Gevo’s Sustainable Aviation Fuel Well-Positioned in Light of New Guidance from Treasury Department

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Gevo, Inc. (NASDAQ: GEVO) responds to new guidance from the Treasury Department regarding carbon accounting for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The updated Argonne GREET model recognizes carbon abatement from climate-smart agriculture and carbon capture and storage, which Gevo plans to leverage for net-zero or carbon-negative SAF. Gevo's CEO, Dr. Patrick R. Gruber, emphasizes the importance of climate-smart agriculture and decarbonization methods like CCS in Gevo's business model. Gevo has been a leader in developing fuels and products to support transportation decarbonization for nearly two decades and advocates for using the GREET model for carbon accounting in the SAF supply chain. Gevo's subsidiary, Verity, uses distributed ledger technology for accurate emission reduction accounting from on-farm practices. Gevo anticipates that the Administration's actions will support future SAF tax credits, emphasizing a science-based approach to ensure biofuel producers play a vital role in decarbonizing the aviation industry.

Gevo, Inc. (NASDAQ: GEVO) risponde alle nuove direttive del Dipartimento del Tesoro riguardo la contabilità del carbonio per il carburante sostenibile per l'aviazione (SAF). Il modello aggiornato Argonne GREET riconosce la riduzione del carbonio derivante dall'agricoltura intelligente per il clima e dalla cattura e stoccaggio del carbonio, risorse che Gevo intende utilizzare per produrre SAF a emissioni zero o negative. Il CEO di Gevo, Dr. Patrick R. Gruber, sottolinea l'importanza dell'agricoltura consapevole del clima e dei metodi di decarbonizzazione come la CCS nel modello di business di Gevo. Da quasi due decenni, Gevo è un leader nello sviluppo di carburanti e prodotti che supportano la decarbonizzazione dei trasporti e sostiene l'uso del modello GREET per la contabilità del carbonio nella catena di approvvigionamento del SAF. La sussidiaria di Gevo, Verity, utilizza la tecnologia del registro distribuito per una contabilizzazione precisa della riduzione delle emissioni derivanti dalle pratiche agricole. Gevo prevede che le azioni dell'amministrazione supporteranno futuri crediti fiscali SAF, enfatizzando un approccio basato sulla scienza per garantire che i produttori di biocarburanti svolgano un ruolo cruciale nella decarbonizzazione dell'industria dell'aviazione.
Gevo, Inc. (NASDAQ: GEVO) responde a las nuevas directrices del Departamento del Tesoro sobre la contabilidad del carbono para el combustible de aviación sostenible (SAF). El modelo actualizado de Argonne GREET reconoce la reducción de carbono de la agricultura inteligente para el clima y la captura y almacenamiento de carbono, que Gevo planea aprovechar para SAF con cero emisiones netas o negativas. El CEO de Gevo, Dr. Patrick R. Gruber, destaca la importancia de la agricultura inteligente para el clima y métodos de descarbonización como CCS en el modelo de negocio de Gevo. Gevo ha sido líder en el desarrollo de combustibles y productos para apoyar la descarbonización del transporte durante casi dos décadas y aboga por utilizar el modelo GREET para la contabilidad de carbono en la cadena de suministro de SAF. La filial de Gevo, Verity, utiliza tecnología de libro mayor distribuido para una contabilidad precisa de la reducción de emisiones de prácticas agrícolas. Gevo anticipa que las acciones de la Administración apoyarán futuros créditos fiscales SAF, enfatizando un enfoque basado en la ciencia para asegurar que los productores de biocombustibles desempeñen un papel vital en la descarbonización de la industria de la aviación.
