Gogoro and Nebula Energy Announce Commercial Launch in Kathmandu for October; Partners Unveil 45 Battery Swapping Locations and Introduce Three Smartscooter Models

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Gogoro Inc (Nasdaq: GGR) and Nebula Energy announced the commercial launch of Gogoro's battery swapping and Smartscooters in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, set for October 2024. The companies introduced two new Smartscooter models, Pulse and JEGO, alongside the existing CrossOver GX250. They also revealed 45 battery swapping station locations in Kathmandu Valley, with plans to eventually outnumber petrol stations.

The launch follows a successful pilot program that began in April 2024. Nebula Energy will open the first Gogoro showroom in September 2024, offering test rides and pre-bookings at special introductory prices. The battery swapping stations will be strategically located every 2-3 kilometers for easy accessibility. Gogoro's ecosystem in Taiwan supports over 610,000 riders with 1.4 million smart batteries and 12,500 swapping stations, having saved more than one million tons of CO2 since 2015.

Gogoro Inc (Nasdaq: GGR) e Nebula Energy hanno annunciato il lancio commerciale del servizio di scambio batterie e degli Smartscooter di Gogoro nella Valle di Kathmandu, Nepal, previsto per ottobre 2024. Le aziende hanno presentato due nuovi modelli di Smartscooter, Pulse e JEGO, insieme al già esistente CrossOver GX250. Hanno anche rivelato 45 posizioni di stazione per lo scambio di batterie nella Valle di Kathmandu, con l'intenzione di superare eventuali stazioni di servizio tradizionali.

Il lancio segue un programma pilota di successo iniziato ad aprile 2024. Nebula Energy aprirà il primo showroom Gogoro a settembre 2024, offrendo prove su strada e prenotazioni in anticipo a prezzi speciali per il lancio. Le stazioni di scambio batterie saranno strategicamente posizionate ogni 2-3 chilometri per garantire un facile accesso. L'ecosistema di Gogoro a Taiwan supporta oltre 610.000 ciclisti con 1,4 milioni di batterie intelligenti e 12.500 stazioni di scambio, avendo risparmiato oltre un milione di tonnellate di CO2 dal 2015.

Gogoro Inc (Nasdaq: GGR) y Nebula Energy anunciaron el lanzamiento comercial del intercambio de baterías y los Smartscooters de Gogoro en el Valle de Katmandú, Nepal, programado para octubre de 2024. Las empresas presentaron dos nuevos modelos de Smartscooter, Pulse y JEGO, junto con el ya existente CrossOver GX250. También revelaron 45 ubicaciones de estaciones de intercambio de baterías en el Valle de Katmandú, con planes de eventualmente superar a las estaciones de servicio de gasolina.

El lanzamiento sigue a un exitoso programa piloto que comenzó en abril de 2024. Nebula Energy abrirá el primer showroom de Gogoro en septiembre de 2024, ofreciendo pruebas de manejo y reservas anticipadas a precios de introducción especiales. Las estaciones de intercambio de baterías estarán estratégicamente ubicadas cada 2-3 kilómetros para fácil accesibilidad. El ecosistema de Gogoro en Taiwán apoya a más de 610,000 ciclistas con 1.4 millones de baterías inteligentes y 12,500 estaciones de intercambio, habiendo ahorrado más de un millón de toneladas de CO2 desde 2015.

Gogoro Inc (Nasdaq: GGR)과 Nebula Energy는 네팔 카트만두 밸리에서 Gogoro의 배터리 교환 서비스와 Smartscooter의 상업적 출시를 2024년 10월로 확정했습니다. 이들 회사는 Pulse와 JEGO라는 두 가지 새로운 Smartscooter 모델과 기존의 CrossOver GX250을 함께 소개했습니다. 또한 카트만두 밸리 내 45개의 배터리 교환소 위치를 공개했으며, 궁극적으로 주유소 수를 초과할 계획입니다.

이 출시 소식은 2024년 4월에 시작된 성공적인 파일럿 프로그램을 뒤따릅니다. Nebula Energy는 2024년 9월에 첫 번째 Gogoro 매장을 열어 시승과 특별 초기가격으로 사전 예약을 제공합니다. 배터리 교환소는 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 2-3킬로미터마다 전략적으로 위치할 예정입니다. 대만에서 Gogoro의 생태계는 61만 명 이상의 라이더를 지원하며 140만 개의 스마트 배터리와 12,500개의 교환소가 있어 2015년 이후 100만 톤 이상의 CO2를 절감했습니다.

