GFL Environmental Inc. Announces Quarterly Dividend
GFL Environmental announced a quarterly cash dividend of US$0.014 per share for both subordinate voting shares and multiple voting shares for Q4 2024. The dividend will be paid on January 31, 2025 to shareholders of record as of January 13, 2025. The company has designated this as an eligible dividend under the Income Tax Act (Canada). This announcement demonstrates GFL's commitment to returning value to shareholders through regular dividend payments.
GFL Environmental ha annunciato un dividendo trimestrale in contante di US$0,014 per azione sia per le azioni con diritto di voto subordinato che per le azioni con diritto di voto multiplo per il quarto trimestre del 2024. Il dividendo sarà pagato il 31 gennaio 2025 agli azionisti registrati entro il 13 gennaio 2025. L'azienda ha designato questo come un dividendo idoneo ai sensi della Legge sul reddito (Canada). Questo annuncio dimostra l'impegno di GFL a restituire valore agli azionisti attraverso pagamenti regolari di dividendi.
GFL Environmental anunció un dividendo en efectivo trimestral de US$0.014 por acción tanto para las acciones con derecho a voto subordinado como para las acciones con derecho a voto múltiple del cuarto trimestre de 2024. El dividendo se pagará el 31 de enero de 2025 a los accionistas registrados a partir del 13 de enero de 2025. La empresa ha designado esto como un dividendo elegible bajo la Ley de Impuestos sobre la Renta (Canadá). Este anuncio demuestra el compromiso de GFL de devolver valor a los accionistas a través de pagos de dividendos regulares.
GFL Environmental은 2024년 4분기에 대해 주당 US$0.014의 분기 현금 배당금을 발표했습니다. 이 배당금은 2025년 1월 31일에 주주에게 지급되며, 이는 2025년 1월 13일 기준으로 등록된 주주에 해당합니다. 이 회사는 이를 소득세법(캐나다)에 따른 적격 배당금으로 지정했습니다. 이번 발표는 GFL이 정기적인 배당금 지급을 통해 주주에게 가치를 되돌려 주겠다는 의지를 나타냅니다.
GFL Environmental a annoncé un dividende en espèces trimestriel de 0,014 $US par action pour les actions à vote subalterne et les actions à vote multiple pour le quatrième trimestre de 2024. Le dividende sera versé le 31 janvier 2025 aux actionnaires enregistrés au 13 janvier 2025. L'entreprise a désigné cela comme un dividende éligible en vertu de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu (Canada). Cette annonce démontre l'engagement de GFL à restituer de la valeur à ses actionnaires par le biais de paiements de dividendes réguliers.
GFL Environmental hat eine vierteljährliche Barausschüttung von US$0,014 pro Aktie sowohl für Stammaktien als auch für Vorzugsaktien für das vierte Quartal 2024 angekündigt. Die Dividende wird am 31. Januar 2025 an die zum 13. Januar 2025 eingetragenen Aktionäre ausgezahlt. Das Unternehmen hat dies gemäß dem Einkommenssteuergesetz (Kanada) als förderfähige Dividende ausgewiesen. Diese Ankündigung zeigt GFLs Engagement, den Aktionären durch regelmäßige Dividendenzahlungen Wert zurückzugeben.
- Consistent dividend payment maintains shareholder returns
- Dividend qualification as eligible under Canadian tax law provides tax advantages for Canadian shareholders
- None.
The cash dividend will be paid on January 31, 2025 to shareholders of record at the close of business on January 13, 2025. The Company has designated this dividend as an eligible dividend within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (
About GFL
GFL, headquartered in
Forward Looking Statements
This release includes certain "forward-looking statements", which are not guarantees or assurances of future performance. Because forward-looking statements are related to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that may differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements. GFL undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, except as required by applicable securities laws. The declaration, timing, amount and payment of any future dividends remains at the discretion of GFL's Board of Directors.
For more information:
Patrick Dovigi
+1 905-326-0101
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SOURCE GFL Environmental Inc.