Genetic Technologies Strategic Restructure Driving USA Sales Growth

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Genetic Technologies (ASX: GTG; NASDAQ: GENE) has announced a strategic restructure to transition to a capital light operations model, focusing on sales growth in the United States. This move is expected to result in an immediate material reduction in operating costs. The company will maintain its core business of EasyDNA and GeneType, with EasyDNA currently generating over $7 million in global sales.

Key points:

  • Transition to outsourced/collaborations approach
  • $800,000 secured loan for working capital
  • Monthly cash burn reduction from $800,000 to below $200,000
  • Targeting cash flow positive by end of CY 2025
  • Board members to assume executive roles
  • Current CEO Simon Morriss to transition out in September

Genetic Technologies (ASX: GTG; NASDAQ: GENE) ha annunciato una ristrutturazione strategica per passare a un modello operativo a basso fabbisogno di capitale, concentrandosi sulla crescita delle vendite negli Stati Uniti. Questa mossa dovrebbe portare a una riduzione immediata e significativa dei costi operativi. L'azienda manterrà il suo core business di EasyDNA e GeneType, con EasyDNA che attualmente genera oltre 7 milioni di dollari in vendite globali.

Punti chiave:

  • Passaggio a un approccio di esternalizzazione/collaborazioni
  • Prestito di 800.000 dollari garantito per il capitale circolante
  • Riduzione della combustione di cassa mensile da 800.000 a meno di 200.000 dollari
  • Obiettivo di raggiungere un flusso di cassa positivo entro la fine del 2025
  • I membri del consiglio assumeranno ruoli esecutivi
  • Il CEO attuale, Simon Morriss, in transizione a settembre

Genetic Technologies (ASX: GTG; NASDAQ: GENE) ha anunciado una reestructuración estratégica para pasar a un modelo operativo de bajo capital, centrándose en el crecimiento de ventas en los Estados Unidos. Se espera que esta medida resulte en una reducción material inmediata de los costos operativos. La empresa mantendrá su negocio central de EasyDNA y GeneType, con EasyDNA generando actualmente más de 7 millones de dólares en ventas globales.

Puntos clave:

  • Transición a un enfoque de tercerización/colaboraciones
  • Préstamo garantizado de 800,000 dólares para capital de trabajo
  • Reducción mensual del consumo de efectivo de 800,000 a menos de 200,000 dólares
  • Objetivo de flujo de efectivo positivo para finales de 2025
  • Los miembros de la junta asumirán roles ejecutivos
  • El CEO actual, Simon Morriss, se trasladará en septiembre

유전자 기술(ASX: GTG; NASDAQ: GENE)은 미국에서의 판매 성장에 중점을 두고 자본 경량 운영 모델로의 전략적 구조 조정을 발표했습니다. 이 조치는 운영 비용의 즉각적인 물질적 감소로 이어질 것으로 예상됩니다. 이 회사는 현재 전 세계에서 700만 달러 이상의 매출을 올리고 있는 EasyDNA와 GeneType이라는 핵심 사업을 유지할 것입니다.

주요 사항:

  • 아웃소싱/협력 접근 방법으로의 전환
  • 운전 자본을 위한 80만 달러 보장 대출
  • 월간 현금 소진 감소: 80만 달러에서 20만 달러 이하로
  • 2025년 말까지 긍정적인 현금 흐름 목표
  • 이사회 의원들이 임원 역할을 맡음
  • 현재 CEO인 사이먼 모리스는 9월에 직무를 전환함

Genetic Technologies (ASX: GTG; NASDAQ: GENE) a annoncé une restructuration stratégique pour passer à un modèle d'opération léger en capital, en mettant l'accent sur la croissance des ventes aux États-Unis. Ce changement devrait aboutir à une réduction matérielle immédiate des coûts d'exploitation. L'entreprise continuera à maintenir son cœur de métier avec EasyDNA et GeneType, EasyDNA générant actuellement plus de 7 millions de dollars en ventes mondiales.

