Strengthening Cyber Safety Skills for Children in India

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Gen and Save the Children have successfully trained over 10,000 students, parents, and educators in India on cyber safety skills between March 2023 and April 2024. The initiative, implemented through Gen's Norton brand, reached 8,300 children, 1,210 parents, 635 SMC members, and 275 teachers across 40 schools in Pune and Thiruvallur. The program achieved an 81% increase in participants' cyber safety knowledge. Additional awareness campaigns through digital and on-ground activations reached nearly 207,000 people indirectly, while social media engagement touched approximately 263,000 people. The initiative addresses rising cybercrime concerns in India, where child cybercrime increased by 32% in one year.

Gen e Save the Children hanno addestrato con successo oltre 10.000 studenti, genitori ed educatori in India sulle competenze di sicurezza informatica tra marzo 2023 e aprile 2024. L'iniziativa, realizzata attraverso il marchio Norton di Gen, ha coinvolto 8.300 bambini, 1.210 genitori, 635 membri del SMC e 275 insegnanti in 40 scuole a Pune e Thiruvallur. Il programma ha registrato un aumento dell'81% della conoscenza della sicurezza informatica tra i partecipanti. Ulteriori campagne di sensibilizzazione attraverso attivazioni digitali e sul campo hanno raggiunto quasi 207.000 persone indirettamente, mentre l'engagement sui social media ha toccato circa 263.000 persone. L'iniziativa affronta le crescenti preoccupazioni per il crimine informatico in India, dove il crimine informatico infantile è aumentato del 32% in un anno.

Gen y Save the Children han capacitado con éxito a más de 10,000 estudiantes, padres y educadores en India sobre habilidades de ciberseguridad entre marzo de 2023 y abril de 2024. La iniciativa, implementada a través de la marca Norton de Gen, alcanzó a 8,300 niños, 1,210 padres, 635 miembros del SMC y 275 maestros en 40 escuelas en Pune y Thiruvallur. El programa logró un aumento del 81% en el conocimiento sobre ciberseguridad de los participantes. Campañas adicionales de concienciación a través de activaciones digitales y en terreno alcanzaron indirectamente a casi 207,000 personas, mientras que el engagement en redes sociales tocó a aproximadamente 263,000 personas. La iniciativa aborda las crecientes preocupaciones por el cibercrimen en India, donde el cibercrimen infantil aumentó un 32% en un año.

Gen과 Save the Children은 2023년 3월부터 2024년 4월 사이에 인도에서 10,000명 이상의 학생, 부모 및 교육자에게 사이버 안전 기술을 성공적으로 교육했습니다. Gen의 Norton 브랜드를 통해 시행된 이 이니셔티브는 푸네와 티르바루르의 40개 학교에서 8,300명의 어린이, 1,210명의 부모, 635명의 SMC 회원 및 275명의 교사를 대상으로 하였습니다. 프로그램은 참가자의 사이버 안전 지식이 81% 증가하는 성과를 보였습니다. 디지털 및 현장 활동을 통한 추가적인 인식 캠페인은 거의 207,000명에게 간접적으로 도달했으며, 소셜 미디어 참여는 약 263,000명에 달했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 인도에서 사이버 범죄가 증가하고 있는 문제를 다루고 있으며, 어린이에 대한 사이버 범죄가 1년 만에 32% 증가했습니다.

Gen et Save the Children ont formé avec succès plus de 10 000 étudiants, parents et éducateurs en Inde sur les compétences en matière de cybersécurité entre mars 2023 et avril 2024. L'initiative, mise en œuvre par le biais de la marque Norton de Gen, a touché 8 300 enfants, 1 210 parents, 635 membres du SMC et 275 enseignants dans 40 écoles à Pune et Thiruvallur. Le programme a réalisé une augmentation de 81 % des connaissances en cybersécurité des participants. Des campagnes de sensibilisation supplémentaires via des activations numériques et sur le terrain ont atteint près de 207 000 personnes indirectement, tandis que l'engagement sur les réseaux sociaux a concerné environ 263 000 personnes. L'initiative répond aux préoccupations croissantes concernant la cybercriminalité en Inde, où la cybercriminalité touchant les enfants a augmenté de 32 % en un an.