Gogoro Inc (Nasdaq: GGR) et Nebula Energy ont annoncé le lancement commercial du service de changement de batteries et des Smartscooters de Gogoro dans la vallée de Katmandou, au Népal, prévu pour octobre 2024. Les entreprises ont présenté deux nouveaux modèles de Smartscooter, Pulse et JEGO, en plus du CrossOver GX250 déjà existant. Elles ont également révélé 45 emplacements de stations de changement de batteries dans la vallée de Katmandou, avec l'intention de dépasser éventuellement le nombre de stations-service traditionnelles.

Ce lancement fait suite à un programme pilote réussi qui a commencé en avril 2024. Nebula Energy ouvrira le premier showroom Gogoro en septembre 2024, offrant des essais et des réservations à des prix spéciaux d'introduction. Les stations de changement de batteries seront stratégiquement situées tous les 2-3 kilomètres pour un accès facile. L'écosystème de Gogoro à Taïwan soutient plus de 610 000 cyclistes avec 1,4 million de batteries intelligentes et 12 500 stations de changement, ayant économisé plus d'un million de tonnes de CO2 depuis 2015.

Gogoro Inc (Nasdaq: GGR) und Nebula Energy haben die gewerbliche Einführung des Batteriewechsels und der Smartscooter von Gogoro im Kathmandutal in Nepal für Oktober 2024 angekündigt. Die Unternehmen stellten zwei neue Smartscooter-Modelle, Pulse und JEGO, neben dem bestehenden CrossOver GX250 vor. Sie gaben außerdem 45 Standorte für Batteriewechselstationen im Kathmandutal bekannt, mit dem Ziel, schließlich die Anzahl der Tankstellen zu übertreffen.

Der Launch folgt einem erfolgreichen Pilotprogramm, das im April 2024 begann. Nebula Energy wird im September 2024 den ersten Gogoro-Showroom eröffnen und Sonderpreise für Probefahrten und Vorbestellungen anbieten. Die Batteriewechselstationen werden strategisch alle 2-3 Kilometer platziert, um eine einfache Zugänglichkeit zu gewährleisten. Das Ecosystem von Gogoro in Taiwan unterstützt über 610.000 Fahrer mit 1,4 Millionen intelligenten Batterien und 12.500 Wechselstationen und hat seit 2015 mehr als eine Million Tonnen CO2 eingespart.

  • Commercial launch of Gogoro's battery swapping and Smartscooters in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
  • Introduction of two new Smartscooter models (Pulse and JEGO) alongside existing CrossOver GX250
  • Deployment of 45 battery swapping stations in Kathmandu Valley
  • Plan to eventually have more battery swapping stations than petrol stations in Nepal
  • Successful pilot program with strategic B2B delivery partners
  • Opening of first Gogoro showroom in September 2024 with special introductory prices
  • None.

The commercial launch of Gogoro's battery swapping ecosystem in Kathmandu marks a significant milestone in Nepal's transition to sustainable transportation. With 45 battery swapping stations planned and three Smartscooter models introduced, this initiative addresses key barriers to EV adoption: range anxiety and charging infrastructure.

The strategic placement of swapping stations every 2-3 kilometers in high-traffic areas will likely accelerate consumer acceptance. Nebula Energy's ambitious plan to surpass the number of petrol stations with battery swapping stations could be a game-changer for urban mobility in Nepal. However, the success will depend on factors such as electricity grid reliability, consumer education and government support for EV incentives.

While the initial focus on the Kathmandu Valley is logical, expansion to other urban centers will be important for widespread impact. The partnership with B2B delivery services is a smart move to demonstrate the technology's reliability and could lead to faster commercial adoption.

Gogoro's entry into Nepal represents a strategic expansion of its proven battery swapping model beyond its Taiwan stronghold. The introduction of three Smartscooter models - Pulse, JEGO and CrossOver GX250 - indicates a tailored approach to the Nepalese market, potentially catering to different consumer segments and use cases.

The timing of this launch is opportune, given Nepal's push for clean energy and EV incentives. However, consumer adoption rates will be critical to watch, as will the scalability of the swapping infrastructure. The success in Taiwan, with 1.4 million batteries in circulation and 610,000 riders, sets a high benchmark.

Investors should monitor key performance indicators such as daily battery swaps, rider growth and CO2 reduction metrics in Nepal. These will be important in assessing the model's transferability to new markets and Gogoro's potential for global expansion.

