Preparing College Students for the Professional World

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Gen has partnered with HBCU Heroes throughout 2024 to mentor students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The collaboration includes a $20,000 donation and direct mentorship from Gen team members to HBCU students from institutions including Tennessee State University, Johnson C. Smith University, and North Carolina A&T State University.

The program focuses on developing professional skills through quarterly virtual meetups, covering topics like resume building, interviewing, and LinkedIn networking. The initiative, which concluded its inaugural cohort on October 22, received positive feedback from both mentors and students, highlighting the importance of representation and professional guidance in corporate settings.

Gen ha stretto una partnership con HBCU Heroes per tutto il 2024 al fine di fare da mentori agli studenti delle Università Storicamente Nere (HBCU). La collaborazione include una donazione di $20.000 e un mentoring diretto da parte dei membri del team Gen agli studenti delle HBCU di istituzioni come la Tennessee State University, la Johnson C. Smith University e la North Carolina A&T State University.

Il programma si concentra sullo sviluppo di competenze professionali attraverso incontri virtuali trimestrali, trattando argomenti come la costruzione del curriculum, i colloqui di lavoro e il networking su LinkedIn. L'iniziativa, che ha concluso il suo primo gruppo il 22 ottobre, ha ricevuto feedback positivi sia da parte dei mentori che degli studenti, sottolineando l'importanza della rappresentanza e della guida professionale in contesti aziendali.

Gen se ha asociado con HBCU Heroes durante 2024 para mentorear a estudiantes de Universidades Históricamente Negros (HBCUs). La colaboración incluye una donación de $20,000 y mentoría directa de miembros del equipo de Gen a estudiantes de HBCU de instituciones como la Universidad Estatal de Tennessee, la Universidad Johnson C. Smith y la Universidad Estatal de Carolina del Norte A&T.

El programa se centra en el desarrollo de habilidades profesionales a través de reuniones virtuales trimestrales, abordando temas como la elaboración de currículums, entrevistas y networking en LinkedIn. La iniciativa, que concluyó su primer cohorte el 22 de octubre, recibió comentarios positivos tanto de mentores como de estudiantes, destacando la importancia de la representación y la orientación profesional en entornos corporativos.

Gen은 2024년 동안 HBCU Heroes와 협력하여 역사적으로 아프리카계 미국인 대학(HBCU)의 학생들을 멘토링합니다. 이 협력에는 $20,000의 기부와 Gen 팀 멤버들이 Tennessee State University, Johnson C. Smith University 및 North Carolina A&T State University와 같은 기관의 HBCU 학생들에게 직접 멘토링을 제공하는 것이 포함됩니다.

이 프로그램은 이력서 작성, 면접 및 LinkedIn 네트워킹과 같은 주제를 다루며 분기마다 진행되는 가상 미팅을 통해 전문 기술 개발에 중점을 둡니다. 10월 22일 첫 번째 코호트를 마친 이 이니셔티브는 멘토와 학생 모두로부터 긍정적인 피드백을 받았으며, 기업 환경에서의 대표성과 전문적인 안내의 중요성을 강조했습니다.

Gen s'est associé avec HBCU Heroes tout au long de l'année 2024 pour encadrer des étudiants d'Universités Historiquement Noires (HBCU). Cette collaboration comprend un don de 20 000 $ et un mentorat direct par les membres de l'équipe Gen pour les étudiants HBCU d'institutions telles que la Tennessee State University, la Johnson C. Smith University et la North Carolina A&T State University.

Le programme se concentre sur le développement de compétences professionnelles à travers des rencontres virtuelles trimestrielles, abordant des sujets comme la rédaction de CV, les entretiens d'embauche et le réseautage sur LinkedIn. L'initiative, qui a conclu sa première promotion le 22 octobre, a reçu des retours positifs de la part des mentors et des étudiants, soulignant l'importance de la représentation et de l'accompagnement professionnel dans les milieux d'entreprise.

Gen hat sich 2024 mit HBCU Heroes zusammengeschlossen, um Studenten von Historisch Schwarzen Colleges und Universitäten (HBCUs) zu betreuen. Die Zusammenarbeit umfasst eine Spende von 20.000 USD sowie direkte Mentoring-Möglichkeiten von Mitgliedern des Gen-Teams für HBCU-Studenten von Institutionen wie der Tennessee State University, der Johnson C. Smith University und der North Carolina A&T State University.

