Genesis Energy, L.P. Extends Its Existing Secured Credit Facility into September 2028

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Genesis Energy, L.P. (NYSE: GEL) has successfully extended and upsized its existing revolving credit facility to $900 million, with a new maturity date of September 1, 2028. The syndication closed on July 19, 2024, involving both existing and new lenders. Key features include:

1. Materially similar covenants to the previous facility
2. Expanded permitted investment basket for increased flexibility
3. No debt maturities until January 2027
4. Ample liquidity to execute plans for capital structure simplification and stakeholder capital returns

CEO Grant Sims emphasized the timing of this extension, aligning with the completion of major capital spending and anticipated earnings growth starting next year. The move follows a successful bond refinancing in May, further strengthening Genesis Energy's financial position.

Genesis Energy, L.P. (NYSE: GEL) ha esteso con successo e aumentato la sua linea di credito rotativa esistente a 900 milioni di dollari, con una nuova data di scadenza fissata per il 1 settembre 2028. La sindacazione si è conclusa il 19 luglio 2024, coinvolgendo sia i finanziatori esistenti che quelli nuovi. Le caratteristiche principali includono:

1. Convenzioni sostanzialmente simili a quelle della precedente linea di credito
2. Basket di investimenti permessi ampliato per una maggiore flessibilità
3. Nessuna scadenza del debito fino a gennaio 2027
4. Ampia liquidità per realizzare piani di semplificazione della struttura del capitale e rendimenti per gli stakeholders

Il CEO Grant Sims ha sottolineato l'importanza di questo prolungamento, in linea con il completamento delle spese in conto capitale significative e la crescita degli utili prevista per il prossimo anno. Questa mossa segue un rifinanziamento obbligazionario di successo avvenuto a maggio, che rafforza ulteriormente la posizione finanziaria di Genesis Energy.

Genesis Energy, L.P. (NYSE: GEL) ha extendido y aumentado con éxito su línea de crédito rotativa existente a 900 millones de dólares, con una nueva fecha de vencimiento del 1 de septiembre de 2028. La sindicación se cerró el 19 de julio de 2024, involucrando tanto a prestamistas existentes como a nuevos. Las características clave incluyen:

1. Convenios materialmente similares a los de la línea de crédito anterior
2. Ampliación de la canasta de inversiones permitidas para mayor flexibilidad
3. Sin vencimientos de deuda hasta enero de 2027
4. Amplia liquidez para ejecutar planes de simplificación de la estructura de capital y retornos de capital a los stakeholders

El CEO Grant Sims enfatizó la oportunidad de esta extensión, alineándose con la finalización de importantes gastos de capital y el crecimiento de ganancias anticipado para el próximo año. Este movimiento sigue a un exitoso refinanciamiento de bonos en mayo, que refuerza aún más la posición financiera de Genesis Energy.

제네시스 에너지, L.P. (NYSE: GEL)가 기존의 회전 신용 시설을 성공적으로 확대하여 9억 달러로 늘리고, 신규 만기일을 2028년 9월 1일로 설정했습니다. 이 신디케이션은 2024년 7월 19일에 마감되었으며, 기존 및 신규 대출기관이 모두 참여했습니다. 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 이전 시설과 유사한 중요한 약정
2. 확대된 투자 허용 범위로 인해 유연성 증가
3. 2027년 1월까지 만기 채무 없음
4. 자본 구조 간소화 및 이해관계자 자본 반환을 위한 충분한 유동성

CEO 그랜트 심스는 이번 연장 시기가 중요한 자본 지출이 완료되며 내년부터 예상되는 수익 성장과 일치한다고 강조했습니다. 이번 조치는 5월에 성공적으로 진행된 채권 재융자에 따른 것으로, 제네시스 에너지의 재무 상태를 더욱 강화하고 있습니다.

Genesis Energy, L.P. (NYSE: GEL) a réussi à prolonger et à augmenter sa ligne de crédit renouvelable existante à 900 millions de dollars, avec une nouvelle date d'échéance fixée au 1er septembre 2028. La syndication a été clôturée le 19 juillet 2024, impliquant à la fois des prêteurs existants et nouveaux. Les principales caractéristiques comprennent :

1. Des engagements matériellement similaires à ceux de la précédente facilité de crédit
2. Un panier d'investissement autorisé élargi pour plus de flexibilité
3. Aucune échéance de dette avant janvier 2027
4. Une liquidité suffisante pour exécuter des plans de simplification de la structure du capital et des retours de capital pour les parties prenantes

Le PDG Grant Sims a souligné l'importance de ce prolongement, qui s'aligne avec l'achèvement de dépenses en capital majeures et une croissance des bénéfices anticipée à partir de l'année prochaine. Ce mouvement fait suite à un refinancement obligataire réussi en mai, renforçant ainsi davantage la position financière de Genesis Energy.

Genesis Energy, L.P. (NYSE: GEL) hat erfolgreich seine bestehende revolvierende Kreditfazilität auf 900 Millionen Dollar erweitert und das Fälligkeitsdatum auf den 1. September 2028 festgelegt. Die Syndizierung wurde am 19. Juli 2024 abgeschlossen und umfasste sowohl bestehende als auch neue Kreditgeber. Die wichtigsten Merkmale sind:

1. Materiell ähnliche Vereinbarungen wie bei der vorherigen Fazilität
2. Erweiterter erlaubter Investitionsrahmen für erhöhte Flexibilität
3. Keine Schuldenfälligkeiten bis Januar 2027
4. Ausreichende Liquidität zur Umsetzung von Plänen zur Vereinfachung der Kapitalstruktur und Kapitalrückflüsse an die Stakeholder

CEO Grant Sims betonte die Bedeutung des Zeitpunkts dieser Verlängerung, die mit dem Abschluss wichtiger Investitionen und einem voraussichtlichen Gewinnwachstum im nächsten Jahr übereinstimmt. Dieser Schritt folgt auf eine erfolgreiche Anleiheumschuldung im Mai, die die finanzielle Position von Genesis Energy weiter stärkt.