The ambitious plan to deploy more battery swapping stations than petrol stations in Nepal presents both opportunities and challenges. On one hand, it could revolutionize urban energy infrastructure, providing a cleaner, more efficient alternative to traditional fueling. On the other, it will require significant investment and coordination with local utilities to ensure grid stability and capacity.

The strategic placement of swapping stations in high-traffic areas is smart, but the long-term success will depend on how well the network can scale with demand. The integration with existing infrastructure (petrol stations, malls) is a cost-effective approach that could accelerate deployment.

Investors should consider the potential for this model to disrupt traditional energy distribution channels. If successful, it could create new revenue streams for property owners and potentially impact traditional fuel retailers. However, challenges such as electricity pricing, grid reliability and regulatory frameworks will be critical factors to monitor as the project scales.

Companies introduce new Pulse, JEGO and CrossOver GX250 Smartscooters at NADA Auto Show in Kathmandu and plan to deploy more battery swapping stations than petrol stations in Nepal.

KATHMANDU, Nepal, Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nebula Energy and Gogoro Inc (Nasdaq: GGR), a global technology leader in battery-swapping ecosystems that enable sustainable mobility solutions for cities, today announced commercial availability of Gogoro's battery swapping and Smartscooters in the Kathmandu Valley slated for October 2024. The announcement was made at the NADA Auto Show in Kathmandu.

The companies introduced two new Gogoro Smartscooters to Nepal - the Pulse and JEGO - in addition to the existing CrossOver GX250 that are exclusively available through Nebula Energy. They also announced the locations for 45 battery swapping stations in Kathmandu Valley. The announcement follows an overwhelmingly positive Smartscooter and battery swapping pilot program that began in April 2024 that included strategic B2B delivery partners Foodmandu and Jum Jum.

"Nepal is at the forefront of clean energy generation and utilization and is providing significant incentives for electric two-wheel vehicles adoption. Together, Gogoro and Nebula Energy are working to accelerate adoption by launching Gogoro battery swapping and Smartscooters in the Kathmandu Valley with a plan to eventually have more battery swapping stations than gas stations," said Horace Luke, founder and CEO of Gogoro. "We are excited to be a part of Nepal's sustainable transportation transformation and look forward to having our new Gogoro Pulse and JEGO on the streets of Kathmandu soon."

Speaking to the media, Chairman of Nebula Energy, Mr. Manoj Goyal expressed his commitment and vision towards contributing to Nepal's zero-emission targets through the new age of sustainable mobility and technology with Gogoro.

"The mass-scale adoption of EVs in the two-wheeler segment must be enabled through technology. The Gogoro range of Smartscooters powered by Gogoro battery-swapping provides a unique solution that addresses the major challenges faced by consumers when deciding to buy an electric two-wheeler today," said Mr. Sahayu Goyal, Managing Director of Nebula.

Nebula will open the first Gogoro showroom in Kathmandu in September 2024 and customers will have the opportunity to test ride the Smartscooters and make pre-bookings at a special introductory price for delivery in October 2024.

Nebula announced the locations of 45 battery swapping stations around the Kathmandu valley ensuring that there is a battery swapping station every 2-3 kilometers. The stations will be strategically located in petrol stations, marts, malls and areas of common interest for ease and accessibility for riders.

Eventually, Nebula Energy plans to install more battery swapping stations than the number of petrol stations in Nepal.

Nebula Energy is currently offering the battery swapping services to strategic B2B partners for their GX250 models.

Gogoro Battery-Swapping Technology
At the heart of Gogoro's ecosystem is an open and interoperable battery swapping platform that has been recognized across the industry as the leading battery swapping company for lightweight urban vehicles in the world. Gogoro battery swapping is a new generation of swappable battery refueling that is smart, safe, and continually optimizing itself to be dynamic and versatile for riders, businesses, and communities.

In Taiwan, the Gogoro Network supports more than 610,000 riders and has more than 1.4 million smart batteries in circulation through its network of 12,500 battery swapping stations at over 2,500 locations. In Taiwan, Gogoro's battery swapping stations outnumber petrol stations. With more than 400,000 daily battery swaps and more than 615 million total battery swaps to date, Gogoro battery swapping has saved more than one million tons of CO2 since it launched in 2015.

About Nebula Energy
Nebula Energy is a wholly owned subsidiary of MG Group and is a new energy venture committed to leading the way towards an environmentally sustainable and energy independent Nepal.

