CGI extends partnership with the City of New York for maintenance of parking system technology

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CGI, a leading IT and business consulting firm, has extended its partnership with the City of New York for the maintenance of the STARS parking violation system. The new five-year contract, with an optional two-year renewal, involves CGI working with the city's Department of Finance to manage adjudication, payment, and collection processes for parking and camera violations. This system, built on CGI's Advantage Collections platform, handles approximately 17 million tickets annually, resulting in the collection of over C$1.3 billion in public revenue each year. CGI will provide IT and consulting services to adapt the system to evolving business environments, implement modifications, and design new solutions.

CGI, una delle principali aziende di consulenza IT e aziendale, ha esteso la sua partnership con la Città di New York per la manutenzione del sistema di violazioni di parcheggio STARS. Il nuovo contratto di cinque anni, con un'opzione di rinnovo di due anni, prevede che CGI collabori con il Dipartimento delle Finanze della città per gestire i processi di adjudicazione, pagamento e recupero per violazioni di parcheggio e telecamere. Questo sistema, costruito sulla piattaforma Advantage Collections di CGI, gestisce circa 17 milioni di multe all'anno, portando alla raccolta di oltre 1,3 miliardi di dollari canadesi in entrate pubbliche ogni anno. CGI fornirà servizi IT e di consulenza per adattare il sistema agli ambienti aziendali in evoluzione, implementare modifiche e progettare nuove soluzioni.

CGI, una empresa líder en consultoría de TI y negocios, ha ampliado su asociación con la Ciudad de Nueva York para el mantenimiento del sistema de violaciones de estacionamiento STARS. El nuevo contrato de cinco años, con una opción de renovación de dos años, implica que CGI trabaje con el Departamento de Finanzas de la ciudad para gestionar los procesos de adjudicación, pago y cobro por violaciones de estacionamiento y cámaras. Este sistema, basado en la plataforma Advantage Collections de CGI, maneja aproximadamente 17 millones de multas anualmente, lo que resulta en la recaudación de más de 1.3 mil millones de dólares canadienses en ingresos públicos cada año. CGI proporcionará servicios de TI y consultoría para adaptar el sistema a entornos empresariales en evolución, implementar modificaciones y diseñar nuevas soluciones.

CGI는 IT 및 비즈니스 컨설팅 분야의 선도 기업으로서 뉴욕 시와의 파트너십을 연장했습니다, STARS 주차 위반 시스템의 유지 관리를 위해. 새로 체결된 5년 계약은 선택적 2년 갱신 조항이 포함되어 있으며, CGI는 시 재무부와 협력하여 주차 및 카메라 위반에 대한 심판, 결제 및 징수 프로세스를 관리합니다. CGI의 Advantage Collections 플랫폼을 기반으로 구축된 이 시스템은 연간 약 1,700만 건의 위반 티켓을 처리하며, 해마다 13억 캐나다 달러 이상의 공공 수익을 징수합니다. CGI는 발전하는 비즈니스 환경에 맞게 시스템을 조정하고, 수정 사항을 구현하며, 새로운 솔루션을 설계하기 위해 IT 및 컨설팅 서비스를 제공합니다.

CGI, un cabinet de conseil en informatique et en affaires de premier plan, a étendu son partenariat avec la ville de New York pour l'entretien du système de violations de stationnement STARS. Le nouveau contrat de cinq ans, avec une option de renouvellement de deux ans, implique que CGI travaille avec le Département des Finances de la ville pour gérer les processus d'adjudication, de paiement et de recouvrement pour les violations de stationnement et de caméra. Ce système, construit sur la plateforme Advantage Collections de CGI, traite environ 17 millions d'amendes par an, résultant en plus de 1,3 milliard de dollars canadiens de recettes publiques chaque année. CGI fournira des services informatiques et de conseil pour adapter le système à l'évolution des environnements d'affaires, mettre en œuvre des modifications et concevoir de nouvelles solutions.

CGI, ein führendes IT- und Unternehmensberatungsunternehmen, hat seine Partnerschaft mit der Stadt New York erweitert für die Wartung des STARS-Parkverstoßsystems. Der neue Fünfjahresvertrag, mit einer optionalen zweijährigen Verlängerung, beinhaltet die Zusammenarbeit von CGI mit dem Finanzamt der Stadt zur Verwaltung der Entscheidungsfindung, Zahlungen und Inkassoprozesse für Park- und Kameraverstöße. Dieses System, das auf der Advantage Collections-Plattform von CGI basiert, bearbeitet jährlich etwa 17 Millionen Parktickets und führt zu einer Einnahme von über 1,3 Milliarden kanadischen Dollar an öffentlichen Einnahmen pro Jahr. CGI wird IT- und Beratungsdienste bereitstellen, um das System an sich entwickelnde Geschäftsumgebungen anzupassen, Änderungen umzusetzen und neue Lösungen zu entwickeln.

