Helping Educators Bring Cyber Safety Into the Classroom

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Gen's Cyber Safety program, My Digital Life, in partnership with Discovery Education, has reached 214,000 students across 49 states in its first year, surpassing the initial goal of 100,000. The program provides educators with resources to teach students about online safety, addressing issues like cyberbullying, privacy risks, misinformation, and scams. 63% of participating students were from Title I schools, and 70% were from underrepresented ethnic/racial backgrounds.

The program offers free, ready-to-use tools for teachers through its website and Discovery Education Experience platform. In its second year, My Digital Life plans to launch in multiple new languages and expand internationally. Gen employees will also volunteer to speak directly with classrooms about the technology industry through Discovery Education's Career Connect initiative.

Il programma di Cyber Safety di Gen, My Digital Life, in collaborazione con Discovery Education, ha raggiunto 214.000 studenti in 49 stati durante il suo primo anno, superando l'obiettivo iniziale di 100.000. Il programma fornisce agli educatori risorse per insegnare agli studenti la sicurezza online, affrontando questioni come il cyberbullismo, i rischi per la privacy, la disinformazione e le truffe. Il 63% degli studenti partecipanti proveniva da scuole Title I e il 70% proveniva da contesti etnici/razziali sotto-rappresentati.

Il programma offre strumenti gratuiti e pronti all'uso per gli insegnanti attraverso il suo sito web e la piattaforma Discovery Education Experience. Nel suo secondo anno, My Digital Life prevede di lanciare in molte nuove lingue e di espandersi a livello internazionale. I dipendenti di Gen si offriranno anche volontari per parlare direttamente con le classi riguardo all'industria tecnologica attraverso l'iniziativa Career Connect di Discovery Education.

El programa de Ciberseguridad de Gen, My Digital Life, en asociación con Discovery Education, ha llegado a 214,000 estudiantes en 49 estados en su primer año, superando el objetivo inicial de 100,000. El programa proporciona a los educadores recursos para enseñar a los estudiantes sobre la seguridad en línea, abordando temas como el ciberacoso, los riesgos de privacidad, la desinformación y las estafas. El 63% de los estudiantes participantes eran de escuelas Title I, y el 70% eran de contextos étnicos/raciales subrepresentados.

El programa ofrece herramientas gratuitas y listas para usar para los maestros a través de su sitio web y la plataforma Discovery Education Experience. En su segundo año, My Digital Life planea lanzarse en múltiples idiomas nuevos y expandirse internacionalmente. Los empleados de Gen también se ofrecerán como voluntarios para hablar directamente con las aulas sobre la industria tecnológica a través de la iniciativa Career Connect de Discovery Education.

Gen의 사이버 안전 프로그램인 My Digital Life는 Discovery Education과 파트너십을 맺고 첫 해에 214,000명의 학생에게 도달하여 100,000명의 초기 목표를 초과 달성했습니다. 이 프로그램은 교육자에게 사이버 괴롭힘, 개인 정보 보호 위험, 잘못된 정보 및 사기와 같은 문제를 다루며 학생들에게 온라인 안전에 대해 가르칠 수 있는 자원을 제공합니다. 참여 학생의 63%는 Title I 학교 출신이었으며 70%는 소외된 인종/민족 배경을 가진 학생들이었습니다.

이 프로그램은 웹사이트와 Discovery Education Experience 플랫폼을 통해 교사들을 위한 무료 사용 가능한 도구를 제공합니다. 두 번째 해에는 여러 새로운 언어로 출시할 계획이며 국제적으로 확장할 예정입니다. Gen 직원들은 또한 Discovery Education의 경력 연결 이니셔티브를 통해 기술 산업에 대해 직접 교실과 대화하기 위해 자원봉사를 할 것입니다.

Le programme de cybersécurité de Gen, My Digital Life, en partenariat avec Discovery Education, a atteint 214 000 étudiants dans 49 États au cours de sa première année, dépassant l'objectif initial de 100 000. Le programme fournit aux éducateurs des ressources pour enseigner aux étudiants la sécurité en ligne, abordant des problèmes tels que le cyberharcèlement, les risques de confidentialité, la désinformation et les escroqueries. 63 % des étudiants participants provenaient d'écoles Title I, et 70 % provenaient de milieux ethniques/raux sous-représentés.

Le programme propose des outils gratuits et prêts à l'emploi pour les enseignants via son site Web et la plateforme Discovery Education Experience. Au cours de sa deuxième année, My Digital Life prévoit de lancer dans plusieurs nouvelles langues et de s'étendre à l'international. Les employés de Gen se porteront également volontaires pour parler directement aux classes sur l'industrie technologique dans le cadre de l'initiative Career Connect de Discovery Education.