Points clés :

  • Transition vers une approche de sous-traitance/collaboration
  • Prêt garanti de 800 000 dollars pour le fonds de roulement
  • Réduction de la consommation mensuelle de trésorerie de 800 000 à moins de 200 000 dollars
  • Cible pour un flux de trésorerie positif d'ici la fin de l'année 2025
  • Les membres du conseil d'administration assumeront des rôles exécutifs
  • L'actuel PDG Simon Morriss se retirera en septembre

Genetic Technologies (ASX: GTG; NASDAQ: GENE) hat eine strategische Umstrukturierung angekündigt, um zu einem kapitalleichten Betriebsmodell überzugehen, wobei der Fokus auf dem Umsatzwachstum in den Vereinigten Staaten liegt. Diese Maßnahme wird voraussichtlich zu einer sofortigen erheblichen Reduzierung der Betriebskosten führen. Das Unternehmen wird sein Kerngeschäft mit EasyDNA und GeneType beibehalten, wobei EasyDNA derzeit über 7 Millionen Dollar im globalen Umsatz erzielt.

Wesentliche Punkte:

  • Übergang zu einem Outsourcing/Kollaborationsansatz
  • 800.000 Dollar gesicherter Kredit für Betriebskapital
  • Monatliche Barverbräuche von 800.000 auf unter 200.000 Dollar reduziert
  • Ziel, bis Ende 2025 einen positiven Cashflow zu erreichen
  • Vorstandsmitglieder übernehmen Exekutive Rollen
  • Aktueller CEO Simon Morriss wird im September ausscheiden
  • Transition to capital light operations model expected to reduce monthly cash burn from $800,000 to below $200,000
  • EasyDNA currently generating over $7 million in global sales
  • Secured $800,000 loan for working capital and transition costs
  • Targeting to be cash flow positive by the end of CY 2025
  • Board members assuming executive roles to drive U.S. market expansion
  • Current CEO Simon Morriss transitioning out of the organization in September
  • Redundancy costs associated with the transition to capital light operations model
  • Short-term loan carries a high effective annual interest rate of 20%
  • Potential shareholder dilution due to planned Entitlement Offer
  • Board members deferring their director fees, indicating potential cash flow issues

As a financial analyst inspired by Warren Buffett's straightforward style, I see Genetic Technologies' strategic restructure as a critical move towards financial sustainability. The transition to a capital-light model is a bold step aimed at slashing monthly cash burn from $800,000 to under $200,000, potentially reducing annual burn to below $2.5 million. This drastic 75% reduction in expenses is commendable, but it's important to monitor whether it impacts revenue growth.

The company's focus on its core businesses, EasyDNA and GeneType, is prudent. With EasyDNA already generating $7 million in global turnover, there's a solid foundation to build upon. However, the $800,000 secured loan at a 20% annual interest rate is concerning. While it provides immediate working capital, such high-interest short-term financing could be a red flag if not quickly replaced with more sustainable funding sources.

The target to achieve cash flow positivity by the end of CY 2025 is ambitious but necessary. Investors should closely watch the execution of this plan, particularly the success of U.S. sales growth through channel partners like Stayhealthy and Wellworx. The board's decision to defer their fees and potentially take them in equity demonstrates alignment with shareholder interests, but also indicates the company's tight financial position.

In summary, this restructuring is a high-stakes move that could significantly improve Genetic Technologies' financial health if executed successfully. However, the reliance on high-interest debt and the dramatic operational changes also introduce considerable risks that investors must weigh carefully.

Channeling the analytical prowess of Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee, I find Genetic Technologies' strategic pivot intriguing from a medical research perspective. The company's GeneType platform, backed by over $50 million in R&D investment, represents a significant asset in the burgeoning field of personalized preventative genomics. The integration of genetic predispositions and environmental factors in their comprehensive reports aligns with the cutting-edge approach to understanding complex disease risks.

However, the transition to an outsourced laboratory model raises questions about quality control and data integrity. While this move may reduce costs, it's important to ensure that it doesn't compromise the accuracy and reliability of their genetic tests. The company's emphasis on maintaining cloud-based result reporting and IP protection is reassuring, but the execution of this transition will be critical.

The focus on commercializing the GeneType platform in the U.S. market through existing channel partners is a logical step. The U.S. healthcare system's increasing emphasis on preventative care could provide a receptive market for these tests. However, the success of this strategy will depend on the company's ability to demonstrate clear clinical utility and cost-effectiveness to healthcare providers and insurers.

In conclusion, while the restructuring presents challenges, Genetic Technologies' core technology and market focus remain promising. The key will be maintaining research integrity and clinical relevance while navigating this financial restructuring. Investors should monitor how this transition affects the company's ability to stay at the forefront of genomic research and product development.

