Multi-million-dollar Deepfake Campaigns Blocked by Gen

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Gen's Q2/2024 Threat Report highlights the increasing use of AI in cyberattacks, with cybercriminals leveraging deepfakes and sophisticated scams to target consumers. Key findings include:

1. Gen blocked over 1 billion unique attacks each month, up 46% from last year.

2. 95% of attacks occur during web browsing.

3. Deepfake campaigns resulted in multi-million-dollar losses, including a $5 million cryptocurrency scam.

4. There's a 24% quarter-over-quarter increase in consumer ransomware attacks.

5. Digital identity theft is rising, with InfoStealers and Mobile Bankers targeting personal information.

The report emphasizes the need for increased vigilance and consumer education to combat these evolving threats.

Il Report sulle Minacce Q2/2024 di Gen evidenzia l'aumento dell'uso dell'IA negli attacchi informatici, con i criminali informatici che sfruttano deepfake e truffe sofisticate per colpire i consumatori. I risultati chiave includono:

1. Gen ha bloccato oltre 1 miliardo di attacchi unici ogni mese, un incremento del 46% rispetto all'anno scorso.

2. Il 95% degli attacchi avviene durante la navigazione web.

3. Le campagne deepfake hanno portato a perdite multimilionarie, tra cui una truffa da 5 milioni di dollari in criptovalute.

4. C'è un aumento del 24% trimestre su trimestre negli attacchi ransomware ai consumatori.

5. Il furto di identità digitale è in crescita, con InfoStealers e Mobile Bankers che prendono di mira le informazioni personali.

Il report sottolinea la necessità di aumentare la vigilanza e l'educazione dei consumatori per combattere queste minacce in evoluzione.

El Informe de Amenazas Q2/2024 de Gen destaca el creciente uso de IA en ciberataques, con cibercriminales que aprovechan deepfakes y estafas sofisticadas para atacar a los consumidores. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

1. Gen bloqueó más de 1 mil millones de ataques únicos cada mes, un aumento del 46% en comparación con el año pasado.

2. El 95% de los ataques ocurren durante la navegación web.

3. Las campañas de deepfake resultaron en pérdidas multimillonarias, incluyendo una estafa de criptomonedas de 5 millones de dólares.

4. Hay un aumento del 24% trimestre a trimestre en ataques de ransomware a consumidores.

5. El robo de identidad digital está en aumento, con InfoStealers y Mobile Bankers apuntando a información personal.

El informe enfatiza la necesidad de una mayor vigilancia y educación del consumidor para combatir estas amenazas en evolución.

Gen의 2024년 2분기 위협 보고서는 사이버 공격에서 AI의 사용 증가를 강조하며, 사이버 범죄자들이 심층 가짜 및 정교한 사기를 활용하여 소비자를 목표로 삼고 있음을 보여줍니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. Gen은 매월 10억 건 이상의 유니크한 공격을 차단했습니다, 이는 작년 대비 46% 증가한 수치입니다.

2. 95%의 공격은 웹 브라우징 중 발생합니다.

3. 심층 가짜 캠페인으로 인해 수백만 달러의 손실이 발생했습니다, 여기에는 500만 달러의 가상화폐 사기가 포함됩니다.

4. 소비자 랜섬웨어 공격이 분기 대비 24% 증가했습니다.

5. 디지털 신원 도용이 증가하고 있으며, InfoStealers와 Mobile Bankers가 개인 정보를 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이 보고서는 이러한 진화하는 위협에 대응하기 위해 더 많은 경계와 소비자 교육의 필요성을 강조합니다.

Le Rapport sur les Menaces Q2/2024 de Gen souligne l'utilisation croissante de l'IA dans les cyberattaques, les cybercriminels tirant parti des deepfakes et des escroqueries sophistiquées pour cibler les consommateurs. Les principales conclusions comprennent :

1. Gen a bloqué plus de 1 milliard d'attaques uniques chaque mois, soit une augmentation de 46 % par rapport à l'année dernière.

