CGI selected as delivery partner for pioneering business transformation program by the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service

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CGI has been selected by the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service (NICTS) as the delivery partner for its Themis Program, a flagship business transformation initiative. The 20-year contract, valued at £85 million, aims to modernize the justice system across Northern Ireland. The program will redesign court processes, transforming services across Tribunals, Civil, Family, and Criminal business areas.

The Themis Program seeks to create a digital-first, paper-light environment to enhance transparency, speed up case delivery, and increase accessibility through virtual services. CGI will work with the existing Themis team to implement a five-year roadmap for revolutionizing service delivery. The project is expected to drive significant efficiencies and improve service outcomes.

CGI's involvement in this transformation aligns with its broader commitment to modernizing the UK justice system. The company's Digital Services Centre of Excellence in Belfast, established in February 2023, will support the program with the addition of at least 50 new roles.

CGI è stata selezionata dal Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service (NICTS) come partner per la realizzazione del Programma Themis, un'iniziativa di trasformazione aziendale di punta. Il contratto di 20 anni, del valore di 85 milioni di sterline, ha l'obiettivo di modernizzare il sistema giudiziario in tutta l'Irlanda del Nord. Il programma ridisegnerà i processi giudiziari, trasformando i servizi nei settori delle Tribunali, Civile, Famiglia e Penale.

Il Programma Themis mira a creare un ambiente digitale, con meno carta per aumentare la trasparenza, accelerare la gestione dei casi e migliorare l'accessibilità attraverso servizi virtuali. CGI collaborerà con il team esistente di Themis per attuare una tabella di marcia di cinque anni per rivoluzionare la fornitura dei servizi. Si prevede che il progetto porterà a significativi guadagni di efficienza e migliorerà i risultati dei servizi.

L'impegno di CGI in questa trasformazione si allinea con il suo ampio impegno per la modernizzazione del sistema giudiziario del Regno Unito. Il Centro di Eccellenza per i Servizi Digitali di CGI a Belfast, istituito a febbraio 2023, supporterà il programma con l'aggiunta di almeno 50 nuovi ruoli.

CGI ha sido seleccionado por el Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service (NICTS) como socio para la entrega de su Programa Themis, una iniciativa clave de transformación empresarial. El contrato de 20 años, valorado en 85 millones de libras, tiene como objetivo modernizar el sistema de justicia en toda Irlanda del Norte. El programa rediseñará los procesos judiciales, transformando los servicios en las áreas de Tribunales, Civil, Familiar y Penal.

El Programa Themis busca crear un entorno digital, con poco uso de papel para mejorar la transparencia, acelerar la entrega de casos y aumentar la accesibilidad a través de servicios virtuales. CGI trabajará con el equipo existente de Themis para implementar una hoja de ruta de cinco años para revolucionar la entrega de servicios. Se espera que el proyecto genere importantes eficiencias y mejore los resultados del servicio.

La participación de CGI en esta transformación se alinea con su compromiso más amplio de modernizar el sistema de justicia del Reino Unido. El Centro de Excelencia en Servicios Digitales de CGI en Belfast, establecido en febrero de 2023, apoyará el programa con la adición de al menos 50 nuevos puestos.

CGI는 북아일랜드 법원 및 재판 서비스(NICTS)에 의해 테미스 프로그램의 파트너로 선정되었습니다. 이 프로그램은 주요 비즈니스 혁신 이니셔티브입니다. 20년 계약으로, 가치는 8,500만 파운드이며, 북아일랜드 전역의 사법 시스템을 현대화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 법원 프로세스를 재설계하여 tribunal, 민사, 가족 및 형사 분야의 서비스를 변환할 것입니다.

테미스 프로그램은 디지털 중심의, 종이 사용이 적은 환경을 조성하여 투명성을 높이고, 사건 처리 속도를 강화하며, 가상 서비스를 통해 접근성을 높이려 합니다. CGI는 기존의 테미스 팀과 협력하여 서비스 제공을 혁신하기 위한 5년 로드맵을 시행할 것입니다. 이 프로젝트는 중요한 효율성을 창출하고 서비스 결과를 개선할 것으로 예상됩니다.

