Championing Mental Health at Gildan Australia

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In 2023, Gildan's Australian office achieved full certification in mental health first aid, empowering employees to identify and support those in need. David Hillen, Sales Director at Gildan, spearheaded this initiative after a personal experience with a colleague facing mental health issues. Hillen pursued certification through the Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA) and became a certified trainer to make the course more accessible to his network.

The initiative gained support from senior management and gradually spread throughout the office. The course covered four broad mental health topics, teaching participants to recognize warning signs and intervene effectively. As a result, the office has seen increased openness in discussing mental health and created a safer work environment. Hillen encourages others to take the first step in advocating for causes they're passionate about, emphasizing the potential for significant impact within a global organization like Gildan.

Nel 2023, l'ufficio australiano di Gildan ha ottenuto la certificazione completa nel primo soccorso per la salute mentale, permettendo ai dipendenti di identificare e supportare coloro che hanno bisogno. David Hillen, Direttore Vendite di Gildan, ha guidato questa iniziativa dopo un'esperienza personale con un collega che affrontava problemi di salute mentale. Hillen ha perseguito la certificazione attraverso la Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA) ed è diventato un formatore certificato per rendere il corso più accessibile alla sua rete.

L'iniziativa ha ottenuto il supporto della direzione e si è gradualmente diffusa all'interno dell'ufficio. Il corso ha trattato quattro ampie tematiche relative alla salute mentale, insegnando ai partecipanti a riconoscere i segnali di allerta e a intervenire in modo efficace. Di conseguenza, l'ufficio ha visto un aumento della disponibilità a discutere di salute mentale e ha creato un ambiente di lavoro più sicuro. Hillen incoraggia altri a compiere il primo passo nell'avvocare per le cause a cui tengono, sottolineando il potenziale impatto significativo all'interno di un'organizzazione globale come Gildan.

En 2023, la oficina de Gildan en Australia logró la certificación completa en primeros auxilios en salud mental, empoderando a los empleados para identificar y apoyar a quienes lo necesitan. David Hillen, Director de Ventas de Gildan, lideró esta iniciativa tras una experiencia personal con un colega que enfrentaba problemas de salud mental. Hillen buscó la certificación a través de la Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA) y se convirtió en un formador certificado para hacer el curso más accesible a su red.

La iniciativa recibió el apoyo de la alta dirección y se fue extendiendo gradualmente por la oficina. El curso abarcó cuatro amplios temas de salud mental, enseñando a los participantes a reconocer señales de advertencia e intervenir de manera efectiva. Como resultado, la oficina ha visto un aumento en la apertura para discutir la salud mental y ha creado un ambiente de trabajo más seguro. Hillen anima a otros a dar el primer paso en la defensa de las causas que les apasionan, destacando el potencial para un impacto significativo dentro de una organización global como Gildan.

2023년, 길단의 호주 사무소는 정신 건강 응급 처치에 대한 완전 인증을 달성하여 직원들이 도움이 필요한 사람들을 식별하고 지원할 수 있도록 했습니다. 데이비드 힐렌, 길단의 영업 이사는 정신 건강 문제를 겪고 있는 동료와의 개인적인 경험 후 이 이니셔티브를 주도했습니다. 힐렌은 정신 건강 재단 호주(MHFA)를 통해 인증 과정을 이수하고 자신의 네트워크에서 더 접근 가능하도록 하려고 인증된 강사가 되었습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 고위 관리진의 지원을 받아 사무실 전반으로 점진적으로 확산되었습니다. 이 과정은 네 가지 광범위한 정신 건강 주제를 다루며 참가자들에게 경고 신호를 인식하고 효과적으로 개입하는 방법을 가르쳤습니다. 그 결과, 사무실 내에서 정신 건강에 대한 논의가 더 개방적이 되었으며 더 안전한 작업 환경이 조성되었습니다. 힐렌은 다른 사람들이 자신이 열정을 가진 분야를 위해 옹호하는 첫 걸음을 내딛도록 격려하며, 길단과 같은 글로벌 조직 내에서 상당한 영향을 미칠 수 있는 잠재력을 강조합니다.

En 2023, le bureau australien de Gildan a obtenu la certification complète en premiers secours en santé mentale, permettant aux employés d'identifier et de soutenir ceux qui en ont besoin. David Hillen, directeur des ventes chez Gildan, a lancé cette initiative après une expérience personnelle avec un collègue aux prises avec des problèmes de santé mentale. Hillen a obtenu sa certification par l'intermédiaire de la Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA) et est devenu formateur certifié pour rendre le cours plus accessible à son réseau.

L'initiative a reçu le soutien de la direction et s'est progressivement répandue dans tout le bureau. Le cours a couvert quatre grands thèmes liés à la santé mentale, enseignant aux participants à reconnaître les signes avant-coureurs et à intervenir efficacement. En conséquence, le bureau a constaté une augmentation de l'ouverture des discussions sur la santé mentale et a créé un environnement de travail plus sûr. Hillen encourage les autres à faire le premier pas dans la défense des causes qui leur tiennent à cœur, soulignant le potentiel d'un impact significatif au sein d'une organisation mondiale comme Gildan.

