Swedish Tax Agency extends partnership with CGI to deliver e-ID and electronic signature services

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CGI, a leading IT and business consulting company, has extended its partnership with the Swedish Tax Agency to provide e-identification and electronic signature services. This collaboration aims to enhance the tax filing experience for millions of Swedish citizens. The agreement underscores CGI's ability to create value for society by improving efficiency, digital experience, and secure citizen services for government agencies.

In 2024, over seven million Swedish taxpayers filed their returns digitally, setting a new record. CGI has been instrumental in helping the Swedish Tax Agency transition from paper-based to almost entirely digital processes for income tax returns. This partnership highlights CGI's commitment to developing stable and secure citizen-centric services that deliver significant societal value.

CGI, una delle principali aziende di consulenza IT e aziendale, ha esteso la sua partnership con l'Agenzia Fiscale Svedese per fornire servizi di e-identificazione e firma elettronica. Questa collaborazione mira a migliorare l'esperienza di dichiarazione fiscale per milioni di cittadini svedesi. L'accordo sottolinea la capacità di CGI di creare valore per la società migliorando l'efficienza, l'esperienza digitale e i servizi cittadini sicuri per le agenzie governative.

Nel 2024, oltre sette milioni di contribuenti svedesi hanno presentato le loro dichiarazioni in modo digitale, stabilendo un nuovo record. CGI è stata fondamentale nell'aiutare l'Agenzia Fiscale Svedese a passare da processi cartacei a processi quasi totalmente digitali per le dichiarazioni dei redditi. Questa partnership evidenzia l'impegno di CGI nello sviluppare servizi stabili e sicuri centrati sui cittadini che offrono un significativo valore sociale.

CGI, una de las principales empresas de consultoría de TI y negocios, ha ampliado su asociación con la Agencia Tributaria de Suecia para proporcionar servicios de e-identificación y firma electrónica. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo mejorar la experiencia de declaración fiscal para millones de ciudadanos suecos. El acuerdo subraya la capacidad de CGI de crear valor para la sociedad mejorando la eficiencia, la experiencia digital y los servicios ciudadanos seguros para las agencias gubernamentales.

En 2024, más de siete millones de contribuyentes suecos presentaron sus declaraciones de forma digital, estableciendo un nuevo récord. CGI ha sido fundamental para ayudar a la Agencia Tributaria de Suecia a pasar de procesos en papel a procesos prácticamente completamente digitales para las declaraciones de impuestos sobre la renta. Esta asociación destaca el compromiso de CGI de desarrollar servicios estables y seguros centrados en el ciudadano que proporcionan un valor social significativo.

CGI는 스웨덴 세무청과의 파트너십을 확장하여 전자 신원 확인 및 전자 서명 서비스를 제공하고 있는 주요 IT 및 비즈니스 컨설팅 회사입니다. 이 협업은 스웨덴 시민 수백만의 세금 신고 경험을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이번 계약은 정부 기관을 위한 효율성, 디지털 경험 및 안전한 시민 서비스를 개선함으로써 CGI가 사회에 가치를 창출할 수 있는 능력을 강조합니다.

2024년에는 700만 명이 넘는 스웨덴 납세자가 디지털로 세금 신고를 했다, 새로운 기록을 세웠습니다. CGI는 스웨덴 세무청이 종이 기반 프로세스에서 거의 완전히 디지털 프로세스로 전환하는 데 중요한 역할을 했습니다. 이 파트너십은 시민 중심의 안정적이고 안전한 서비스를 개발하는 CGI의 의지를 강조하며, 이는 중요한 사회적 가치를 제공합니다.

CGI, une entreprise leader en conseil informatique et commercial, a étendu son partenariat avec l'Agence fiscale suédoise pour fournir des services d'e-identification et de signature électronique. Cette collaboration vise à améliorer l'expérience de déclaration fiscale pour des millions de citoyens suédois. L'accord souligne la capacité de CGI à créer de la valeur pour la société en améliorant l'efficacité, l'expérience numérique et des services citoyens sécurisés pour les agences gouvernementales.

En 2024, plus de sept millions de contribuables suédois ont soumis leurs déclarations de manière numérique, établissant un nouveau record. CGI a joué un rôle essentiel en aidant l'Agence fiscale suédoise à passer de processus papier à des processus presque entièrement numériques pour les déclarations de revenus. Ce partenariat met en évidence l'engagement de CGI à développer des services stables et sécurisés centrés sur les citoyens qui apportent une valeur sociétale significative.

CGI, ein führendes Unternehmen für IT- und Unternehmensberatung, hat die Partnerschaft mit der schwedischen Steuerbehörde erweitert, um E-Identifikation und elektronische Signaturdienste bereitzustellen. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Steuererklärungserfahrung für Millionen von schwedischen Bürgern zu verbessern. Die Vereinbarung unterstreicht die Fähigkeit von CGI, Wert für die Gesellschaft zu schaffen, indem sie Effizienz, digitale Erfahrung und sichere Bürgerservices für staatliche Institutionen verbessert.

