The College for Financial Planning®—a Kaplan Company Launches Accredited Investment Fiduciary® Training for Financial Professionals Pursuing the AIF® Designation

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The College for Financial Planning®—a Kaplan Company has launched Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) Training for financial professionals pursuing the AIF® designation. Fi360, a Broadridge Company, has named the College an official education provider for the AIF® exam training requirement. U.S. News & World Report ranks the AIF® designation as one of the best financial certifications.

The AIF® designation ensures that those managing or advising on investor assets understand fiduciary duties, standards of conduct, and the process for carrying out fiduciary responsibilities. The College's president, Dirk Pantone, emphasized their commitment to empowering students to make a difference in clients' lives and thrive in their careers through this training.

John Faustino, head of Broadridge's Fi360, expressed enthusiasm about the College becoming an official education provider, highlighting the AIF®'s credibility and relatively low time commitment as advantages for financial professionals.

Il College for Financial Planning®, una compagnia di Kaplan, ha lanciato il Corso di Formazione per Fiduciario di Investimento Accreditato® (AIF®) per i professionisti finanziari che perseguono la designazione AIF®. Fi360, una compagnia di Broadridge, ha nominato il College come fornitore ufficiale di formazione per l'esame AIF®. I ranking di U.S. News & World Report collocano la designazione AIF® tra le migliori certificazioni finanziarie.

La designazione AIF® garantisce che coloro che gestiscono o consigliano patrimoni degli investitori comprendano i doveri fiduciari, gli standard di condotta e il processo per adempiere alle responsabilità fiduciari. Il presidente del College, Dirk Pantone, ha sottolineato il loro impegno nell'emanciare gli studenti a fare la differenza nella vita dei clienti e a prosperare nelle loro carriere attraverso questa formazione.

John Faustino, responsabile di Fi360 di Broadridge, ha espresso entusiasmo riguardo alla nomina del College come fornitore ufficiale di formazione, evidenziando la credibilità dell'AIF® e il suo relativamente basso impegno di tempo come vantaggi per i professionisti finanziari.

El College for Financial Planning®, una compañía de Kaplan, ha lanzado la Formación para Fiduciario de Inversiones Acreditado® (AIF®) para profesionales financieros que buscan la designación AIF®. Fi360, una compañía de Broadridge, ha nombrado al College como proveedor oficial de educación para el requisito de capacitación del examen AIF®. U.S. News & World Report clasifica la designación AIF® como una de las mejores certificaciones financieras.

La designación AIF® asegura que quienes gestionan o asesoran sobre los activos de los inversores entiendan los deberes fiduciarios, los estándares de conducta y el proceso para llevar a cabo las responsabilidades fiduciarias. El presidente del College, Dirk Pantone, enfatizó su compromiso de capacitar a los estudiantes para que marquen la diferencia en la vida de los clientes y prosperen en sus carreras a través de esta formación.

John Faustino, jefe de Fi360 de Broadridge, expresó entusiasmo por que el College se convierta en un proveedor oficial de educación, destacando la credibilidad del AIF® y su relativamente bajo compromiso de tiempo como ventajas para los profesionales financieros.

재정계획대학(Kaplan 소속)은 AIF® 자격증을 취득하려는 재정 전문가들을 위해 공인 투자 수탁인 교육(AIF®)을 시작했습니다. Broadridge 소속의 Fi360은 AIF® 시험 교육 요건에 대한 공식 교육 제공자로 대학을 지정했습니다. U.S. News & World Report는 AIF® 자격증을 가장 우수한 재정 자격증 중 하나로 평가합니다.

AIF® 자격증은 투자 자산을 관리하거나 조언하는 사람들이 수탁 의무, 행동 기준 및 수탁 책임을 수행하는 과정에 대해 이해하고 있음을 보장합니다. 대학의 회장인 Dirk Pantone은 이 교육을 통해 학생들이 고객의 삶에 긍정적인 변화를 주고 경력을 쌓을 수 있도록 힘을 실어주겠다는 의지를 강조했습니다.

Broadridge의 Fi360 책임자인 John Faustino는 대학이 공식 교육 제공자가 된 것에 대한 열정을 표명하며, AIF®의 신뢰성과 비교적 낮은 시간 투자의 장점을 재정 전문가들에게 강조했습니다.

Le College for Financial Planning® — une société de Kaplan — a lancé la Formation pour Fiduciaire d'Investissement Agréé® (AIF®) pour les professionnels de la finance souhaitant obtenir la désignation AIF®. Fi360, une société de Broadridge, a désigné le College comme fournisseur officiel de formation pour les exigences d'examen de l'AIF®. U.S. News & World Report classe la désignation AIF® parmi les meilleures certifications financières.

La désignation AIF® garantit que ceux qui gèrent ou conseillent des actifs d'investisseurs comprennent les obligations fiduciaires, les normes de conduite et le processus d'exécution des responsabilités fiduciaires. Le président du College, Dirk Pantone, a souligné leur engagement à permettre aux étudiants de faire une différence dans la vie de leurs clients et de réussir dans leur carrière grâce à cette formation.

John Faustino, responsable de Fi360 au sein de Broadridge, a exprimé son enthousiasme quant à la nomination du College en tant que fournisseur officiel de formation, soulignant la crédibilité de l'AIF® et son engagement de temps relativement faible comme des atouts pour les professionnels de la finance.