2. 95 % des attaques se produisent lors de la navigation sur le web.

3. Les campagnes deepfake ont entraîné des pertes de plusieurs millions de dollars, y compris une escroquerie de 5 millions de dollars en cryptomonnaie.

4. Il y a une augmentation de 24 % des attaques par ransomware sur les consommateurs d'un trimestre à l'autre.

5. Le vol d'identité numérique est en augmentation, avec des InfoStealers et des Mobile Bankers ciblant des informations personnelles.

Le rapport souligne la nécessité d'une vigilance accrue et d'une éducation des consommateurs pour lutter contre ces menaces en évolution.

Der Bedrohungsbericht Q2/2024 von Gen hebt die zunehmende Nutzung von KIs in Cyberangriffen hervor, wobei Cyberkriminelle Deepfakes und ausgeklügelte Betrügereien nutzen, um Verbraucher zu attackieren. Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:

1. Gen hat über 1 Milliarde einzigartige Angriffe pro Monat blockiert, was einem Anstieg von 46% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr entspricht.

2. 95% der Angriffe finden während des Surfens im Internet statt.

3. Deepfake-Kampagnen führten zu multimillionenschweren Verlusten, darunter ein Betrug mit Kryptowährungen in Höhe von 5 Millionen Dollar.

4. Es gibt einen 24%-Anstieg der Ransomware-Angriffe auf Verbraucher im Quartalsvergleich.

5. Der Diebstahl digitaler Identitäten nimmt zu, wobei InfoStealers und Mobile Bankers persönliche Informationen ins Visier nehmen.

Der Bericht betont die Notwendigkeit erhöhter Wachsamkeit und Verbraucherbildung, um diesen sich entwickelnden Bedrohungen entgegenzuwirken.

  • Gen blocked over 1 billion unique attacks monthly, demonstrating strong cybersecurity capabilities
  • Gen researchers discovered and reported security vulnerabilities to other companies, enhancing overall cybersecurity
  • Gen provided free decryption tools for ransomware victims, showcasing corporate social responsibility
  • 46% increase in unique attacks compared to last year, indicating a rapidly growing threat landscape
  • 24% quarter-over-quarter rise in consumer ransomware attacks, suggesting increased vulnerability for individual users
  • Emergence of sophisticated AI-powered scams, potentially challenging Gen's existing defense mechanisms


The Gen Quarterly Threat Report reveals a concerning escalation in AI-powered cyberattacks. Deepfake scams have become increasingly sophisticated, with cybercriminals leveraging celebrity images and global events to create convincing schemes. The report highlights a $5 million cryptocurrency scam using deepfakes of official events, demonstrating the potential for significant financial losses.

For investors, this trend underscores the growing demand for advanced cybersecurity solutions. Companies like Gen, which offer comprehensive protection against these evolving threats, are likely to see increased interest. The report's findings suggest a potential boost in consumer cybersecurity spending, which could positively impact Gen's financial performance and stock value in the near term.

Gen's report indicates a 46% year-over-year increase in blocked attacks, with over a billion unique attacks blocked monthly. This substantial growth in cyber threats could translate to increased revenue opportunities for Gen and similar cybersecurity firms. The revival of antivirus scams and the rise in consumer ransomware attacks, particularly in key markets like India (379% increase), the US, Canada and the UK, suggest a expanding market for consumer-focused cybersecurity products. Investors should monitor Gen's ability to capitalize on these trends in upcoming financial reports, as it could significantly impact the company's growth trajectory and stock performance.

The integration of AI in cyberattacks marks a significant shift in the threat landscape. The report's emphasis on AI-generated voice communications in job scams and sophisticated deepfakes in cryptocurrency schemes indicates that cybersecurity companies must rapidly evolve their technologies to keep pace. Gen's proactive approach, including the development of decryption tools and collaboration with governments, positions it well in this arms race. However, the constant need for innovation in this sector presents both opportunities and challenges. Investors should closely watch Gen's R&D investments and new product launches to assess its long-term competitiveness in this fast-evolving market.