Das Cyber-Safety-Programm von Gen, My Digital Life, hat in Partnerschaft mit Discovery Education im ersten Jahr 214.000 Schüler in 49 Bundesstaaten erreicht und dabei das ursprüngliche Ziel von 100.000 überschritten. Das Programm bietet Lehrern Ressourcen, um Schüler über Online-Sicherheit zu unterrichten, und behandelt Themen wie Cybermobbing, Datenschutzrisiken, Fehlinformationen und Betrug. 63% der teilnehmenden Schüler kamen aus Title-I-Schulen, und 70% hatten unterrepräsentierte ethnische/rassische Hintergründe.

Das Programm bietet Lehrern über seine Website und die Discovery Education Experience-Plattform kostenlose, sofort einsatzbereite Werkzeuge an. Im zweiten Jahr plant My Digital Life, in mehreren neuen Sprachen zu starten und international zu expandieren. Die Mitarbeiter von Gen werden auch freiwillig direkt mit Klassen über die Technology-Industrie im Rahmen der Career Connect-Initiative von Discovery Education sprechen.

  • Reached 214,000 students in 1,100 school districts across 49 states, exceeding the initial goal of 100,000
  • 63% of participating students were from Title I schools, indicating support for underprivileged communities
  • 70% of students reached were from underrepresented ethnic/racial backgrounds, promoting diversity and inclusion
  • Plans to launch in multiple new languages, potentially expanding international reach
  • None.

Norton and Discovery Education reach 214,000 students through My Digital Life

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 4, 2024 /

Written by Kim Allman | Head of Corporate Responsibility and Public Policy

Gen Blog | Community

If there's one thing that parents, caregivers and teachers can likely agree on, it's that students spend a lot of time online. Social media and gaming apps give young people new ways to connect, create and play, but they also come with their fair share of risks. And in a threat landscape that's constantly evolving, it's important for students to know what to look out for as they begin to navigate the digital world on their own.

At Gen, we're doing our part to empower young people with the Cyber Safety skills they need to conduct their digital lives securely and confidently. One of the ways we do this is through My Digital Life, which provides educators with lesson plans, videos and interactive tools aligned to learning standards and meant to address common issues young people face online, from cyberbullying and privacy risks to misinformation and scams.

The program is the result of a partnership between Norton, one of Gen's trusted Cyber Safety brands, and Discovery Education, a worldwide leader in education technology. Together with the National Afterschool Foundation, we launched My Digital Life in September 2023. As the program celebrates its first anniversary, we're thrilled to share some of the highlights from its inaugural year.

Building Students' Cyber Safety Skills

Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, My Digital Life reached more than 214,000 students in 1,100 school districts across 49 states, far surpassing the program's initial goal to reach 100,000. 63% of these students were from Title I schools, which are districts allocated federal funds for educational programs and services that close achievement gaps. 70% were from underrepresented ethnic/racial backgrounds.

"Knowing that so many of my students interact online even at the elementary level, these resources offer great ways for us to have discussions about how to stay safe and friendly when conversing and playing games online," one teacher said.

Equipping Educators with Cutting-Edge Tools

Getting these resources into educators' hands remains one of the program's top priorities. Through the combination of its dedicated website, placement on Discovery Education Experience, the company's award-winning K-12 learning platform, and outreach campaigns to educators on social media, we make sure teachers are aware of the numerous free, ready-to-use tools that are at their fingertips.

"We don't have a dedicated technology class anymore, so digital citizenship largely falls on the subject teachers," said one school administrator. "The Educator resources lay everything out for them, so they don't have to do a lot of legwork to give great lessons!"

Forecasting the Program's Future

In its second year, My Digital Life plans to launch in multiple new languages, greatly expanding the program's reach both within the United States and internationally. In addition, Gen employees will volunteer as part of Discovery Education's Career Connect, through which they'll speak directly with the classrooms where My Digital Life is used and discuss the wider technology industry.

For more on how we provide Cyber Safety education and training, check out our 2024 Social Impact Report. These grants were awarded from the Gen Foundation, a corporate advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation. 

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How many students did Gen's My Digital Life program reach in its first year?

Gen's My Digital Life program reached over 214,000 students in 1,100 school districts across 49 states during its first year, surpassing the initial goal of 100,000 students.

What topics does the My Digital Life program cover for students?

The My Digital Life program covers Cyber Safety skills, addressing common issues young people face online, including cyberbullying, privacy risks, misinformation, and scams.

What percentage of students in the My Digital Life program were from Title I schools?

63% of the students reached by the My Digital Life program were from Title I schools, which are districts allocated federal funds for educational programs and services that close achievement gaps.

What are Gen's plans for expanding the My Digital Life program in its second year?

In its second year, Gen plans to launch the My Digital Life program in multiple new languages, expanding its reach both within the United States and internationally. Additionally, Gen employees will volunteer to speak with classrooms about the technology industry through Discovery Education's Career Connect initiative.



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