How Gen Is Committed to Bridging the Global Cybersecurity Skills Gap

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Gen is addressing the global cybersecurity skills gap through various initiatives. The company recognizes the growing demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals and the lack of diversity in the workforce. To bridge these gaps, Gen is:

  • Partnering with organizations like Czechitas and Nasscom to promote diversity
  • Joining the European Commission's Cybersecurity Skills Academy
  • Sponsoring the Women4Cyber Mentoring Program
  • Implementing DEI initiatives and inclusive hiring practices
  • Offering educational programs for employees
  • Supporting STEM education initiatives

Gen aims to create a future where everyone can succeed in the cybersecurity industry and collectively protect against evolving cyber threats.

Gen si sta occupando del divario globale nelle competenze di cybersecurity attraverso diverse iniziative. L'azienda riconosce la crescente domanda di professionisti esperti in cybersecurity e la mancanza di diversità nella forza lavoro. Per colmare queste lacune, Gen sta:

  • Collaborando con organizzazioni come Czechitas e Nasscom per promuovere la diversità
  • Unendosi all'Accademia delle Competenze di Cybersecurity della Commissione Europea
  • Sponsorizzando il Programma di Mentoring Women4Cyber
  • Implementando iniziative DEI e pratiche di assunzione inclusive
  • Offrendo programmi educativi per i dipendenti
  • Sostenendo iniziative per l'educazione STEM

Gen mira a creare un futuro in cui tutti possano avere successo nell'industria della cybersecurity e proteggere collettivamente contro le minacce informatiche in evoluzione.

Gen está abordando la brecha global de habilidades en ciberseguridad a través de diversas iniciativas. La empresa reconoce la creciente demanda de profesionales calificados en ciberseguridad y la falta de diversidad en la fuerza laboral. Para cerrar estas brechas, Gen está:

  • Colaborando con organizaciones como Czechitas y Nasscom para promover la diversidad
  • Uniéndose a la Academia de Habilidades en Ciberseguridad de la Comisión Europea
  • Patrocinando el Programa de Mentorización Women4Cyber
  • Implementando iniciativas DEI y prácticas de contratación inclusivas
  • Ofreciendo programas educativos para empleados
  • Apoyando iniciativas de educación STEM

Gen tiene como objetivo crear un futuro en el que todos puedan tener éxito en la industria de la ciberseguridad y protegerse colectivamente contra las amenazas cibernéticas en evolución.

Gen은 다양한 이니셔티브를 통해 전 세계 사이버 보안 기술 격차를 해결하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 숙련된 사이버 보안 전문가에 대한 수요 증가와 인력의 다양성 부족을 인식하고 있습니다. 이러한 격차를 해소하기 위해 Gen은:

  • Czechitas 및 Nasscom과 같은 조직과 협력하여 다양성을 촉진하고 있습니다.
  • 유럽연합의 사이버 보안 기술 아카데미에 가입하고 있습니다.
  • Women4Cyber 멘토링 프로그램을 후원하고 있습니다.
  • DEI 이니셔티브 및 포괄적인 채용 관행을 시행하고 있습니다.
  • 직원 교육 프로그램을 제공하고 있습니다.
  • STEM 교육 이니셔티브를 지원하고 있습니다.

Gen은 모든 사람이 사이버 보안 산업에서 성공하고 진화하는 사이버 위협으로부터 집단적으로 보호할 수 있는 미래를 만드는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Gen aborde le écart global de compétences en cybersécurité à travers diverses initiatives. L'entreprise reconnaît la demande croissante de professionnels qualifiés en cybersécurité et le manque de diversité dans sa main-d'œuvre. Pour combler ces lacunes, Gen :

  • Participe avec des organisations telles que Czechitas et Nasscom pour promouvoir la diversité
  • Rejoint l'Académie des Compétences en Cybersécurité de la Commission Européenne
  • Parraine le Programme de Mentorat Women4Cyber
  • Met en œuvre des initiatives DEI et des pratiques d'embauche inclusives
  • Offre des programmes éducatifs pour ses employés
  • Soutient des initiatives d'éducation STEM

Gen vise à créer un avenir où chacun peut réussir dans l'industrie de la cybersécurité et protéger collectivement contre les menaces cybernétiques en évolution.

Gen adressiert die globale Cybersecurity-Kompetenzlücke durch verschiedene Initiativen. Das Unternehmen erkennt die wachsende Nachfrage nach qualifizierten Cybersecurity-Profis und die mangelnde Vielfalt in der Belegschaft. Um diese Lücken zu schließen, setzt Gen folgende Maßnahmen um:

  • Partnerschaften mit Organisationen wie Czechitas und Nasscom zur Förderung von Vielfalt
  • Mitgliedschaft in der Cybersecurity Skills Academy der Europäischen Kommission
  • Sponsoring des Women4Cyber Mentoring-Programms
  • Implementierung von DEI-Initiativen und integrativen Einstellungspraktiken
  • Angebot von Bildungsprogrammen für Mitarbeiter
  • Unterstützung von STEM-Bildungsinitiativen

Gen strebt eine Zukunft an, in der jeder in der Cybersecurity-Branche erfolgreich sein kann und gemeinsam gegen sich entwickelnde Cyberbedrohungen geschützt wird.

