Guild Mortgage Launches Custom AI System, Streamlining Tasks and Improving Efficiency

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Guild Mortgage has launched GuildGPT, a custom AI system designed to streamline tasks and improve efficiency for its employees. This in-house developed tool allows instant access to Guild's knowledge database, helping loan officers quickly find information on company products, guidelines, and answer product-related questions. Since its June launch, GuildGPT has:

  • Been used by nearly 2,000 employees
  • Answered over 20,000 questions
  • Received positive feedback, with employees calling it 'vital' to improving business operations

The AI assistant aims to save time for loan officers, enabling them to better serve partners and customers. Guild Mortgage plans to continue developing GuildGPT and other tools to enhance functionality and streamline processes.

Guild Mortgage ha lanciato GuildGPT, un sistema AI personalizzato progettato per semplificare i compiti e migliorare l'efficienza dei suoi dipendenti. Questo strumento sviluppato internamente consente di accedere immediatamente al database di conoscenze di Guild, aiutando gli agenti immobiliari a trovare rapidamente informazioni sui prodotti aziendali, le linee guida e a rispondere a domande relative ai prodotti. Dalla sua lancio di giugno, GuildGPT ha:

  • Utilizzato da quasi 2.000 dipendenti
  • Risposto a oltre 20.000 domande
  • Ricevuto feedback positivi, con i dipendenti che lo definiscono 'vitale' per migliorare le operazioni aziendali

Il assistente AI mira a risparmiare tempo per gli agenti immobiliari, consentendo loro di servire meglio partner e clienti. Guild Mortgage prevede di continuare a sviluppare GuildGPT e altri strumenti per migliorare la funzionalità e semplificare i processi.

Guild Mortgage ha lanzado GuildGPT, un sistema de IA personalizado diseñado para agilizar tareas y mejorar la eficiencia de sus empleados. Esta herramienta desarrollada internamente permite el acceso instantáneo a la base de datos de conocimientos de Guild, ayudando a los oficiales de préstamos a encontrar rápidamente información sobre productos de la empresa, directrices y responder preguntas relacionadas con productos. Desde su lanzamiento en junio, GuildGPT ha:

  • Sido utilizada por casi 2,000 empleados
  • Respondido a más de 20,000 preguntas
  • Recibido comentarios positivos, con empleados describiéndola como 'vital' para mejorar las operaciones comerciales

El asistente de IA tiene como objetivo ahorrar tiempo a los oficiales de préstamos, permitiéndoles servir mejor a socios y clientes. Guild Mortgage planea seguir desarrollando GuildGPT y otras herramientas para mejorar la funcionalidad y simplificar procesos.

길드 모기지는 GuildGPT를 출시했습니다. 이 맞춤형 AI 시스템은 직원의 업무를 간소화하고 효율성을 향상시키기 위해 설계되었습니다. 내부에서 개발된 이 도구는 길드의 지식 데이터베이스에 즉시 접근할 수 있게 하여, 대출 담당자들이 회사 제품, 지침 및 제품 관련 질문에 대한 정보를 신속하게 찾도록 돕습니다. 6월 출시 이후, GuildGPT는:

  • 거의 2,000명의 직원이 사용함
  • 20,000개 이상의 질문에 답변함
  • '비즈니스 운영을 개선하는 데 필수적'이라는 긍정적인 피드백을 받음

AI 어시스턴트는 대출 담당자들이 파트너와 고객을 더 잘 서비스할 수 있도록 시간을 절약하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 길드 모기지는 GuildGPT와 기타 도구의 기능을 향상하고 프로세스를 간소화할 계획입니다.

Guild Mortgage a lancé GuildGPT, un système d'IA sur mesure conçu pour rationaliser les tâches et améliorer l'efficacité de ses employés. Cet outil développé en interne permet un accès instantané à la base de connaissances de Guild, aidant les agents de prêt à trouver rapidement des informations sur les produits de l'entreprise, les directives et à répondre aux questions liées aux produits. Depuis son lancement en juin, GuildGPT a :

  • Été utilisé par près de 2 000 employés
  • Répondu à plus de 20 000 questions
  • Reçu des retours positifs, les employés le qualifiant de 'vital' pour améliorer les opérations commerciales

L'assistant AI vise à faire gagner du temps aux agents de prêt, leur permettant de mieux servir les partenaires et les clients. Guild Mortgage prévoit de continuer à développer GuildGPT et d'autres outils pour améliorer la fonctionnalité et rationaliser les processus.

