CGI signs the European Commission';s Artificial Intelligence Act Pledge

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CGI, a leading business and IT consulting firm, has signed the European Union's Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act Pledge, reinforcing its global commitment to responsible and ethical AI practices. This signature is part of CGI's engagement with the European Commission's AI Pact. Jean-Michel Baticle, President and COO of CGI, emphasized the alignment between the AI Act Pledge objectives and CGI's own responsible use framework.

CGI's approach to responsible AI includes:

  • A robust risk matrix
  • Clear guidelines and best practices
  • Ethical principles backed by scientific research

The company supports clients in developing responsible AI plans, focusing on governance, risk assessment, privacy, security, and optimal AI model selection. CGI offers AI-based consulting, services, and solutions to help clients leverage AI for their business objectives.

CGI, una delle principali aziende di consulenza aziendale e IT, ha firmato il Pledge per la Legge sull'Intelligenza Artificiale (AI) dell'Unione Europea, ribadendo il suo impegno globale per pratiche AI responsabili ed etiche. Questa firma fa parte dell'impegno di CGI con il Patto sull'AI della Commissione Europea. Jean-Michel Baticle, Presidente e COO di CGI, ha sottolineato l'allineamento tra gli obiettivi del Pledge della Legge sull'AI e il framework di utilizzo responsabile di CGI.

Il approccio di CGI all'AI responsabile include:

  • Una matrice di rischio robusta
  • Linee guida chiare e migliori pratiche
  • Principi etici supportati da ricerca scientifica

L'azienda supporta i clienti nello sviluppo di piani AI responsabili, concentrandosi sulla governance, la valutazione del rischio, la privacy, la sicurezza e la selezione ottimale dei modelli AI. CGI offre consulenza, servizi e soluzioni basati sull'AI per aiutare i clienti a sfruttare l'AI per i loro obiettivi aziendali.

CGI, una empresa líder en consultoría empresarial y TI, ha firmado el Compromiso de la Ley de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) de la Unión Europea, reafirmando su compromiso global con prácticas de IA responsables y éticas. Esta firma es parte del compromiso de CGI con el Pacto de IA de la Comisión Europea. Jean-Michel Baticle, Presidente y COO de CGI, enfatizó la alineación entre los objetivos del Compromiso de la Ley de IA y el propio marco de uso responsable de CGI.

El enfoque de CGI hacia una IA responsable incluye:

  • Una matriz de riesgos sólida
  • Guías claras y mejores prácticas
  • Principios éticos respaldados por investigación científica

La empresa apoya a los clientes en el desarrollo de planes de IA responsables, enfocándose en la gobernanza, la evaluación de riesgos, la privacidad, la seguridad y la selección óptima de modelos de IA. CGI ofrece consultoría, servicios y soluciones basadas en IA para ayudar a los clientes a aprovechar la IA para sus objetivos comerciales.

CGI는 주요 비즈니스 및 IT 컨설팅 회사로서 유럽연합의 인공지능(AI) 법안 서약에 서명했습니다, 이는 책임 있고 윤리적인 AI 관행에 대한 글로벌 헌신을 강화합니다. 이 서명은 CGI가 유럽 연합의 AI 협약에 참여하고 있음을 나타냅니다. CGI의 회장 겸 COO인 장 미셸 바티클은 AI 법안 서약의 목표와 CGI의 책임 있는 사용 프레임워크 간의 일치를 강조했습니다.

CGI의 책임 있는 AI 접근 방식은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 탄탄한 위험 매트릭스
  • 명확한 지침과 모범 사례
  • 과학적 연구에 기반한 윤리적 원칙

회사는 고객이 거버넌스, 위험 평가, 개인 정보 보호, 보안 및 최적의 AI 모델 선택에 집중하여 책임 있는 AI 계획을 개발할 수 있도록 지원합니다. CGI는 고객이 비즈니스 목표를 위해 AI를 활용할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 AI 기반의 컨설팅, 서비스 및 솔루션을 제공합니다.

CGI, une entreprise leader en consulting commercial et IT, a signé l'engagement de la Loi sur l'Intelligence Artificielle (IA) de l'Union Européenne, réaffirmant son engagement global envers des pratiques d'IA responsables et éthiques. Cette signature fait partie de l'engagement de CGI envers le Pacte IA de la Commission Européenne. Jean-Michel Baticle, Président et COO de CGI, a souligné l'alignement entre les objectifs de l'engagement et le cadre d'utilisation responsable de CGI.

L'approche de CGI en matière d'IA responsable comprend :

  • Une matrice de risques robuste
  • Des lignes directrices claires et des meilleures pratiques
  • Des principes éthiques soutenus par la recherche scientifique

La société aide ses clients à développer des plans d'IA responsables, en se concentrant sur la gouvernance, l'évaluation des risques, la confidentialité, la sécurité et la sélection optimale des modèles d'IA. CGI propose des services de conseil, des services et des solutions basés sur l'IA pour aider les clients à tirer parti de l'IA pour atteindre leurs objectifs commerciaux.