Gevo, Inc. (NASDAQ: GEVO)는 지속가능한 항공 연료(SAF)를 위한 탄소 회계에 관한 재무부의 새로운 지침에 대응합니다. 업데이트된 아르공 그리트(Argonne GREET) 모델은 기후 스마트 농업 및 탄소 포집 및 저장에서의 탄소 절감을 인정하며, Gevo는 이를 활용하여 순 제로 또는 탄소 부정적인 SAF를 제공할 계획입니다. Gevo의 CEO인 패트릭 R. 그루버 박사는 Gevo의 사업 모델에서 기후 스마트 농업과 탈탄소화 방법, 예를 들어 CCS의 중요성을 강조합니다. Gevo는 거의 20년 동안 교통 탈탄소화를 지원하는 연료와 제품 개발에 있어 선도적인 역할을 해왔으며, SAF 공급망에서의 탄소 회계를 위해 GREET 모델 사용을 지지합니다. Gevo의 자회사인 베리티(Verity)는 농장 실천에서의 배출 감소를 정확하게 계산하기 위해 분산 원장 기술을 사용합니다. Gevo는 행정부의 조치가 향후 SAF 세액 공제를 지원할 것으로 기대하며, 항공 산업의 탈탄소화에서 바이오연료 생산자들이 중요한 역할을 하도록 보장하는 과학 기반 접근 방식을 강조합니다.
Gevo, Inc. (NASDAQ: GEVO) répond aux nouvelles directives du Département du Trésor concernant la comptabilité carbone pour le carburant d'aviation durable (SAF). Le modèle Argonne GREET mis à jour reconnaît la réduction du carbone issue de l'agriculture intelligente pour le climat et la capture et le stockage du carbone, que Gevo prévoit d'utiliser pour produire du SAF à bilan carbone nul ou négatif. Le PDG de Gevo, Dr. Patrick R. Gruber, souligne l'importance de l'agriculture intelligente pour le climat et des méthodes de décarbonisation telles que le CCS dans le modèle économique de Gevo. Depuis près de deux décennies, Gevo est un leader dans le développement de carburants et de produits soutenant la décarbonisation des transports et plaide pour l'utilisation du modèle GREET pour la comptabilité carbone dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement du SAF. La filiale de Gevo, Verity, utilise la technologie de grand livre distribué pour une comptabilité précise des réductions d'émissions issues des pratiques agricoles. Gevo prévoit que les actions de l'administration soutiendront les futurs crédits d'impôt SAF, en mettant l'accent sur une approche basée sur la science pour garantir que les producteurs de biocarburants jouent un rôle vital dans la décarbonisation de l'industrie aéronautique.
Gevo, Inc. (NASDAQ: GEVO) reagiert auf neue Richtlinien des Finanzministeriums zur Kohlenstoffbilanzierung für nachhaltigen Flugkraftstoff (SAF). Das aktualisierte Argonne GREET-Modell erkennt Kohlenstoffminderungen aus klimaintelligenter Landwirtschaft und der Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -speicherung an, welche Gevo zur Erzeugung von netto-null oder kohlenstoffnegativem SAF nutzen möchte. Gevos CEO, Dr. Patrick R. Gruber, betont die Bedeutung der klimaintelligenten Landwirtschaft und der Dekarbonisierungsmethoden wie CCS im Geschäftsmodell von Gevo. Gevo ist seit fast zwei Jahrzehnten führend in der Entwicklung von Kraftstoffen und Produkten zur Unterstützung der Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrs und befürwortet die Verwendung des GREET-Modells für die Kohlenstoffbuchhaltung in der SAF-Lieferkette. Gevos Tochterunternehmen Verity nutzt Distributed-Ledger-Technologie für eine genaue Emissionsreduktionserfassung von landwirtschaftlichen Praktiken. Gevo erwartet, dass die Maßnahmen der Verwaltung zukünftige SAF-Steuererleichterungen unterstützen werden, wobei ein wissenschaftsbasierter Ansatz betont wird, um sicherzustellen, dass Biokraftstoffproduzenten eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Dekarbonisierung der Luftfahrtindustrie spielen.
  • Gevo's response to new guidance from the Treasury Department demonstrates the company's commitment to leveraging climate-smart agriculture and carbon capture and storage for sustainable aviation fuel.