  • Partnering with organizations to promote diversity in cybersecurity
  • Sponsoring Women4Cyber Mentoring Program to close gender gap
  • Offering educational programs for employee skill development
  • Implementing inclusive hiring practices to attract diverse talent
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 8, 2024 / Gen

Our call for action and inclusion to create a new workforce

Written by Emma Brownstein | Corporate Communication Intern and Youan Lin Corporate Communication Specialist

Gen Blog | Company News

As cyberattacks continue to evolve, so does Gen. However, the cybersecurity industry faces a pressing challenge: a growing technical skills gap. This gap is unbalancing the equation of demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals and the available supply of qualified individuals.  

We're committed to continuing to bridge that gap in this increasingly digitized world. 

Cyberskills versus cyberthreats

With the sophistication of threats, both code-driven and human-engineered, the world demands a new generation of cybersecurity engineers equipped to understand emerging systems and defend against rapidly developing threats.  

As cybercriminals devise increasingly complex and targeted attacks, the need for cybersecurity experts with specialized skills and expertise has never been more urgent. But, an Eurobarometer survey indicates that the cyberskills shortage is only increasing. While there needs to make staff highly cybersecurity-aware increases with it for companies across the EU.

The diversity gap

The shortage isn't limited to skill sets. There is also a lack of diversity in the cybersecurity workforce. 

We believe great workers can come from anywhere. Yet, women and minorities are significantly underrepresented in the field. The nature of education and work has grown increasingly dispersed across geolocations, but education and training programs are often not reaching these populations effectively.  

The consequences for organizations and individuals alike are far-reaching. This lack of diversity limits the pool of potential cybersecurity talent and hinders the industry's ability to address the skills gap comprehensively. 

How Gen is working to bridge the gaps

Our company and our people recognize the gravity of the cybersecurity skills gap. We're committed to addressing this issue head-on through various initiatives: 

  1. Partnering with organizations like Czechitas and Nasscom to bridge the gender tech gap and promote diversity in the cybersecurity workforce. 

  2. Joining the European Commission's Cybersecurity Skills Academy to discuss free training pledges and market needs.  

  3. Pledging to close the gender gap in cybersecurity through an exclusive sponsorship with the Women4Cyber Mentoring Program. This program is open to women of all experience levels and aims to advance skill development and career progression.  

  4. Embracing DEI initiatives and fostering a company culture that attracts and retains top cybersecurity talent. We take pride in a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone feels welcomed, valued and empowered to contribute to our collective cybersecurity efforts. 

  5. Offering a wide range of educational programs and resources to help our employees develop and enhance their cybersecurity skills 

  6. Supporting STEM education initiatives and implementing inclusive hiring practices.  

The cybersecurity skills gap poses a significant challenge, but it is a challenge that we can continue to overcome through collaborative efforts. By working closely with organizations, pledging to close the gender gap, promoting inclusive hiring practices and fostering a supportive company culture we can create a future where everyone can succeed in the cybersecurity industry and collectively protect ourselves from the evolving threats of cyberattacks. 

If you're interested in joining our global team to push back against emerging cybersecurity threats, find out more about how you can join our team. 

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Spokesperson: Gen


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What initiatives is Gen (GEN) taking to address the cybersecurity skills gap?

Gen is partnering with organizations like Czechitas and Nasscom, joining the European Commission's Cybersecurity Skills Academy, sponsoring the Women4Cyber Mentoring Program, implementing DEI initiatives, offering educational programs for employees, and supporting STEM education initiatives.

How is Gen (GEN) promoting diversity in the cybersecurity workforce?

Gen is promoting diversity by partnering with organizations like Czechitas and Nasscom, sponsoring the Women4Cyber Mentoring Program, implementing DEI initiatives, and fostering an inclusive workplace culture.

What is the Women4Cyber Mentoring Program sponsored by Gen (GEN)?

The Women4Cyber Mentoring Program is an initiative exclusively sponsored by Gen to close the gender gap in cybersecurity. It's open to women of all experience levels and aims to advance skill development and career progression in the field.

How is Gen (GEN) addressing the shortage of cybersecurity professionals?

Gen is addressing the shortage by offering educational programs for employees, supporting STEM education initiatives, implementing inclusive hiring practices, and partnering with organizations to promote diversity and skill development in the cybersecurity field.



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Software - Infrastructure
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United States