Im Jahr 2024 reichten über sieben Millionen schwedische Steuerzahler ihre Erklärungen digital ein und setzten einen neuen Rekord. CGI war maßgeblich daran beteiligt, der schwedischen Steuerbehörde beim Übergang von papierbasierten zu fast vollständig digitalen Prozessen für die Einkommenssteuererklärungen zu helfen. Diese Partnerschaft hebt das Engagement von CGI hervor, stabile und sichere bürgerzentrierte Dienste zu entwickeln, die einen bedeutenden gesellschaftlichen Wert liefern.

  • Extended partnership with Swedish Tax Agency for e-ID and electronic signature services
  • Improving digital tax filing experience for millions of Swedish citizens
  • Record-breaking 7 million digital tax filings in 2024
  • Successful transition from paper-based to digital tax return processes
  • None.


The extension of CGI's partnership with the Swedish Tax Agency for e-ID and electronic signature services is a positive development for the company. This agreement demonstrates CGI's strong position in the government digital services sector, particularly in Sweden.

The deal's significance lies in its scale and potential for recurring revenue. With over 7 million Swedish taxpayers filing digitally in 2024, this service touches a large portion of the population, indicating a stable and potentially expanding user base.

For investors, this partnership showcases CGI's:

  • Ability to secure and maintain long-term government contracts
  • Expertise in critical digital infrastructure
  • Potential for revenue growth in the e-government sector

While the financial details aren't disclosed, the contract's nature suggests a steady revenue stream and potential for upselling additional services. This aligns well with CGI's business model of providing comprehensive IT and business consulting services.

From a financial perspective, this contract extension with the Swedish Tax Agency is a positive indicator for CGI's revenue stability and growth potential in the government sector. While specific financial terms aren't disclosed, several factors suggest a favorable impact:

  • Market Position: Reinforces CGI's strong position in Sweden's public sector IT services market.
  • Recurring Revenue: Likely provides a steady, long-term revenue stream, enhancing predictability in CGI's financial forecasts.
  • Scalability: With 7 million digital tax filers, there's potential for service expansion and increased transaction volume.

Investors should note that government contracts often have lower margins but offer stability and prestige. This deal may not significantly boost short-term profitability but strengthens CGI's long-term market position and revenue visibility, which is valuable for a company with a $26.4 billion market cap.

Stock Market Symbols

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB), one of the largest IT and business consulting companies in the world, announced today that it has signed an agreement with the Swedish Tax Agency to deliver e-identification and electronic signature services to help improve the tax filing experience for millions of Swedes. The partnership highlights how CGI's solutions can create value for society by increasing efficiency, improving the digital experience and providing secure citizen services for government agencies.

"CGI is pleased to continue developing stable and secure services that are citizen-centric and enable our clients to deliver significant societal value. Together with the Swedish Tax Agency, we are creating digital processes that benefit most of the Swedish population. The fact that we enable critical public services daily is a responsibility we take very seriously," says Leif Alama, Senior Vice-President, CGI Sweden.

Swedish authorities have a high demand for reliable digital processes and systems to maintain important social functions. In 2024, over seven million taxpayers chose to file their tax returns digitally, setting a new record.

CGI is a proven digitization partner for the Swedish Tax Agency, helping the authority transition to more digital processes. The income tax return process has, for example, evolved from being paper based to being handled almost entirely digitally through automatic processes.

About CGI
Founded in 1976, CGI is among the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world. With 90,000 consultants and professionals across the globe, CGI delivers an end-to-end portfolio of capabilities, from strategic IT and business consulting to systems integration, managed IT and business process services and intellectual property solutions. CGI works with clients through a local relationship model complemented by a global delivery network that helps clients digitally transform their organizations and accelerate results. CGI Fiscal 2023 reported revenue is CA$14.30 billion and CGI shares are listed on the TSX (GIB.A) and the NYSE (GIB). Read more at

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What services will CGI provide to the Swedish Tax Agency under the new agreement?

CGI will deliver e-identification and electronic signature services to improve the tax filing experience for Swedish citizens.

How many Swedish taxpayers filed their returns digitally in 2024?

Over seven million taxpayers in Sweden chose to file their tax returns digitally in 2024, setting a new record.

How has CGI helped the Swedish Tax Agency transition to digital processes?

CGI has assisted the Swedish Tax Agency in evolving from paper-based tax returns to almost entirely digital processes through automatic systems.

What is the significance of this partnership for CGI (NYSE: GIB)?

The partnership highlights CGI's ability to create value for society by improving efficiency, digital experience, and secure citizen services for government agencies.

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