Im Jahr 2023 hat das australische Büro von Gildan die vollständige Zertifizierung in Erster Hilfe für psychische Gesundheit erreicht, wodurch die Mitarbeiter befähigt werden, bedürftige Personen zu erkennen und zu unterstützen. David Hillen, Verkaufsleiter bei Gildan, leitete diese Initiative nach einer persönlichen Erfahrung mit einem Kollegen, der mit psychischen Problemen zu kämpfen hatte. Hillen strebte die Zertifizierung über die Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA) an und wurde zertifizierter Trainer, um den Zugang zu dem Kurs für sein Netzwerk zu erleichtern.

Die Initiative erhielt Unterstützung von der Geschäftsleitung und breitete sich allmählich im gesamten Büro aus. Der Kurs behandelte vier umfassende Themen der psychischen Gesundheit und lehrte die Teilnehmer, Warnsignale zu erkennen und effektiv zu intervenieren. Infolgedessen hat das Büro eine zunehmende Offenheit im Umgang mit psychischer Gesundheit und ein sichereres Arbeitsumfeld geschaffen. Hillen ermutigt andere, den ersten Schritt zu machen, sich für die Anliegen einzusetzen, die ihnen am Herzen liegen, und betont das Potenzial für einen signifikanten Einfluss innerhalb einer globalen Organisation wie Gildan.

  • None.
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NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 10, 2024 / In 2023, Gildan's entire Australian office became certified in mental health first aid, becoming equipped to identify and support those in need around them.

This World Mental Health Day, we sat down with the individual driving this initiative, David Hillen, Sales Director at Gildan, to learn more about the project's inception and how he rallied the senior management team and his co-workers to heighten employees' awareness around this topic.

What made you want to get mental health first aid certified?

Almost five years ago, I encountered a colleague who didn't seem to be doing very well, and after a few conversations, it came to my attention that the individual was facing mental health issues.

At the time, I did my best to help the colleague - I connected the individual with a professional and made sure to regularly check-in. Today, I'm happy to say that the colleague is doing quite well.

This experience made me realize the importance of normalizing conversations around mental health and having the right tools to help those who need support. Motivated by this, I pursued a course provided by Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA).

When you first acquired the certification, did you envision this step scaling the way it did?

Not at all! It was only after I got certified that I realized the potential of this course in benefiting my network. I especially realized how useful it might be in the context of the workplace where most people spend the majority of their time. Our teams in the Australian office work closely together, so it seemed like the natural next step to encourage my colleagues to get certified, deepen our collective understanding of mental health, and create an even more open work environment.

To facilitate this, I became a certified trainer of mental health first aid myself, making the course more accessible to my network.

How did you rally the support of your colleagues and eventually the entire office, to acquire the certification?

Once I became a certified trainer, I approached the senior management team at our office to gauge their interest in the course, and the team wholeheartedly embraced this idea. From there, it was a matter of promoting the training among employees.

We began offering it on an optional basis. Gradually, as people became certified and began noticing the positive effects of the training in both their professional and personal lives, more employees stepped forward to participate. Before we knew it, the entire office was certified!

Can you tell us more about your experience with the course?

I enjoyed the course and took away applicable concepts that have been valuable when helping those around me. The course covered four broad mental health topics, explaining theory and outlining concrete steps to be taken when responding to particular issues. More specifically, I learned how to recognize warning signs of mental health problems and how to intervene in a timely and effective way.

One of my key takeaways was learning how to speak about mental health. This has been extremely helpful in my endeavours to facilitate conversations around this topic.

What kind of changes did you notice at the office once this course had been completed by all employees?

When we initially decided to roll out the course among employees, we had two main objectives - the first was to normalize discussions of mental health in the workplace, and the second was to identify individuals around us potentially facing problems and provide timely, as well as the right kind of intervention. The training allowed us to achieve both objectives.

Now, more people at the office openly speak about mental health, fostering a safe space for everyone. I've also heard some great stories from co-workers about how the training has gone beyond the workplace to benefit people in their personal lives.

What advice do you have for anyone at Gildan and beyond looking to initiate a project or advocate for a cause that matters to them?

It only takes one person and one step to make a difference. What began as a gesture towards one of my colleagues, has now turned into an office-wide initiative. At a global organization such as Gildan, imagine the large impact the first step can have.

To anyone who is passionate about a cause, I'd encourage you to take that first step, lead by example, and spread awareness around the cause through education and conversation.

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Championing Mental Health at Gildan Australia

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SOURCE: Gildan Activewear

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What mental health initiative did Gildan Australia (GIL) implement in 2023?

In 2023, Gildan's entire Australian office became certified in mental health first aid, equipping employees to identify and support those in need around them.

Who led the mental health first aid certification project at Gildan Australia (GIL)?

David Hillen, Sales Director at Gildan, led the mental health first aid certification project at Gildan Australia.

What organization provided the mental health first aid course for Gildan Australia (GIL)?

The mental health first aid course was provided by Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA).

What were the main objectives of the mental health training at Gildan Australia (GIL)?

The main objectives were to normalize discussions of mental health in the workplace and to identify and provide timely intervention for individuals potentially facing mental health problems.

How did the mental health training impact Gildan Australia's (GIL) workplace?

The training led to more open discussions about mental health, fostering a safer work environment. Employees reported benefits in both their professional and personal lives.

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