Drawing inspiration from Nate Silver's data-driven approach, I see Genetic Technologies' restructuring as a calculated gamble in a rapidly evolving market. The global genetic testing market is projected to grow significantly, but it's also becoming increasingly competitive. By focusing on the U.S. market, which is the largest and most lucrative, the company is positioning itself where the potential returns are highest.

The emphasis on both B2B and B2C sales channels through partnerships with Stayhealthy and Wellworx is a smart diversification strategy. This dual approach could help the company capture market share more quickly, especially if they can leverage these partners' existing customer bases and distribution networks.

However, the transition to a capital-light model and outsourced laboratory operations is not without risks. In a field where reputation and trust are paramount, any perceived decrease in quality or reliability could have severe consequences. The company will need to carefully manage this transition to maintain customer confidence.

The EasyDNA brand, with its $7 million global turnover, provides a solid foundation. But in the fast-paced genomics market, innovation is key. The company's ability to continue developing and commercializing new tests while undergoing this restructuring will be important to its long-term success.

In conclusion, Genetic Technologies is making a bold move to reposition itself in a competitive market. While the strategy addresses immediate financial concerns, its success will ultimately depend on the company's ability to maintain product quality, drive innovation and effectively penetrate the U.S. market. Investors should closely monitor sales growth and market reception of their products in the coming months to gauge the effectiveness of this new strategy.

CHARLOTTE, N.C., July 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Genetic Technologies Limited (ASX: GTG; NASDAQ: GENE, “Company”, “GENE”), a global leader in genomics-based tests in health, wellness and serious disease and the parent company of geneType™, has conducted an operations review and announces that it intends to transition to a capital light operations model – which is anticipated to result in an immediate material reduction in operating costs. This capital light operations model is intended to focus on sales growth (particularly in the Company's largest market in the United States) and move the Company's operations to an outsourced / collaborations approach (rather than the more expensive current in house laboratory operations).

  • Transition to a capital light operating model; with lower cost operations
  • Continued focus on the Company's core business of "EasyDNA" and "GeneType"
  • Working capital funded by short term $800,000 secured loan (from lenders including Directors)
  • Active Channel partners in the USA with geneType sales growth
  • EasyDNA sales of $7m and growing

Please note that this transition in operating model will not impact on the Company's core business of EasyDNA and GeneType. The Company's existing partners, distribution channels and manufacturing capabilities are not affected.

The Company intends to fund working capital requirements with (i) a secured loan facility of $800,000; plus (ii) launching an Entitlement Offer.

Core business focus: In moving to a capital light operations model and the resulting costs reduction, the Company will continue to focus on its core businesses and revenue growth. 

EasyDNA and AffinityDNA project growth, EasyDNA currently turning over more than $7 million globally. There will be no disruption to current operations as we forge ahead with our ambitious growth strategies.

GeneType serious disease risk test platform, backed by over $50 million in R&D investment, is primed for commercialization across new and established U.S. sales channels. Our unique noninvasive patent portfolio integrates genetics and clinical risk into comprehensive reports, addressing both genetic predispositions and environmental factors contributing to serious diseases.

USA Sales and Distribution: The Company's growth strategy is based on its existing extensive channel partners in the U.S., including Stayhealthy and Wellworx - with the aim of driving both B2B and B2C sales via the "Gene by Gene" high throughput lab in the United States. Reporting of results will remain cloud based and controlled by GENE to enable scale up and potential licensing whilst maintaining protection of our IP as required.

A Leaner Future: In implementing the capital light operations model, to reduce our operating costs, the board will assume executive roles, bringing extensive commercialization expertise to drive our U.S. market expansion. This restructuring allows our global leadership team to focus squarely on maximizing opportunities in the USA. As a result of this change, our current CEO, Simon Morriss will transition out of the organisation in September. In the transition to a leaner capital light operations model, we will also be moving our Melbourne laboratory and transitioning to an outsourced / collaborations approach – with third party contractors providing a portion of our laboratory testing. The redundancy costs of the transition are to be paid from the loan facility outlined in more detail below. 

We would like to thank Simon for his dedication, hard work and approach in assisting with this operations review and cost reduction. 

The board members have agreed to defer their director fees until year end (at the earliest) and, subject to shareholder approval, to take their director fees in equity. 

The transition (with the cost reductions) is anticipated to reduce the Company's monthly cash burn from approximately $800,000 down to below $200,000 - with our annual burn anticipated to come under $2.5 million. The Company is targeting to be cash flow positive by the end CY 25 or shortly thereafter.

