CGI becomes the first major digital services company to be awarded the Sustainable IT label - Level 2 across Europe and Morocco
CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB) has achieved the Sustainable IT label - Level 2 certification across its operations in France, Luxembourg, Morocco, Romania, and Switzerland, becoming the first digital services company with over 5,000 employees to reach this milestone.
The certification, awarded by Institut du Numérique Responsable in partnership with the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and other organizations, recognizes CGI's commitment to sustainable digital practices. The company was assessed against 52 criteria across five key areas:
- Strategy and governance
- Supporting responsible digital strategy
- Lifecycle of digital services
- Extending responsible digital approach
- External levers of digital service companies
Notable achievements include training 9,000 employees in eco-design and collaborating with major customers like EDF in developing environmentally-friendly solutions. The Level 2 certification was awarded following a comprehensive audit by Baker Tilly, and CGI has established a three-year progress plan focusing on responsible design implementation.
CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB) ha ottenuto la certificazione Etichetta IT Sostenibile - Livello 2 per le sue operazioni in Francia, Lussemburgo, Marocco, Romania e Svizzera, diventando la prima azienda di servizi digitali con oltre 5.000 dipendenti a raggiungere questo traguardo.
La certificazione, assegnata dall'Institut du Numérique Responsable in collaborazione con il Ministero della Transizione Ecologica francese e altre organizzazioni, riconosce l'impegno di CGI verso pratiche digitali sostenibili. L'azienda è stata valutata su 52 criteri suddivisi in cinque aree chiave:
- Strategia e governance
- Sostenere una strategia digitale responsabile
- Ciclo di vita dei servizi digitali
- Estensione dell'approccio digitale responsabile
- Leve esterne delle aziende di servizi digitali
Tra i risultati significativi vi è la formazione di 9.000 dipendenti in eco-design e la collaborazione con importanti clienti come EDF nello sviluppo di soluzioni ecologiche. La certificazione di Livello 2 è stata concessa dopo un audit completo condotto da Baker Tilly, e CGI ha stabilito un piano di progressi triennale incentrato sull'implementazione del design responsabile.
CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB) ha logrado la certificación Etiqueta de TI Sostenible - Nivel 2 en sus operaciones en Francia, Luxemburgo, Marruecos, Rumanía y Suiza, convirtiéndose en la primera empresa de servicios digitales con más de 5.000 empleados en alcanzar este hito.
La certificación, otorgada por el Institut du Numérique Responsable en colaboración con el Ministerio de Transición Ecológica de Francia y otras organizaciones, reconoce el compromiso de CGI con prácticas digitales sostenibles. La empresa fue evaluada en base a 52 criterios en cinco áreas clave:
- Estrategia y gobernanza
- Apoyar una estrategia digital responsable
- Ciclo de vida de los servicios digitales
- Extensión del enfoque digital responsable
- Palancas externas de las empresas de servicios digitales
Entre los logros notables se incluye la formación de 9.000 empleados en eco-diseño y la colaboración con importantes clientes como EDF en el desarrollo de soluciones respetuosas con el medio ambiente. La certificación de Nivel 2 fue otorgada tras una auditoría exhaustiva realizada por Baker Tilly, y CGI ha establecido un plan de progreso a tres años centrado en la implementación del diseño responsable.
CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB)는 프랑스, 룩셈부르크, 모로코, 루마니아 및 스위스에서 운영하는 지속 가능한 IT 라벨 - 2급 인증을 획득하여 5,000명 이상의 직원을 둔 최초의 디지털 서비스 회사가 되었습니다.
이 인증은 프랑스 생태 전환부 및 기타 기관과 협력하여 Institut du Numérique Responsable에 의해 수여되며, CGI의 지속 가능한 디지털 관행에 대한 헌신을 인정합니다. 회사는 다섯 가지 주요 분야에서 52개의 기준에 따라 평가되었습니다:
- 전략 및 거버넌스
- 책임 있는 디지털 전략 지원
- 디지털 서비스의 생애 주기
- 책임 있는 디지털 접근 방식의 확장
- 디지털 서비스 회사의 외부 레버리지
주요 성과로는 9,000명의 직원을 에코디자인 교육을 시키고 EDF와 같은 주요 고객과 협력하여 환경 친화적인 솔루션을 개발한 것이 있습니다. 2급 인증은 Baker Tilly의 포괄적인 감사 후에 부여되었으며, CGI는 책임 있는 디자인 구현에 중점을 둔 3년 진행 계획을 수립했습니다.
CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB) a obtenu la certification Label IT Durable - Niveau 2 pour ses opérations en France, au Luxembourg, au Maroc, en Roumanie et en Suisse, devenant ainsi la première entreprise de services numériques de plus de 5 000 employés à atteindre ce jalon.