Gen Quarterly Threat Report shows AI-fueled scams, digital identity attacks and ransomware dominating consumer cybersecurity landscape

TEMPE, Ariz. and PRAGUE, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Gen™ (NASDAQ: GEN), a global leader in consumer Cyber Safety with a family of brands, Norton, Avast, LifeLock, Avira, AVG, ReputationDefender and CCleaner, today released the Q2/2024 Gen Threat Report. The report spotlights the most notable cyberattacks targeting consumers from April to June 2024. Gen experts warn that it is more important than ever to stay vigilant as cybercriminals increasingly use generative AI to create sophisticated scams using voices, images and videos to make their schemes more convincing. Attackers are using celebrities, global events, and brands as shiny lures. And as more people find themselves navigating economic hardships, the promise of easy money through phony investments, cryptocurrency giveaways and part-time job offers has also become a timely hook for scammers preying upon unsuspecting victims seeking financial security.  

"We continue to see cybercriminals expand their toolkits with even more uses of AI to strengthen their attacks," said Siggi Stefnisson, Chief Technology Officer at Gen. "Scammers are cunning and adept at exploiting what is most likely to be on consumers' minds – whether it has to do with elections, love or financial security. Now with AI and other new tech, their schemes are more sophisticated and convincing than ever before. We urge consumers to stay informed and alert. We will continue to keep a watchful eye on the latest threats and provide the latest knowledge and tools needed to be safer despite the evolving threat landscape." 

Gen has one of the world's largest consumer Cyber Safety networks protecting people around the globe against advanced online threats. Throughout Q2, Gen Cyber Safety brands blocked over one billion unique attacks each month, up 46% compared to last year. Interestingly, a staggering 95% of attacks happen while people use their browser and surf the web. In addition to blocking threats directly as part of our customers' products and services, Gen researchers discovered and reported security vulnerabilities so that they could be patched by other companies, helping protect people from further attacks.  

Gen experts shared some of the most prevalent threats to watch for based on this quarter's findings: 

Scammers' Playbook: New and Revamped Tactics
The accessibility and rise of AI allow cybercriminals to add a modern twist to their old tricks to lure more victims. We have seen bad actors using deepfakes of celebrities to promote fake cryptocurrency investment schemes, and now, scammers are targeting widely publicized events that will be broadcast live to draw a large audience. For example, recently, scam group CryptoCore lured victims with highly convincing deepfakes of official events disseminated on compromised YouTube accounts and used QR codes to direct victims to fake crypto giveaway campaigns, stealing $5 million. During the SpaceX Starship integrated flight test (IFT-4) in June, nearly 50 YouTube accounts were hijacked, and the campaign resulted in 500 transactions amounting to a total value of $1.4 millionGen products helped protect thousands of people from this threat in Q2, with the largest amounts in the US, UK, Brazil and Germany.

Amid challenging economic conditions, scammers are capitalizing on consumers' needs with part-time job scams that promise quick money by completing simple tasks, like promoting goods on social media. Once trust is established, the scammers convince their victim to send them money so they can steal it. These scams have now evolved from text-based interactions on Telegram to more sophisticated AI-generated voice communications, adding a whole new layer of deception and realism. 

This quarter saw the revival of the classic antivirus scam that was first popular in the late 2000s, when cybercriminals were making millions of dollars by selling fake antivirus products. Nowadays, cybercriminals deploy aggressive pop-up alerts that mimic real antivirus programs, often claiming the computer is infected to urge immediate action. These fake alerts abuse the Windows notification system to appear as credible system messages to scare the person into purchasing antivirus software so the scammers can earn commissions through third-party referral programs.  