  • Gevo's advocacy for using the GREET model for carbon accounting in the SAF supply chain highlights the company's dedication to accurate emissions reductions and data-driven integrity.

  • Gevo's subsidiary, Verity, uses distributed ledger technology to facilitate accurate accounting of emission reduction efforts from on-farm practices, showcasing the company's innovative approach to sustainable agriculture.

  • Uncertainties around the implementation of future SAF tax credits, such as the Section 45Z credit, could impact Gevo's ability to scale its carbon abatement efforts and planning for successful growing seasons.

  • The reliance on government guidance and tax credits for promoting sustainable aviation fuel production may pose risks to Gevo's business model if regulatory changes affect the availability or terms of these incentives.

Updated Argonne GREET method and model recognizes carbon abatement from climate-smart agriculture, carbon capture and storage, which Gevo plans to leverage to deliver net-zero or carbon-negative SAF

ENGLEWOOD, Colo., April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gevo, Inc. (NASDAQ: GEVO) has issued a response to the recently unveiled version of the Argonne National Laboratory Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies (GREET) method and model for carbon accounting. This model will be utilized for lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions calculations under the Inflation Reduction Act's (IRA) Section 40B sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) tax credits.

“Today's guidance reinforces the importance of climate-smart agriculture and other decarbonization methods like carbon capture and storage (CCS) – core tenets of Gevo’s business model for sustainable aviation fuel and other products,” said Dr. Patrick R. Gruber, CEO of Gevo. “Our cutting-edge programs source sustainable feedstocks produced using a variety of climate-smart agricultural practices, and our Verity carbon accounting tool allows farmers to incorporate and track emissions reduction practices tailored to their individual fields. We look forward to sharing key insights from anonymized data to inform the Administration’s upcoming 45Z SAF tax credit guidance – and we will continue to advocate for science-based policies that support CCS and provide new markets for farmers focused on carbon abatement from agricultural activities.”

For nearly two decades, Gevo has led the research and development of new fuels and products that support the decarbonization of transportation and help industries reach their net-zero goals, including agriculture. Gevo has advocated for use of GREET as the science-based carbon accounting tool to determine the lifecycle carbon intensity of SAF and ensure important emissions reductions throughout the SAF supply chain – including from climate-smart agriculture practices and carbon capture and storage – are accounted for and credited, while maintaining GREET’s data-driven integrity.

Gevo’s wholly owned subsidiary, Verity, uses distributed ledger technology to facilitate accurate accounting of emission reduction efforts from on-farm practices, including on a field-level basis. This auditable technology allows farmers to track and report the carbon reductions they achieve, including through climate-smart agriculture and other practices. Gevo partners with farmers using Verity to work collaboratively to identify emissions reductions opportunities that are tailored to field-level needs.

Dr. Gruber concluded, “Today, the Administration's actions recognize the power of agriculture and lay the groundwork for implementation of future SAF tax credits. A science-based approach to the Section 45Z credit will ensure that biofuel producers, supported by American farmers, play a vital role in scaling the hard-to-decarbonize aviation industry.”

SAF with greenhouse gas emissions that are at least 50% lower than conventional aviation fuel will qualify for tax credits created by the IRA. Gevo has long believed that the GREET lifecycle analysis method and model enables the most current and precise measurement of SAF carbon intensity, accurately counting carbon reduction benefits of agricultural feedstocks, including at the field level. In December 2023, Gevo applauded the Administration’s announcement to include the Argonne GREET model as a “similar methodology” under the IRA Section 40B tax credit; and we believe today’s Section 40B model rightfully puts a premium on driving down carbon abatement throughout the value chain.

With completion of the Argonne GREET 40B SAF tax credit model, Gevo expects the Administration to expand on climate smart ag practices and flexibility when implementing the IRA Section 45Z SAF tax credit. Clear and timely rules for the 45Z Clean Fuel Production tax credit in effect from 2025 through 2027 will be critical to meeting carbon abatement goals and helping farmers plan for successful growing seasons, without stranding SAF investments.