Gen und Save the Children haben zwischen März 2023 und April 2024 erfolgreich über 10.000 Schüler, Eltern und Pädagogen in Indien in Cybersicherheitsfähigkeiten geschult. Die Initiative, die über die Norton-Marke von Gen umgesetzt wurde, erreichte 8.300 Kinder, 1.210 Eltern, 635 SMC-Mitglieder und 275 Lehrer an 40 Schulen in Pune und Thiruvallur. Das Programm erzielte einen Anstieg des Cybersicherheitswissens der Teilnehmer um 81%. Zusätzliche Sensibilisierungskampagnen durch digitale und vor Ort Aktivitäten erreichten indirekt fast 207.000 Menschen, während das Engagement in sozialen Medien etwa 263.000 Menschen berührte. Die Initiative adressiert die zunehmenden Sorgen über Cyberkriminalität in Indien, wo die Cyberkriminalität gegen Kinder in einem Jahr um 32% gestiegen ist.

  • Successful implementation of cyber safety training program reaching over 10,000 direct beneficiaries
  • 81% increase in participants' cyber safety knowledge post-training
  • Extensive reach through digital campaigns engaging 263,000 people
  • Indirect impact on 207,000 people through community awareness initiatives
  • None.

Norton and Save the Children reach more than 10,000 students, parents and educators

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / November 15, 2024 / Gen

Gen Blog | Community

Written by Amanda Davis | Sr. Manager, CR and Environment

Young people all over the world are vulnerable to cybercrime. A recent study from the DQ Institute found that an estimated 70% of children and adolescents globally were exposed to cyber risk at some point during 2023, and the overall rate of cybercrime is expected to rise in the coming years.

India is no exception. The National Crime Records Bureau found that child cybercrime in the country has risen 32% in just one year, and young people often demonstrate low awareness of the importance of data privacy and internet safety.

We know this is an area where Gen can help. Through Norton, one of our trusted Cyber Safety brands, and its partnership with Bal Raksha Bharat (BRB), also known as Save the Children - India, we were able to reach more than 10,000 young people, parents, family members and educators with Cyber Safety skills training between March 2023 and April 2024. These skills will not only help children stay safe online but also build lasting, healthy digital habits.

Empowering Educators to Teach Cyber Safety

At 40 schools in Pune, Maharashtra, and Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu, BBR staffers trained schoolteachers on bespoke Cyber Safety learning modules that Norton helped develop. The two modules-one for students between the ages of 10 and 12, another for ages 13 to 16-covered the basics of threats that young people are likely to face online, from phishing attacks to identity theft to scams. Teachers then delivered these lessons to students and community members.

In total, the effort reached more than 10,000 people across these school communities, including:

  • 8,300 children (surpassing an initial target of 6,060),

  • 1,210 parents,

  • 635 SMC members (a parent and teacher organization), and

  • 275 teachers (surpassing the target of 220).

BRB also conducted a post-training assessment, which demonstrated an 81% increase in participants' overall Cyber Safety knowledge.

Driving Community Awareness

Cybercrime can affect anyone at any age. The lessons shared in these modules are relevant not only to people across these school communities but also to India at large.

To spread the word, BRB led several digital and on-the-ground activations that raised awareness of the dangers of cybercrime and how to stay Cyber Safe. These included small group meetings, voice calls and SMS messaging throughout the villages in Pune and Thiruvallur where the trainings took place. BRB also hosted workshops on cybercrime for law enforcement officials in these communities, with more planned in 2024. These efforts reached nearly 207,000 people indirectly.

The organization also promoted a cybercrime reporting helpline, as well as information about various online risks, on social media. Building on BRB's existing partnership with Yuvaa and their #BeDigiSmart campaign, the campaign's content saw engagement from nearly 263,000 people.

For more information on how we provide Cyber Safety education and training, check out our 2024 Social Impact Report. This grant was awarded from the Gen Foundation, a corporate advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

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How many people did Gen's cyber safety program reach in India during 2023-2024?

Gen's cyber safety program directly reached over 10,000 people, including 8,300 children, 1,210 parents, 635 SMC members, and 275 teachers across 40 schools in India.

What was the improvement rate in cyber safety knowledge after Gen's training program?

According to the post-training assessment, participants showed an 81% increase in their overall cyber safety knowledge.

Which Indian cities were covered in Gen's cyber safety education initiative?

The program was implemented in schools across Pune, Maharashtra, and Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu.

How many people did Gen's cyber safety awareness campaign reach indirectly?

The awareness campaign reached approximately 207,000 people indirectly through community activities and nearly 263,000 people through social media engagement.



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