La certification, attribuée par l'Institut du Numérique Responsable en partenariat avec le Ministère de la Transition Écologique français et d'autres organisations, reconnaît l'engagement de CGI envers des pratiques numériques durables. L'entreprise a été évaluée sur 52 critères répartis sur cinq domaines clés :
- Stratégie et gouvernance
- Soutenir une stratégie numérique responsable
- Cycle de vie des services numériques
- Extension de l'approche numérique responsable
- Leviers externes des entreprises de services numériques
Parmi les réalisations notables, on trouve la formation de 9 000 employés à l'éco-conception et la collaboration avec des clients majeurs comme EDF pour développer des solutions respectueuses de l'environnement. La certification de Niveau 2 a été accordée suite à un audit complet réalisé par Baker Tilly, et CGI a établi un plan de progrès sur trois ans axé sur la mise en œuvre de conceptions responsables.
CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB) hat die Zertifizierung Nachhaltige IT-Auszeichnung - Stufe 2 für seine Betriebe in Frankreich, Luxemburg, Marokko, Rumänien und der Schweiz erreicht und ist damit das erste digitale Dienstleistungsunternehmen mit über 5.000 Mitarbeitern, das diesen Meilenstein erreicht hat.
Die Zertifizierung, die vom Institut du Numérique Responsable in Zusammenarbeit mit dem französischen Ministerium für ökologische Transition und anderen Organisationen vergeben wurde, erkennt CGIs Engagement für nachhaltige digitale Praktiken an. Das Unternehmen wurde anhand von 52 Kriterien in fünf Schlüsselbereichen bewertet:
- Strategie und Governance
- Unterstützung einer verantwortungsvollen digitalen Strategie
- Lebenszyklus digitaler Dienstleistungen
- Erweiterung des verantwortungsvollen digitalen Ansatzes
- Externe Hebel digitaler Dienstleistungsunternehmen
Zu den bemerkenswerten Leistungen gehört die Schulung von 9.000 Mitarbeitern im Bereich Eco-Design und die Zusammenarbeit mit großen Kunden wie EDF zur Entwicklung umweltfreundlicher Lösungen. Die Stufe-2-Zertifizierung wurde nach einem umfassenden Audit durch Baker Tilly vergeben, und CGI hat einen dreijährigen Fortschrittsplan aufgestellt, der sich auf die Umsetzung verantwortungsvoller Designs konzentriert.
- First major digital services company (>5,000 employees) to achieve Level 2 Sustainable IT certification
- Successfully trained 9,000 employees in eco-design
- Expanded certification across multiple European operations and Morocco
- Strategic partnership with major customer EDF for environmental solutions
- None.
CGI, which was awarded the Level 1 label in 2022, continues to make progress in its continuous improvement approach to digital responsibility, becoming the first digital services company with over 5,000 employees to be awarded the Level 2 label.
The Sustainable IT label is based on a set of guidelines developed by the Institut du Numérique Responsable, a think tank whose mission is to raise awareness of the challenges of responsible digital business, in partnership with the French Ministry of Ecological Transition, Energy, Climate and Risk Prevention, ADME – the French public ecological transition agency - and the World Wildlife Fund. Numérique Responsable recognizes companies that adopt ethical and ecologically responsible practices, as part of a demanding and clearly defined approach to reducing their environmental footprint and having a positive impact on society.
"Obtaining the level 2 Numérique Responsable label demonstrates our ongoing commitment to a more responsible digital technology," says Caroline de Grandmaison, President France and Luxembourg at CGI. "It highlights both the concrete initiatives we have already put in place, such as training 9,000 employees in eco-design, and our close collaboration with major customers, including EDF, in developing environmentally-friendly solutions. This certification also underscores our proactive action plan, which we are committed to implementing over the next three years, to support our ambition to combine technological innovation and environmental responsibility."
The more stringent level 2 label was awarded to CGI following a comprehensive audit of its employees, customers, suppliers and partners that was conducted by the independent firm Baker Tilly, on behalf of the LUCIE agency.
The audit assessed CGI against 52 criteria, focusing on five main areas:
- Strategy and governance - integrating digital responsibility into the organization's strategy, formalizing and deploying a dedicated policy, etc.;
- Supporting the responsible digital strategy - driving the NR approach to get internal and external stakeholders on board, integrating digital accessibility, and supporting the development of NR skills;
- Lifecycle of digital services - promoting sustainability and extended lifecycles beginning with the purchasing phase onward, adopting responsible management of equipment, software, applications and services, as well as infrastructure and data;
- Extend a responsible digital approach - encouraging the sharing of tools and knowledge, and leveraging digital technology as a lever for action;
- External levers of digital service companies - promoting responsible digital services in commercial offers and integrating these into the continuous improvement of services.
Following this audit, CGI defined a three-year progress plan, with priority given to implementing responsible design in the services offered to customers, in line with the initial training objective. CGI is also in the process of adopting the standards for responsible artificial intelligence. The concrete outcomes of this continuous improvement approach will be monitored by assessing the environmental footprint of projects.
About CGI
Founded in 1976, CGI is among the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world. With 91,000 consultants and professionals across the globe, CGI delivers an end-to-end portfolio of capabilities, from strategic IT and business consulting to systems integration, managed IT and business process services and intellectual property solutions. CGI works with clients through a local relationship model complemented by a global delivery network that helps clients digitally transform their organizations and accelerate results. CGI Fiscal 2024 reported revenue is CA
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