Gevo stands ready for additional productive conversations with the Administration to help inform further decisions on using the best science to count carbon.

About Gevo
Gevo’s mission is to transform renewable energy and carbon into energy-dense liquid hydrocarbons. These liquid hydrocarbons can be used for drop-in transportation fuels such as gasoline, jet fuel and diesel fuel, that when burned have potential to yield net-zero greenhouse gas emissions when measured across the full life cycle of the products. Gevo uses low-carbon renewable resource-based carbohydrates as raw materials, and is in an advanced state of developing renewable electricity and renewable natural gas for use in production processes, resulting in low-carbon fuels with substantially reduced carbon intensity (the level of greenhouse gas emissions compared to standard petroleum fossil-based fuels across their life cycle). Gevo’s products perform as well or better than traditional fossil-based fuels in infrastructure and engines, but with substantially reduced greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to addressing the problems of fuels, Gevo’s technology also enables certain plastics, such as polyester, to be made with more sustainable ingredients. Gevo’s ability to penetrate the growing low-carbon fuels market depends on the price of oil and the value of abating carbon emissions that would otherwise increase greenhouse gas emissions. Gevo believes that it possesses the technology and know-how to convert various carbohydrate feedstocks through a fermentation process into alcohols and then transform the alcohols into renewable fuels and materials, through a combination of its own technology, know-how, engineering, and licensing of technology and engineering from Axens North America, Inc., which yields the potential to generate project and corporate returns that justify the build-out of a multi-billion-dollar business.
Gevo believes that the Argonne National Laboratory GREET model is the best available standard of scientific-based measurement for life cycle inventory or LCI.

Forward Looking Statement
Certain statements in this press release may constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements relate to a variety of matters, including, without limitation, Verity and its capabilities, the effect of the IRA on Gevo’s business; Gevo’s ability to produce net-zero SAF, and other statements that are not purely statements of historical fact. These forward-looking statements are made based on the current beliefs, expectations, and assumptions of the management of Gevo and are subject to significant risks and uncertainty. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements. All such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and Gevo undertakes no obligation to update or revise these statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Although Gevo believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, these statements involve many risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from what may be expressed or implied in these forward-looking statements. For a further discussion of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from those expressed in these forward-looking statements, as well as risks relating to the business of Gevo in general, see the risk disclosures in the Annual Report on Form 10-K of Gevo for the year ended December 31, 2023 and in subsequent reports on Forms 10-Q and 8-K and other filings made with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission by Gevo.
Media Contact
Heather L. Manuel
+1 303-883-1114


What is Gevo's response to the new guidance from the Treasury Department?

Gevo, Inc. (NASDAQ: GEVO) has issued a response to the updated Argonne GREET model for carbon accounting, emphasizing the importance of climate-smart agriculture and carbon capture and storage for sustainable aviation fuel.

How does Gevo plan to leverage the updated Argonne GREET model?

Gevo plans to use the updated Argonne GREET model to deliver net-zero or carbon-negative sustainable aviation fuel by recognizing carbon abatement from climate-smart agriculture and carbon capture and storage.

What technology does Gevo's subsidiary, Verity, use for emission reduction accounting?

Gevo's subsidiary, Verity, uses distributed ledger technology to facilitate accurate accounting of emission reduction efforts from on-farm practices.

Why does Gevo advocate for the use of the GREET model in the SAF supply chain?

Gevo advocates for using the GREET model to ensure accurate accounting of emissions reductions throughout the SAF supply chain, including from climate-smart agriculture practices and carbon capture and storage.

What tax credits will sustainable aviation fuel qualify for?

SAF with greenhouse gas emissions at least 50% lower than conventional aviation fuel will qualify for tax credits created by the IRA.

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