Loan facility: The Company has received commitments for a short-term loan of $800,000, secured partly on anticipated balance of R&D refund due late September. 

The loan has customary terms (including events of default) with a repayment date being the earlier of (i) receipt by the Company of the balance of its 2024 R&D refund; and (ii) 31 December 2024. The loan is secured (ranking behind any existing secured creditors) and there is an effective annual interest rate of 20%. The lenders including board members have committed to apply part or all their loan entitlements to the first $500,000 under the Entitlement Offer (see further details below). 

Funding under the loan will be used for working capital and for the initial costs (including redundancies) of the transition to a capital light operations model.

The Company remains determined in our vision to be a leader in personalized preventative genomics, drive innovation in genetic testing and expand our global footprint, delivering sustained value to our shareholders and stakeholders.

Authorised for release by the Board of Directors.

For inquiries, contact:
Peter Rubinstein

About Genetic Technologies Limited

Genetic Technologies Limited (ASX: GTG; Nasdaq: GENE) is a diversified molecular diagnostics company. A global leader in genomics-based tests in health, wellness and serious disease through its geneType and EasyDNA brands. GTG offers cancer predictive testing and assessment tools to help physicians to improve health outcomes for people around the world. The company has a proprietary risk stratification platform that has been developed over the past decade and integrates clinical and genetic risk to deliver actionable outcomes to physicians and individuals. Leading the world in risk prediction in oncology, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, Genetic Technologies continues to develop risk assessment products. For more information, please visit

About EasyDNA

EasyDNA is an online marketplace established in 2007 in Malta and 2008 in Australia developing an online network of over 70 websites in over 40 countries. EasyDNA’s network of online retail sales platforms offers fast and affordable home DNA testing that is reliable and confidential. They also offer a number of lifestyle and health and wellbeing tests, and animal testing relating to allergies and tolerances. EasyDNA is a pioneering provider of genetic testing services, dedicated to delivering accurate and confidential results to individuals and organizations worldwide.

Forward Looking Statements

This announcement may contain forward-looking statements about the Company's expectations, beliefs or intentions regarding, among other things, statements regarding the expected use of proceeds. In addition, from time to time, the Company or its representatives have made or may make forward-looking statements, orally or in writing. Forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as "believe," "expect," "intend," "plan," "may," "should" or "anticipate" or their negatives or other variations of these words or other comparable words or by the fact that these statements do not relate strictly to historical or current matters. These forward-looking statements may be included in, but are not limited to, various filings made by the Company with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, press releases or oral statements made by or with the approval of one of the Company's authorized executive officers. Forward-looking statements relate to anticipated or expected events, activities, trends or results as of the date they are made. As forward-looking statements relate to matters that have not yet occurred, these statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from any future results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Many factors could cause the Company's actual activities or results to differ materially from the activities and results anticipated in such forward-looking statements as detailed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and in its periodic filings with the ASX in Australia and the risks and risk factors included therein. In addition, the Company operates in an industry sector where securities values are highly volatile and may be influenced by economic and other factors beyond its control. The Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.


What is Genetic Technologies' (GENE) new strategic restructure plan?

Genetic Technologies (NASDAQ: GENE) is transitioning to a capital light operations model, focusing on sales growth in the U.S. and moving to an outsourced/collaborations approach. This is expected to significantly reduce operating costs and monthly cash burn.

How much is EasyDNA, a core business of Genetic Technologies (GENE), currently generating in sales?

EasyDNA, one of Genetic Technologies' (NASDAQ: GENE) core businesses, is currently generating over $7 million in global sales and is projected to grow.

What is the expected reduction in monthly cash burn for Genetic Technologies (GENE) after the restructure?

Genetic Technologies (NASDAQ: GENE) expects to reduce its monthly cash burn from approximately $800,000 to below $200,000 after implementing the capital light operations model.

When does Genetic Technologies (GENE) aim to become cash flow positive?

Genetic Technologies (NASDAQ: GENE) is targeting to become cash flow positive by the end of calendar year 2025 or shortly thereafter.

What changes are occurring in Genetic Technologies' (GENE) leadership as part of the restructure?

As part of the restructure, Genetic Technologies' (NASDAQ: GENE) board members will assume executive roles, and the current CEO, Simon Morriss, will transition out of the organization in September 2024.

Genetic Technologies Ltd.


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Diagnostics & Research
United States of America