CGI의 이 변혁 참여는 영국 사법 시스템 현대화에 대한 보다 광범위한 약속과 일치합니다. 2023년 2월에 설립된 벨파스트의 CGI 디지털 서비스 우수 센터는 최소한 50개의 새로운 직무를 추가하여 프로그램을 지원할 것입니다.

CGI a été séléctionnée par le Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service (NICTS) comme partenaire de livraison pour son Programme Themis, une initiative phare de transformation des affaires. Le contrat de 20 ans d'une valeur de 85 millions de livres vise à moderniser le système de justice à travers l'Irlande du Nord. Le programme redessine les processus judiciaires en transformant les services des tribunaux, civils, familiaux et pénaux.

Le Programme Themis cherche à créer un environnement numérique, léger en papier pour améliorer la transparence, accélérer la livraison des cas et accroître l'accessibilité grâce à des services virtuels. CGI travaillera avec l'équipe existante de Themis pour mettre en œuvre une feuille de route de cinq ans pour révolutionner la livraison des services. Le projet devrait générer des gains d'efficacité significatifs et améliorer les résultats des services.

L'implication de CGI dans cette transformation s'aligne avec son engagement plus large en faveur de la modernisation du système de justice au Royaume-Uni. Le Centre d'Excellence des Services Numériques de CGI à Belfast, créé en février 2023, soutiendra le programme avec l'ajout d'au moins 50 nouveaux postes.

CGI wurde vom Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service (NICTS) als Lieferpartner für sein Themis-Programm ausgewählt, ein bedeutendes Transformationsprojekt. Der 20-jährige Vertrag im Wert von 85 Millionen Pfund zielt darauf ab, das Justizsystem in ganz Nordirland zu modernisieren. Das Programm wird die Gerichtsprozesse neu gestalten und die Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Tribunale, Zivil-, Familien- und Strafrecht transformieren.

Das Themis-Programm strebt an, eine digital orientierte, papierleichte Umgebung zu schaffen, um die Transparenz zu erhöhen, die Fallbearbeitung zu beschleunigen und die Zugänglichkeit durch virtuelle Dienste zu verbessern. CGI wird mit dem bestehenden Themis-Team zusammenarbeiten, um eine fünfjährige Roadmap zur Revolutionierung der Servicebereitstellung umzusetzen. Das Projekt wird voraussichtlich erhebliche Effizienzen schaffen und die Serviceergebnisse verbessern.

Das Engagement von CGI in dieser Transformation steht im Einklang mit ihrem umfassenderen Bekenntnis zur Modernisierung des Justizsystems im Vereinigten Königreich. Das Center of Excellence für digitale Dienstleistungen von CGI in Belfast, das im Februar 2023 gegründet wurde, wird das Programm durch die Schaffung von mindestens 50 neuen Stellen unterstützen.

  • Secured a 20-year contract valued at £85 million with NICTS
  • Selected as delivery partner for a major justice system modernization project
  • Potential for significant business growth in the UK public sector
  • Expansion of CGI's Digital Services Centre of Excellence in Belfast with 50 new roles
  • None.


This contract marks a significant milestone for CGI, solidifying its position in the digital transformation of justice systems. The 20-year, £85 million agreement with the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service (NICTS) demonstrates long-term revenue stability and showcases CGI's expertise in large-scale government IT projects.

The Themis Program's focus on creating a digital-first, paper-light environment aligns with global trends in judicial modernization. This positions CGI at the forefront of a growing market for digital justice solutions. The project's comprehensive scope, covering Tribunals, Civil, Family and Criminal business areas, indicates potential for similar contracts in other jurisdictions.

Investors should note the strategic importance of CGI's Digital Services Centre of Excellence in Belfast, which will play a important role in project delivery and create at least 50 new jobs. This local presence enhances CGI's competitive advantage for future UK and European public sector contracts.

The £85 million contract over 20 years translates to an average annual revenue of £4.25 million. While this represents a small fraction of CGI's overall revenue (less than 0.1% based on FY2023 figures), the contract's long-term nature provides stable, predictable income and potential for upselling additional services.

