Getty Images and Verizon to Award $20,000 Grant to Champion Disability Representation in the Workplace
Getty Images, in partnership with Verizon and the National Disability Leadership Alliance (NDLA), has announced a $20,000 creative grant aimed at improving disability representation in workplace settings. The grant will be distributed among three recipients: $10,000, $7,000, and $3,000.
The initiative responds to research showing that while 2 out of 3 Americans believe diverse representation has positive impacts, 75% of current visuals show people with disabilities primarily in healthcare settings rather than professional environments. The grant builds upon The Disability Collection, a 2018 partnership that has grown to include over 12,000 curated images and videos.
Applications are open globally until March 7th, 2025, with winners to be announced the week of April 28th, 2025. Recipients will receive 100% royalty rates for project-related content on, mentorship from Getty Images' Art Directors, and promotional opportunities. The program particularly encourages applications from photographers and videographers with disabilities.
Getty Images, in collaborazione con Verizon e la National Disability Leadership Alliance (NDLA), ha annunciato un grant creativo di $20.000 volto a migliorare la rappresentanza delle persone con disabilità negli ambienti di lavoro. Il grant sarà distribuito tra tre destinatari: $10.000, $7.000 e $3.000.
L'iniziativa risponde a ricerche che mostrano come, sebbene 2 americani su 3 credano che una rappresentanza diversificata abbia effetti positivi, il 75% delle attuali immagini mostrano persone con disabilità principalmente in contesti sanitari piuttosto che in ambienti professionali. Il grant si basa sulla Disability Collection, una partnership del 2018 che è cresciuta includendo oltre 12.000 immagini e video curati.
Le domande sono aperte a livello globale fino al 7 marzo 2025, con i vincitori che saranno annunciati nella settimana del 28 aprile 2025. I destinatari riceveranno tassi di royalty del 100% per contenuti legati al progetto su, mentorship da parte dei Direttori Artistici di Getty Images e opportunità promozionali. Il programma incoraggia in particolare le candidature da fotografi e videografi con disabilità.
Getty Images, en colaboración con Verizon y la National Disability Leadership Alliance (NDLA), ha anunciado una subvención creativa de $20,000 destinada a mejorar la representación de personas con discapacidad en entornos laborales. La subvención se distribuirá entre tres beneficiarios: $10,000, $7,000 y $3,000.
La iniciativa responde a investigaciones que muestran que, aunque 2 de cada 3 estadounidenses creen que una representación diversa tiene impactos positivos, el 75% de las imágenes actuales muestran a personas con discapacidad principalmente en contextos de atención médica en lugar de en ambientes profesionales. La subvención se basa en The Disability Collection, una colaboración de 2018 que ha crecido hasta incluir más de 12,000 imágenes y videos curados.
Las solicitudes están abiertas globalmente hasta el 7 de marzo de 2025, con los ganadores que se anunciarán la semana del 28 de abril de 2025. Los beneficiarios recibirán tasas de regalías del 100% por contenido relacionado con el proyecto en, mentoría por parte de los Directores de Arte de Getty Images y oportunidades promocionales. El programa anima especialmente a los fotógrafos y videógrafos con discapacidad a postularse.
Getty Images는 Verizon 및 National Disability Leadership Alliance(NDLA)와 협력하여 직장 내 장애인 대표성 개선을 위한 20,000달러 창의적 보조금을 발표했습니다. 이 보조금은 세 명의 수령자에게 분배됩니다: $10,000, $7,000 및 $3,000.
이 이니셔티브는 3명 중 2명이 다양한 대표성이 긍정적인 영향을 미친다고 믿고 있지만, 현재 시각 자료의 75%가 전문적인 환경보다 의료 환경에서 주로 장애인을 보여준다는 연구 결과에 대응하고 있습니다. 이 보조금은 2018년부터 시작된 장애인 수집(The Disability Collection)의 기초 위에 있으며, 현재 12,000개 이상의 큐레이션된 이미지와 비디오가 포함되어 있습니다.
신청은 2025년 3월 7일까지 전 세계적으로 열리며, 수상자는 2025년 4월 28일 주에 발표됩니다. 수령자는 GettyImages.com에서 프로젝트 관련 콘텐츠에 대해 100% 로열티를 받고, Getty Images의 아트 디렉터로부터 멘토링을 받으며, 프로모션 기회를 갖게 됩니다. 이 프로그램은 특히 장애가 있는 사진작가와 비디오작가의 지원을 장려합니다.
Getty Images, en partenariat avec Verizon et la National Disability Leadership Alliance (NDLA), a annoncé une bourse créative de 20 000 $ visant à améliorer la représentation des personnes en situation de handicap dans les milieux professionnels. La bourse sera répartie entre trois bénéficiaires : 10 000 $, 7 000 $ et 3 000 $.
L'initiative répond à des recherches montrant que, bien que 2 Américains sur 3 estiment que la représentation diversifiée a des effets positifs, 75 % des visuels actuels montrent principalement des personnes en situation de handicap dans des contextes de soins de santé plutôt que dans des environnements professionnels. La bourse s'inscrit dans le cadre de la Disability Collection, un partenariat lancé en 2018 qui a depuis évolué pour inclure plus de 12 000 images et vidéos soigneusement sélectionnées.
Les candidatures sont ouvertes à l'international jusqu'au 7 mars 2025, et les gagnants seront annoncés durant la semaine du 28 avril 2025. Les bénéficiaires recevront des droits d'auteur de 100 % pour le contenu lié au projet sur, un mentorat dispensé par les Directeurs Artistiques de Getty Images et des opportunités promotionnelles. Le programme encourage tout particulièrement les candidatures de photographes et de vidéastes en situation de handicap.
