C-suite agenda seeks growth and innovation in balance with cost control and efficiency

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CGI's annual global research, based on interviews with over 1,800 business and technology executives, reveals three key trends in the IT and business consulting sector:

  • Rebalancing cost savings with revenue growth: Clients are focusing on innovation, new products/services, and improved customer experience while maintaining cost control.
  • Closer business and IT alignment: Alignment between business and IT operations is at its highest level, driven by efficiency focus and digital technologies.
  • Increasing advantages for digital leaders: Those with successful digital strategies are widening the gap in achieving desired outcomes.

The research also highlights a significant increase in AI implementation, with 26% of executives implementing traditional AI and 79% exploring generative AI. AI tops innovation investment priorities for the next three years, reflecting its potential to transform business models and drive efficiency.

La ricerca globale annuale di CGI, basata su interviste con oltre 1.800 dirigenti aziendali e tecnologici, rivela tre tendenze chiave nel settore della consulenza IT e aziendale:

  • Ribilanciare il risparmio sui costi con la crescita dei ricavi: I clienti si concentrano su innovazione, nuovi prodotti/servizi e miglioramento dell'esperienza del cliente, mantenendo il controllo dei costi.
  • Maggiore allineamento tra business e IT: L'allineamento tra le operazioni aziendali e quelle IT è al massimo livello, spinto da un focus sull'efficienza e dalle tecnologie digitali.
  • Aumento dei vantaggi per i leader digitali: Coloro che hanno strategie digitali di successo stanno ampliando il divario nel raggiungimento degli risultati desiderati.

La ricerca evidenzia inoltre un aumento significativo nell'implementazione dell'IA, con il 26% dei dirigenti che implementa IA tradizionale e il 79% che esplora l'IA generativa. L'IA è al primo posto nelle priorità di investimento per l'innovazione nei prossimi tre anni, riflettendo il suo potenziale di trasformare i modelli di business e di aumentare l'efficienza.

La investigación global anual de CGI, basada en entrevistas con más de 1,800 ejecutivos de negocios y tecnología, revela tres tendencias clave en el sector de consultoría IT y empresarial:

  • Reequilibrar el ahorro de costos con el crecimiento de ingresos: Los clientes se enfocan en la innovación, nuevos productos/servicios y mejorar la experiencia del cliente, manteniendo el control de costos.
  • Mayor alineación entre negocio y TI: La alineación entre las operaciones comerciales y de TI está en su nivel más alto, impulsada por el enfoque en la eficiencia y las tecnologías digitales.
  • Aumentar las ventajas para los líderes digitales: Aquellos con estrategias digitales exitosas están ampliando la brecha en la consecución de resultados deseados.

La investigación también destaca un aumento significativo en la implementación de IA, con un 26% de ejecutivos implementando IA tradicional y un 79% explorando IA generativa. La IA lidera las prioridades de inversión en innovación para los próximos tres años, reflejando su potencial para transformar modelos de negocio y mejorar la eficiencia.

CGI의 연례 글로벌 연구는 1,800명 이상의 비즈니스 및 기술 임원과의 인터뷰를 기반으로 IT 및 비즈니스 컨설팅 분야의 세 가지 주요 트렌드를 밝혀냈습니다:

  • 비용 절감과 수익 성장의 재조정: 고객들은 비용 통제를 유지하면서 혁신, 새로운 제품/서비스 및 향상된 고객 경험에 집중하고 있습니다.
  • 비즈니스와 IT 간의 더 가깝고 원활한 정렬: 비즈니스와 IT 운영 간의 정렬이 가장 높은 수준에 있으며, 이는 효율성에 대한 집중과 디지털 기술에 의해 추진되고 있습니다.
  • 디지털 리더를 위한 증가하는 이점: 성공적인 디지털 전략을 가진 사람들은 원하는 결과를 달성하는 격차를 확대하고 있습니다.

연구는 또한 AI 구현의 상당한 증가를 강조하며, 26%의 임원이 전통적인 AI를 구현하고 79%는 생성적 AI를 탐색하고 있습니다. AI는 향후 3년간 혁신 투자 우선 사항 1위에 있으며, 이는 비즈니스 모델을 변화시키고 효율성을 높일 잠재력을 반영합니다.