CGI, ein führendes Unternehmen für Geschäfts- und IT-Beratung, hat das Verpflichtung zum EU-Gesetz über Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) unterzeichnet, was sein globales Engagement für verantwortungsvolle und ethische KI-Praktiken bekräftigt. Diese Unterschrift ist Teil des Engagements von CGI mit dem KI-Pakt der Europäischen Kommission. Jean-Michel Baticle, Präsident und COO von CGI, betonte die Übereinstimmung zwischen den Zielen der Verpflichtung und dem eigenen verantwortungsvollen Nutzungskonzept von CGI.

CGIs Ansatz für verantwortungsvolle KI umfasst:

  • Eine robuste Risikomatrix
  • Klare Richtlinien und bewährte Verfahren
  • Ethikprinzipien, die durch wissenschaftliche Forschung gestützt werden

Das Unternehmen unterstützt Kunden bei der Entwicklung verantwortungsvoller KI-Pläne mit Fokus auf Governance, Risikobewertung, Datenschutz, Sicherheit und optimale KI-Modellauswahl. CGI bietet KI-basierte Beratung, Dienstleistungen und Lösungen an, um Kunden dabei zu helfen, KI für ihre Geschäftsziele zu nutzen.

  • Signing the EU's AI Act Pledge reinforces CGI's commitment to responsible AI practices
  • Alignment with EU initiatives may strengthen CGI's position in the European market
  • CGI's responsible AI approach includes a proprietary framework and client support services
  • None.

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Signature reinforces the company's commitment to responsible and ethical AI practices

BRUSSELS, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB), one of the world's largest business and IT consulting firms, announced today that it has signed the European Union's (EU) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act Pledge as part of its engagement with the European Commission's AI Pact. The signature reinforces CGI's commitment globally to uphold the highest standards and best practices in the development and use of responsible technologies, including innovative AI and Generative AI technologies.

"Given CGI's extensive footprint in Europe and around the world, as well as decades of experience designing and implementing AI-based solutions for clients, we are proud to join the EU's initiative to help shape the digital future of Europe," said Jean-Michel Baticle, President and Chief Operating Officer at CGI. "Responsible use of AI is not only an ethical necessity, but a business imperative. The objectives outlined in the AI Act Pledge are well aligned to CGI's own responsible use framework which we use for our own operations and in our partnerships with clients in every industry as we envision, explore, engineer and expand AI solutions and systems within their organizations."

CGI's Approach to Responsible Use of AI

CGI's responsible AI approach for developing data-driven decisions and driving business outcomes leverages a robust risk matrix, clear and enforceable guidelines and best practices and ethical principles backed by scientific research.

In addition to having a proprietary framework for responsible use of AI, CGI also supports clients in the development of their responsible, "human in the loop" AI plans by providing guidance around:

  • Designing the right levels of oversight and governance to deliver robust, ethical and trustworthy outcomes;
  • Understanding the specific risks of the application of different AI models;
  • Applying privacy and security to ensure information reliability and safe interactions; and
  • Selecting the right combination of AI models.

CGI is a trusted partner for responsible AI-based consulting, services, and solutions, helping clients use AI to deliver on their business objectives. CGI combines its broad capabilities in data science and machine learning with technology engineering skills and deep technical and industry expertise to help clients generate new business and operating models as well as services and solutions powered by AI. For more information about CGI's AI offerings, please visit

About CGI

Founded in 1976, CGI is among the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world. With 90,000 consultants and professionals across the globe, CGI delivers an end-to-end portfolio of capabilities, from strategic IT and business consulting to systems integration, managed IT and business process services and intellectual property solutions. CGI works with clients through a local relationship model complemented by a global delivery network that helps clients digitally transform their organizations and accelerate results. CGI Fiscal 2023 reported revenue is CA$14.30 billion and CGI shares are listed on the TSX (GIB.A) and the NYSE (GIB). Learn more at

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What is the significance of CGI (GIB) signing the EU's AI Act Pledge?

CGI's signature on the EU's AI Act Pledge reinforces its global commitment to responsible and ethical AI practices, aligning with European initiatives and potentially strengthening its position in the European market.

How does CGI (GIB) approach responsible AI use?

CGI's responsible AI approach includes a robust risk matrix, clear guidelines, best practices, and ethical principles backed by scientific research. They also support clients in developing responsible AI plans with focus on governance, risk assessment, privacy, and security.

What services does CGI (GIB) offer related to AI?

CGI offers AI-based consulting, services, and solutions to help clients leverage AI for their business objectives. They combine capabilities in data science and machine learning with technology engineering skills and industry expertise to generate new business and operating models.

How does CGI (GIB) support clients in developing responsible AI plans?

CGI supports clients by providing guidance on designing oversight and governance, understanding risks of different AI models, applying privacy and security measures, and selecting the right combination of AI models for their specific needs.

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