  • Successful extension and upsizing of revolving credit facility to $900 million
  • Extended maturity date to September 1, 2028
  • Expanded permitted investment basket for increased financial flexibility
  • No debt maturities until January 2027
  • Ample liquidity to execute capital structure simplification plans
  • None.

The extension and upsizing of Genesis Energy, L.P.’s revolving credit facility represents a substantial financial development. By securing $900 million in commitments with a maturity date pushed out to September 2028, Genesis has significantly improved its liquidity position. This move reduces refinancing risks and provides financial stability, which is important for weathering market volatility. Additionally, the expanded investment basket allows for greater flexibility in capital allocation, potentially leading to strategic acquisitions or investments that could enhance shareholder value.

For retail investors, this extension denotes confidence from lenders in Genesis' financial health and future prospects. The absence of debt maturities until 2027 allows management to focus on operational performance and strategic growth rather than short-term financial pressures. This could lead to increased earnings and higher dividends, making GEL an attractive stock for income-focused investors.

From a market perspective, Genesis Energy, L.P.’s proactive financial management and successful extension of its credit facility sends a positive signal. It indicates a strong relationship with financial institutions and underscores the market's confidence in Genesis' strategic direction. The expanded permitted investment basket enhances Genesis' ability to take advantage of market opportunities, potentially leading to value accretive investments.

For short-term investors, the announcement might lead to a positive sentiment shift, boosting the stock price due to perceived increased financial stability and strategic flexibility. For long-term investors, the extended credit facility and lack of near-term debt maturities suggest a strong foundation for sustained growth and value creation.

In the context of the energy sector, extending the credit facility is particularly significant for a midstream company like Genesis Energy, L.P. The midstream segment typically operates with high capital expenditure requirements and balancing liquidity is essential. The secured credit facility not only provides financial security but also aligns with the completion of Genesis' major capital spending program. This will likely enhance operational efficiency and earnings potential as new projects come online.

Investors should note that this move aligns with industry norms where companies secure long-term financing to support expansive capital projects. By ensuring no debt maturities until 2027, Genesis positions itself to navigate potential market downturns and capitalize on opportunities within the energy sector.

HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Genesis Energy, L.P. (NYSE: GEL) announced today that on July 19, 2024, it successfully syndicated, upsized and closed on an extension of its existing revolving credit facility with $900 million in commitments from both existing and new lenders with an initial maturity date of September 1, 2028. The relevant covenants contained in the new facility will remain materially similar to those in the previous revolving credit facility, although, prospectively, the partnership will have an expanded permitted investment basket which will provide increased flexibility to potentially purchase existing private or public securities across the capital structure that management might then perceive to be a high-valued use of capital.

Grant Sims, CEO of Genesis Energy said, “As we gain an increasingly clearer line of sight to the important inflection point where we will complete our current major capital spending program and be on the doorstep of the notable step change in earnings starting next year, we thought it was timely and prudent to proactively upsize and extend the tenor of our senior secured credit facility. With this extension, along with the successful bond refinancing in May, we now have no debt maturities until January 2027, and have ensured the partnership has more than adequate financial flexibility and ample liquidity to execute on our plan to further simplify our capital structure and return capital to our stakeholders. We very much value the relationships with both the existing and new banks in our group and are very appreciative of their continued and increased support of Genesis.”

Genesis Energy, L.P. is a diversified midstream energy master limited partnership headquartered in Houston, Texas. Genesis’ operations include offshore pipeline transportation, soda and sulfur services, marine transportation and onshore facilities and transportation. Genesis’ operations are primarily located in the Gulf Coast region of the United States, Wyoming and the Gulf of Mexico.

This press release includes forward-looking statements as defined under federal law. Although we believe that our expectations are based upon reasonable assumptions, we can give no assurance that our goals will be achieved. Actual results may vary materially. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included in this release that address activities, events or developments that we expect, believe or anticipate will or may occur in the future, including but not limited to statements relating to future financial and operating results and our strategy and plans are forward-looking statements, and historical performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Those forward-looking statements rely on a number of assumptions concerning future events and are subject to a number of uncertainties, factors and risks, many of which are outside our control, that could cause results to differ materially from those expected by management. Such risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to weather, political, economic and market conditions, and other uncertainties that are described more fully in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and other filings, including our Current Reports on Form 8-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement.

Genesis Energy, L.P.

Dwayne Morley

Vice President – Investor Relations

(713) 860-2536

Source: Genesis Energy, L.P.


What is the new maturity date for Genesis Energy's (GEL) extended revolving credit facility?

The new maturity date for Genesis Energy's (GEL) extended revolving credit facility is September 1, 2028.

How much is the new commitment amount for Genesis Energy's (GEL) revolving credit facility?

The new commitment amount for Genesis Energy's (GEL) revolving credit facility is $900 million.

When did Genesis Energy (GEL) close the syndication for its extended revolving credit facility?

Genesis Energy (GEL) closed the syndication for its extended revolving credit facility on July 19, 2024.

What is the earliest debt maturity date for Genesis Energy (GEL) following this credit facility extension?

Following this credit facility extension, Genesis Energy (GEL) has no debt maturities until January 2027.

Genesis Energy, L.P.


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Oil & Gas Midstream
Pipe Lines (no Natural Gas)
United States of America