Das Programm konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung beruflicher Fähigkeiten durch vierteljährliche virtuelle Treffen, die Themen wie Lebenslauf-Erstellung, Vorstellungsgespräche und LinkedIn-Netzwerken abdecken. Die Initiative, die ihren ersten Jahrgang am 22. Oktober abschloss, erhielt positives Feedback sowohl von Mentoren als auch von Studenten und hebt die Bedeutung von Vertretung und professioneller Anleitung in Unternehmensumfeldern hervor.

  • Established strategic partnership with HBCU Heroes to develop future talent pipeline
  • Made $20,000 donation to support HBCU student development
  • Successfully completed inaugural mentorship program with multiple universities
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / November 4, 2024 / Gen

Mentoring students through partnership with HBCU Heroes

Gen Blog | Community

Written by Kim Allman | Head of Corporate Responsibility and Public Policy

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have served as essential resources for Black Americans for nearly 200 years. Since the early 19th century, they have provided education, community and upward mobility opportunities for Black students. Today, research show that they continue to out-perform peer institutions in terms of degree completion and household income at age 30.

At Gen, we're proud to play a part in this legacy of setting students up for success. We've spent 2024 collaborating with HBCU Heroes, an organization working to empower HBCU students to compete in corporate America, the tech sector, entertainment, and beyond. In addition to a $20,000 donation, Gen team members mentor HBCU students directly, equipping them with the professional skills they need to excel in their careers after graduation. The inaugural cohort met for the fourth and final time via virtual group meeting on October 22.

Building Skills Through Mentorship

Over the past year, Gen team members have worked 1:1 with students at HBCUs, including Tennessee State University, Johnson C. Smith University, North Carolina A& T State University and more. Through quarterly meetups, they discuss specific topics related to the students' career goals, as well as general professional skills such as resume building, interviewing and using LinkedIn as a networking tool. These virtual meetings involve discussions with the larger group of mentors and mentees, as well as individual conversations.

"It's been great to give back in a way that I needed when I was a student," said Jeremiah Whiteside, a Gen team member who served as a mentor. "I remember being in college struggling to figure out how to set myself apart in interviews or on LinkedIn and wishing more corporate workers that looked like me would share how they did it. We have had the opportunity to meet really talented students with great potential, and I can't wait to hear more on their journeys."

Feedback from student participants was similarly positive. They cited not only specific insights they gained as a result of conversations with Gen team members but also the importance of representation.

"This experience was invaluable," said Cheyenne Dew, a student at Prairie View A&M University in Texas. "I gained insight on what navigating the corporate world looks like, and I loved how different but helpful each mentor's advice was... And it was refreshing to see the people who are in the positions we students are striving to be in." was a key collaborator in executing this partnership.

Expanding Mentorship Throughout Our Industry

Mentorship has long been a hallmark of our Social Impact program at Gen. In addition to our talent development efforts, which include mentorship and internship programs, our Cyber Safety education and training programs are founded on the belief that dedicated mentorship can advance technical literacy and move our industry forward. We recently pledged to support Women4Cyber's mentorship program to help close the gender gap in Europe's tech sector, and our Corporate Responsibility intern has shared reflections on how she's grown as a professional at Gen.

For more information on our investments in future generations of Cyber Safety professionals, read our 2024 Social Impact Report. These grants were awarded from the Gen Foundation, a corporate advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation. 

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What is Gen's partnership with HBCU Heroes in 2024?

Gen partnered with HBCU Heroes in 2024 to provide mentorship and professional development to HBCU students, including a $20,000 donation and direct mentoring from Gen team members.

Which universities are involved in Gen's HBCU mentorship program?

The program includes students from Tennessee State University, Johnson C. Smith University, North Carolina A&T State University, and Prairie View A&M University, among others.

When did Gen's inaugural HBCU Heroes mentorship cohort conclude?

The inaugural mentorship cohort concluded with its fourth and final virtual group meeting on October 22, 2024.

What skills does Gen's HBCU mentorship program focus on?

The program focuses on professional skills including resume building, interviewing techniques, and using LinkedIn as a networking tool, along with career-specific topics.



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