Digital Identity Theft: The New Gold Rush
As large-scale company breaches seemingly become the norm in 2024, cybercriminals turn an eye toward stealing digital identities. Attackers are using direct methods such as Information Stealers (InfoStealers) and Mobile Bankers, going beyond buying data on the Dark Web to snap up consumers' valuable personal information. 

InfoStealers breach devices to steal login details, session cookies, passwords and financial information. While InfoStealers saw a slight decline in Q2/2024, notable malware families continue to grow, with the most dominant AgentTesla increasing its market share by 11 %. 

Mobile bankers, on the other hand, specifically target mobile devices to steal banking details, cryptocurrency wallets, and instant payments credentials. In Q2/2024, Bankers such as TeaBot, disguised as a PDF reader, targeted Revolut customers. Meanwhile, spyware threats such as XploitSpy and AridSpy are sneaking onto the PlayStore, stealing files and monitoring users through their cameras and microphones.  

LifeLock provides a 12-step guide to help people if they believe their identity may have been compromised.  

On the Rise: Consumer Ransomware
Consumers remain an attractive target for ransomware as they often have less protection in place than large companies. According to Gen telemetry, there was a 24% rise quarter over quarter in consumer ransomware attacks in Q2/2024. India saw a staggering 379% increase, followed by notable spikes in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. A popular delivery technique is to hide ransomware payload in pirated content. Even though some operators of major ransomware gangs like LockBit have been brought to justice in the last quarter, Gen urges consumers to take precautions to keep their data safe, such as doing regular back-ups. 

Gen researchers collaborate with governments across the globe to combat ransomware by providing free decryption tools for victims, and most recently released the Avast DoNex Ransomware Decryptor

To read the full Q2/2024 Gen Threat Report, visit:

This marks the inaugural Gen Threat Report. Previously, Gen brands separately reported quarterly threat news with the Norton Pulse Report and Avast Quarterly Threat Report. The Gen Threat Report now offers a comprehensive look at the rising threats we monitor and protect our customers from each day and trends we see across the threat landscape.  

About Gen
Gen™ (NASDAQ: GEN) is a global company dedicated to powering Digital Freedom through its trusted Cyber Safety brands, Norton, Avast, LifeLock, Avira, AVG, ReputationDefender and CCleaner. The Gen family of consumer brands is rooted in providing safety for the first digital generations. Now, Gen empowers people to live their digital lives safely, privately, and confidently today and for generations to come. Gen brings award-winning products and services in cybersecurity, online privacy and identity protection to nearly 500 million users in more than 150 countries. Learn more at

Brittany Posey-Thomas     

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Edelman for Gen

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SOURCE Gen Digital Inc.


What are the key findings of Gen's Q2/2024 Threat Report?

Gen's Q2/2024 Threat Report highlights a 46% increase in unique attacks, with over 1 billion blocked monthly. It also notes a 24% rise in consumer ransomware attacks and the increasing use of AI in cyberattacks, including deepfake campaigns resulting in multi-million-dollar losses.

How has Gen (NASDAQ: GEN) performed in blocking cyber threats in Q2 2024?

Gen (NASDAQ: GEN) blocked over 1 billion unique attacks each month during Q2 2024, which represents a 46% increase compared to the previous year. Additionally, 95% of these attacks occurred while users were browsing the web.

What new cybersecurity threats did Gen identify in Q2 2024?

Gen identified an increase in AI-powered scams, including deepfake campaigns targeting cryptocurrency investments. The report also highlighted a rise in digital identity theft through InfoStealers and Mobile Bankers, as well as a resurgence of antivirus scams using aggressive pop-up alerts.

How much did deepfake scams cost victims according to Gen's Q2 2024 report?

According to Gen's Q2 2024 report, deepfake scams resulted in significant financial losses. One notable campaign by the CryptoCore group stole $5 million, while another scam during a SpaceX event resulted in $1.4 million in losses across 500 transactions.



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