About Gogoro
Founded in 2011 to rethink urban energy and inspire the world to move through cities in smarter and more sustainable ways, Gogoro leverages the power of innovation to change the way urban energy is distributed and consumed. Gogoro was recently ranked as the most innovative company in Asia-Pacific and number 37 globally on Fast Company's "2024 World's Most Innovative Companies" list. Recognized by Frost & Sullivan as the "2024 Global Company of the Year for battery swapping for electric two-wheel vehicles"; and, MIT Technology Review as one of "15 Climate Tech Companies to Watch" in 2023, Gogoro's battery swapping and vehicle platforms offer a smart, proven, and sustainable long-term ecosystem for delivering a new approach to urban mobility. Gogoro has quickly become an innovation leader in vehicle design and electric propulsion, smart battery design, battery swapping, and advanced cloud services that utilize artificial intelligence to manage battery charging and availability. The challenge is massive, but the opportunity to disrupt the status quo, establish new standards, and achieve new levels of sustainable transportation growth in densely populated cities is even greater. Gogoro is operational in Taiwan, Philippines, Mainland China, India, Japan, Indonesia, Korea, Israel, Singapore, Colombia and Nepal.

Forward Looking Statements
This communication contains forward looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward looking statements generally relate to future events or Gogoro's future financial or operating performance. In some cases, you can identify forward looking statements because they contain words such as "may," "will," "should," "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "going to," "could," "intends," "target," "projects," "contemplates," "believes," "estimates," "predicts," "potential" or "continue" or the negative of these words or other similar terms or expressions that concern Gogoro's expectations, strategy, priorities, plans or intentions. Forward-looking statements in this communication include, but are not limited to, the business between Gogoro, Nebula and Nebula Energy, including the ability of such partnership to achieve its goals and projections of market opportunity, the potential timeline for the launch of Gogoro's products and services, the potential growth in Nepal, the capability of Gogoro's technology, business plans and statements by Gogoro's founder and chief executive officer, Nebula's Managing Director and Nebula Energy's Chairman. Gogoro's expectations and beliefs regarding these matters may not materialize, and actual results in future periods are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected, including risks related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, risks related to macroeconomic factors including inflation and consumer or customer confidence, risks related to political tensions, Gogoro's ability to effectively manage its growth, Gogoro's ability to launch and ramp up the production of its products and control its manufacturing costs and manage its supply chain issues, Gogoro's risks related to ability to expand its sales and marketing abilities, Gogoro's ability to expand effectively into new markets, foreign exchange fluctuations, Gogoro's ability to develop and maintain relationships with its partners, risks associated with formalizing the partnership, including reaching any definitive agreement, if necessary, for the partnership, risks related to operating in the Nepal, regulatory risks and Gogoro's risks related to strategic collaborations, risks related to the Nepal market and other international markets or alliances including Gogoro's ability to enter into and execute its plans related to strategic collaborations or alliances in order for such strategic collaborations or alliances to be successful and generate revenue. The forward looking statements contained in this communication are also subject to other risks and uncertainties, including those more fully described in Gogoro's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including in Gogoro's Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2021, which was filed on May 2, 2022 and in its subsequent filings with the SEC, copies of which are available on our website and on the SEC's website at The forward looking statements in this communication are based on information available to Gogoro as of the date hereof, and Gogoro disclaims any obligation to update any forward looking statements, except as required by law.

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When will Gogoro (GGR) launch its commercial operations in Kathmandu, Nepal?

Gogoro (GGR) and Nebula Energy announced that they will launch commercial operations of battery swapping and Smartscooters in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, in October 2024.

How many battery swapping stations will Gogoro (GGR) initially deploy in Kathmandu?

Gogoro (GGR) and Nebula Energy announced the locations for 45 battery swapping stations in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal.

What new Smartscooter models is Gogoro (GGR) introducing in Nepal?

Gogoro (GGR) is introducing two new Smartscooter models in Nepal: the Pulse and JEGO, in addition to the existing CrossOver GX250.

When will Gogoro (GGR) open its first showroom in Kathmandu?

Nebula Energy, Gogoro's (GGR) partner, will open the first Gogoro showroom in Kathmandu in September 2024.

How often will Gogoro (GGR) battery swapping stations be located in Kathmandu?

Gogoro (GGR) and Nebula Energy plan to locate battery swapping stations every 2-3 kilometers in Kathmandu Valley for ease and accessibility.

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