Guild Mortgage hat GuildGPT gestartet, ein maßgeschneidertes KI-System, das entwickelt wurde, um Aufgaben zu optimieren und die Effizienz seiner Mitarbeiter zu steigern. Dieses intern entwickelte Tool ermöglicht einen sofortigen Zugriff auf die Wissensdatenbank von Guild und hilft Darlehensbeamten, schnell Informationen zu Unternehmensprodukten, Richtlinien zu finden und produktbezogene Fragen zu beantworten. Seit dem Launch im Juni hat GuildGPT:

  • Von fast 2.000 Mitarbeitern genutzt
  • Über 20.000 Fragen beantwortet
  • Positive Rückmeldungen erhalten, wobei die Mitarbeiter es als 'lebenswichtig' für die Verbesserung der Geschäftsabläufe bezeichneten

Der KI-Assistent zielt darauf ab, Zeit für Darlehensbeamte zu sparen, sodass sie Partner und Kunden besser bedienen können. Guild Mortgage plant, GuildGPT und andere Tools weiterzuentwickeln, um die Funktionalität zu verbessern und Prozesse zu optimieren.

  • Launch of custom AI system (GuildGPT) to improve employee efficiency
  • GuildGPT has answered over 20,000 questions since June launch
  • Nearly 2,000 employees have utilized the new AI tool
  • Positive employee feedback on GuildGPT's impact on business operations
  • Plans to further develop AI tools for enhanced functionality
  • None.
  • GuildGPT is a customized AI assistant that helps employees instantly search Guild's knowledge database
  • Saves time for loan officers and helps them better understand Guild products and guidelines
  • Helped answer more than 20,000 questions for employees since its recent launch

SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Guild Mortgage, a leading national independent mortgage lender, recently added a state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) System – GuildGPT – to its growing list of emerging technology tools. Built in-house and customized for Guild employees, this new tool is changing the way the company’s mortgage professionals help deliver the promise of home.

Integrated into Guild’s vast knowledge database, team members can easily access the AI assistant for instant delivery of customized information on company products, guidelines and product-related questions. By streamlining this process, loan officers can free up valuable time in their day and better serve their partners and customers faster.

“When you consider that Guild partners with more than 25 different investors and offers more than 500 distinct loan programs, you can imagine how long it could take Loan Officers to find the exact guideline they need,” said Gemma Currier, senior vice president, Corporate Strategic Initiatives for Guild Mortgage. “With GuildGPT, our team members are able to ask plain language questions and have the answer delivered within seconds, increasing the speed at which they can respond to their customers and partners.”

Since its launch in June, nearly 2,000 of Guild’s employees have already taken advantage of the time-saving tool and it has helped answer more than 20,000 questions asked by team members. Feedback from employees has been overwhelmingly positive with many saying that GuildGPT has become “vital to improving how they are able to do business.”

“AI is now a part of our everyday lives, and we knew we could leverage this technology to make simple tasks quicker and easier for our teams,” said Scott Long, vice president of Data Services and Emerging Technologies. “This is only the start of GuildGPT, we plan to continue to grow this tool, and others, to add functionality and streamline processes to serve our employees and our customers.”

About Guild Mortgage

Guild Mortgage Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Guild Holdings Company (NYSE: GHLD), was founded in 1960 and is a nationally recognized independent mortgage lender providing residential mortgage products and local in-house origination and servicing. Guild employs a relationship-based loan sourcing strategy to execute on its mission of delivering the promise of home ownership in neighborhoods and communities across 49 states and the District of Columbia. Guild’s highly trained loan professionals are experienced in government-sponsored programs such as FHA, VA, USDA, down payment assistance programs and other specialized loan programs. For more information visit Guild

Megan Strader

Guild Mortgage Communications Director


Source: Guild Mortgage


What is GuildGPT and how does it benefit Guild Mortgage (GHLD)?

GuildGPT is a custom AI assistant developed by Guild Mortgage to help employees quickly access information from the company's knowledge database. It streamlines tasks, improves efficiency, and allows loan officers to better serve customers and partners by providing instant answers to product and guideline questions.

How many Guild Mortgage (GHLD) employees have used GuildGPT since its launch in June?

Nearly 2,000 Guild Mortgage employees have used GuildGPT since its launch in June.

How many questions has GuildGPT answered for Guild Mortgage (GHLD) employees?

GuildGPT has helped answer more than 20,000 questions asked by Guild Mortgage team members since its launch.

What are Guild Mortgage's (GHLD) plans for GuildGPT in the future?

Guild Mortgage plans to continue growing GuildGPT and developing other AI tools to add functionality and streamline processes, aiming to better serve both employees and customers.

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Mortgage Finance
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