  • Secured a five-year contract extension with optional two-year renewal
  • System handles 17 million parking and camera tickets annually
  • Contributes to the collection of over C$1.3 billion in public revenue yearly
  • Provides IT and consulting services for system evolution and new solution designs
  • None.

The 5-year contract extension with the City of New York is a positive development for CGI, showcasing the company's ability to retain key clients and maintain steady revenue streams. While the exact contract value isn't disclosed, the system's role in collecting over C$1.3 billion in annual public revenue indicates its significance.

This renewal highlights CGI's strong position in the government IT services sector, particularly in revenue management solutions. The optional two-year extension further demonstrates the city's confidence in CGI's services. Investors should note that such long-term contracts provide stability to CGI's future earnings, an important factor in the often volatile IT services industry.

However, it's important to consider that government contracts can be subject to budget constraints and political changes. The focus on evolving business environments and new solution designs suggests ongoing investment requirements, which could impact profit margins but also presents opportunities for upselling additional services.

CGI's STARS system, built on the CGI Advantage Collections platform, demonstrates the company's technological capabilities in handling large-scale, complex municipal operations. Managing approximately 17 million parking and camera tickets annually requires robust, scalable technology and showcases CGI's expertise in high-volume transaction processing.

The emphasis on evolving the system indicates CGI's commitment to innovation and adaptation to changing technological landscapes. This approach is important in the fast-paced tech sector and positions CGI well against competitors. The system's capabilities in providing timely notifications, accurate processing and support for adjudication highlight its user-centric design, aligning with modern expectations for government services.

Investors should note that CGI's ability to maintain and evolve such critical infrastructure positions it favorably for similar contracts in other municipalities, potentially driving future growth in the government sector.

Stock Market Symbols

NEW YORK, Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB), one of the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world, today announced its selection by the City of New York for maintenance of the STARS parking violation system, which runs on CGI Advantage Collections platform. CGI will partner with the city's Department of Finance under a new five-year contract with an optional two-year renewal to administer the adjudication, payment and collection processes for parking and camera violations issued by the city, resulting in the collection of over C$1.3 billion in public revenue each year.

Developed by CGI, the STARS system includes capabilities that provide motorists with timely notifications and access to their records; accurate processing of inquiries, claims, and payments; and support for their right to adjudicate tickets. The system supports the city's annual management of approximately 17 million parking and camera tickets. Under the new agreement CGI will provide IT and consulting services focused on evolving business environments, system modifications, and new solution designs.

"Citizens in New York and in communities across the country expect government services to offer the utmost in responsiveness, flexibility and transparency," said James Titus, Vice-President Consulting Services in CGI's U.S. East operations. "With extensive knowledge of the complex business rules in the STARS application and the requirements of its users, we will continue to evolve the system to ensure that it works effectively for the city and the people it serves."

About CGI
Founded in 1976, CGI is among the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world. With 90,000 consultants and professionals across the globe, CGI delivers an end-to-end portfolio of capabilities, from strategic IT and business consulting to systems integration, managed IT and business process services and intellectual property solutions. CGI works with clients through a local relationship model complemented by a global delivery network that helps clients digitally transform their organizations and accelerate results. CGI Fiscal 2023 reported revenue is CA$14.30 billion and CGI shares are listed on the TSX (GIB.A) and the NYSE (GIB). Learn more at

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What is the duration of CGI's new contract with the City of New York for the STARS parking system?

CGI has secured a five-year contract with the City of New York, with an optional two-year renewal for the maintenance of the STARS parking violation system.

How many parking and camera tickets does the STARS system process annually for New York City?

The STARS system, developed by CGI (NYSE: GIB), processes approximately 17 million parking and camera tickets annually for the City of New York.

What is the annual public revenue collected through the STARS parking system in New York City?

The STARS parking violation system, maintained by CGI (TSX: GIB.A), contributes to the collection of over C$1.3 billion in public revenue each year for the City of New York.

What services will CGI provide under the new contract for the STARS system?

Under the new contract, CGI (NYSE: GIB) will provide IT and consulting services focused on evolving business environments, system modifications, and new solution designs for the STARS parking violation system.

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