cure research. Gilead researchers have developed 12 HIV medications, including the first single-tablet regimen to treat HIV, the first antiretroviral for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to help reduce new HIV infections, and the first long-acting injectable HIV treatment medication administered twice-yearly. Our advances in medical research have helped to transform HIV into a treatable, preventable, chronic condition for millions of people.

For more information on Gilead Sciences, please visit the company's website at

About Elton John AIDS Foundation

The Elton John AIDS Foundation was established in 1992 and is one of the leading independent AIDS organizations in the world. The Foundation's mission is simple: an end to the AIDS epidemic. The Elton John AIDS Foundation is committed to overcoming the stigma, discrimination and neglect that keep us from ending AIDS. With the mobilization of our network of generous supporters and partners, we fund local experts across four continents to challenge discrimination, prevent infections, and provide treatment as well as influencing governments to end AIDS.

1 Data provided by UNAIDS (2024),
2 Data provided by the Elton John AIDS Foundation - June 2024
3 Jonas, Kai J. et al. The war refugees from Ukraine: an HIV epidemic is fleeing as well. AIDS 36(12):p 1745-1746, October 1, 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000003271, last accessed June 2024
4 Schweitzer AM et al, Addressing HIV stigma in healthcare, community, and legislative settings in Central and Eastern Europe, 2023. Available at:, last accessed June 2024
5 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Migrant health: HIV testing and counselling in migrant populations and ethnic minorities in EU/EEA/EFTA Member States. Available at:, last accessed July 2024.

Meaghan Smith, Media

Jacquie Ross, Investors

Originally published by Gilead Sciences

Anne Aslett (CEO, Elton John AIDS Foundation) and Daniel O'Day (Chairman and CEO, Gilead Sciences) visit RADIAN Model City in Kazakhstan. (Photo: Business Wire)

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What is the RADIAN partnership between Gilead Sciences (GILD) and the Elton John AIDS Foundation?

RADIAN is a partnership between Gilead Sciences (GILD) and the Elton John AIDS Foundation to address the growing HIV crisis in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). It supports local organizations and initiatives to combat HIV in the region.

How much is Gilead (GILD) investing in the RADIAN partnership extension?

Gilead Sciences (GILD) is investing $25 million over five years in the extension of the RADIAN partnership with the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

What are the key achievements of the RADIAN partnership since its launch in 2019?

Since 2019, RADIAN has reached over 271,000 people with HIV services, provided more than 114,000 HIV tests, (re-)initiated over 26,500 people on antiretroviral therapy, and trained more than 14,000 frontline workers to reduce stigma and discrimination.

How is the HIV situation in Eastern Europe and Central Asia different from global trends?

While HIV is declining globally, Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) is one of the few regions where the epidemic is worsening. New HIV diagnoses have increased by 20% and AIDS-related deaths by 34% since 2010 in EECA.

What new initiatives will be introduced in the RADIAN partnership extension by Gilead (GILD)?

The RADIAN partnership extension will introduce an innovation fund to support creative applications that increase the effectiveness of the HIV response in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It will also expand its geographic focus to include countries hosting Ukrainian refugees.

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