Getty Images hat in Partnerschaft mit Verizon und der National Disability Leadership Alliance (NDLA) einen kreativen Zuschuss von 20.000 $ angekündigt, der darauf abzielt, die Vertretung von Menschen mit Behinderungen in Arbeitsumgebungen zu verbessern. Der Zuschuss wird unter drei Empfängern aufgeteilt: 10.000 $, 7.000 $ und 3.000 $.
Die Initiative reagiert auf Forschungsergebnisse, die zeigen, dass 2 von 3 Amerikanern glauben, dass Vielfalt positive Auswirkungen hat, aber 75 % der aktuellen Bilder Menschen mit Behinderungen hauptsächlich in Gesundheitskontexten und nicht in professionellen Umgebungen zeigen. Der Zuschuss baut auf der Disability Collection auf, einer Partnerschaft aus dem Jahr 2018, die mittlerweile über 12.000 kuratierte Bilder und Videos umfasst.
Die Bewerbungen sind weltweit bis zum 7. März 2025 geöffnet, und die Gewinner werden in der Woche vom 28. April 2025 bekannt gegeben. Die Empfänger erhalten 100 % Tantieme für projektbezogene Inhalte auf, Mentoring von den Art Directors von Getty Images und Werbemöglichkeiten. Das Programm ermutigt insbesondere Fotografen und Videografen mit Behinderungen zur Bewerbung.
- None.
- None.
NEW YORK, Feb. 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Getty Images, a preeminent global visual content creator and marketplace, in collaboration with Verizon and the National Disability Leadership Alliance (NDLA), invites photographers and videographers to reimagine how the disability community is represented in professional settings. This global creative grant offers
Despite growing awareness of diversity in visual media, the stories of people with disabilities in professional roles remain underrepresented. Too often, visuals portray the disability community in limited, domestic or familial contexts, leaving a gap showcasing the vital contributions people with disabilities bring to the workforce.
Research from Getty Images’ VisualGPS underscores this need for change: finding that 2 out of 3 Americans believe that seeing people with a range of abilities and personal characteristics in media and advertising has a positive impact on understanding one another. Unfortunately, 3 out of 4 visuals feature people with disabilities in a healthcare setting rather than at home or at work. This grant challenges creators to break those stereotypes by celebrating the talent, determination, and leadership of people within the disability community.
The grant builds on the success of The Disability Collection, a partnership launched in 2018 between Getty Images, Verizon and, the National Disability Leadership Alliance. The collection has grown to include over 12,000 curated images and videos devoted to portraying disabled people more authentically, and accurately. This project seeks to unveil the extraordinary diversity within the disability community, spotlighting the myriad ways people exist and navigate their day-to-day lives.
“The global workforce has evolved significantly, yet the stories of the disability community in professional roles remain underrepresented,” said Dr. Rebecca Swift, Senior Vice President of Creative at Getty Images. “This grant is an opportunity for creators to challenge stereotypes and showcase the vital contributions, leadership, and innovation that people with disabilities bring to workplaces around the world.”
Recognizing the challenges faced by photographers worldwide as they look to break into the commercial industry, the Getty Images’ Creative Grant seeks to discover and nurture creative talent while also alleviating some of the financial hurdles they face to capture authentic content. The additional monetary and promotional support from Verizon also ensures a greater reach to potentially interested photographers.
“As a brand driven to power how you live, work, and play, Verizon is thrilled to continue our ongoing collaboration with Getty Images and the National Disability Leadership Alliance through this timely and exciting creative grant,” said Zachary Bastian, Manager, Strategic Alliances, Verizon. “Since the Disability Collection began, it has built a community of creatives, brands, and non-profit organizations. Navigating Work Life represents a great opportunity to dive deep into people with disabilities thriving in careers."
As one of the largest technology communications companies in the world, Verizon is committed to fostering an inclusive environment and to making our digital space accessible to all. Through efforts like the Valuable 500, Verizon’s Disability Advisory Board, and the Forward for Good Disability Innovation Accelerator, Verizon invests in an accessible future.
Open to photographers and videographers globally, and supported by Verizon, Disability in Focus: Navigating Work Life is a one-time grant, awarding one recipient
Shortlisted photography and video projects will be judged by an esteemed panel including:
- Samantha Tokita: Award-winning photographer and 2024 grant winner
- Jen White Johnson: Artist and activist
- Tom Olin: Social documentarian
- Maria Town: President and CEO, American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)
- Fred Moltz: Head of Accessibility, Verizon
- Sarah Foster: Senior Creative Content Manager, Getty Images
Content creators are encouraged to apply before March 7th, 2025, at which point the application period will close. Recipients of the creative grant will be announced during the week of April 28th, 2025.
To apply, photographers and videographers must submit and adhere to the following:
- Links to existing portfolio of work online
- The submission must include: a 200-500-word summary of the project proposal and an inspirational mood board
- A short essay that outlines the approach
- Proposals must be in English
- Submissions must be digital
Grant recipients are invited to license their award-winning content through, at a
The Getty Images Creative Grants are a core piece of the wider Getty Images Grants program, collectively aimed at supporting the world’s photographic and photojournalism community. Since the inception of the program in 2004, the company has awarded in excess of US
To apply, visit:
Media Contact:
Alex Lazarou
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at