La recherche mondiale annuelle de CGI, basée sur des interviews avec plus de 1 800 dirigeants d'entreprises et de technologies, révèle trois tendances clés dans le secteur de la consultance IT et des affaires :

  • Rééquilibrage des économies de coûts et de la croissance des revenus : Les clients se concentrent sur l'innovation, les nouveaux produits/services et l'amélioration de l'expérience client, tout en maintenant le contrôle des coûts.
  • Alignement plus étroit entre les affaires et l'IT : L'alignement entre les opérations commerciales et informatiques est à son plus haut niveau, propulsé par un accent sur l'efficacité et les technologies numériques.
  • Avantages croissants pour les leaders numériques : Ceux qui ont des stratégies numériques réussies élargissent l'écart dans l'atteinte des résultats souhaités.

La recherche met également en évidence une augmentation significative de l'implémentation de l'IA, avec 26 % des dirigeants utilisant l'IA traditionnelle et 79 % explorant l'IA générative. L'IA est en tête des priorités d'investissement en innovation pour les trois prochaines années, reflétant son potentiel à transformer les modèles commerciaux et à accroître l'efficacité.

Die jährliche globale Forschung von CGI, die auf Interviews mit über 1.800 Geschäfts- und Technologie-Führungskräften basiert, zeigt drei wichtige Trends im IT- und Unternehmensberatungssektor:

  • Neuordnung der Kosteneinsparungen mit Umsatzwachstum: Die Kunden konzentrieren sich auf Innovation, neue Produkte/Dienstleistungen und verbesserte Kundenerfahrung, während sie die Kosten im Blick behalten.
  • Engere Ausrichtung von Geschäft und IT: Die Ausrichtung zwischen Geschäfts- und IT-Betrieb erreicht ihr höchstes Niveau, getrieben von einem Fokus auf Effizienz und digitalen Technologien.
  • Zunehmende Vorteile für digitale Leader: Diejenigen mit erfolgreichen digitalen Strategien vergrößern die Kluft zur Erreichung der gewünschten Ergebnisse.

Die Forschung hebt auch einen signifikanten Anstieg der KI-Implementierung hervor, wobei 26% der Führungskräfte traditionelle KI implementieren und 79% generative KI erkunden. KI steht an erster Stelle der Innovationsinvestitionsprioritäten für die nächsten drei Jahre, was ihr Potenzial zur Transformation von Geschäftsmodellen und zur Steigerung der Effizienz widerspiegelt.

  • Renewed focus on revenue growth and innovation alongside cost control
  • Highest level of alignment between business and IT operations
  • Digital leaders achieving better outcomes in various areas
  • 26% of executives implementing traditional AI, up 10 percentage points year-over-year
  • 79% of executives investigating or conducting proofs of concept for generative AI
  • AI tops clients' innovation investment priorities for the next three years
  • None.


CGI's annual global research reveals a significant shift in executive priorities, balancing revenue growth with cost control. This dual focus presents opportunities for IT service providers like CGI to support digital transformation initiatives. Key findings include:

  • Increased alignment between business and IT operations, driven by efficiency focus and digital technologies
  • Widening gap between digital leaders and laggards in achieving desired outcomes
  • Surge in AI adoption, with 26% implementing traditional AI (up 10 percentage points) and 79% exploring generative AI

The emphasis on AI and data strategies aligns with industry trends and could drive demand for CGI's services. However, the impact on CGI's financial performance will depend on their ability to capitalize on these opportunities and translate client priorities into revenue growth. Investors should monitor CGI's upcoming financial reports for evidence of increased demand and revenue acceleration.

This research provides valuable insights into market trends that could shape CGI's business strategy and growth prospects:

  • The shift towards a dual agenda of growth and efficiency aligns well with CGI's end-to-end services, potentially driving new business opportunities
  • Increased business-IT alignment suggests a favorable environment for CGI's integrated service offerings
  • The widening gap between digital leaders and laggards may create urgency among companies to accelerate their digital transformation, benefiting CGI
  • Rising AI adoption, particularly in traditional AI implementation, presents a significant market opportunity

These trends could positively impact CGI's market position and financial performance. However, investors should also consider potential challenges such as increased competition in the AI space and the need for CGI to continuously innovate to meet evolving client demands. The company's ability to execute on these market opportunities will be important for long-term growth.