The project's transformative nature and CGI's role as the delivery partner suggest opportunities for higher-margin consulting services beyond basic IT implementation. The contract's length also hedges against short-term economic fluctuations, providing a steady revenue stream.

Investors should consider the potential for this project to serve as a reference case for similar contracts globally, potentially leading to a multiplier effect on CGI's justice sector revenues. The addition of 50 new roles in Belfast indicates confidence in future growth and may positively impact CGI's operational efficiency in the region.

Stock Market Symbols

20-year agreement supports Themis Program aim to modernize the justice system 

BELFAST, Northern Ireland, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB), one of the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world, has been selected by the Department of Justice, Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service (NICTS) as the delivery partner for its flagship business transformation program, Themis. The 20-year contract, valued at £85 million and led by the CGI team in Belfast, underscores CGI's pivotal role in modernizing the justice system, enhancing efficiency, and improving access to justice services across Northern Ireland.

The Themis Program represents a significant step forward in the NICTS's Service Modernisation Program. By redesigning court processes around the stakeholder, Themis will transform services and administrative processes across Tribunals, Civil, Family, and Criminal business areas. This ambitious transformation aims to deliver a digital-first, paper-light environment that will facilitate greater transparency, faster case delivery, and increased accessibility through virtual services.

Karen Ward, Chief Modernization Officer at NICTS, highlighted the program's importance, stating, "The Themis Program is our cornerstone for wholescale transformation. This project will enable us to deliver improved services and enhance how we operate, with a new IT solution incrementally replacing legacy systems. The far-reaching changes will benefit not only staff and the judiciary, but also the public, legal profession, NICTS Departments, and other justice partners, offering them direct online access to better designed services that meet their needs."

As the delivery partner, CGI will collaborate closely with the existing Themis team to implement a five-year roadmap designed to revolutionize service delivery. The transformative nature of this project is expected to drive significant efficiencies, improve service outcomes, and set a new standard in digital justice solutions.

Chris Shorthouse, Vice President - Client Engagement for Scotland & Northern Ireland at CGI, commented, "CGI is honored to be selected as the delivery partner for the Themis Program. This project marks a major advancement in the modernization of Northern Ireland's justice system, ensuring it meets the evolving needs of all stakeholders. Our team in Belfast is proud to contribute to a program that will not only impact the present but also lay the foundation for future innovation, including the adoption of emerging technologies."

CGI's role in this transformation is part of a broader commitment to modernizing the UK justice system, a mission the company has supported for over 20 years. Additionally, CGI's Digital Services Centre of Excellence in Belfast, established in February 2023, further strengthens CGI's capacity to deliver on this critical program with the addition of at least 50 new roles.

About CGI

Founded in 1976, CGI is among the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world. With 90,000 consultants and professionals across the globe, CGI delivers an end-to-end portfolio of capabilities, from strategic IT and business consulting to systems integration, managed IT and business process services and intellectual property solutions. CGI works with clients through a local relationship model complemented by a global delivery network that helps clients digitally transform their organisations and accelerate results. CGI Fiscal 2023 reported revenue is CA$14.30 billion and CGI shares are listed on the TSX (GIB.A) and the NYSE (GIB). Learn more at

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What is the value and duration of CGI's contract with NICTS for the Themis Program?

CGI has secured a 20-year contract valued at £85 million with the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service (NICTS) for the Themis Program.

What are the main objectives of the Themis Program that CGI (GIB) will be working on?

The Themis Program aims to modernize the justice system in Northern Ireland by creating a digital-first, paper-light environment, enhancing transparency, speeding up case delivery, and increasing accessibility through virtual services across Tribunals, Civil, Family, and Criminal business areas.

How will CGI's involvement in the Themis Program affect its operations in Belfast?

CGI's Digital Services Centre of Excellence in Belfast, established in February 2023, will support the Themis Program and expand with the addition of at least 50 new roles.

What is the timeline for CGI (GIB) to implement the Themis Program transformation?

CGI will collaborate with the existing Themis team to implement a five-year roadmap designed to revolutionize service delivery for the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service.

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