Das College for Financial Planning®, eine Kaplan-Gesellschaft, hat das Training für akkreditierte Investment-Fiduciaries® (AIF®) für Finanzprofis eingeführt, die die AIF®-Bezeichnung anstreben. Fi360, eine Broadridge-Gesellschaft, hat das College als offiziellen Bildungsträger für die Prüfungsanforderung der AIF®-Ausbildung benannt. U.S. News & World Report bewertet die AIF®-Bezeichnung als eine der besten Finanzzertifizierungen.

Die AIF®-Bezeichnung stellt sicher, dass diejenigen, die mit den Vermögenswerten von Investoren umgehen oder beraten, die treuhänderischen Pflichten, Verhaltensstandards und den Prozess zur Erfüllung der treuhänderischen Verantwortung verstehen. Der Präsident des Colleges, Dirk Pantone, betonte ihr Engagement, die Studenten zu ermächtigen, im Leben ihrer Kunden einen Unterschied zu machen und in ihren Karrieren durch diese Ausbildung zu gedeihen.

John Faustino, Leiter von Broadridges Fi360, äußerte seine Begeisterung über die Ernennung des Colleges als offiziellen Bildungsträger und hob die Glaubwürdigkeit der AIF® sowie den relativ geringen Zeitaufwand als Vorteile für Finanzprofis hervor.

  • Launch of AIF® Training program expands the College's educational offerings
  • Recognition as an official education provider by Fi360, a Broadridge Company
  • AIF® designation ranked as one of the best financial certifications by U.S. News & World Report
  • Potential for increased demand and enrollment in the College's AIF® training program
  • None.

CENTENNIAL, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The College for Financial Planning®—a Kaplan Company has launched an Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) Training for financial professionals pursuing the AIF® designation. Fi360, a Broadridge Company, which owns the designation, has named the College an official education provider as its program helps candidates looking to sit for the AIF® exam satisfy the training requirement of the designation. U.S. News & World Report ranks the AIF® designation as one of the best financial certifications. Fi360 is accredited by ANSI National Accreditation Board under international standard 17024 for the AIF® Designation, making it part of an elite group of accredited designations in financial services.

The AIF® assures that those responsible for managing or advising on investor assets have a fundamental understanding of the principles of fiduciary duties, the standards of conduct for acting as a fiduciary, and a process for carrying out fiduciary responsibilities. Fiduciary training supports this by providing the knowledge and tools to effectively apply an organized, prudent process for making informed and consistent investment decisions to serve clients’ best interests as fiduciaries.

“Through premier student-centered education like our AIF® training, the College continues to advance the field of financial planning by empowering our students to make a difference in their clients’ lives and thrive in their own careers,” said Dirk Pantone, president of the College. “The College is incredibly excited to continue this commitment by helping financial professionals earn their AIF® designation, which lets consumers know that their interests will take top priority.”

“We’re thrilled that the College is now an official education provider for AIF® training. Their longstanding commitment to helping financial professionals deliver better investor results and grow their careers aligns perfectly with the focus of AIF® trainees,” said John Faustino, head of Broadridge’s Fi360. “We see the AIF® as a great ‘first’ designation due to its high credibility and relative low time commitment to achieve. The College is well positioned to help address growing AIF® training demand from wealth advisors and other financial professionals.”

To speak with someone at Fi360 or the College, contact Russell Schaffer at

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About Broadridge

Broadridge Financial Solutions (NYSE: BR), is a global technology leader with the trusted expertise and transformative technology to help clients and the financial services industry operate, innovate, and grow. We power investing, governance, and communications for our clients – driving operational resiliency, elevating business performance, and transforming investor experiences. Our technology and operations platforms underpin the daily trading of more than $10 trillion of equities, fixed income and other securities globally. A certified Great Place to Work®, Broadridge is part of the S&P 500® Index, employing over 14,000 associates in 21 countries. For more information about us, please visit

About the College for Financial Planning®—a Kaplan Company

Founded in 1972, the College for Financial Planning®—A Kaplan Company provides accessible and flexible degree, non-degree, and continuing professional education programs to students nationwide. Shortly after its founding, the College introduced the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification, which is now the world's most recognized and respected financial planning credential with more than 100,000 certified professionals. The College for Financial Planning is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association. More than 200,000 students have graduated from the College’s programs. For more information, visit

Note to editors: Kaplan is a subsidiary of Graham Holdings Company (NYSE: GHC)

Press Contact: Russell Schaffer,

Source: College for Financial Planning


What is the new training program launched by the College for Financial Planning—a Kaplan Company?

The College for Financial Planning—a Kaplan Company has launched Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) Training for financial professionals pursuing the AIF® designation.

Who has named the College for Financial Planning an official education provider for AIF® training?

Fi360, a Broadridge Company, which owns the AIF® designation, has named the College for Financial Planning an official education provider for the AIF® exam training requirement.

How is the AIF® designation ranked by U.S. News & World Report?

U.S. News & World Report ranks the AIF® designation as one of the best financial certifications.

What does the AIF® designation ensure for financial professionals?

The AIF® designation ensures that those managing or advising on investor assets have a fundamental understanding of fiduciary duties, standards of conduct, and the process for carrying out fiduciary responsibilities.



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