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CGI global research also reveals that AI rises in priority to accelerate outcomes, while digital leader advantages widen

MONTRÉAL, Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB), one of the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world, released its annual global proprietary research, which analyzes findings from more than 1,800 in-person interviews with business and technology executives, of which 80% are C-level. This year's research across 21 economic sectors reveals three key takeaways:

  • Rebalancing cost savings with revenue growth: As clients shift to a renewed focus on revenue growth, they cite the need to drive innovation, introduce new products and services, and improve the customer and citizen experience, while also achieving modernization, optimization and cost control.

  • Closer business and IT alignment: The alignment between business and IT operations to execute a shared strategy is at its highest level. CGI sees the primary drivers for this as a combination of business efficiency focus and the use of digital technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), to drive business outcomes.

  • Increasing advantages for digital leaders: Digital leaders (those producing expected results from their digital strategies) are widening the gap in achieving desired outcomes compared to those building and launching their strategies. For example, digital leaders are more successful in expanding their data strategies, modernizing legacy systems, driving business model agility, using managed services, and implementing advanced technologies, including AI.

"This resurgence in growth as a priority, along with a continued focus on cost savings through efficiencies, is well aligned to CGI's end-to-end services and solutions and our focus on delivering tangible business outcomes," said Jean-Michel Baticle, President & Chief Operating Officer, CGI. "We expect the dual agenda of growth and efficiencies to drive new opportunities to help clients evolve their business models, apply innovation, and accelerate a shared business and IT agenda to achieve ROI-led digital transformation."

As executives pursue this dual agenda, they are increasingly looking to AI. Across industries, CGI's research reveals that 26% are implementing traditional AI—up 10 percentage points year-over-year—and 79% are investigating or conducting proofs of concept for generative AI. AI also tops clients' innovation investment priorities over the next three years. Further, executives are deepening their focus on data because of AI.

"AI presents a paradigm shift that we haven't seen since the adoption of the Internet," said Dr. Diane Gutiw, Vice President, Global AI Research Lead at CGI. "As CGI's global research demonstrates, industry executives are pursuing AI to evolve entire business models, inform critical decisions, increase efficiency, and accelerate both savings and growth."

For additional global insights from the CGI Voice of Our Clients (VOC), as well as industry-specific insights, visit

About CGI Voice of Our Clients
Annually, CGI leaders around the world conduct in-depth interviews with business and IT executives on a range of strategic topics affecting their enterprises. The resulting industry insights—including the attributes of digital leaders—lead to actions that help clients better serve their customers and citizens. This year, CGI interviewed more than 1,800 executives, a majority of whom are C-level, across the industries and geographies the company serves. These in-depth discussions covered topics such as digitization, business agility, innovation, cybersecurity, regulatory compliance, sustainability, change management and more. Over the past five years, one million data points have been collected through this research for trending and comparison purposes. Learn more at

About CGI
Founded in 1976, CGI is among the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world. With 90,000 consultants and professionals across the globe, CGI delivers an end-to-end portfolio of capabilities, from strategic IT and business consulting to systems integration, managed IT and business process services and intellectual property solutions. CGI works with clients through a local relationship model complemented by a global delivery network that helps clients digitally transform their organizations and accelerate results. CGI Fiscal 2023 reported revenue is CA$14.30 billion and CGI shares are listed on the TSX (GIB.A) and the NYSE (GIB). Learn more at

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What are the key findings of CGI's 2024 global research for the IT and business consulting sector?

CGI's 2024 research reveals three key trends: 1) A rebalancing of cost savings with revenue growth, 2) Closer alignment between business and IT operations, and 3) Increasing advantages for digital leaders in achieving desired outcomes.

How has AI implementation changed according to CGI's research in 2024?

CGI's research shows that 26% of executives are implementing traditional AI, up 10 percentage points year-over-year, while 79% are investigating or conducting proofs of concept for generative AI.

What is the focus of executives regarding AI investment according to CGI's 2024 research?

According to CGI's research, AI tops clients' innovation investment priorities for the next three years, reflecting its potential to transform business models, increase efficiency, and drive both savings and growth.

How does CGI (GIB) plan to address the dual agenda of growth and efficiencies revealed in their 2024 research?

CGI plans to leverage its end-to-end services and solutions to help clients evolve their business models, apply innovation, and accelerate a shared business and IT agenda to achieve ROI-led digital transformation.

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